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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at IYAC Thanksgiving/Healing Banquet || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland.

You can hear the stories of the word but you only have to see the mystery. It doesn’t make sense until you see it, Ephesian 3:8. These are not things you hear, there are things you must see.

Prayers: Lord open my eyes today to see the mystery behind the communion table. Pray that prayer from the depth of your heart. Mean it as you pray it. I have been hearing about it, Lord let me see it today and turn it into a lifetime asset for my healing, health and wholeness.

We recorded so many humbling testimonies from the youth convention, from the feet washing service as God opened his people to see the mystery of feet washing. God can’t give you farther than what you see. The stories of scriptures only inform us. It is the mystery of it that transforms us. Church Gist. Somebody will sit down somewhere and say how can you say someone who lived two thousand years ago, his blood cleansed you? Are you mad? Where is the blood? He can’t see it. We live in a kingdom governed by mysteries and these mysteries are only accessible to the redeemed.

For instance, we have the mystery of faith. 1Timothy 3:9. What is in faith? Behind Faith is the mystery of divine intervention, when faith goes to work. Heaven steps in for action. The mystery of faith provokes divine intervention. You will be struggling with life without access to the mystery of faith. Hebrews 11:29-34. Daniel 3:28, 6:23. Everything you see in this ministry today is orchestrated by the operation of the mystery of faith. Absolutely! Whatever God cannot do, let it remain undone, that is our stand here. Whatever God cannot give us, let us never have it. That is our stand here. Church Gist. Wherever God cannot take us, may we never get there. Yet we are getting everywhere. Something is breaking forth in your life. Faith is not a psychological system. You waste your time thinking so, faith is a mystery.

Godliness is a mystery, 1 Timothy 3:16. What is the mystery behind it? Without the help of the Holy Spirit, no man can be godly. Even Jesus Himself needed the Holy Ghost. Romans 1:4. We all need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. We are limited with Him. Church Gist. Imagine Peter denying Jesus before a little girl, after the Holy Ghost came upon him the Council couldn’t stand against Him. Without the Holy Ghost, we are limited in our quest to live a godly life.

Then we have the mystery of iniquity. 2 Thessalonians 2:7. Jesus said from within the heart of man proceeds evil thoughts that engender evil acts. Mark 7:22. The sin you will not think you cannot sin. As powerful as sin poses to be until you think so you won’t do so. There is no thief who does not think through what to steal, when to steal and how to steal. Every defilement proceeds from thoughts. You can’t want to cheat another man without planning a strategy for it. You think about it before you act on it. 50 days of fasting won’t deliver anybody until you stop thinking so you keep doing so. The mystery of water baptism, what is in it? It enables believers to walk in the newness of life. Romans 6:4. Your salvation and my salvation is not complete without it. Church Gist. Some fellows will never want to be baptized, they just want to be social members of a church. Desire to make heaven, Jesus subjected himself to water baptism. It is a mystery. Not the mark they made on our heads when we were born, that is just religious identity. I thank God for all of our youths that came in here. Massive turnout yesterday for water baptism, I told one of us that this is like John the Baptist at Jordan. They were still baptizing till late yesterday. Some of these things people just take them as church doctrines. No! They are biblical mysteries.

Psalm 47:7. Acts 16:25. What is in praise? Supernatural breakthroughs. 2 Chronicles 20:22. It is not singing for pleasure or entertainment. What is in the mystery of tithing? Open heaven with insurance. Malachi 3:11. If you don’t get involved, the devourer is free by the law. What is in kingdom advancement endeavour? Another open heaven blessing. Haggai 1:3-13. Church Gist. They are not systems to rip people. We leave you to go and prove it, come and taste and you will know that the Lord is good. Behind the heavy blessing on this ministry is the mystery of tithing that makes it indestructible. There are many people here who are swimming in it. Hebrews 7:8. Jesus receives tithe in heaven not ushers here.

All I am trying to say is that we live in a kingdom of mysteries ordained to transform the lives of believers from one realm of glory to another as we engage with him.

This morning we are looking at THE MYSTERY OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. I tell you something, if you get it you have secured the strongest medication under heaven. John 6:55. Church Gist. There are many people here today that the only medication you will need from now till your time on earth is over at your good old age shall be the Holy Communion.

Let’s look at two of the forces behind every sickness and disease.

