- Bishop David Oyedepo on WISDOM KEYS TO JOY AND REJOICING (A) at Second Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 1st December 2024 || First Sunday Service || Part A
There are no idle words in scriptures. The Word says God crowns the year with His goodness and all His paths drop fatness. We are in the crowning month of the year. Church Gist. So God is crowning the year with His goodness in your life and all His paths are dropping fatness for you. Psalm 65:11.

- Something amazing is dropping for you this month.
- Something most humbling is dropping for you this month.
- Something that eyes have not seen nor ears heard is dropping for you this month.
Isaiah 14:24. - Some strange goodness is dropping for you.
That is God’s thoughts, that is God’s program, that is God’s purpose. He crowns the year with His goodness and all His paths drop fatness. Yours is dropping. Something amazing is dropping for you today.
In this Second Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service, we will be looking at Wisdom Keys to Joy And Rejoicing because you never smell depression anymore in your life. Philippians 4:4. 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Church Gist. When God says something, He must have made provision for it to happen. So we are looking at the provisions for joy and rejoicing without end.
- There shall be no more breakdowns in your life.
Somebody says well I don’t believe that. That is why you don’t have it. Whatever you don’t believe can never come to pass in your life. This Kingdom is ruled by faith. It is to everyone according to his faith. What you don’t believe can never come to pass in your life, no matter who is preaching and praying over you. Church Gist. If He says rejoice evermore, there is a provision to make that happen in your life and my life. Our lack of understanding of what those provisions are, are why we are up today and down tomorrow.
- You are going up today never to come down again.
Every child of God is redeemed a bundle of joy. At new birth, we are endowed with the joy of salvation. Psalm 51:12. Galatians 5:22. New birth is an initiation to a world of joy. At the baptism in the Holy Ghost, we partake of intoxicating joy because the Holy Ghost is the wine of the Spirit. Intoxicating joy! Intoxicates like wine! Church Gist. On the day of Pentecost, they thought they were drunk. Peter said these people are not drunk like you suppose. Because they looked like drunkards. The Holy Ghost gets you drunk. The Holy Ghost intoxicates. Ephesians 5:18. Romans 14:17. Baptism gets you into the realm of joy in the Holy Ghost, intoxicating joy.
Every Word encounter stirs joy.
Jeremiah 15:16. So every child of God that is born again, filled with the Holy Ghost and is feeding on the Word of God as a lifestyle, never runs out of joy. He is a bundle of joy. You can’t define his joy. Sometimes he appears wicked. You are redeemed as a bundle of joy, sorrow is not your portion. Depression is not your portion.
- I therefore cast out the spirit of heaviness this morning from everyone’s life. Be set free!
Knowing where you are coming from is vital, it will help you to stand firm when confronted and challenged. Psalm 119:162. Every Word encounter stirs great joy. You are just riding on. Somebody’s story has changed. Depression is costly. Depression is risky. Church Gist. Depression is destructive. It is the highway to suicide. It has never solved anyone’s problems, it has always complicated people’s problems.
- I decree an end to the siege of depression on anyone’s life
What is in joy for us? It is a commandment to rejoice always, what are the blessings that joy brings for me?
- Joy provides continuous access to revelation.
Every breakthrough in life is a product of revelation. Isaiah 12:3. It enhances our access to revelation. Isaiah 30:29-31. - Joy provides continuous access to revelation: Every breakthrough in life is a product of revelation. Isaiah 12:3. It enhances our access to revelation. Isaiah 30:29-31. That’s what Revelation does. So access to revelation guarantees our breakthrough in the midst of darkness because light is Master of Darkness any day any time anywhere. Church Gist. Revelation is accessing the light of the Word and when that light shines, darkness gives off. Isaiah 60:1-3. That’s how powerful revelation is. Psalm 16:11. We can’t access the path of life without access to His presence which requires joy for access. “Thou will show me the way to go in the midst of darkness and that I will find in your presence and I can only get there with fullness of joy.” Somebody’s story has changed!
- Revelation flows through joy and rejoicing: Joy and rejoicing secures health and vitality. Proverbs 17:22. There are many diseases that don’t have any pathological diagnosis. They are sicknesses of the Mind. Proverbs 18:14. When your heart is broken it breaks your body alone but when your heart is healthy and strong it commands your body to follow suit. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken Spirit dries the bones. Church Gist. Don’t watch your bones dry up, you don’t have a spare. You don’t have a spare, I don’t have a spare. As it is commonly said, “health is wealth.” Don’t destroy your health by being tormented by irreparable past. Somebody stole your thing 5 years ago and you are still down on it. No, don’t let the past be past, you pass away with it. Somebody is just free now! Somebody is set free now! Somebody is set free now!
