- Bishop David Oyedepo on WALKING IN THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS PART 1A at Prophetic Entrance And End Of The Month Thanksgiving Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 2nd February 2025
From the 2 testimonies read this morning, it is clear indication that God is in a hurry for your turnaround and my turnaround this year. May no one here miss his own portion and clearly you find sanctification asp a common denomination in the 2 testimonies. Church Gist. Sanctification. The foundation of God for all his manifestations in our lives. The fear of God. If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Our inheritance demands sanctification for full delivery. Not one tenth delivery. In the precious Name of Jesus, anything blocking your access to God clears off finally this time. Thank you Jesus.

Can I hear you say with me, my inheritance demands sanctification for delivery. Lord advance me this month, move me forward this month, help me to get closer to you this month. Purify me, sanctify me, make me worthy of your agenda for my life this year. Put up your 2 hands and pray, ask God for help. Church Gist. Everybody needs the help from on high to sustain anever growing walk with God. Send me help, Oh Lord. I need your help to live a life that pleases you. Jesus my Saviour, I need your help. Holy Ghost, my God sent helper, I need your helper. Thank you Lord, in Jesus precious Name we have prayed. Church Gist. My prayer is that this shall be a month of spiritual turnaround for everyone. When we experience a Spiritual turnaround, everything turns around in the mighty Name of Jesus. Speak to us this morning and let your Name be glorified in Jesus Name. Give the Lord a big hand of praise and please you may be seated.
Just before we begin the series for the month, every worshipper that has not gotten a copy of this; Declaring a Season of Spiritual Turnaround. The ushers are going about showing that up. In case you hamy gotten yours, please indicate by raising your hand. Church Gist. You need to, so you can get connected to what God’s agenda is for the next 3 months, starting from February. Grace began yesterday. I am sure you will all agree February started yesterday. The race has begun, it is not going to start, it has started.
Allow His instructions to prevail over your ideas. Take fast hold of instructions. Let her not go, keep her, for she is my life. Proverbs 24:16. Take fast hold of instructions.
Every of God’s agenda delivers on His instructions. Take fast hold of it.
Also, the ushers are going around this morning, making available 3 materials to us which include; Call to be our brothers keeper. These are days when men are getting off the faith. Church Gist. Please, be on the lookout for brethren that may be challenged and are trying to disconnect from God to make their matter worse. Get committed. We are redeemed to be our brothers keepers, not as Cain who said am I my brother’s keeper?That is not the language of the Redeemed. So, please grab this. And our spiritual help is far more important than material help even though it includes material help.
Why are we committed in transporting members to church. This is harvest season, we have no choice. We bear them on our shoulder, see them as lost sheep that have been found and make sure you get to church, get to fellowship and be established in the faith. Church Gist. Please, go through these materials. And why must we continue to gather souls into church? It is the only way to preserve them.
Bring them to the City of Refuge, my church where they are fed on the Word and illuminated in the path of darkness. Please, get through these materials and be blessed and in the Name of Jesus Christ. It is embracing instructions that changes believer’s position. Church Gist. I heard God say to me, son arise, get down to Lagos at a very odd time. Yes. He granted Grace to obey. We came and God said to me, this is the place, it didn’t look like anybody that can be the place. We came in obedience.

You can’t beat an obedient child of God. It opens the door to all blessings. If you harken unto my voice and do what I ask you to do, all these blessings will come to you and overtake you. Church Gist. Our blessings are answers to our obedience, so get excited. Be delighted in obeying God. For blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delights himself in his commandment. That greatly delights himself at the commandment of the Lord. His seed shall be blessed upon the earth.
So, blessing will just go from him and cover his seed after him. His seed shall be mightily upon th earth, the generation of the upright shall be blessed. You are investing the light of obedience. Investing for your coming generation. Church Gist. Wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endureth forever.
There are too many temporal things around the world today. Whatever the Lord doeth, he doeth forever. Any true blessing that comes from God endures forever. No hanky panky. It endures forever. You don’t struggle, you don’t bite your fingers. Church Gist. Get delight in obeying God. It is a Gateway to blessing for whatever need is in your life. Zachariah 7:13, here is the Word of God. He said, As he has cried, Therefore it is come to pass, that as he cried, and they would not hear; so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the Lord of hosts.
Isaiah 35:8-10. That is the destination of that highway. It is God’s highway for the end time saints. We are walking on that highway into heaven. An everlasting joy shall be unto them. That defines eternity. Church Gist. We get on the highway of holiness to arrive there. Satan will lose his power to hurt. It shall be a safe haven on the earth.
