UNVEILING THE WONDERS OF GENUINE LOVE FOR GOD 2 – Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day of Exemption Service|| First Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 12th February 2023

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–    Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING THE WONDERS OF GENUINE LOVE FOR GOD 2 at Covenant Day of Exemption Service|| First Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 12th February 2023

There are those who lack opportunities. There are those who miss opportunities. The ongoing 12 weeks of prophetic harvest is an opportunity presented by God to His children in this Church. May no one miss this opportunity. It is an opportunity for a dramatic change of story, may no one miss this opportunity. Church Gist. Paul said, “I know you are mindful of this but you lack opportunity”. Here comes opportunity, you shall not miss it. For the massive harvest today that we have seen in Church, help me lift up your two hands and give God thanks.

Would you ask the Lord to speak to you this morning? I want to hear from you, Jesus. Speak to my life, speak my destiny to the next level this morning.

Lord, Jesus thank you again and thank you again. We are all waiting this hour to hear from you. Church Gist. Speak to each one of us and let your word change our story.

God delights in moving His people forward again and again. The path of the justified is ordained as a shining light, that shines more and more and without end until the perfect day. Church Gist. May this season mark the end of every form of stagnation in everyone’s life. For you, your household and your children, it shall be forward ever and backwards never.

Good understanding is key to an outstanding adventure in the kingdom. The Bible says “good understanding procures favour but the way of the ignorant is hard”. Good understanding is vital to a sweet and glorious adventure in the kingdom. We are not talking about common sense, we are talking about spiritual understanding. Colossians 1:9. Matthew 13:23. Our level of spiritual understanding is what defines the colour and the beauty of our life. Preaching will get anybody excited. Church Gist. Stories don’t get you marks in an exam, it is facts that get you marks. Your story won’t get you any marks in your exam, it is the fact contained in your answer sheet that does. You can speak English stronger than Elizabethan English, it won’t make any meaning, it is the facts the teacher is looking for. Good understanding is vital to a colourful adventure in the kingdom.

The reason we spend so much time and the Church spends so much money in passing information across to us, again and again, is to enhance the level of spiritual understanding of each person. That is what they are doing. So they can maximize results in their investment of time, energy and resources. Church Gist. This morning I am sure they have given you Intercessory Prayer Guidelines for 2023 prophetic weeks of harvest. It is not for your album, it is for your engagement.

Now watch what the Lord told me: “don’t feel like praying or you may never pray”. Don’t wait to feel like praying. What a package you have. If you go reading these lines before you get to number 20 the Spirit of prayer will come upon you because you are praying. You are reading it and praying. He said to give attention to reading. People wait to feel like praying, that is why they don’t pray. They wait to feel. You don’t feel like reading for an exam. You read because the exam date is set. Church Gist. You wait to feel to read the Bible that is why you are failing. You read the Bible because your life hangs on it. So when it doesn’t look like you are concentrating, read it aloud, before you get to verse 31 your spirit is quickened. Somebody said you are looking at me? You better wake up. If you wait to feel like giving you will be a pauper. You don’t have to wait to feel. It is a thing to do, you enjoy doing it. You take grace to do it according to the rules of scriptures.

We serve a story changing God, you go through that and that connects you with your change of story package ordained for this season. You educate yourself Sir. Get educated, get spiritually enlightened, it will make a world of difference in your life. Church Gist. Somebody’s story has just changed. Don’t wait to feel like doing the right thing, do the right thing.