  1. Unclean spirits.
    Mathew 10:1. Mark 9:25. Foul spirit means a spirit that defiles the good. It is like a cow moving through a stream and shitting there, it makes it undrinkable. It is fouled. One of the young men here testified that he was regurgitating for 15 years and he didn’t know it was wrong. He thought it was normal yet he was doing it in the secret. That means you eat and vomit and then you say “this food is too good. I can’t let it go like that and you eat the vomit”. 15 years! Unclean spirit. Church Gist. You can’t be fighting a mad man that is walking around naked, he thinks you are the mad one. How can you be covering God’s nature? He thinks you are the mad one. Foul spirits corrupt the mind of people to do unseemly things. You wake up in the morning and your wife is no longer good after four children “get out, you are the one attacking my business”. After four children? Corrupt minds by foul spirits.
  • Today every foul spirit tormenting anyone shall find its way out.

Acts 10:38. We had several people that were bedwetting that Jesus liberated after the feet washing, that is what they call “all manner of sickness and disease”, you don’t use Panadol for that or antibiotics, only Jesus can get a man out of It. A full-grown man staying on pornography in his house, unclean spirits just going about tormenting people, no brake no jam.

  • Today every manner of sickness that has no medical solution tormenting people without their being conscious of it shall get off their lives.

Then we have the spirit of insanity. You remember the madman of Gadarenes who took over the street and nobody could pass. When he saw Jesus, he ran and bowed, and the spirit of insanity left.

  • Every form of brain trouble, brain challenge clears off today.

This morning we are face to face with this mystery. I had my first encounter with it in 1976 as the priest began to read a lesson and it is John 6:48-58. I was hearing it for the first time. Light broke through and then subsequently I read Smith Wigglesworth’s book and saw his testimony on how he was living on the communion on a daily basis. I became an addict. I wasn’t called into ministry, I just made a discovery and that was where the journey began. When we began administering the communion in Kaduna, it was “if you drink that thing, it is blood oh. Can’t you hear the man say it is blood. If you drink it, you won’t leave that church forever”. Church Gist. They didn’t challenge it in Catholic Church, they didn’t challenge it in Anglican Communion because those people don’t tell you anything that is in the blood but we have God’s privileged insight. Today everybody drinks it, some with a loaf of bread. Pioneers of anything are always challenged. They were arresting people like Oral Roberts for practising medicine without license. How can you pray for somebody to be healed? They got them arrested.

A quick picture and then we take the communion. What is in the communion? Jesus took the bread as they were eating (Mathew 26:26-28). It is not specially prepared stuff, say this communion is from Galilee. It doesn’t make a difference. As they were eating from the table, where they were eating Jesus, took the bread. When I went to Israel I brought communion, so when it finishes what will happen? You will go back there. Church Gist. In those days we used to tear bread not that they cut it for communion. If your own is not enough, you ask for more. The one that turns water into wine can turn anything into anything. This is by the blood that clears the barriers in your life and gives you direct access to what belongs to you in redemption.

Now, what are the mysteries behind the communion?

  1. We look at the bread. What is in the bread? Jesus the living bread said “I am the bread of life” and Jesus is the rod according to Isaiah 11. Jesus is the carrier of the seven spirits of God so He is the rod. Revelation 5:6. What is the essence of that, we saw in Exodus 7 Moses put down his rod and it turned into a serpent, the magicians put down the rod and it turned into serpents and the rod of Moses swallowed up their rods. When you partake of the bread, you are taking in the rod so every stranger hovering around your system is swallowed up. Church Gist. You know we have one strange illness now called moving object, the people that have things moving through them know it is not a lie. They know something is moving, this rod goes in to swallow up every stranger hovering in your system. So as you take the bread today, no single moving object will remain in your system.

What is in the bread? The sons of the prophet went out to gather some garbage for food and they mistakenly gathered some poisonous ones and they shouted as they were trying to eat “Alas! Master there is death in the pot”. 2 Kings 4:39-41. He said bring me a meal and cast it into the pot and there was no more harm. This is that miracle meal you cast into your biological pot and it goes in there to neutralize every poison. Church Gist. So every form of hormonal imbalance, every form of conception-hindering condition, as this bread is cast there, they will be flushed out. The Miracle Meal. I wrote a book titled The Miracle Meal, it is about the mystery of the communion. My wife wrote one Understanding The Mystery of The Communion Table. They are all to enlighten people to know that we are not having fun.

