– Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING THE PROPHETIC HIGHLIGHT OF SHILOH 2023 at November 2023 Leadership Empowerment Summit || LFC Canaanland || 4th November 2023 ||
The Holy Ghost was taking me into what 2024 has in store for us and how to connect with it. A strong spiritual reorientation is key to accessing the realms of supernatural supplies. Spirituality is a non-negotiable requirement to experience the full benefits of redemption. 1 Corinthians 2:14. One lives in the realm of ignorance when He is spiritual. Spiritual things can only be comprehended by spiritual minds. The secret of the Lord that gives meaning to our lives in the Kingdom is only accessible to those who fear the Lord. Church Gist. Psalm 25:14. He will show them His covenants, He will show them the way out of any predicament. Spirituality shall be the most valued currency in these end times. Money will lose value in the sense that there will be money but nothing to buy with it. Position will lose value. The king said, “If God does not help you, where will I help you from?”. Only those who do know their God shall be strong in these shaky times that have come to visit the world. A spiritual repositioning is a must for anyone to be exempted from the Holocaust that is visiting the earth.
Malachi 3:16-18, 4:1-2. Spirituality shall be the most valued currency in this end time. Prophetic words are not threats, they are divine signals to oncoming events. I am trying to let you know that you are highly advantaged by divine design to be part of those who are holding the vessels of the Lord. Guard that privilege jealously. A time is coming when there shall be a difference between those who are serving the Lord and those who are not serving Him. Church Gist. Be spiritual about your engagement. Church is not a social club, the Bible called the Church “the heavenly Jerusalem, the Church of the firstborn”. We are in a spiritual kingdom and only spiritual men can make the most of it. So when the Word says there shall be famine in diverse places, it is an agenda. The hearts of many shall begin to fail them for fear, it is an agenda. Many shall depart from the faith, it is an agenda. There are no threats. While you can do nothing to stop them you can take cover in the covenant to be exempted. Proverbs 22:3. We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth but we can take cover against the oncoming era of uncertainties, the oncoming era of drought, dispel, famine and economic stress. You can take cover in the covenant to be exempted.
We saw how Abraham was exempted. Isaiah 51:1-3. In Joel 2, the land before them was like the Garden of Eden and behind them was like a desolate wilderness. Talking about the end-time army. Jealously guard your place in this end-time army. A time is coming when what you know won’t matter, it is who you know. They that know their God shall be strong. When things are going haywire, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits. Church Gist. Money failed in the land of Egypt, it failed in the land of Canaan, the Promised Land. All nations had only one source of supply for food. So they censor you, they screen you before they can sell food to you. Genesis 47:27. What an exemption. They are covenant people, we can take cover in the covenant to be exempted. It is your turn.
You shall be exempted as you take cover in the Covenant. You don’t wish an exemption, you reposition for an exemption. Those who are committed to serving God in truth and in deed will be the Stars in these days of blackness and gloominess, they will be the Stars, you will be wondering: ‘Where are they coming from’? Psalms 37:18-19. Church Gist. Again, spirituality shall be the most valuable asset of this Endtime. God’s people cried to God: ‘We are set to serve You, we have struggled to be free, we can’t be free’, He said: ‘Okay! I’m going to change your story’. He brought them out and fed them for free for 40 years! 40 years! Supplying them two meals per day! 40 years, two meals per day! God hasn’t changed! When you are set to serve Him, He sets you free, He decorates you, He makes a great difference in your life.
-Nothing goes down in your life anymore!
Be spiritual, be spiritual! You are a Cell Minister, to get you to come to your Primary Zone is a problem. Why? You are such a big man! Don’t you leave God’s small thing for Him? And let small people like us do it. A time is coming Sir, it will all be clear! Not that we are in the same Church! Huh! You have to be personally connected to be exempted. They cried to the King: ‘Help! Oh! Lord, my King! He said: ‘Where will I help you from’? Church Gist. The King started crying. A time will come when kings will be crying, kings will be crying but those who do know their God will be walking in the Covenant, they shall be strong and they shall do exploit. Daniel 11:32b. He said: ‘They that do wickedly against the Covenant will end up as mockeries but those who do know their God they shall be strong’. Those who do know the Covenant and their God and they commit to it, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits.