 Everything that works in the kingdom requires the love platform for delivery. We live in a kingdom where it is to every one according to his faith. What becomes of us is according to our faith in the kingdom and faith works only to the level of our love for God. Faith works by love. Galatians 5:6, Matthew 9:29. That implies it is to every one according to His love for God. There are no games here. Without a heart for God life is hard but all things work together for good to them with a heart for God, who are in pursuit of His purpose as their own lifestyle. Romans 8:28. All things are ordained to keep working together for good to those men and women with a genuine heart for God. All these ‘give me’ ‘give me’ kind of syndrome that people are going about, ‘pray for me’ ‘pray for me’. Church Gist. You won’t need all this junk. With a heart for God, your faith will keep working like fire. Before you call, He answers and while you are yet speaking it is performed. Jesus will never fail. I have proven Him, I have found Him so. People may fail and the earth be removed but Jesus will never fail. I have travelled this road for a few years and I know it works. I have been in this mad race since 1976. I have not had any occasion to hide from any of my peers till tomorrow. He will roll away your shame like they never existed. My son give me your heart and watch me decorate your life. Proverbs 23:26. Give me your heart, I am not waiting for your cries and your tears. Give me your heart and watch how I will keep decorating your life. My wife is not here this morning, we just had another brand new grandchild. The clan is expanding, it will soon become a tribe.

–    Whatever people have harassed you about that ‘where is your God?’, today is your turnaround day.

–    Every grace I ever touched, as you connect with what grace has helped us to do in pursuing after God and the interest of His kingdom, they shall be replicated in your life.

–    Everyone under the sound of my voice this morning, waiting for the fruit of the womb, your case is today settled.

Everything in the kingdom works by faith and faith works by love so everything in the kingdom requires love to work. Our level of love for God is vital. Love is not a gift, it is a choice. Church Gist. May each one make this wise choice this morning and begin to enjoy God’s raw manifestation in all areas of our lives in the name of Jesus.

The capital proof of our love is our love for souls. John 21:15-17. God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son. You so love God you give whatever it may require to see His agenda delivered. Which is that He gave His son so no one perishes but all men have everlasting life. If you so love God you now give your time, give your energy, give your resources as enabled to prove that you love Him in pursuit of souls. I was in the streets this week, I was under the bridge, I was in the marketplace. I was having a nice time. I was with okada people. I returned with over 400 souls into the kingdom. Do you know why people get tired? They are pursuing after God for things so when they get the things they back out. If you are pursuing after God for love, love never fails. You just keep moving and moving. I started doing this trekking, running on foot, riding on motorbike, it hasn’t changed. Now I am flying. Church Gist.  I don’t need to have a plane to fly. If I get to the airport, I will get a plane. You better wake up. Don’t tell anybody and yourself that you love God when you don’t know what He loves. They say pray you didn’t pray. Are you ashamed to pray in your room? What is your problem? Public appearance is my problem but you want public testimony? If I am still going out now, that you dress in a pastoral coat does not excuse you. You better move and secure God’s glorious agenda for your life. He doesn’t pay supervisors, He pays labourers. He doesn’t pay leaders, He pays labourers. He doesn’t pay General Overseers, He pays labourers. It is your turn. In the name of Jesus, the things that you have been chasing after will henceforth be chasing after you. In the name of Jesus, every good thing will keep pursuing after you as you keep pursuing after God. Psalm 34:10. Psalm 27:8. May you engage with all your heart and watch how God will decorate you in grand style.

Five Things that Genuine Love for God Procures.

1.    Genuine love for God enhances access to divine encounters which usually opens new chapters to a believer’s life.

God appeared to Abraham and changed his story to the point that He changed His name. God appeared to Jacob and changed His name and He became a nation. Every divine encounter changes people’s stories. Genuine love for God facilitates access to divine encounters. God said to Abraham… God appeared to Abraham… And God said to Abraham… who was Abraham? Church Gist. The friend of God. James 2:23. Isaiah 41:8. God called him “my friend”. Love is the cord of friendship. When we become God’s friend, He manifests Himself to us over and again. One great proof of that love is responding with delight to His commencement. John 14:21. 2 Corinthians 3:18. Encounter!

