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  • If this Commission had stopped following in Kaduna, we would still be there forever.
  • If we were tired following in Kwara, we will be there forever.
  • We are in another Easter Week.
  • This is one Easter you will live to remember.
  • It is a week ordained for your supernatural change of position.
  • Things that have refused to turn over years shall be turned like a dream of the night.

I want us to do this deliberately: give thanks to God for answers to our prayers this morning and your prayer as a person.
Give thanks to God for those amazing confirmations of obedience to the Word.
Give Him thanks: that is the only way to connect with it
Give Him thanks for answers to your prayers. Every prayer demands thanksgiving for delivery of answers. Give Him thanks for answers to the prayers of the saints this morning and give Him thanks for answers to your prayers if you believe that God heard you…Ask Him to speak to you this morning. You want to hear from Him and connect to what He is asking you to do, give Him thanks.
Lord, I pray your Word will locate me this morning and change my level in Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Now what God confirms to manifestations are our expectations. We are here again in another Easter week. Give the Lord praise. And among the verdicts of resurrection, “why seek ye the living among the dead?” – that means it is a season ordained for our supernatural change of position.
“Why seek ye the living among the dead?”
-Whatever does not pertain to redemption that is showing in your life and in my life, we are in the week of a New Dawn
“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen as He has said” – Luke 24:5
It is a week ordained for your supernatural, my supernatural change of position.
Whatever does not belong to us in the Kingdom, in redemption, is not permitted to survive this prophetic season.

“I am set for another supernatural change of position as we celebrate Easter this year”
I am set for another supernatural change of position. Whatever does not align with my possession in redemption, it must get off me this time.
“Why seek ye the living among the dead?”
I must not be found among the dead. What pertains to the dead must not be found in my life anymore.
Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen (Luke 24:5-6). He has changed position. He is not here, no more corruption, He has changed level.
Lord in the name of Jesus, let this Easter season bring my way my supernatural change of position, ridding me of everything that belongs to the unsaved, re-writing my story openly. Oh Lord God, I believe in the mystery of resurrection and I am set for it this week. Thank You Father and blessed be your name in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
It is done.
-It is one Easter you will live to remember.
-Things that have refused to turn over years shall be turned like a dream of the night.
-There is no mark of the unsaved that shall survive this season in your life.

All young people: we have this Youth Conference, it is ordained for your encounter. So endeavour to be part of it. I was 16 when I heard, “God is not slow.” Church Gist. I was baptized with the spirit of patience which is a requirement for faith to deliver maximally.
“Be followers of them who through Faith and Patience inherit the promises”
I was 16 years when I heard that. Connect, it is the only way forward. Connect!!
“Remember now your Lord in the days of your youth, before the evil days come when you will say I have no pleasure in them”
The best time to demonstrate zeal for the Lord who re-writes people’s story. The strength of your foundation is what determines the beauty of your future. Take root downwards if you want to bear fruits upwards.
Parents, I said it yesterday, encourage your youths to be part of that Conference.
You say, “Who taught that?” I can’t tell who taught but the Lord planted that seed in my heart and what a joy to see patience have its course in my journey.
There is an encounter awaiting all of our youths in that Conference. Be a part of it.

I thank God I knew Jesus early: the devil had no free access to my life, the door was shut very early and I began to walk with the Saviour by His grace; now here we are today singing His praise. He is alive forever, can I hear your Amen!
I don’t know how many of my peers have had their great time in the Prisons; I don’t know how many are now running around with the devil in some cults; I don’t know how many are paying heavily for protection in their lives; but He bailed me out. He brought me out on time and He sets me free from the things that trouble them. Thank You Jesus.

We understand that destiny answers largely to mentality, “for as a man thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). I have said it before, “no one ever arrives at the future he cannot see.” So where we find ourselves tomorrow, it is a function of what we see coming today. What you can’t see coming never comes.
“Lift up now your eyes and look northwards, southwards, eastwards and westwards, for all the lands which thou seest” – Genesis 13:14-15
“…all the land which thou seest, unto you will I give it” – Genesis 13:15
It is what you see coming that ever comes and we see God’s agenda for our lives through His Word. The vision of all is as a book that is written, so God’s plan for us is contained in His Book and how far we are able to see from there is what determines what we step into in our tomorrow (Isaiah 29:11-12).
As well all know faith delivers only on what is expected. Now faith is the substance of things expected (Hebrews 11:1). The word, ‘Hope’ is expectation. Now faith only substantiates what we expect to turn them into manifestations. Now faith!
You don’t expect to be healed, if I lay legs on you, it won’t matter. You can’t be healed.
But you expect to be healed and someone there at the gate just says, “Be healed in the name of Jesus” and then you are free. Because every child of God carries that along with him, we are all the extension of His hand.
What He said to them, He said to us, “go to all the world and preach the gospel. And these signs shall follow you as you go. You shall lay your hands upon the sick, they shall recover.” So it is our responsibility. I met a small boy in Faith Academy in those days and he brought his friend to me, my office was there. He said, “Sir, I prayed for this morning and he is trying not to be healed.”
I said: why are you trying not to be healed? Be healed in Jesus name. Go my friend.
Small boy, he has the right to.
Inside you, you may not know but there is the healing virtue of Christ inside you. Jesus the Master Healer dwells on your inside. You just expect it and then you have it.

