- Bishop David Oyedepo on WALKING IN THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS PART 2A at Covenant Day Of Exemption Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 9th February 2025 ||
Now please take note of this, Jesus is not just our Savior, He is our problem solver. He is our God sent problem solver. Church Gist. Come unto me all ye who labour and are heavy ladden and I am going to give you rest. Come and learn. So, he solves our problem by teaching us the way out not by collecting prayers all around town. Come and learn from me, I am meek and lowly. Stop explaining your problems away, come and learn the way out and you find rest for your souls.

That is why the Kingdom of Christ is the learner’s Kingdom. No big head has a future here. I know it all, don’t have a place here. I know it all. Your don’t have a place here. Church Gist. Let he that thinks he knows anything know that he knows nothing yet.
The Kingdom of Christ is the learner’s Kingdom. It is not prayer collection Kingdom. Please pray for me. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. In the precious Name of Jesus, the hour of change has finally come.
So accept Him not only as your Savior. Accept Him as your problem solver. They were going after Him because He was solving their problems. Multitudes. Church Gist. Jesus is our God sent problem solver. He is the Prophet of Prophets and Prophets are God’s agents of solutions.
I bought the book, The Healing Man. I read it. I took communion as prescribed. HIV went! And so now, somebody has never read one thing in his life on healing and his body is being ravaged by sickness and disease. It is the learner’s Kingdom. The Kingdom of Christ is the learner’s Kingdom. I read Copeland’s books 4 times. I couldn’t get it. Church Gist. I went on a 3 days fast to get it. I got it. 43 years ago
I am swimming in what I got. I am walking in fortune. It’s time to take responsibility so you don’t die a liability. In the Name of Jesus, this is declared your month of change. Give the Lord a big hand of praise and get seated.
Praise God. 2025 is my new era year. Congratulations. We make materials available in the Services to enhance our understanding on why we are doing what we are doing. To enhance you and I on how to engage profitably , productively, rewardingly. Please, don’t just talk then, go through them and connect accordingly.
The vision you don’t understand cannot deliver in your life. We need understanding. It is a right division, make it plain. Understand it’s contact. Understand how to drive it. Church Gist. That is why we circulate it. We are not circulating it because there is money somewhere to spray. All we are saying is that you need a Spiritual understanding of the season and these are materials that will help you maximize this season and it will speak loud in your life in the Name of Jesus.
So, we have distributed quite a number of things and then please note that we have responsibility to engage accordingly. The season shall be great. Church Gist. I was out yesterday as usual by the help of God and I have been going that way since 76. It has been working for me, I am not a dummy. It is working for me. Connect.
I have not sought one person to see prophecy for me in my life. That please, what is God saying. Connect. It is time to partner with Jesus. It is time to enhance the quality of your walk with God. Church Gist. It will make a world of difference. It is your turn.
Remember,the prophetic focus for the month is my inheritance demands sanctification for delivery. Acts 20:32. I commend you to God, to the Word of His Grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified. Church Gist. My inheritance in Christ demands sanctification for full delivery. Upon Mount Zion, there shall be deliverance and holiness in the house of Jacob. He shall possess their possession. It’s a process. We are delivered from the Kingdom of darkness. Now we are walking in the act of God compulsory and then we begin to possess our possession, the way it works.
Whatever has been withheld in your hands since you came to Christ, you know it is true but you can’t touch it. It shall be delivered this time as you reposition. Church Gist. You possess your possession there is a need to reposition to possess your possession. And then the teaching series for the month. We are on part 2 today is Sanctification is Profitable Unto All Things. Exercise yourself rather unto godliness for bodily exercise profits little but godliness is profitable into all things. Having the promise of the life which now is and the one which is to come. It is the only virtue that holds serious value. Inestimable value here below and in eternity.
So it calls for attention. Therefore, there is an all round profitable virtue. We must give it all it takes. Timothy 4:7. What are some of the benefits of Sanctification?