By way of introduction, heaven is the epitome of beauty and splendour because of holiness. You have a very clean description of the beauty and the splendour of heaven from Revelation 21:9-27. The precious stones, the foundation of gold, the streets of gold, all of gold, the walls of gold. Church Gist. Never seen! No apartment buildings, all mansions. Holiness is behind the beauty of heaven. Psalm 29:1-2, 47:8. The throne of God is the throne of holiness. Behind the splendour and the beauty of heaven is holiness.
Psalm 96:9. It is that fear of God that beautifies us in redemption. He will beautify the meek with salvation. The beauty of salvation is the fear of God. Holiness beautifies the believer because it is the platform for possessing our possessions. Church Gist. 2 Peter 1:3. Obadiah 1:17. It is a sequence. There shall be deliverance from sin and then a commitment to walking in the fear of God and then we possess our possessions.
Acts 20:32. Again the theme for the month is MY INHERITANCE DEMANDS SANCTIFICATION FOR DELIVERY. Inheritance is apportioned to the sanctified. Stop blocking your way forward. Church Gist. Those two fellows that shared testimonies, they knew where they were and they knew where they came to before favour bellowed on them. “I took heed to the instructions, I lived my life in sanctification and purification and then favour began to bellow on me.”
- You are going to see wonders this year and it is starting in this season.
2 Timothy 2:19-21. Our golden destiny in redemption answers to sanctification. The beauty of redemption lies in sanctification. We also agree that holiness is the only valid VISA to heaven. Church Gist. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 clarified that. Be not deceived by any smart preacher, by any ‘interpreter’ or any Greek and Hebrew expert.
They must be past tense to get on the highway. As your hatred rises for those things, you walk free from them. No one takes excreta with his right mind. Matthew 7:21-23. Church Gist. We’re all in the race. With all those activities, with all those endowments, “I know ye not, ye that walk in iniquity”. With all the applause, “I know ye not, ye that walk in iniquity”.
And this God is no respecter of persons but He’s long-suffering, He’s ever patient. 2 Peter 3:9. It’s counting. I heard him say concerning Israel, “this ten times you shall provoke me, I’m not going to take it again”. Church Gist. Maybe someone is in number nine, may you not get to number 10.
Sir, forgiveness has its limit. He said, “I mean 70 times 7”. 70 times 7 also has number. It has number oh. All the times Samson was going about with harlot, the anointing was still there. Do you want to make Heaven or you want to make money? Church Gist. No matter what other thing you make, if you don’t make Heaven, you’re most miserable. Eternal regrets, “I wish I heard what God said to me”.

- whatever won’t let any of us make it drops off our live today.
We’re all in the race striving to reach our goal and we’d get there. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.
Let’s continue, how beautiful is holiness?
- It secures access to revelations which establishes dominion of the believer over the powers of darkness. Remember, Psalm 25:14. Mark 4:11. Church Gist. Revelations 22:15. So, Mark 4:11 is talking about not just salvation. “And without are dogs”. And who are dogs? The dog returns back to its vomit. There are Believers that are off and on everyday, everytime.
- today marks that trap in anyone’s life!
After every repentance, God says, “go and sin no more lest a worse thing than this happen to you”. John 5:14. It means, stop it there before it stops you. Church Gist. Our inheritance being constantly resisted by the devil but the violent takes it by force.
- You must get it! I must get it!
- God’s turn around agenda for your life and my life must deliver this year!
That brother said, “my New Era has begun”.
- Today, your spiritual New Era will begin!
Isaiah 60:1. So, every encounter with revelation brings out the shining in you. Church Gist. And you watch all of these from Isaiah 60:1-22, they’re all change of stories, change of levels, movements, advancement and all that all in response to revelation. Church Gist. That’s how beautiful holiness is. It opens the door to revelation.
Paul, the man of unusual insight said, 1 Thessalonians 2:10. Then, he testified, “because of the abundance of revelation given to me”. Church Gist. So, abundance, my God, there’s an open-ended access. Ephesians 3:1-5. Unusual entrance made possible by his position in the fear of God.
- It makes our stewardship profitable. Hebrews 12:28. Church Gist. It makes our stewardship acceptable and therefore rewardable and fruitful, it guarantees returns on our stewardship. Walking in the fear of God.
