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Dr. Dharius Daniel on “A New Beginning” at The Americas 25th Annual Convention.

Praise God family, this is Daniel. I am privileged to be here. What an amazing movement God is doing through an amazing leadership. I honor all of the leadership of this amazing movement.

This is what I believe, some of God’s greatest gifts comes through our lives on two legs: what does that mean? God put treasures on earthen vessels and give those vessels to us as gift to add value to our lives.
For this course, I am honoring the incredible leadership of this incredible movement. And I am really honored to have the opportunity to share some things that I believe God has put on my heart for you.

I want you to journey with me through the scripture. Mathew 14:28-29, This is Peter talking ” Lord, if it’s You, bid me to come to You. I will want to read New International Version, ” Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come on the water. Jesus said, come. Peter got down of the boat and walked on water, and came toward Jesus.
I want to pause for the course and I want to tag a title to this text. I want to talk from this subject.

I Am Number 12.

I am number 12. Family, I am not sure you are aware that the Bible is simply more than the combination of pages with information. The Bible, is actually a revelation on how to live life as God intended. It is the revelation manual for humanity. It’s God exposing us to truth regarding who we are, who we come from, what we have been called to, what we are capable of.

It’s the most reliable source of information when it comes to you.

Living out life according to our Creator’s intent. Then you move forward to the revelation contained in the pages of scripture are true that if applied, starts to function optimally and move to be our best selves.

And one of the principles that I want to pull from this passage that we read here in Matthew 14:27-28. I call it the principle of exception. The principle of exception is this, whatever happens to him, does not dictate or determine what happens to me.
What happens with him does not dictate or determine what happens to me.
Notice now, I said the principle of exception. I didn’t say the principle of exceptionalism. I am not saying exceptionalism. I am not saying, we are better than them but I am saying, we are different from them.
What are my saying? I am saying, when you look into the pages of scriptures, you will remember that it’s the combination of pages filled with information. It’s the manual that gives us revelation on how to live life according to God’s original intent.

When you look at scripture from old testament to new testament. From Genesis to Revelation, this is what you will see. You will see that all the words Bible uses to describe the believer, normal is not one of them. I will like to say it again, I said all the words the scriptures uses to describe the believer, normal is not one of them.

We see words like royal, chosen, head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, Lenders not Borrowers, not just Conquerors but more than Conquerors. All of these adjectives intended to describe to us our distinction. We are not better than rather we are different from them.

Therefore, the principle of exception states that what happens to others does not dictate what happens to me. Previous patterns of other people does not determine the possibilities for me. Just because it hasn’t been done by most does not mean it can’t be done by me. Just because it has been highly unlikely does not mean it is absolutely impossible.

Those who embrace this revelation that I am entitled to principle of exception are people that understand that you do not have to be limited by the limitations of the people imposed on themselves or the limitations that other people tend to impose on you.

We must realize that our God is a god that specializes in exception. Listen to this, young boys with no military experience can’t defeat giant with armours but with David, God made an exception.
People don’t go into fire furnaces and come out only not be burnt but smell like smoke. But with the Hebrew boys, God made an exception.
People don’t go in lion’s den and come out with no scar or scratches and not eaten and consumed. But with Daniel, God made an exception.
Women of old ages don’t have a conception. But with Sarah, God made an exception.
Birds don’t feed people, people feeds birds. But with the Prophet Elijah, God made an exception.
You don’t scream at walls and walls fall down. But with Joshua in Jericho, God made an exception.
You don’t die going to grave, stay there 3 days and then early Sunday morning, you experience a miraculous resurrection. But with Jesus, God made an exception.
I want you to catch this, because this is the way I believe God intends for Believers to live their lives.
Recognizing, embracing and unleashing distinction. Listen to me, the distinction is not always in the experience, the distinction is often in the outcome.
What this means? It means that what we go through that other people go through. We don’t just come out the way other people come out.
You should not be imprisoned by the consequences of other people, because they will always be your exception. Church Gist.
There is this word I want to use to describe those who experience exception. The word is Water Walkers!. I got this word from Matthew 14:28-29.
It’s normal to see people walking but walking on water is exceptional.

In Matthew 14:28-29, we saw Peter, one among the twelve walking on water. What happens to others does not dictate or determine what happens to me.

Allow me to unpack some principles I believe is contained in Matthew 14:28-29. Initially, Jesus had just performed the miracle with the two fishes and the five loaves of bread. He just performed that miracle, and this miracle contains a message. The miracle contains a message, this is why the miracle is recorded in the scripture because of the message.
What is the message that miracle sent to us? You can take your not enough and put your not enough into the Hands of God and God will take your not enough and turn your not enough into more than enough.
What is another message that the miracle sent? It is, God don’t have to give you more to give you more. Did you hear what I just said? God don’t have to give you more to give you more.
There were five thousand people, women and children not counted. They were needed to be fed, and they only had two fishes and five loaves of bread.
And in one of the Gospel, the disciples asked Jesus.You want to go to the town to buy them food?
He didn’t have to go to get more to give them more. God can show you how to use what you have and to use it strategically, and to use it tactically, and use it wisely and He will give you more without giving you more.

Here is another message that the miracle sent. The issue isn’t what is in your hands. The issue is, whose hands is it in ? You see, you take that two fishes and that five loaves of bread and put it in my hands, what you will have is two fishes and five loaves of bread. But you take that same two fishes and that five loaves of bread and you put it in God’s hands. And you will get something that can feed five thousand. That’s the message that the miracle sent.

I am actually on my vacation but I had to pause to bring this word. So, the disciples witnessed this miracle,then they got on the boat. Jesus goes off to pray, tells them He is going to catch up with them later.

Here is another principle. It is the principle of exposure. What does that mean? Once you have been exposed? You can’t be unexposed. So the question is, why did God arrange for the disciples to witness that miracle. Why did they get exposed to that? Because, exposure wakes in you an appetite for a abilities you didn’t know existed that are exposed to it.
So, there are some things that God will let you see Him do with other people. He is trying to use that exposure to waken in you an appetite. You give you a picture of possibility in terms of what He wants to do for you. I want you to catch this.






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