- It empowers believers for exploits. How? Those who do know their God, they shall be strong. They shall do exploits. But the secret of God is with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenant. Daniel 11:32. Those who do wickedly against the Covenant will end up as mockeries. Church Gist. But those who do know the covenant of their God and are walking in it shall be strong and they shall do exploits.
But the Covenant of God is accessible by them that fear God. Others will think somebody is playing on them because they have no access. They have no access.
They don’t have access to it. It is time to clean up for yourself. It is time to lay hold on grace to stay clean to keep our assets open.
Mark 4:11. Who are the ones without? The Bible says “without are dogs”. Who are dogs? Those who return to their vomit. Church Gist. May everything that each one gets free from today be off his or her life forever. No one goes back to his vomit in this house.
Exploits rides on the revelation of the covenants of God. Knowing what God says He will do and knowing what God says you must do for God to do it. Most people know what God said He will do but they don’t want to know what they must do for it to happen. For instance, some are stepping into financial fortune by providing transportation to the challenged and to new converts. Church Gist. It will be like a joke but you just step into it. I knew how my level jumped when I just saw a need at a time and stepped into it. The world believes I am blessed and they are sincere because I am blessed. Nothing happens sitting down. Nobody goes forward without taking steps. Grab every opportunity at your disposal, at your level. God does not weigh on people.
If you find a primary school boy out of school, it is within your means to put him back in school. That is what you use for peppermint. For groundnut, in the afternoon and you can’t pay, you can’t see it. There is nothing of value that is free, eternity is at a cost. Church Gist. If you don’t align, you can’t get there. If I don’t align I can’t get there. May help come down for each one of us today to make the most of the remaining part of our lives. You won’t suffer defeat anymore.
Exploits thrives on the revelation of the covenant of God. Knowing what God says He will do and knowing what you must do for Him to do it. For instance, God why is this Church not growing? “Come let me show you my covenant for Church Growth – 1. Pray and fast to destroy the gates of hell resisting the advancement of my Church. Church Gist. 2. Get out to town and tell them to come and see what I am doing here. 3. Keep teaching life applicable truth and as the Word grows the sheep will come for it. 4. Keep the grass green, the sheep will lie down there.” That was March 1984. 41 years ago.
We traded this covenant to get here. In the name of Jesus, no one here will trash revelations of the covenant anymore. You don’t need any psychologist to have a peaceful, blossoming family life. Just listen to these things. These thus saith the Lord is more powerful and important than any psychology or any therapist. Church Gist. I saw the covenant of Hitch Free Marriage in 1981 before we were married and I knew it was addressed to me and I took my place in it. Sir, it has been hitch-free. Nothing can make the truth of God’s Word of no effect.
- Sanctification Secures Supernatural Deliverance When Under Attack
Psalm 34:7, 19. Psalm 125:1-3.
It secures supernatural deliverance when under attack. They threw Daniel into a den of lions and this Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself. Daniel 1:8. Church Gist. Up until Daniel 6:4 and 5, they could not find anything amiss in him. He was a faithful man. So thrown into the den of lions, he came out. You are coming out. Sanctification secures supernatural deliverance when under attack.
- Sanctification Guarantees Generational Prosperity
Psalm 112:1-3. Sanctification secures generational prosperity. Proverbs 20:7. That’s you.

- There shall be no vagabond in your lineage.
- There shall be no fraudster in your lineage.
- No one shall be named an ex convict in your family.
The just man walks in his integrity, his children are blessed after him. That’s far more than millions of dollars kept for children. They will blow it in one second, if they don’t blow their life away. The just man walks in his integrity and his children are blessed after him. No games, no gimmicks. Proverbs 13:22. It guarantees generational prosperity.
- It guarantees eternity with Christ. Matthew 5:8,10. “You’re too righteous. Nonsense, mumu, you don’t know anything”. Just wait, they’ll know you know something. Thank you Jesus.