What is in the flesh? The prince of this world goes about to blind the eyes of those that believe not. 2 Corinthians 4:4. To block access to their glorious destiny. Luke 24:16,30-31. Today every spiritual blindness blocking your access to your inheritance shall be blasted open. Acts 20:32. You can’t have your inheritance without the word. When the eyes are blocked, your access is blocked. 2 Peter 1:3. Church Gist. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness but we access it through the knowledge of Him. when your eyes are blocked, you can’t take delivery of them. By the communion today every form of blindness that has kept you from accessing your inheritance in Christ through your pseudo-knowledge and you are celebrating it.

One woman here said she wasn’t taking communion. Every time they are serving communion she goes out. Now the child came under torment crying at 1 am every night and losing weight at a disturbing rate. A neighbour said to serve this child communion. She said even I don’t take communion. She said serve this boy communion, don’t let him die. That is how God recovered that child. He excreted human hair and live ants. Crying every night, biting from inside. That one can respect injection. Antibiotics can’t do that. You need anti-satanic. Church Gist. The boy was recovered and the mother was converted. That is how God can blind the eyes of people to know what belongs to them. What will God gain from your taking communion? Is God ever sick? That is people toy with these things. Some didn’t have their feet washed, they went to the toilet. Satan said “this thing is not enough. I want to punish you more, don’t agree. Okay! How many churches do you see them doing it?” he has been under torture for twenty years. Satan says I want to say here don’t wash any feet. Do you know that woman that was three years pregnant and said what will washing my feet do with my stomach? The pastor said when your feet are washed it will affect all parts of your body. As soon as the feet were washed she started labour immediately. You shall not be robbed anymore.

Believe God for a spiritual eye opening at the communion table today. Jesus ministered to one blind man and said what do you see? He said I see men like trees. Jesus touched him a second time. Let this be a second touch on your life. The communion you are taking without knowing that it opens the eyes is not right. Believe that there is an eye opening miracle in the flesh. I don’t know how you feel but God opened my eyes and I saw I was redeemed as a king. Church Gist. I was 16 years old. I could no longer behave like a slave. It changed my perspective completely. I will go out and say will a king go out like this? You shout at me, I will say will a king shout back like this? If you say come let us fight, will a king fight on the street like this? Am I a slave now? May your eyes be opened today.

  • Your crawling business will become a breakthrough testimony.
  • Your stranded career will become a breakthrough testimony.
  • Your struggling health will be restored.
  1. The bread is the new testament that destroys all forms of weakness and feebleness.
    Don’t drag like a 90-year-old when you are 40. Don’t start yawning at 9 am after sleeping for 6-8 hours at a stretch. It is not normal. Psalm 105:37. They were feeding on manna, it was reenergizing them daily. Believe for a re-energization today. Believe for rejuvenation today. You can’t be ageing at this time. Thank God for our senior citizens but a number of us that are just coming, you can’t afford to be drowsy, dragging. Church Gist. No! John 6:55. His flesh transmits eternal life and renews your youth. John 6:53-56. It injects heavenly order of life into you. So believe God for renewal of strength. Today your strength shall be supernaturally renewed. What is in the blood?
    The nature in Christ that is immune to sickness and disease is in the blood. Leviticus 17:11. They do total blood work to find out what may be wrong with anybody’s system. Jesus had nothing wrong with his system. Perfect blood of the lamb without spot or wrinkle. So the nature of man is domiciled in his blood. In my place when you start doing some funny things they say it is in his blood. When you start smoking without end they say it is in your blood. This one we have warned him about, we have caned him but that thing is in his blood. Church Gist. Today there shall be a supernatural blood transfusion. Your natural blood will pour out for his redemptive blood. We can’t live like him without sharing his nature. You can’t walk like Him without sharing His nature. As we partake of this blood today, the nature of Christ will dominate our life. Because that nature is immune to sickness and disease, we shall not accommodate any more in the tabernacle of our body any manner of sickness and disease.