-No matter the heat on the earth, you shall be exempted. Church Gist. Get excited! I said that you shall be exempted.
You shall be exempted if you care to reposition spiritually. For to be spiritually minded is life and peace but to be carnally minded is death. Church Gist. Romans 8:6. Be committed to reposition spiritually!! Don’t take your spiritual life with levity, don’t treat it with levity, get dedicated to God!
-Something is breaking forth in your life!
Now, very quickly, let’s run through what is ahead of us! UNVEILING THE PROPHETIC HIGHLIGHTS OF SHILOH 2023. It is very important for us to get it right as leaders, it is not an anniversary, it is not a convention. Shiloh is a mountain of encounters with God. As I go through these lines I pray that God will grant us understanding and get committed to it. Come and refuel against the evil days, come and refuel! Church Gist. Come and encounter God through His Word that will put you in command of the days ahead, the grossly unpleasant days ahead. The days that you can’t change, I can’t change, but we can take cover in the Covenant for an exemption. By way of reminder, Shiloh is a place of divine appointment which God ordained for us, both as a Church and as individuals. Joshua 18:1-3. This is where the mandate of Shiloh came from. So it is a place of possessing our possessions as given us through redemption.
Every hanging inheritance is ordained to be delivered at Shiloh. Watch! You are in that plan and program. We also discovered that Shiloh is a mountain of diverse encounters with God through His Word leading to a dramatic change of story in the lives of all participants. 1 Samuel 3:21. It is a place of divine appearance where God shows up from His Word to you as a person. The Lord sent a word into Jacob and He turned a nation out of him. Isaiah 9:8. One genuine encounter with God is worth more than a lifetime of labour, one genuine encounter with God is worth much more than a lifetime of labour!!! Shiloh is a mountain of answered prayers. We saw that in the life of Hannah, she was pouring her soul to God at Shiloh and God visited her and Samuel came. Shiloh is not a Church anniversary but a mountain of answered prayers. See your expectations actualized as you get set for Shiloh. It is the place where the Lord God of Israel grants us our requests as we pour our soul to God. So we have the Shiloh Prayer Hour every morning, many lives have been changed on that platform.
Shiloh is also a prophetic feast of the Word. Our inheritance is delivered by the Word. Acts 20:32. Isaiah 25:6-8. It is a prophetic feast of the Word, where by light, God swallows up death in victory. Where by revelation, He wipes away tears from all faces and removes every shame and reproach from our lives. Church Gist. So it’s a mountain of transformation. Can I hear your loudest Amen? As we all know, a prophetic gathering is made up of catch-up moments.
– May no one among us miss his/her own catch-up moment at Shiloh this year.
2nd Kings 2:10. We are all, therefore, admonished to focus on God all through the forthcoming Shiloh 2023 for the full delivery of each ones portion in this prophetic feast. You will not miss your own. Matthew 6:33
Now why has God been manifesting His Presence at Shiloh over the years?
1. God commanded it as the Annual Holy Convocation of Winners.
That happened in May 1998 when God was mapping out the division of this land where we are. He said, “This shall be called Shiloh; the place of My appearance”. God commanded it and as we know whatever God commands with His mouth He commits His hands to perform. What we are saying is not expertise, it is God performing His word. Church Gist. That’s why we had a parent watching online, the dead child came back to life in Kogi (State). All kinds of testimonies and healings across the nations of the world because God commanded it. 1st Kings 8:15. God has continued to confirm His Word with undeniable proofs at Shiloh because He commanded it. So, get ready for undeniable proof as you appear at Shiloh 2023.
What is Unique about Shiloh 2023?
Days of great draught are here. The world is fast turning into a wilderness and a desert. All the donor nations have become indebted nations. The debt profile of all great nations is rising by the day. We need to secure our destiny through the covenant. Hard times are here but harder times are ahead. Matthew 24:6-8. Church Gist. Every wise child of God should take cover very fast in the covenant so as not to be a victim in horrible times. Challenging times are here but more challenging times are ahead. Luke 21:25-28. I’ve told you before that a time is coming when there will be no nation to run into. Every nation would have more than enough trouble, there would be no nation to run into. You better run into God on time. Luke 21:26. These are things to precede His coming. When you talk about end times, these are prophetic lifelines that will precede His coming. In verse 28, Where do you look? Look up.