- No wasted labour this year!
Even though by redemption, we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light yet there are opposing forces that want us back there. So we must be aware of them. Church Gist. 2 Corinthians 2:11. We need a revelation of those opposing forces so we can be set to deal with them. So, let’s get to expose some of these controlling powers that want us back in darkness so as to rob us of what God has in store for us.
- Unclean spirits
Christ recognized that severally, He gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them down, so they won’t bring you down. Matthew 10:1. Church Gist. We saw Joshua the High Priest in Zechariah 3:3-5, clothed with a filthy garment and helplessly so and then God showed up.
-Every filthy garment is going off anyone here in this Service. No one returns from this Service with a filthy garment on. Church Gist. I decree instant reaction right now! No one’s destiny shall be scuttled.
Matthew 12:43-45. Avoid spiritual emptiness that is what unclean spirits take advantage of. Church Gist. Avoid spiritual emptiness, it’s a risk. And then we have;
- Seducing spirits and doctrines of devils
1 Timothy 4:1-2. The purpose is to get you and I off track with God so that you can keep struggling for survival again. Church Gist. 2 Thessalonians 2:11. It’s not God sending the delusion, the devil! Seducing spirits, to believe a lie. 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
-In the name of Jesus, I command every seducing spirit to get out of anyone’s life! Church Gist. May every doctrine of the Word that does not line up with God’s Word in anyone’s life, get off now in the name of Jesus!

One of our members outside the country got connected to this thing called ‘grace’. He said his life went back to where (it was), before he was born again. Back! Everything he had detested he picked them back. Church Gist. What’s going on? Take heed what ye hear – ‘Just do anything, God loves you.’ We have the Book here – the Word of God. Please, be strengthened by the Word. 1 John 5:18-19. And then we have;
- The spirit of the world.
1 Corinthians 2:12. By the spirit of the world, you can’t access things that belong to you. 1 John 2:15-16. Church Gist. So the spirit of the world has these characteristics: The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. That’s what makes up the spirit of this world.
-I decree everyone’s liberty from this in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now, let’s examine the conquering controlling powers. The forces that put you on top of these.
The power of God which we call the anointing. Luke 4:13-14. And what that power does is to destroy the yoke of unclean spirits in our lives. Church Gist. Luke 4:14. He returned in the power of the Spirit. Luke 4:18. I mean the anointing of the Lord. Isaiah 10:27. So it destroys yokes, it gets burdens off our shoulders.
-I therefore command, every unclean spirit ravaging every life to get out and enter no more in the name of Jesus!
- The Spirit of Revelation. Ephesians 1:17-18. John 14:26. Church Gist. There is a Spirit of Revelation that unveils the truth of God’s Word to us regarding our lives and all that pertains to us. 1 Corinthians 2:10.
Now, what is the effect of the Spirit of Revelation? It destroys the siege of the powers of darkness over our lives, because the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. When light turns on, darkness goes out. Church Gist. There is no way darkness can be a barrier on the path of light. So, when we walk in the light, we are free from the horrors of the powers of darkness that manipulate people to do what displeases God. Isaiah 60:1.
- I see you shinning. I see us shinning into new realms.
“Arise” means, get up on your feet and walk in the light that I’ve brought your way. Walk in the light and you’ll start shinning. Church Gist. Arise, walk in the light and you’ll start shinning. (x3)
-Many shinning stars will arise this year. If you’re one of them, let me hear your loudest Amen.
- The Spirit of Love and that is the answer to the end time traps as listed in 2 Timothy 3:1-4. These are what I call end time traps people can find themselves inside that you need to be free, we need to be free. Church Gist. They look normal, but they’re dangerous. It says they will trigger perilous times, they will trouble their victims, they’ll bite their fingers in regret, it will bring them into peril.
2 Timothy 1:6,7. It’s the Spirit of Love that sets free from these vices. You are on with Jesus in season and out of season. All those things you see listed there, they’re triggered in the lives of men and women that are in a hurry. Church Gist. They’re in a hurry and so they enter into horror without knowing. Song of Solomon 8:6,7. When you’re in love, you overcome those vices without stress. Whatever displeases God, you detest, you hate to see in your life.
- May we all receive afresh this morning the Spirit of Love.
- May our love for God change level today and may we walk free from all these end time vices.
- No one here shall be a victim of peril in the name of Jesus.
In closing, what is the way out?