The Lord spoke to me that we must wake up and pray. We can’t wait for an additional crisis in Nigeria. We can’t wait. God won’t do anything without us standing in the place of prayer. God told me the problem we have had is that we have been commanding and decreeing without confessing and repenting of the sins of the nation and the sins of the Church. Lots of compromises. Church leaders are carrying stolen money up and down. They are prophesying to suit the people who give them money. The land is polluted. We need to repent and turn off God’s wrath on Nigeria. Now you are looking for cash, banks are being burned. This is not normal. We can’t keep laughing, we need to stand in the gap. I saw the crisis in 1979 and I called the first Prayer and Fasting program for the nation. On the third day, God said “when I give peace, who can cause a storm?” and I said God has answered. So it is not a yesterday affair. All these politicians who were making funny noises, where were they then? We better pray. I screamed in 2015, you didn’t hear. Church Gist. Some fellows here have suffered a lot for junk talk against the prophet. Prophets are not predictors. They bear the mind of God. So across all our zonal centres, we hold the meetings On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We have all the prayer items on our website. So you can engage with passion to restore the mercy of God in Nigeria again. What pastors caused in the trouble we are in now as a nation only God knows the measure of it. They are prophets of politicians, they are not prophets of God. They don’t see evil in evil anymore, conscience seared with hot iron. We have no right to make decrees without turning off the wrath of God. Lord have mercy. May I appeal to every member of this church even though we are in this harvest season, this is one platform that will secure the future, the posterity of this nation, please be part of it. A number of churches around the nation are also part of what we are doing right now. We are operating that from here by the grace of God.

Divine encounters are the lot of His lovers. God appearing and showing the way forward. Showing areas to mind. Showing us what not to do and showing us what to do. He said go to Abraham, he is a prophet. You don’t have to be a clerical prophet, your friendship with Jesus makes you His confidant. He confides in you on His agenda. He appears to us to tell us things about our environment, things about our nation. I have had the privilege of God confiding in me about this nation on specific terms over the years. I knew without any doubt that you were heading for the calamity of your life in 2015. No time has human life been wasted like in the last eight years. Wasted with no feeling. At the same time, we will invoke God’s vengeance to clear the blood of the innocent that has been shed on this ground. You will never lack encounters with your God again.

I was watching a video and I saw how much people were in pain and the agony expressed. I said Jesus help me to be a part of solving this problem. That was in 1987. Then I heard the walking steps of Jesus. Because there was no fear, I turned off the light in my sitting room and I heard the feet walking on the carpet. I was filled with awe, not with fear, that means it is not the devil. He put his hand on my back and something ran down my spine. Sunday morning, explosion. Encounters are real. I was praying with my wife and the Lord said “stand up” I stood up. Open your Bible, He showed me the exact question I was asking and the answer to it. June 24th 1984. Awesome God. Praying for Church Growth with passion. He said stand up and follow me, I did and He gave me four instructions which are behind the supernatural church growth we experienced around the world. Four! March 1984. Church Gist. Divine encounters are real, we only need a genuine heart for God. God knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows my thoughts before I think them. John 5:42. Jesus said I know you that you don’t have the love of God in your heart. I know you. Many people came to Jesus when he came to earth because they saw the miracles but he never committed anything. He knew all men. Something is breaking forth in your life. Divine encounters have opened new chapters to this Commission from one level to another to another to another and it is everybody’s right. We only need to come on the required frequency. A heart for God, walking in the Spirit, living in the Spirit. I was in the bathroom when God said to me,  “arise get down to Lagos and raise me a people”. Church Gist. In the bathroom not on the prayer altar. I was on a trip from Zaria to Kaduna when God appeared to me and said the harvest of Africa is now overripe. Rush in and preserve it. It opens new chapters. I pray today that no one will keep taking chances. No one will keep guessing through life. Divine encounters will open new chapters to your life.

2.    Genuine love for God enhances access to the anointing which breaks yokes and supernaturally paves the way forward for the believer.

Psalm 89:20-24.  God will always find His lover to anoint Him. So the anointing destroys yokes of the wicked hanging around anyone’s life. Isaiah 45:1-3. The anointing doesn’t only destroy yokes, it advances destiny. How much we love Him is what determines how much of His fresh oil we will access. Psalm 45:6-8. The deeper our love for God the greater the unction on our lives. God won’t anoint us to serve the devil. The anointing is for service not for show. We are empowered to serve not for show. How much we are committed to serving His interest is what determines how much of His anointing we can access. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and He has anointed me to… we are anointing to serve. Church Gist. You don’t know the meaning of the anointing until you have committed to serving God. The anointing increases as you increase in service. When our service is love motivated, fresh oil all the time. It is the anointing that slew Goliath, not David. I have never known burnout. I have never suffered jet lag once. As I jump down, I lag to my next place. The anointing strengthens. The fresher the oil the stronger the man, the stronger the woman. Psalm 89:20. A man with a heart for me is entitled to the anointing that will keep the enemies at bay. From today, no devil will take you for a ride anymore.