The end-time prophetic agenda is no threat. They are divine pointers to upcoming events. You’ll find Israel now announcing almost for one week, “Get out of that place, we are coming to deal with the place”. That’s how God announces. These are things that will come before His return, so, take position, reposition and you’ll you exempted. Church Gist. Global economic stress is rearing its ugly head today but the worst economic crisis is still ahead. Malachi 4:1. There will be no greener pasture or brown pasture, it’s all heated pasture.
What then are we looking forward to at Shiloh 2023?
Christ is saying, “Come all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”.
We are coming to encounter rest in the midst of the storms that would make Christ calm the storms around your lives. Can I hear your Amen? Matthew 11:28. Come! All things are now ready to secure your rest in the midst of the storms. Luke 14:17. Church Gist. Come for Spiritual illumination that would establish your dominion in hard times. The dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. Come for spiritual illumination that would establish your dominion and my dominion in the days of horror that are ahead of the world. Come expecting to return with the keys to flourishing in hard times in 2023. Matthew 16:19.
The Kingdom operates on keys so, there are keys to experiencing Flourishing in the Times of Need. There are keys and they are delivered through revelation. Luke 11:52. Every Kingdom key puts you in command. John 1:5. Puts you and me in command in difficult times.
Looking ahead, get set for a lifetime of encounter with God through personal spiritual preparation towards Shiloh 2023 and we are sure to return with a change of name.
– You are sure to return with a change of name.
Genesis 17:5. So, He changes our names to give us a new identity. He changed Abram’s name and every child of God is a seed of Abraham. Church Gist. We share same spiritual DNA with him, so, we are entitled to a change of name and this change of name comes through an encounter with God. Genesis 17:6. A change of name changes our stories.
– Expect to return with a change of name.
Isaiah 62:2,3. ‘The Gentiles shall see thy righteousness’ ‘So, these people have not been playing, they are not joking, they are not clowns. See what’s happening, they don’t know the heat o, they are not feeling the heat at all, what’s going on there?’
– God will give you a new name!
So, each one should endeavour to do all that he can not to miss this once in a year prophetic feast. We need it more now than ever. I’ve heard from the Lord. Church Gist. Things are rough, they will get rougher. Things are tough, they will get tougher. Things are hard, they will get harder.
– No one here shall be a victim.
Come for light and darkness will clear the way. Shiloh 2023 shall be a mountain of light. No matter what light level we are operating in, He will change our levels. 1 Corinthians 15:41. So, light is in degrees like we have in the natural electricity bulb that is fluorescent, there is neon light and then flood light. Church Gist. They are in different degrees. 2 Corinthians 3:18. ‘Into the same image’…moving towards having the same command of authority like Christ.
– Thank you, Jesus.
They all come true by light. No one knows it all. We are all at His feet learning to know it better. Romans 11:33. You just asked me, ‘How were you surviving in those early days of the ministry?’ I wasn’t surviving. I was thriving. There is a difference between surviving and thriving. There is no way a family man would live at 300 naira at that time per month…and not borrowing and not stealing. Supernatural supply is real. Come and encounter light that will put you in command. Terrible days are ahead of the world but the Church is ordained for an exemption. Church Gist. All kinds of plague came upon Egypt but the Church, covenant people, are exempted and God has not changed.
– We are ordained for an exemption, you will not be left out of it.
Your 5 loaves and 2 fishes can feed you for 10 years. ‘Father, thank you’ and it keeps multiplying and multiplying without end.
– It’s your turn.
Now, can I conclude by saying – Ensure to reposition spiritually. If you fake it today it will show tomorrow. Ensure to reposition spiritually. If you fake it today it will betray you tomorrow. Ensure to reposition spiritually. ‘For to be carnally minded is dead, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace’ Serving God in season and out of season puts you in command. Don’t toy with it. Church Gist. Getting on the go for Christ is one covenant key to operating in the realms of supernatural supplies. ‘When I sent you without purse and scrip and shoes, lacked ye anything? And they said, Nothing’ Going after God and the interest of His Kingdom puts you in command of supernatural supplies. Luke 22:35.