- It secures access to divine presence: It sustains divine presence. Joy and rejoicing sustains divine presence. A fish cannot live outside water for any reasonable length of time – it will die. God cannot survive a joyless environment just like fish cannot survive outside water. God inhabits the praise of His people and praise comes from Joy. You know, you cannot be joyful and not be praiseful. You can’t be thankful and not be joyful. Church Gist. You can’t be joyful and not be praiseful. So it all begins with a sense of gratitude which stirs joy and joy stirs praise and God inhabits the praises of His people. Don’t sell off His presence – you’ll be defenseless; you’ll be utterly defenseless.
In those days when my wife’s health was challenged, people had no opportunity to greet me – no opportunity, the environment is too charged. Church Gist. No pretenses, revelation flowing like water, flowing like water. The assurance was stronger by the day. You can’t survive without His presence. You and I are defenseless. Don’t sell off that treasure with funny funny things – no!
Someone said, “Have you ever been challenged?” You ask challenge – when you meet challenge, ask him. Me and him have been on a very jolly ride for a long time. You better wake up! What are you facing that others have not faced? Church Gist. It’s common to man. Commonise your challenge otherwise it will overcome you. Commonise your challenge!
- Somebody is breaking forth!
God’s presence is the greatest treasure of the Believer. Romans 8:31. You are unstoppable with God’s presence. You are unmolestable with God’s presence. Church Gist. You are irresistible with God’s presence – don’t trade it off. So it’s not just rejoicing and rejoicing, “What am I rejoicing for?” These are the benefits that joy and rejoicing attract into our lives. Thank you Jesus!
It’s not just rejoicing, rejoicing.. “what am I rejoicing for?” Church Gist. These are benefits that joy and rejoicing attract into our lives. Thank you Jesus.
Also, joy triggers divine strength. Nehemiah 8:10. Daniel 11:32. You rob yourself of exploits by giving room to a broken spirit. Joy spurs strength. Nehemiah 8:10.
- somebody is set free!
- Your days of feebleness and weakness, they are finally over.
- It guarantees return on stewardship. Joy guarantees return on our stewardship. Psalm 67:5-7. Until they get into praise, the earth will not yield her increase. Joel 1:12. Church Gist. I had this encounter, very wonderful encounter back in ’78, Deuteronomy 28:47-48. So, not all stewardship attracts reward. It’s serving God with joy and gladness that guarantees results. Church Gist. Stop carrying long face about. Rejoice in the Lord and again, I say rejoice so you don’t labour in vain.
- no ones labour shall be in vain anymore!
And so, it became counter reward. Deuteronomy 28:48. How? For serving you? “You’re serving me as a burden. No, I’m not a taskmaster. Therefore, rejoice”. Church Gist. These are tips that’ll make you enjoy your walk with Jesus. You need to charge yourself, “what am I doing here? What’s going on with me?”

Let me now show you a practical approach to sustain the joy of the Lord in your life and I believe from today shall be a new dawn. Church Gist. A new dawn comes on your life today in the name of Jesus Christ.
To keep your joy alive, keep your faith alive. Hebrews 11:1. As long as your faith is alive, your expectation is in place, manifestation is in view.
- You’re coming out!
1 Peter 1:8. Every true faith person rejoices uncontrollably. He’s seeing what others cannot see. Church Gist. Others see him as going through wahala, he sees himself as triumphing into next level.
- can I hear your Amen?
Faith keeps you and I rejoicing with joy unspeakable, full of glory.
- Remain assured of eternity by being committed to what is required. Don’t just think, assurance. 1 Corinthians 15:19. A hope of eternal life with God who cannot lie. So, there’s the hope of eternal life. Titus 1:2. Church Gist. Hope eternal life, it spurs joy continuously. Hebrews 12:2. So, assurance of eternity keeps one’s joy alive and functional. You’ll keep going. “Heaven is waiting, I have my mansion waiting, I’m getting in there. Thank you Jesus. I won’t let no devil rob me of my place. No man will take my crown”. Church Gist. You’ll keep bouncing because eternity is waiting at the end of this short span of life. Can I hear your Amen?
In conclusion, the greatest enemy of joy is hopelessness. Church Gist. One cannot be hopeful and not be joyful and one cannot be hopeless and not be downcast.
When the doctor comes out of his office and says: “Well! The matter is not bad. He’s gonna make it.” You smile. When he comes and says: “Well! I think we have done all we can do, so, over to you. You’ll have to be on your way home.” Church Gist. Immediately your entire system goes down. Every time hope is lost, depre$$1on sets in. But hear this: Your place and my place forbids that in our lives. Every child of God is begotten to a lively hope. 1 Peter 1:3. So we are begotten to a lively hope.
-Your case and my case can never be hopeless.
Redemption is our birth into the realm of the living hope. Hope that makes not ashamed. Church Gist. The end is always sweeter than where you are. Christ in a believer signifies a glorious future. “Because I live, you shall live also.” Colossians 1:27.