3.    Genuine love for God enhances access to supernatural wealth.

The wealth we manifest as a Church today is supernatural. Not subject to the economic climate. It has no regard for it, has never had a regard for it and has never failed. They call it true riches. Luke 16:11. True riches are what answers at every point of need. It answers at every point of need. 1 Corinthians 13:2. When our living life is love motivated, it is the highway to a world of financial fortune. Unending financial fortune. Wait a minute. We have never been tempted to call on a bank for aid. Church Gist. Hello, you know we have been banking with you for some time. We need your assistance now. Not once. What is happening? Somebody say true riches. Supernatural wealth. That is where God is bringing you into. The days of palpitating about what to eat and what to drink are over. You can’t be by the well and be dying of thirst. You can’t be where the river is flowing and be dying. In the precious name of Jesus, everything blocking anyone’s understanding of the covenant of wealth, I command them out of your life.

1 Chronicles 29:3. Because of my affection for the house of God. He said I have nothing to brag about because of thine have we given to thee. You gave it to us and we are giving it back to you to acknowledge that you gave it to us. It is nothing to be proud about, it is to be seen as a privilege. If He didn’t give you, can you harass Him? You will always have your proper good when your affection is set to the house of God. It is your turn. God is able to make all grace abound towards you and you having all sufficiency in all things. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Jesus will never fail. I have proven Him, I have found Him so. People may fail and the earth be removed but Jesus will never fail. Church Gist. We needed #3,000 to pay off our rent facility in Kaduna on 1984 October 3rd.  I called about six of our leaders and I said “brethren if I have this money, God will never appeal to me to give it. Now we are all on the same level, understand what I am saying because a time is coming when some of us will take off in the air and you start saying we don’t know what they are doing. Let me tell you what I am using, I am sold out to God” October 3rd 1984. You can’t be going somewhere you don’t know. Get to know what this covenant offers. As I knew it as clean as my person 1985 October 3rd. It was not an organized speech, it was the Holy Ghost speaking through me, showing what is in me. Church Gist. Before I had the first bank account, I desired of the Lord if you ever bless me I want to be part of building you churches. I couldn’t even buy a plot. I said that to Jesus. We have done 100 at a time maybe twice now. 100 churches, not chairs.  God knows what is in your heart my friend. I wasn’t called to ministry when I said that. I wasn’t planning for ministry in my life but my heart was panting after God. I hated to see churches being built for 10 years and not completed. Church Gist. God if you ever bless me. All the churches in my place, my family built. We built, furnished and handed over the key and walked away. You can’t have a heart for God and not make your marks on the earth. All this complaining doesn’t help. Anyone who is rich and not rich towards God, you just blow off at any time. In the name of Jesus, the blessings of God that maketh rich and adds no sorrow becomes your portion from now. Let me confess this, everything works in my life and family. Everything works without any attention to them. I never prayed for children in school once, Oh God let them pass exams. That is why they went there – to pass exams. The day they enter, they know they must pass their exams. There is nowhere to return to if you don’t pass your exam. Life! You face God, He takes over your issues. You are going to see wonders oh. No one will suffer heart aches from their children. No one will wish that they were not married. Build kingdom dreams towards the true riches you are anticipating. No one is ever blessed beyond his commitment to being a blessing. Talking about the Psalm 112 man. He said he shall guide his affairs with discretion. What is discretion? Your financial security is in your tithing. He will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Some people are going around saying that tithing is not necessary. They are poorer than poverty Sir. They are struggling with every issue of life.