Signs never stop following those who are on the go for Christ. Stay committed, it’s for your good. Malachi 3:17. Stay committed to the growth and expansion of God’s Kingdom which is key to an open Heaven. Haggai 1:3-11. ‘It is time to seek the Lord’ Hosea 1:12. There is a time to tie your life to God…and my life to God is now. Church Gist. Remember, the Righteous shall flourish like a palm tree. Psalm 92:12. No dry season. Psalm 5:12. Fortune, in the midst of misfortune. Psalm 37:18. It is time to seek the Lord. Psalm 34:10.
That you carry money to where they have food does not mean they will sell to you. They examined them…and the Prime Minister was the one examining them not small officers because food was limited. ‘Where are you from? Why did you come here? How did you get the money? Are you spies?’ They can even lock you up when you are looking for food.
I remember in the days of scarce commodity or what do they call it? Essential commodity. There was no baby food in town and the Lord told me what to do and we did it and someone came in the morning, “There is no baby food in town but the Lord asked me to come and give you these 24 cartons of baby food”. God has His own way of supplies. Just go after God, He takes care of the rest. That Widow of Zarephath never knew there was famine in town for three and a half years. Church Gist. How many years? She just gave God His place and God began to shower favour on her. In the same way, if you give God His place by serving Him with your time, your energy and your resources, He will be doing unbelievable things in your life. That is how to make it through hard times. Come with a heart to return with the keys of flourishing in hard times and you shall be in command of it. Nobody cries at a door when you have the key in your hand. No! You open the key singing. There is no struggle but without the key you will be sweating.
– You and your family shall be duly exempted.
– You and your household shall be duly exempted in the name of Jesus.
God never smiles on hypocrites. He turns His face against them. Be real in your walk with God! Jesus came and was blasting woes on the Pharisees because they were hypocrites. Church Gist. Read Matthew 23, you will find it there. Hypocrisy doesn’t fly with God. Matthew 23:15. Ask God for grace to real in your walk with God.
In Jesus’ precious name we have prayed! Having obtained help of God, I have continued unto this day! How many want that kind of help? Everybody needs it, everybody needs it. Past tense stewardship holds no water with God. ‘I used to serve Him’ has no place in God. Help! Help! Help from above to remain steadfast till the end, steadfast till the end! Go ahead and receive it, everybody!
Lord! I cry out for help today to remain steadfast in my stewardship without looking back for any reason. To be steadfast in season and out of season. To be steadfast in season and out of season, I receive it! I need it, Jesus! Church Gist. Send me the help by the Holy Spirit to remain steadfast in my stewardship. I must never share a past-tense stewardship in my lifetime. Help me to remain till the end, till the end!!! In Jesus’ precious name, we have prayed.
3 John 1:2. Sir, that implies: Spirituality is what defines your limits of prosperity. ‘…Even as your soul prospereth’. 3 John 1:2. No games! Stealing to give will make you poorer, playing smart on others will make you poorer. Church Gist. Psalms 37:17-18. It’s not about carrying nonsense money about, it is about being spiritual. Spirituality is what defines the limits of every believer’s prosperity. I mean, God’s given prosperity not Kangaroo prosperity, God’s given prosperity!
-Lord! Grace to remain spiritual in my walk with You all the days of my life, I receive! Go ahead and receive it!
Everybody needs it! Jesus! Grace to remain spiritual in my everyday walk with You, I receive it right now. Grace to remain spiritual! In my walk with You! I receive it right now. Psalms 37:18-19. Lord, help me to remain spiritual. Spirituality is not funfair it is warfare. Church Gist. Help me to remain spiritual, destroy my thirst for everything you hate, help me to go after the things that please You. Destroy my thirst of everything that turns You off. Engrace me to remain spiritual all the days of my life.