1 Corinthians 6:9. Many are deceived, they’re revising the Bible without authority, they’re rewriting it without authority. They’ll want to scrape some things out just that the Bibles had come before them, it was there before they were born. Church Gist. Be not deceived! It takes sanctification to secure our place in eternity, don’t be deceived. We saw in Matthew 22:8-14, how that the King made a supper and invited many and he brought them from everywhere and he came out to see the guests and he found one that had no wedding garment. “Hey, young man, come on here, how did you get here?” Matthew 22:12-13. Church Gist. Invited guests but he had no wedding gown on, they call that the robe of righteousness.
- in the name of Jesus, we’re all coming out of this season with a fresh robe of righteousness!
- Thank you Jesus!
What are some of the demands for living a sanctified life?
- Be not unequally yolked with unbelievers. 1 Corinthians 15:33. Psalm 1:1-3. You’re coming from Church, “let them be deceiving you” and you hang around evil, you’ll soon disconnect from God before you know it. Church Gist. I have zero respect for any man or woman no matter his status who has no respect for Jesus. I’ve maintained that now since I got saved. You better watch your life, you don’t have a spare. You’ll be mocked first before you’re envied. Watch all the envied, they were first of all mocked. Church Gist. Hebrews 13:13. Don’t toil with your life, evil association corrupts Godly behaviour. Psalm 1:1-3.
You can’t tell the damage careless association has done to your life, you can’t tell. You can’t tell the blockade it has brought your way. I prayed all night with that Scripture many years ago. “Jesus, disconnect me from everybody going backward. Church Gist. Connect me with only those who are going forward in their walk with God. Jesus, blind my eyes to things that do not edify and deafen my ears to things that do not build up. This, I pray tonight, Jesus”. He heard me.
Proverbs 13:3. The foolish man says, “there’s no God”. What are you doing around somebody who said there’s no God? What are you doing there? Church Gist. Sir, no mortal man is responsible for where grace has brought me today. Grace is greater than any man. Come on now. Grace is greater than any president anywhere in the world. Grace is greater than any career, any profession, don’t abuse grace. .
You can’t walk around those who beat their wives and not start beating your wife. Over time, you’ll develop capacity. Church Gist. You can’t walk with arrogant wives and not become arrogant even though you have been a meeky believer loving Jesus. Your husband says.. you say, “are you talking to me like that? Eh? Myself? Haba. If not for marriage, will I be around..? Do you know my father’s house? If you talk to me like that anymore, there’ll be fire in this house”. Church Gist. You’re talking to your husband like that, you have already left. You have left longest time.
You can never experience holiness without walking with holy people. 2 Corinthians 6:14.
- Be delighted in keeping His commandment. Don’t just do it, do it with delight, as a privilege not as a burden. 1977, the Lord gave me this package one early morning, Deuteronomy 28:47-48. Church Gist. Why is serving God so profitable and people are so deprived of it? Because the buttons that make it profitable, they’re not aware of it. Serving with joyfulness and gladness of heart is key for a profitable stewardship.
Serving God with joyfulness and gladness of heart is key for profitable stewardship. “They said we should go out oo, I’m going again. Well! Let’s go now! When they k!ll us they will know.” Who is k!lling who? 1 Corinthians 9:7. It’s serving God smiling, that is what makes it work. “You know? I have to go, you know? I’m the Head of the Service Unit, if I don’t go they will say I don’t go. The reason I’m going for that thing is because I’m a zonal minister. Church Gist. If I’m not a zonal minister, I will not go for any ‘empowerment anything’. They will be teaching me how to do, I mean, at my age? Ecclesiastes 4:13. “Don’t tell me anything my friend, I know what I’m doing, I’m a man of myself.” You can’t mark yourself, no! The lawyer doesn’t go to court and judge for himself, eh? No! The judge declares who wins and who loses. Stop commending yourselves oo until God commends you, your story won’t change. But when God says: “Welldone!” It changes your story.
-Your story is changing! Everybody’s story is changing this time.
Very important, demand of sanctification. Hallelujah!
- Keep pressing towards your goal to make Heaven.