Jesus told me by a definite appearance, March 22 1982. I have been giving you dates upon dates and they are the same. Check your notes of 1990, you will find the same dates, no guesswork. God’s secret of wealth anchors on the covenant of giving. Giving begins with tithing to secure the blessings as they come. Malachi 3:10-11. He won’t come near you. The last robbery attack anyone here suffered is the last you will know in your life by taking cover in the covenant. We must sustain our love to sustain His blessings. Solomon loved the Lord and things opened up to him, he became the wealthiest of all men on planet earth. Solomon turned his back upon God and God turned His back on him and he began to say “vanity upon vanity, all is vanity”. Solomon ended up in the shrine. The one who prayed down the glory of God in the temple ended up in the shrine. He built a thousand shrines more or less for his wives and children. Church Gist. He became the most stupid man in the world because the record cannot be broken. 300 wives. There is nobody in the world that does that. He just became upside down. The brain was turned upside down when he turned his back on God. Solomon loved the Lord and God blessed him, then Solomon loved many strange women and God raised adversaries against him. 1 Kings 11:1,14,19. God raised adversaries against Him. The last one He raised was an adversary to Solomon until the day of His death. 1 Chronicles 29:1-2. There are many people that just encountered one blessing and they fled. The blessing became a curse. So I told God that whatever you will give that won’t let your hand reach me again, please don’t let me have it. I beg. But Abraham sustained it to the end. You will sustain it to the end. It is a great day for you.

 Now listen to this, God’s purpose for end-time wealth is for the building of His kingdom. What is it for? Building His kingdom. Zechariah 1:17. Without a heart for the Kingdom, no one is a candidate for access. Access to supernatural wealth demands a heart for kingdom advancement purposes. You don’t have to have the means, first have the heart. It was in the heart of David to build God a house. God said he had done well. Let it be in your heart first. Start from where you are. It is not in your heart that is why it is not in your hand. When it is first in your heart, your hand will be directed. It is the head that directs. When you have the heart of your head inside, your hand will be there with joy. I said Jesus if I have a Peugeot car I want to give it to this man going on this mission. Church Gist. The following day someone brought me a Peugeot car. I never touched the key, I never knew the plate number. God saw my heart to do it and He knew I didn’t have the means to do it, so He sent it to me to see whether I will do it or not. Without a heart for God, no believer is a candidate for the end-time wealth. If you see people suffering and your health goes after them, then you are a candidate. If you see kingdom matters lying low and you are disturbed, then you are a candidate. Haggai 1:3-13. If you don’t mind His house you are not a candidate. God has His silver and gold looking for who to trust with it. Kingdom wealth is an entrustment, not an achievement. Luke 16:11. It is an entrustment, not an achievement. It is not to make a name, it is to exalt the name of Jesus. The good news is that He has given us all things richly to enjoy, so we have partakers of His blessings but we are promoters of His Kingdom to sustain His blessings. If it is not so, then it is not right. We sustain His blessings by promoting His kingdom.

4.    Genuine Love makes a believer indestructible.

You are the one God is talking about. Songs of Solomon 8:7. So you find these three boys, they were set to die for their love for God and God said “No! Those who love me this way don’t die”. He appeared in the fiery furnace before they got there. He turned it into a cold room. They marched out with their shirt, their belt and everything out of that place. Because we have God in them who is a consuming fire. They have God with them, so He consumed the fire there. Hebrews 12:29. There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear. Fear is proof that our love for Him is not perfected yet. When it is perfected you are just free. Daniel went calmly to the den of lions and God turned them into pets. Daniel 6:22. It makes us indestructible because of His majestic presence in our lives. Revelation 5:5. His name is Jesus! You can’t be with Him and be torn by lions. Everyone pursuing you to hurt you will be hurt seven times more. No one gets defeated in any battle with genuine love for God. When you cleave to Him in love, He puts your fear on everyone you come across. Deuteronomy 11:22-25. When you are in love you become a terror, they see the Almighty in you. The sea saw them and it fled talk less of human terror. God’s presence is what makes you a terror.