In Jesus’ precious name, we have prayed. Now, while we have Live Broadcasts across the Nations. As many as have the promptings to be here (Canaanland), whether you are hanging on the tree or not, it is only for a few days, make your way down. As many as have the promptings of the Holy Ghost from anywhere in the world, make your way down here (Canaanland). We got a message yesterday, 15 Ministers are coming in from India for Shiloh. They got the prompting and they are going back with something. If you have the prompting, make your way here. Whatever costs you nothing may not hold much value in return. Everything of value carries a cost. Church Gist. But whichever way, every Winner must find their way into Shiloh, whether on ground or online. Don’t tell me you are watching on something, find your way there. Find your way, take time out, find your way there. Talking about Fellowship of the Saints, Amen! The Lord thy God in the midst of you, not in your room; in the midst of you, is mighty! Find your way there, everybody find your way there! It’s an annual feast, a once-in-a-year feast where God opens new chapters for His people. Find your way there! All these: ‘I don’t have time’. Grammar is sweet when there is no hunger, when hunger comes grammar will fly. You will speak your dialect pure without twisting your tongue, Amen! He humbled them with hunger!
-May you not wait for that to come!
Humble yourself now in the Mighty Hand of God that in due time He will exalt you. ‘I’ll watch that later, I mean, you know? Church Gist. I can’t stay that long you know? By virtue of my status’. Status? Amen!
-May you not be reduced to statue.
Wake up! It’s time to seek the Lord! Break up the fallow ground, it’s time to seek the Lord. Your life is full of potentials, don’t sell off your birthright. Don’t sell off your birthright! Something is waiting for you at Shiloh, don’t miss it! And don’t discourage anyone for any reason lest you carry a burden on your head. People have been experiencing diverse encounters with God, if you have not experienced one, ask yourself questions. Church Gist. God is not looking for you for His sake, He is looking for you for your sake. You won’t miss it! Shiloh 2023 will secure you exemption from the days of horror that lie ahead of the world. In the name of Jesus!! Just like your Church has never known a dry season, we have never known what? A dry season. Ah! You are coming on board!!!! In spite of the economy’s downturn, see what God is doing at the Ark, the Ark is still growing, the Ark is growing, everything is working! Everything is working! What a God we serve! Without any pressure anywhere!
-Good things will not stop working in your life. By properly repositioning spiritually, it’s your turn!
Lord! Manifest Yourself again at Shiloh! Let it be a mountain of appearance indeed for everyone. Lord! Appear again at Shiloh! Like never before, let no worshipper at Shiloh return empty-handed. Church Gist. Let the key to flourishing in hard times be delivered to everyone. Let the exemption of everyone from the evil days be established. In Jesus’ precious name, we have prayed!
Finally, it’s your time of reward! You have been serving God with all your heart since the year began, it’s your turn to be rewarded!!! Church Gist. Now, I decree the release of your open rewards. According to your labour, receive it in the name of Jesus! Be openly rewarded!!!!
Now, to all our Cell Ministers, please listen to this: He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Don’t go about when it is one minute to the time to start rushing through the note. That’s not how to be a leader. You have brooded over it, you carry the people in your heart. ‘Lord! Touch everyone today’! He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him not carelessly seek Him, not casually seek Him. Church Gist. But diligently seek Him!! Friends, I was still out yesterday oo even though we are in Spiritual Week Of Emphasis in reaching out to the lost. It’s in my blood! I covenanted with God to do it and it’s being done by His grace. ‘…That diligently seek Him’. Don’t treat God casually, don’t relate with God casually! He knows whether you are diligent or not!
-May your level of stewardship change upward! May it change upward!
It’s not enough to be faithful, you must be diligent. Church Gist. Look at it (The note – Referring to Cell Ministers) on Friday, Saturday is coming, pray over those individuals, ask for God to move more people into the place, you are going up!
-In the Precious name of Jesus, everything God sees in you in secret, He will reward openly. You shall not beg anymore, it shall be a natural flow! Be blessed in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. This Eleventh Hour Change Of Story Operation must answer in your life! We are now entering the last week and God’s best is reserved for the last. Whatever pertains to you in this Operation, receive grace to take delivery in the name of Jesus. So shall it be in the name of Jesus.