Please note. Holiness is not a state of perfection, but of hunger and thirst after righteousness. It’s not a state, no, but a hunger and thirst after righteousness. Matthew 5:6-8. A constant undying hunger for righteousness is what we call holiness. Church Gist. You want to please God. You may be challenged, but you’re dealing with it with all zeal and zest, with a pure heart, no games. So, it’s not a state. Philippians 3:13-16. So, it’s not a state. What have you discovered to be wrong and you have walked away from it, don’t walk back into it. Church Gist. That’s what holiness is all about. It’s about an undying devotion to live a life that pleases God. John 14:30. Hebrews 4:15. So, it’s a journey and we’re all in the race.

- May no one miss his steps in this race.
But repentance remains the only way out of every form of filthiness of the flesh and of the Spirit. Repentance is the way out. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Let us take responsibility to cleanse ourselves based on the truth. 2 Corinthians 7:10. Church Gist. So, when you’re sorry for sins committed, it is the only way to claim repentance. You’re not sorry, you’re not sincere. Are you truly sorry that you’re hurting yourself and hurting God? Then you’re set to repent and that’s where the Holy Ghost comes in to convict us of sin and the reality of righteousness and that the prince of this World has no more power over your choices.
Sin has been reduced to a choice. It has no more dominion over our lives. Christ has redeemed us. He has purchased us out of that kingdom into the Kingdom of light. Church Gist. Proverbs 28:13…not just confess, confess and forsake and then you have mercy. 1 John 1:8-10.
There is no unforgivable sin with God but there is no sin God will forgive without repentance. Church Gist. Until one truly repents, he cannot be truly forgiven and no one can truly repent and not be forgiven.
They are for a prey and none delivereth. Today is everybody’s day of deliverance.
- Whatever is put up by the devil to block anyone’s way to the full delivery of God’s agenda for his life this year shall be taken off the path in the name of Jesus!
- The good news is, the siege is over!
- The hold of the wicked is broken!
- The prison gates are blasted open!
- Everyone’s band is declared loosed!
- Everyone’s chain is declared fallen off!
- I decree everyone’s spiritual turnaround this time!
- This month is declared our month of spiritual turnaround!
- It shall be supernatural in nature!
- Many shall be a surprise to themselves this time!
- Before the month is over, you are a brand new believer with the glory of Heaven seen upon your life in the name of Jesus!
- Your access to revelation is declared open!
- Darkness will not have a sway on your life anymore in the name of Jesus!
- I command every unclean spirit out in the name of Jesus!
- I command every spirit of the world out of anyone’s life in the name of Jesus!
- The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, all those quail forces that is moving people away from God, I command them out of your life!
- Your days of struggles are declared over!
- Your golden destiny is opened up in the name of Jesus!
For all the people on line for miracle jobs, can I tell you what the Holy Ghost is saying? Church Gist. “Let me engage you and no employer will reject you.” Let Jesus engage you, no employer will reject you.
- You will be located!
So for those on line, my counsel is: partner with Jesus actively beginning from tomorrow (Monday). Partner with Jesus actively! Church Gist. Many before the month is over, you are settled and you are settled supernaturally!
Downtime is not safe. “Go to the vineyard and work, whatever is due you shall be paid.” So He pays you what your life needs including paying you with a supernatural job. He does. “Why stand ye idle all the day?” I told our brethren in Kaduna in those days, I said “get up in the morning, you can’t be looking for a job in your house. Dress up!” Church Gist. So he went to the post office and he saw some people saying they were going for interview. He followed them and he was the one employed. Wake up!
One of the things to provoke God’s favour is to go after His Kingdom. He will find you. You will get detailed information on how best you can engage but be personal. Church Gist. This week make it a personal thing and Jesus will visit you!
For all bonafide Winners, my counsel is; respond promptly – procrastination is an enemy. Respond promptly. Abraham responded promptly at every heavenly vision. Respond right now. I’m going out this week because it’s on your marks, get set, go and I am going. Church Gist. I’m not doing that to impress nobody. I have been doing that before I was ever a pastor. Going after souls made Jesus found me and He is decorating my life beyond my wildest imagination. Please, respond and respond now. Next Sunday, I refuse to come down here empty.
Those who cannot go out by reason of indisposition please, pray up. Church Gist. Everybody has a part to play and next Sunday is our Covenant Day of Exemption.

- No evil of the hour will come near you!
- Everybody is cringing, you will keep laughing!
- Nothing will go down in your hand by the virtue of divine exemption!