Sanctification is a lifelong race oo. It’s a marathon. Ezekiel 18:24. Past tense sanctification holds no water, where are you now? Is the matter. When rapture takes place there will be no reference for your past, but your present state. Sanctification is not a state, it’s a journey. Hebrews 10:38. The day anybody turns back, he loses favour with God. It’s a lifelong journey. Uzziah was walking with God for 52 years before pride came, pride came, he died a leper. God wrote off all that he ever did. Past tense sanctification never holds water. Church Gist. Saul the King was walking in obedience to Samuel for 40 years when he became a big man and he crashed after 40 years. Acts 23:21. He reigned for 40 years. Solomon was God’s darling for 20 years until he shifted his love for God to strange women and God became an adversary to him till the day of his death. Past tense sanctification holds no water with God, it’s a journey; that’s why we need help. Everybody needs help, we need help to press till the end. Where it is not a state, we must ensure not to come down from where grace has brought us. Now watch. Philippians 3:12. It’s a journey! You are not going back to JAMB, no! You have written JAMB, now you have a degree, you have a second degree, don’t go back to JAMB. Let’s walk by the same rule, many are not making progress but they are going downward. Sir, sanctification is a marathon, a lifelong race. Stop bragging about your past, make your present count. Make your present count in your walk with God. King Asa led the revival for 20 years. Sir, he removed his mother from being queen, it was a massive revolution. After 20 years, he goosed and that was the end of Asa.
Be reminded that our stewardship requires sanctification to be profitable.
-No one’s labour shall be in vain in this Prophetic Season for He has not called the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain. May the profit that accrue to those who serve God faithfully be our portion this time.

Hebrews 12:28.
- No one’s labour shall be in vain.
Today is our Covenant Day Of Exemption. Please listen to this before the Prophetic Word that will set a seal of exemption on your forehead. God remains committed to exempt His people from all the plagues of the day as He did in Egypt in the days of Moses. Church Gist. All the plagues that came upon Egypt, God’s people were gloriously exempted. We’re in the days of great uncertainties, God who has not changed will exempt you! There was famine in all the generations of our Covenant fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, but all of them prevailed while others travailed in the days of famine.
- In the name of Jesus, the same Covenant keeping God is your Father, you shall not know the heat of the hour!
Today, the seal of our exemption is our salvation. Colossians 1:13. No degree of darkness can challenge the authority of light, so when you walk in that light, your dominion is automatic. The dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. Just walk in that light and you’re free. Hebrews 2:3. That means, our escape from the troubles of life is in our Salvation. Church Gist. How shall we escape from the horrors of the day if we neglect so great a salvation? How shall we escape? Now that you’re saved, you have escaped! Now that some will be saved today, you will also escape. Light will never struggle to escape from the hostage of darkness. Light springs forth, darkness fades off.
In the name of Jesus, for those who are yet to cross over…I was telling them on the field yesterday, there are two Kingdoms here below. The Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. Church Gist. Until we cross over from the kingdom of darkness, we are under the domain and the dominion of the kingdom of darkness. We have to cross over to the Kingdom of Light. Until that happens, we suffer what they suffer in darkness.
- But your case is different!
- For those who are yet to cross over, you are crossing over today.
- Those who once crossed over and went back to darkness, you are coming out today.
- Can I hear your loudest Amen?
How do I actualize my exemption heritage in Christ?
- Have a revelation of your exemption. Every child of God is redeemed a peculiar person, a special specie of man. He’s not in the general run, he’s unique, his case is different. 1 Peter 2:9. Our case is different, we have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light. Church Gist. We are marveled at. Have a revelation of the reality of your cross over, that by redemption, you have been taken out of the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light, so you’re no longer a victim for the harassment of the powers of darkness anymore. Now, in the kingdom of darkness, there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, but we’re no longer there. Church Gist. You’re no longer there! People are already biting their fingers, you’re no longer there, because you have been redeemed to live a life of marvels. The World will start to marvel at you from now! John 8:32. 2 Peter 1:3.
