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  • There is no devil that can stop us from flying in this Ministry.

Hour of Visitation, Day 4
3rd Word Session:

“Arise get down to damascus,” we arose to go down to dasmascus and see how colorful damascus was, Kaduna. “Its time to spread out,” I heard it on the pulpit, I announced it on the pulpit and preparation began. It was April 7 that I heard it, by May missionaries were on the field. Prompt response. Arise get down to Lagos, raise me a people. Same day, someone was dispatched to be on his way to Lagos. See where we are today. This is the place, even though I didn’t like it, I showed that I didn’t like it before we got here. Immediately I told them- now try to get 100acres. They said we have gotten 100 but now get 200, get 300, now make it 400, can you get 500, go and get 500.

Same day, now it was a 360 degrees change from my own feelings,: but response? Instant. The opportunity for anybody to explain the geography was not there. To bring the archaeologist of Ota is not there. I said- go get 100 acres. They got an 100, I said go get 200. We stepped in here at 530 acres of land but today we have about 10,000.


Abram moved – chapter 12. Chapter 14, he has an army. What! How? Now, chapter 13 he was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold. Genesis 13:2. How? The power of prompt response. I was on my way from Zaria to Kaduna from a meeting and the Lord said to me in the car, we were 4 in the car, I was the only one that heard the voice yet the voice thundered- “The harvest of Africa is: now overripe.” I was tired and hungry but I still heard him. Your spirit man is never tired. My body was tired. If you are telling me anything in that car I can’t hear you properly. I was tired and I was hungry. The combination of the two is not good. The same baritone voice that I got used to since ’76, spoke loud to me in ’94. “The harvest of Africa is now overripe rush in and preserve it decadence.” Unedited. The friday that followed, we dedicated Africa to Jesus for an evasion of this nation. The power of prompt response cannot be overestimated. May everything slowing your obedience down, be judged today.

Here is the Red Sea and here is Pharoah’s army coming. “Go Forward.” Now if you don’t go they will catch you, the devil said “if you go you will drown.” Exodus 14:15. Make your choice between drowning and been taken back to Egypt. Somebody’s story is changing.

It’s all of grace. We can recieve that grace on the alter of prayer. The alter of prayer is the store house of grace. Hebrews 4:16. We need to pray that grace on our lives. Nothing decorates destiny in the kingdom like that grace. The grace of prompt response. Prompt response to heaven’s instruction from time to time. In your private studies, in your meditation, in teachings that you recieve as you listen to tapes, as you watch videos. Grace for prompt response is what makes it happen. I came by the mystery of church growth in a 3-day of prayer and fasting and immediately we moved. I announced 16 seminars on a roll. Keep sowing the seed as the grass grows, The sheep will come for it. I saw us move from 24 to 90. That’s amazing sir. 24 to 90, heaven came down. We ordained our first deacons and my beloved son that ministered this morning, Bishop Aremu was one of those deacons. We were 90 the church was full, dancing unending.

One day I was preaching and screaming I said “don’t think I’m mad o, I’m seeing crowds outside that you cannot see. “The sheep will come for it.” And keep it fresh, they will lie down there. I can never appear before any congregation no matter how small unprepared, Godforbid. One day I was asked to come that my timetable in the bible school, it was my turn and I said “excuse me, can you ask somebody else who is ready? I need two hours more.” I am the author of the course. I am the author of the book recommended for it and nobody wrote the book for me, I wrote it by myself. I make my note for every class. When I used to teach in the bible school, I’ve left that now, I only come to bless them when they finish. Glory to God. You are changing level. You are changing level from here.

If you check very well, a number of trouble we have is traced to disobedience what we know to be done, and we will not do it. It is traceable to disobedience for any humble soul who wants to find out what and what. Now somebody is praying so hard, “oh God open the heavens” he said for what? For blessing. But you should know I don’t open heaven until the condition is met. There must be a definate commitment to kingdom promotion and to tithing as a lifestyle otherwise my word does not permit me to open heaven and I can’t break my word. He lives under his word. He magnifies his word above his name, so he can’t. All you need is simply saying “God I think I have punished myself enough, I want to return home.

I have wandered far away from you, Lord I’m coming home.

You just return home and your dignity will be restored. The tithe of 100 naira is 10 naira there is no arguement. Promoting the kingdom with 2 naira from your present income, angels will be clapping but you won’t do it. You say God just try me when I grow. Then the Father will respond, I know you. There is no one that God does not know. No matter what you say, he knows what is inside you. We are only hearing what you are saying with your mouth. God knows what is inside you (God just try me, you won’t see me again. If you open the window of heaven over my life for 3months, I will go on sabbatical). He knows what he cannot try you with because of your present status, your stand with him. It betrays the future you are talking about. Sir if I have 50 billion now, I have what to do with it. What stops me in building all the churches in Congo republic? Nothing. I will take care of all the rural churches, just trust me and God knows its in my heart. Church Gist. He knows. And I know. Now other may not know they may think I’m harrasing them but I know and God knows. Somebody’s story is changing.

There is no instruction that is not designed for your promotion, designed for your advancement, that is not designed for your change of position. May you recieve grace to engage. Thank you, Jesus. Now when the instruction of Faith Tabernacle dedication came, you know God is an awesome God. He would announce dedication without mentioning construction. I have never seen anyone more humorous than God. September 18, 1999, the tabernacle shall be dedicated. What about the construction? I will take care of it. So he put the words in my mouth and I could not forbear. There was no premonition, there was no meeting for construction at all, it was not in the agenda. There was no private chat with anybody sir. September 18, 1999 the tabernacle shall be dedicated and I began to scream. Church Gist. I said it many times to convince myself that I was hearing well. September 18? Because we have not mentioned construction and you are mentioning dedication? Did he do it or not? Prompt response. So if I said “God take it easy, I will go and discuss with my associates, and then we will get back to you” that would have been the end of the tabernacle. We would have built a batcher here. Prompt response. He is the only one who can announce dedication without construction.
He is the only one and He did it.

He knows what to do, and he did it, and we saw it. Now, why am I saying this as you depart from here, there shall be diverse instructions coming to you from God. 1 Corinthians 16:13. Somebody’s story is changing.
As you recieve his instructions, grace to respond with the required speed recieve it now in the name of Jesus. 1 Samuel 4:9. And now this awesome God came and said its time to get the aircraft. No premonition, no arrangement, no undersigning of the course or name of anyone. To show that its God, we have been flying ever since. There is no devil that can stop us from flying in this ministry. It is not charm, it is covenant. God does not need you to run his budget on the earth. The small thing you have in your pocket he gave it to you. He told me something that was very scary.
He said tell them that “I Jehovah will never depend on your wretched purses, but your wretched purses depend on me for replenishing. 1987.
Haggai 2:8.
We have a lot of great great names in this place but you need to find them in the traffic unit, in the sanctuary keepers, in the choir. You find them everywhere.
That is what beautifies destiny. Anytime God speaks, He speaks according to His available resources to back it up.
-You won’t see stress again:
-In your business no more stress
-In your family no more stress.
-In your career no more stress in the name of Jesus. So shall it be.
-The goodnews today is that with this virtue going with you, the teachings of this morning, yesterday, the one on the first day going with you as tools to work with. You have entered your promised land already.






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