What is in it? What does it look like? Is stewardship not one of those ways we just add to the Church and then walk away or help people to know where to park or where to stay, where to move to?

We must possess a Sower’s mentality in stewardship.
Every spiritual labour is recognised as a seed in scriptures (Galatians 6:7-9). Don’t be weary in well ‘sowing’ for you shall reap it in due season if you faint not. So we have spiritual seed sowing and you only reap it in due season as you faint not. We saw Anna and Epaphras, they were sowing spiritual seeds in prayers. The Bible says, “Anna served God with fastings and prayers daily” (Luke 2:37).
We saw Epaphras, the Bible talks about Epaphras in Colossians chapter 4 verse 12, “one of you labouring fervently for you in prayers that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
Kingdom advancement prayers is recognised as serving God or sowing spiritual seeds and God who sees such labour in secret has vowed to reward us openly, because while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest shall not cease (Matthew 6:6, Genesis 8:22).
So we can keep sowing spiritual seeds on the altar of prayer. We all know that seeds sown don’t bear fruits overnight, they bear fruits over time. While the earth remaineth, seed requires time to produce harvest. Seedtime and harvest: time, harvest; shall not cease (Genesis 8:22). While they may not produce fruits overnight, the harvest is sure.
No genuine spiritual seed is destructible, the Bible calls it the incorruptible seed, the Word of God. When it is the Word you are engaging with, every seed sown must yield a harvest in due season.
In Mark chapter 4 verses 26 to 28
“…first the blade, then the ear and after that the full corn”: it comes up in phases but it yields its full harvest over time.
What you are seeing may not look like all that you anticipate to see but it is coming. Amen. If you won’t stop nurturing the seed, it’s coming. If you will not stop on the way, it is coming because you will reap it in due season only if you faint not.
“I don’t think this thing will grow” – then you turn your back. The weeds will grow and choke it and there is nothing because you turned, you are tired of nurturing it, so it goes off.
See your engagement as sowing spiritual seed that is bound to yield harvest if you don’t turn your back and leave the weeds to overgrow the seeds and choke it up so that it can’t bear no fruit. Church Gist. You need grace to stay on as a seed sower.
We have this picture in Leviticus chapter 19 verses 23-25: He said, “when you come into the Land and you have sown all manner of fruits for food, it shall be unholy, it shall not be eaten thereof for the first 3 years. In the 4th year, it shall be all out for the Lord but in the 5th year, it will keep yielding and the yielding is for life.”
The question is how many will be consistent from 4 years. What that says is this, “you connect with Me consistently and in the 5th year, you’ll enter into your unending harvest. And you keep doing it, the next 5 years, you’ll enter into another realm of unending harvest. And you are still on the field, the next 5 years, you step into the next phase of your harvest.” It takes consistency.
One of us gave a testimony yesterday but was not called up for the testimony. She has been looking for the fruit of the womb for 8 years and she got involved in Kingdom advancement endeavours; giving seed towards members of their zone coming to Church consistently so for 4 years. Jesus showed up and she came forth for the Child Dedication yesterday.

So the challenge is consistency. You shall not reap it because you sow spiritual seed, but you must not faint till the harvest shows up. That is, consistency is required for your harvest to be made manifest. Consistency.
Can you imagine if this Ministry stopped following in Kaduna, we will still be there forever. If we were tired following in Kwara, we will be there forever. Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord. There is a need for consistency for what God says to be fully manifest in our lives.
The good news is, He is counting. God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love in that you minister to the saints and do minister.
God is counting and He is counting to record and He is recording to reward: Your harvest is sure.

Say with me, “My harvest is sure!”
Say it the loudest you can.
So we need a Sower’s mentality to make the most of our stewardship in the Kingdom! There is a time to sow and a time to pluck up that which is sown. We need a Sower’s mentality for consistency in stewardship.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Prayer: Ask God for grace to maintain a Sower’s mentality in your stewardship.
Your harvest is guaranteed, your harvest is coming, no devil can stop it.
Let this week be a week of undying passion in your life on the prayer altar. Undying passion in pursuit after souls.
Ask God for grace never to be docile anymore in your pursuit of God. Ask God for consistency.
In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Grace to remain consistent in your stewardship, receive it right now. Grace for an ever-burning passion in your pursuit of God, receive it right now. Grace to keep going until the fullness of God’s agenda comes through in your life, receive it right now. Grace to keep going from phase to phase, receive it right now.

Well another week is here, we are heralding the gospel of salvation. We are enforcing salvation of souls on the prayer altar and we are saying Jesus we are coming to celebrate with You the reason for which You came and died and rose again. This coming Sunday, mammoth harvest. Your own portion will not be lost.




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