I want to show you a picture of you
Luke 1:30-33
John 17:18-20,22
We are redeemed for be great and to be enthroned.
God only makes giants out of servants.
We cannot actualise our heritage of greatness in Christ unless we are dedicated servants.
Mark 9:33-35
The story of James and John
Giving God the best of service guarantees us the best of place with God.
Mark 10:43-45
Our heritage of greatness will remain inaccessible without quality service.
Examples of Greatness by Quality Service
The greatness names in scriptures were said to be servants.
Numbers 12:3-8
Exodus 11:3
No prophet ever arose like Moses
Deuteronomy 34:10-12
Exodus 11:3
Greatness is a reward for servant hood
Job 1:8-9, Job 9:3
Job was challenged but he came out of it.
It’s scriptural to be challenged but anti scriptural to be defeated.
Nehemiah 5:14
Greatness is a reward of servant hood
He wasn’t going there to be governor but he became a governor.
You are the Next to be made.
Your heritage of enthronement demands servant hood for actualisation.
Jesus said I am in your midst as one that serves.
Luke 22:27
Mark 10:45
God gave him the throne of his father David to rule forever.
Philippians 2:5-10
Let this mind be in you…no reputation
If you don’t obey God, you are not his servant.
Revelation 19:16
Jesus was enthroned through servant hood.
Psalm 105:42
Luke 16:26
Jesus came and died to bring us into the blessings of Abraham and now the Jews have their hand in every positive thing in the planet earth.
1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel was in town to annoint Jesse’s son as King.
He wanted to anoint the first.
Eventually he anointed David who was serving.
Great men shall rise out of our midst this year but only servants.
Paul a servant of God
Jesus I know, Paul I know.
2 Timothy 4:6-8
Acts 19:15
Whatever God has made of Jesus, he has made of us by redemption.
We have to do the same thing Jesus did.
John 4:32-34
1 Corinthians 9:16
Anybody serving is a servant.
You don’t need the title.
Expect the giant in you to come alive this year.
Expect the reality of your enthronement this year.
Expect to be sent for where you didn’t expect.
Like Joseph you will appear in the Palace like a dream of the night.
We are serving to actualise our heritage in Christ among others.
You can be a founder or pastor and not be a servant.
Some boast of how long they have been pastors but the day they shared intercessory prayer guidelines is the day he saw it last.
This year you shall not be missing on your duty post.
Only players are entitled to awards not referee.
Have you ever heard a star commentator?
He does his job and gets paid for it.
They don’t give commentators contract. It’s players they give contract.
They criticize those doing evangelism or preaching whereas they aren’t doing anything.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Like David this year, you shall be enthroned.
No matter how challenged you may be in your career/business today, your change is taking place this year.
I mean this quarter, some this month.
Luke 1:33
Your slavery to sin, sickness, failure, struggling, ups and downs all end this year.
Grace to remain a servant at heart, go ahead and receive it.
On our way to Kaduna in 1984, we were stuck at Lokoja and wanted to get an attachment in Lokoja. We couldn’t get a vehicle and it was a Saturday night. Someone persuaded us to stay the night in his place at Lokoja. I told my men the best way to wake up early was to put their back on the bed and legs on the floor to wake up on time in order to leave by 4am.
As I went to lie down, God spoke to me via Psalm 71:21
I will multiply your greatness and comfort you on every side.
It is not members that are made in every church but followers.