- We must keep our Faith alive and strong. Romans 4:20,21. Our exemption demands strong faith. Romans 4:21 – Isaac came. God’s agenda for our exemption requires strong faith. Church Gist. Come on now! Build your faith. Faith does not grow on its own. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. You’re in a Faith filled Church, build your faith.
How many people remember COVID 19, how it was humiliated here? How many understand that? Complete humiliation. Our exemption requires strong faith for actualization, strong faith. Ephesians 6:16. Including the h0rrors of the day, you silence them, you bring them to nought. It’s like saying “Above all, taking hold of strong faith, you’ll silence all the h0rrors of the day”. Keep your faith alive and strong. James 2:26. Put your faith to work. “I’m not part of that. That cannot happen to me. No, my case is different”.

- We must keep our love for God alive and growing. Matthew 24:12. Keep your love for God alive and growing. Ephesians 3:17-19. Church Gist. There is the length, the breadth, the depth and the height of the love. Grow your love and then you get command. Romans 8:28…“not many things; all things.”
- Throughout this era of uncertainties, all things will keep working together for your good in the name of Jesus!
- We must remain dedicated to Kingdom advancement endeavours. Malachi 3:17-18, Malachi 4:1-2. The difference will be clear tomorrow sir between those who are serving God and those who are not serving Him. Church Gist. You better invest today to be part of that difference. The difference is coming.
- We must continue to speak boldly of our exemption rights in Christ. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Jesus surrendered to God’s agenda of redemption so He opened not His mouth. Church Gist. Isaiah 53:7-8. He was taken from prison to prison yet, opened not His mouth.
There is power in your tongue. You have what you say. No matter how careless you are when you say it, you have what you say. Mark 11:23, Proverbs 18:21…mind your tongue. You love life? You want to see many days? Keep your tongue from speaking guile. Church Gist. Psalm 34:12-13. Don’t speak like them or you will suffer what they suffered. Don’t speak like them. Keep your tongue from evil. Stop speaking carelessly “nothing works here. I mean, I can tell you the truth. Nothing is working. Anybody who is saying anything is working, he’s lying.” That’s why it’s not working for you. There are many people on your row there where you sit down that things are working for, like fire every day. It’s not working. They are just deceiving themselves.”
They were there speaking boldly in the Lord and God was bearing witness to the word of His grace and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. So the bolder you speak, the stronger the confirmation from Heaven. Church Gist. Keep talking about your exemption with all audacity and you have committed God to confirm it. It’s your turn!
As you partake of this communion today, expect the following to happen;
- The life of Christ is on that table. John 6:57. We should all expect the holiness nature of Christ to come alive in us through this communion today.
- Everyone’s thirst for evil will die!
- You will emerge from this service a surprise to yourself!
- Let us also expect the passion of Christ for souls to be kindled in us. His life is on that table. John 4:32-34. Church Gist. Passion for souls! Luke 19:10. Passion for souls!
- Expect every sickness and disease and all oppression of the devil and whatever we cannot imagine to be found in Christ to be flushed out of our lives today through this communion today. Can you imagine Jesus carrying HIV AIDS? Church Gist. Can you imagine Him carrying sickle cell anemia? Can you imagine Him carrying cancer? Kidney failure? Heart disease? The life of Jesus is on this table. “And because I live, you shall live also. As my Father hath sent me so send I you. You are to live like me and I am making this mystery available to you so you can live like me.”
- All those who expect these, in the name of Jesus Christ, there shall be diverse instant miracles!
- Every incurable disease shall be flushed out!
- Every deadly habit will lose its grip!
- Every satanic vice holding anyone captive will lose their grip off your life!
- Whatever is contrary to Christ in our lives will be flushed out today!
Jesus said, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” May the meekness nature of Jesus that’s opened to learning and learning and making progress come upon our lives today in the name of Jesus!
- So shall it be in Jesus name!
- Evil shall not come near you!
Ezekiel 9:6. That mark of Jesus is coming on your life! Galatians 6:17.

- The mark of Jesus from the word you have received will come upon your life in Jesus name!