All these things are deliverable by the mystery of faith. If you don’t believe there is nothing God can do. You take delivery according to your faith. If you say I believe in the first one he said, the second one I no gree, the third one forever I can’t take that. Good! According to your faith you receive. I don’t believe anything he said. Okay! That you hear it does not add value to you, blessed is he that believed. You are not blessed by hearing it, you are blessed by believing it. May the blessings of this mystery become evident in your life. We don’t get blessed by knowing the truth, we get blessed by believing it. Jesus marvelled at their unbelief in Nazareth. He is a carpenter’s son. What has he got to say? Church Gist. Philippians 2:10. Dominion. We share the same blood group with Jesus through the mystery of the communion which empowers us for dominion over sickness and disease. John 6:55-56. A description of Dominion. You are not just taking some juice, this is my blood. After this is blessed it becomes his blood and his flesh. Sharing the same blood group with Jesus is sickness-free blood. It is A, B or AB, It is SF – sickness free. In the name of Jesus, your dominion over sickness and disease shall be established here today.

Furthermore, the blood in the cup can be likened to the white blood corpuscles that defend the body against all external aggression, against all assaults of the wicked. No white blood can be whiter than Jesus’ blood. It is our spiritual white blood corpuscles. As you partake of this blood, every assault of sickness and disease shall be quenched forever. As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death till He comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26. It keeps showing, it keeps manifesting. This mystery is not for only when you are in Church. Church Gist. This mystery applies to us as individuals and as families. If you notice any assault trying to gain entrance, shut it with the communion. as often doesn’t mean only when you are in church. Feet washing is not done only when you are in church. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. Don’t say I wish I were in Canaanland I would have had my feet washed. You have a bowl in your house, you can wash your feet and wash the feet of your children. So the communion is for us as individuals and for us as families. All you need is to believe it.

Lift up your hands and give God thanks for light this morning.

If you washed very carefully Jesus only served the communion to his disciples, not to the multitude so until a man is saved he is only having snacks. The communion is the exclusive reserve of those who are born again.

  • I decree diverse healings and deliverances at this moment.
  • Everyone taking this by faith, I decree your supernatural liberty.
  • You came here with any growth, it disappears at the instance of this communion.
  • You came here with an appointment of death, that appointment is reverted.
  • Every terminal disease clears off your body today.
  • I decree that every form of spiritual blindness clears off your life. Physical blindness, deafness and dumbness clear off your life.
  • Every disability clears off your life.

Someone was going through the torment of a stroke and came for this service and went back home. After service, he wanted to take his medication and the wife said no! Take the communion. Church Gist. On the third day, everything recovered. In the previous name of Jesus, grace to keep your faith alive in this kingdom medication, receive it now. The battle over your health is won. Your health is declared fully restored. Approach this table with the violence of faith.

  • Your desired miracles are already delivered.
  • Begin to walk in that newness of life. The newness of health, the newness of dominion.
  • All our youths on their way back to their station, arrive safely. No evil report is permitted. You arrive at school and you become a wonder to your teachers. Church Gist. You arrive at your workplace and become an asset to your colleagues. I release you as solutions providers to your generation. So shall it be.

Please note; Servanthood in the kingdom is the pathway to leadership. If you can’t make it this time, endeavour to enrol next time for the new Leadership Course. Far away from the one we knew before. It is an upgrade by insight. Be there. The mandate is to raise men and women for exploits, the mandate is to turn ordinary men and women into leaders. Before we discovered oil, they were planting cassava in those fields. We couldn’t see what was inside and we were thanking God for the cassava that is doing well, sitting down on an oil field. Suddenly oil was discovered and fortune turned. Church Gist. That is what discoveries of hidden treasures in the kingdom does. There are too many ups and downs in the kingdom, don’t be part of that. You can be up and up and up. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy time. Why is this church not coming down? Privileged insight out of learning. Privileged moving forward by seeking more knowledge.

  • In the name of Jesus, no one will suffer a crash.
  • Wherever you are is the least place you will ever be and your rate shall be enviable.

Lift those two hands.
Go in peace
You have found this cheapest medication, it shall keep working life in you. You have a God-given right to start administering this in your home, on your journeys. Receive grace to keep up with. Church Gist. Some medications have a time before it works, if it is for malaria or whatever you must take it for one week before it works. This is as often as you take it till you conquer and dominate. In the name of Jesus, sickness shall not have a foothold in your family.

  • No one here shall die young. No one shall bury their children. You will enjoy a good old age full of health and vitality.







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