-Now you’re coming out! No matter where you may have found yourself today, you are coming out!
🎶 Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds my future, my life is worth a living just because He lives. 🎶 Because the believer is joined to the living God, his case can never be hopeless. Ecclesiastes 9:4.
- Can I have you say with me: “There is hope for me, the hope of a great future, the hope of eternity, there is hope for me.”
John 15:4-5. So as long as you are joined to the Living God, your life cannot become fruitless. It may appear so, it’s only for a season.
-You are breaking forth! You are in your gestation period. You are breaking forth into a new realm!
One more time: “My case can never be hopeless because I’m joined to the Living God.”
And therefore we must continue to challenge every air of hopelessness which engenders depre$$1on with this truth like David did. Church Gist. And David encouraged himself in the Lord and the breakthrough came after courage came. 1 Samuel 30:6.
-I decree the recovery of your courage. Receive it now in the name of Jesus!
And then David rose up to challenge that situation. Psalm 42:5. You can’t access His help in your downcast state. So wake up! His help will only come when you challenge that downcastness with the Word. “Stop that! I’m going somewhere.” Psalm 42:11. Challenge that depre$$ive tendency. Challenge it! What? “I’m joined to the Living God! I have Christ on my inside. He’s the hope of a glorious future. No! That’s not my portion, what are you doing here? I don’t belong to your realm, you don’t belong to my realm. Get out of my environment.” 🎶 I’ll rejoice and be glad in Him!! And lift up my voice to sing praise to the Lord, this is the day He has made 🎶. You don’t challenge this foul spirit, it will bring you down.
-Depre$$1on is not your portion.
When God says: “Rejoice evermore.” It means, I’ve made adequate provision; lay hold on it!” Jesus confronted the devil on that Mountain of Transfiguration. “It is written!!” So it’s time to wake up and confront those challenges. Behind depre$$1on is the spirit of heaviness. It’s a spirit! And joy is a Spirit, they call it: “The Oil of Joy, the Oil of Gladness.’ Isaiah 61:3. Psalm 45:6-7.
-Therefore, I cast out every spirit of heaviness and I decree your enduement with the Spirit of Joy and Gladness.
You know, amazing help is coming for you and I at Shiloh. Amazing help is available to you today! But, you want to enjoy the help of His countenance? Cheer up. Church Gist. Psalm 42:5. Amen. So He wants to come in, but He can’t come in while you are sorrowful, while you are downcast.

- It’s your turn! Can I hear your loudest Amen?
You are not hurting anybody by being down, you are hurting yourself. You are not hurting anybody by being down. You get to your room, you (tap your head). If you have lost anything, God told me years ago, I’m the reason why you have not lost everything. You don’t celebrate me, you may lose everything. You have lost something, I’m the reason why you have not lost everything. Amen. Church Gist. I was on a trip, an aborted trip and I lost my whole box. The box was packed, one of my wonderful dress was inside, we were going outside the Country and then the box disappeared, from Airport to Town, highway robbers, nobody stopped the car, we couldn’t find the box and humorously my wife said, “can I make a list of those things?” I said no, it belongs to the new owner. I didn’t pray one prayer about it. Okay, what would I tell the Policeman? My box, does it have number? My box AKWD. Even car that has number they couldn’t find it. I just lived my life and went on. I was going to collect the mantle from Hagin and then my car caught fire in the hand of the Mechanic who went to maintain it. He said “Won’t you see the car?” I said no, I’ve seen burnt cars before. Church Gist. The following day, I was off on the journey, I’m on a mission. I returned with the Mantle of the Spirit of Faith. Don’t let no devil get you out of your destiny. You better wake up! There were no phones those days to take pictures, I didn’t see the vehicle, I didn’t see pictures, I didn’t see the burnt state in my life. You better face where you are going.
Some fellows now perhaps got warning from their working place, they won’t come to Shiloh, warning oh, they’ve not sacked them yet, it’s just warning. Church Gist. “Me, warning? At my level?” Okay, you’ll know your level very shortly. Amen! You better lay aside every weight and follow after Jesus.
- You’re going somewhere!
It is not unspiritual to be challenged, but it is unscriptural to be defeated. It’s unscriptural to be defeated, it is not unspiritual to be challenged. Church Gist. If you watch most people that are on the line for miracle children, it is downcastness that is their problem. It blocks access to God’s help. But “Sing oh barren” That’s the commandment. Things are not working, He said sing. Sing them on.
- It’s your turn!
You have bemoaned your business enough, now, clear it, clear off that burden and face Jesus, He’ll give you a turnaround in your life. Thank you, Jesus.