Today is our Covenant Day of Exemption. Psalm 91:14-16. Because He is in love with me, we are one together. Anyone that wants him must kill me first. The Lord told me to run this exemption in three parts. Part 1 Today, Part 2 next Sunday and Part 3 on the last Sunday because it is time for you to discover your right of exemption and keep the devil at bay. Those hooligans don’t they know this place? Church Gist.  Why have they not entered? When it was a forest, people were collecting cash in this construction and no armed robbers came. Armed robbers became labourers on their own. The same exemption right of this church becomes everybody’s heritage in this place. You are on the road, the road is safe, you are on the air, the air is safe. You are on the water, the water is safe.

The seal of our exemption in a world of darkness is light. Light will keep darkness away from your territory. It is automatic, there is no negotiation. The seal of our exemption in this era of gross darkness is light. Isaiah 60:1-3. In the midst of darkness, light is our security. Church Gist.  It is our seal of exemption. The powers of darkness will always bow to the authority of God’s word that emanates from God’s word. Psalm 119:130. John 1:5. The light that emanates from the word of God has automatic non-negotiable dominion over every form of darkness.

Malachi 4:1-2.

–    God will make a difference between you and the world around you.

The light from the word does not only enlighten us but also illuminates us. John 1:9. The light from God’s Word does not only stop at enlightening us, it goes further to illuminate us. So we become spiritual illuminants. We appear and darkness disappears. Matthew 5:14. So we are light, we are not just enlightened. So we continue to move from revelation to illumination. When you get to that point, it is clear to your environment that this man has been lighted. When you are enlightened it is inside you. When you are illuminated, it is open to all. Mark 1:23-25. Matthew 8:28-29. When you get illuminated by the truth concerning your exemption right, all the cruel forces of hell will start clearing the way for you. Church Gist. It is your turn at last. Don’t toy with the word. It is so deep. Seek deeper insight till you get to the point of illumination. That devil said to me in 1979, when we sense a higher power on the way we clear off the way. It was a witch. Because they wait on the road, when people are coming they cause the car to somersault and suck the blood. So I asked what of when people like us are coming? I was 25 years old. It is not about age, it is about light. When they see light they know light is here.

I was on my way home from here around 1am during the construction. Some armed robbers were on the road when they saw my car coming. It was just me and my driver and one police person, they said: “Bishop! Take cover”. Church Gist. Do you know what they saw? Light. From now the light of heaven that we encounter by spiritual illumination becomes your portion.

–    You say to this devil go and it will go

–    Everything you call will answer to you.

So expect that as you keep walking in the light of your exemption, because you are a peculiar people, your case is different. In the name of Jesus, what assaults others will never be able to assault you.

Ephesians 5:8.

Stop fearing their fear or what befalls them will befall you. Start walking as children of light. You have been translated from the kingdom of darkness so the manifesto of the devil to steal, to kill and to destroy no longer holds in your life. Because you are no longer in that kingdom, you have been translated. My friend, as strong as Nigeria is if you cross over to the Benin Republic the Constitution of Nigeria no longer has any power over your life forever. Church Gist.  You have left the devil’s kingdom so his agenda no longer holds over your life. So to kill, to steal and to destroy is no longer your portion. You shall not see it.

–    Not one person here will ever bury their children.

–    No one here will suffer in the hands of kidnappers.

–    No Fulani bandits will take the life of anyone here.

–    You are no longer in that territory, you are not there and you will never be there.

By redemption, you have been made to sit with Him after above where these wicked forces operate. Ephesians 1:21. So you are not in that realm anymore. You must see Ephesians 6:6 as your heritage. At redemption, you were raised up together with Him. You are far above where those bandits operate. Church Gist.  You are far above where suicide bombers, witches and wizard operate. You need that mentality. That was how it engulfed me in 1979 that made me say “how many of you are witches here, stand up”. People were afraid of them, I saw myself far above them. In the same vein, everything you used to fear will start fearing you from now.

Thank God for your exemption.

Galatians 6:17. Light is that Mark. It is the light of the Word and He sends us as the light of the world. Church Gist. Let no man trouble me. Declare that scripture over your life. Zechariah 9:14-15.







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