WHEN YOU HEAR A CHILD OF GOD SAY ‘We Are Managing’, HE NEEDS PRAYERS. -Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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‘The Wonders Of The Standards Of God’

Matthew 5:48

Our God is wonderful and wonderful means full of wonders.

The Bible describes our God as perfect meaning without any fault.
Mark 7:37

He has perfect standards,
He gives perfect gifts,
James 1:5.

He wants His children to be wiser than their teachers,
Psalm 119:99.

He gives strength continually.
Isaiah 40:29
Isaiah 40:31

He gives perfect strength like He did with Samson in Judges 14:5-6.

He gives promotion till you reach the top, He wants you to be on top constantly.
Deuteronomy 28:13

He doesn’t want any of His children to be ex-champion
Genesis 39:1-6
Genesis 39:20-23
Genesis 41:1-44

I am believing God for His children, in every area of your life, you will always be tops.

He made Abraham not just blessed but a blessing,
Genesis 12:1-3
Deuteronomy 28:11-12
Genesis 26:12-14

God doesn’t just give joy, He gives full joy
Psalm 16:11
Exceeding great joy Matthew 2:1-10

Joy unspeakable and full of glory
1 Peter 1:8

If there is anyone listening to me who is in sorrow, very soon, your joy shall be unspeakable.

He gives life
John 1:1-4
What kind of life does He give?

Life more abundantly
John 10:10

When you hear a child of God say we are managing, he needs prayer. God doesn’t want you to manage, He wants you to live abundantly.

He gives us victory
1 Corinthians 15:57
He wants you to be more than conquerors
Romans 8:37
He wants you to have victory without a fight
Deuteronomy 28:1-7

Those of you who have some forces ganging up against you, you won’t have to do any fighting because the battle is not yours.

Why is He so perfect in what He gives and does?

Because in all things, He is super.
He has more than enough in Genesis 17:1
He is the Most High in Psalm 91:1, Ecclesiastes 5:8.

He is strong and mighty in battle Psalm 24:7-8

He is the Almighty
Psalm 91:1
Jeremiah 32:27
He is unchangeably pure
James 1:17

He says we should be perfect just like our Father in heaven is perfect. Is His standard not too high?

* Luke 12:47-48
You want all this perfect gift from him? You have to be perfect.

Good things cost, perfect things cost perfectly.
Like Father like son

*1 Peter 1:14-16
He is Holy and wants us to be holy
1 John 3:9

The elders say ‘the elephant never gives birth to a dwarf’

Your Father is perfect, get ready to be perfect. When anyone says it is impossible to be perfect, they are saying it is impossible to lend to nations or to be more than conquerors

Romans 8:16-17
Everything that belongs to God is yours. The flesh does not please God, you need the help of the Holy Spirit. How can you talk about the Holy Spirit helping you if you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ?

If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, don’t be frightened by being perfect, bow your head to Jesus Christ and cry unto Him to save your soul. Those who are already sure of salvation please intercede for these new converts.

The Almighty God will not ask you to do what you can not do, if He asks you to be perfect, He will make it possible for you. If you go to Him in prayers, He will enable you from now on to live a perfect and holy life.

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