The devil has lost out again. I said, the devil has lost out again. In your life, in your affairs, the devil has lost out finally. Church Gist. The joy that will attract divine intervention for you has finally come. The help of God will reach you with speed and it’s starting right now!
So, beware of hanging around joy breakers. “You know, Nigeria is finished”. Beware of hanging around joy breakers. One of the demands of the Covenant walk is to be sensitive to the company you keep. I prayed one whole night for God to disconnect me from those who are going backward, one whole night. I don’t joke with the company I keep. You are either on the positive side of Heaven or good bye bye, go your way. Church Gist. Beware of joy breakers and beware of breaking your joy through stupid social media thing. You are breaking your joy, you come out of service, (hissing and pressing your phone) after this kind of service, they didn’t call you oh, you are the one who went there, they didn’t call you for it. (Hissing, tapping your head and pressing your phone). That is, apart from people breaking your joy, you break it by yourself, by going after things that don’t add value and you see why I call it addiction? Whatever you invest your time and energy in that’s not adding value to you is an addiction. It’s an addiction, my friend! People are in Church, they’re checking oh. Church Gist. You think they are writing notes, they’re chatting, wasting the entire life. You don’t have a spare. Don’t mind me oh. I bought newspapers last 1993. You know they talk about me a lot. Others will be reading, I’m busy working what they’ll be reading. Wake up Sir! Don’t break your joy!
“The rate of divorce in America is now 95 percent.” What’s your business? Do you want to divorce? “All businesses are collapsing now. The rate of collapse is now 99.9 percent in Nigeria.” Where did you find it? Church Gist. You see, can you see what I’m seeing? “Papa will be saying something else because he doesn’t read. He doesn’t read these things.” People just injure themselves for nothing.
Now, be wise! “Give instructions to a wise man, he will yet be wiser.” People who make news don’t watch news. Church Gist. They are busy making the news for watchers to keep watching.
- I release you today as news makers!
- You graduate today from news watchers to newsmakers in the name of Jesus Christ!
Please note, what do you see coming in your direction at Shiloh 2024? Whatever one cannot see coming never comes. Church Gist. What God confirms to manifestation is our expectation. What do you see coming for you at Shiloh 2024?
We are only entitled to as far as we can see. Genesis 13:14-15. What one sees today from Scriptures is a seed that secures his tomorrow. Church Gist. What do you see coming for you at Shiloh 2024? The clearer we see, the faster the delivery. Jeremiah 1:11-12.
God told me, Shiloh is the place of my appearance. So among others;
- Expect your personal encounter with His appearance at Shiloh 2024. 1 Samuel 3:21.
- He will appear to you!
- Expect to see your spiritual life supernaturally transformed. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
- Expect clear answers to all your questions as you present them to the Lord at Shiloh. Jeremiah 33:3.
- Expect to return as another man from Shiloh 2024 that will make you a surprise to yourself.
- God will make you a surprise to yourself!
The Man, Saul returned as another man from Samuel. You are returning as another man! He went in search of a sheep, he returned with a throne.
- You are returning from Shiloh as another man!
- Expect a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of wisdom upon your life that will engender an ever winning life. Divine wisdom is the mystery behind an ever winning life. Joseph was a winner in the family in spite of the hatred of his brethren. He won as a slave in the house of Potiphar in spite of the trap set for him by Potiphar’s wife. He got to the prison, he was a winner in the prison and he landed in the palace and kept winning for 80 years. Divine wisdom is the mystery behind an ever winning life circumstances notwithstanding and that’s what you are returning with!
- There shall be an enduement of the spirit of wisdom that will make you an ever winning believer situations and circumstances notwithstanding in the name of Jesus!
Please, don’t appear at Shiloh without your specified mission. Write down what you are expecting to return with it, walk through it in prayers, set yourself for it and it shall be delivered accordingly. Whatever you can’t see coming, never comes. Whatever one cannot see coming, never comes. It can’t come without you knowing. When it comes, you will know.
- Your word will come at Shiloh!
- It will put you on the path of continuous winning all the days of your life!
You belong to a winning Church. You are a winning member of a winning Church. So it’s your right to keep winning in life.

- I therefore decree everyone’s enduement with fresh ever winning wisdom at Shiloh 2024!
Do all you can in the World to be part of it. Do all you need to do to be part of it. The reason why we have the viewing centers across the City is to be sure that even when you go to work, you are able to return in the evening and be part of the service. All you can! If you can take time off, take time off (It’s once in a year) and camp with Jesus. I need answers to these questions, Jesus and I have come to the mountain of answers. Jesus, send me answers to these questions and you are doing that watching in the Spirit with all perseverance. My answer is there with you and I need it here below, Jesus. Help me Jesus!
- It shall be the heaviest Shiloh we ever had!
- It shall be the Shiloh of Shilohs till date!
- No question from anyone will return without an answer!