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  • As you engage in soul winning
  • Financial favour will begin to answer in someone’s life in a strange dimension.
  • When God lifts you up, no devil can bring you down.
  • Keep up building your power base by praying always in the Holy Ghost

Luke 11:21-22
This passage paints to us very very clearly our subject for this week. It shows us the kind of warfare that takes place between the strong and the one that is stronger than he. The devil is the strong man but the one that is stronger than him is Jesus Christ that lives in you and me. That’s why the Bible tells us, “greater is He that lives in me than he that lives in the world.” Soul winning is warfare.
What is warfare? Among other things, soul winning simply means a conflict, spiritual conflict! This morning, among other things, first, let’s understand and appreciate the fact that it takes power to rescue souls from hell. It takes power to rescue souls from hell. Every soul that is unsaved, that is not born again is in hell spiritually and soul winning is what rescues them from there, but to rescue such souls, power is required.
Power among other things simply means ability to act and produce an effect! That is power. To rescue any soul from hell, you and I require power which is the ability to act and produce effect.
Luke 10:1-2
“…Pray ye therefore”: The emphasis is on the word ‘Pray’. For these labourers to be effective in the field, power is required and as we go through this season, especially of this current Operation of ‘who is on the Lord’s side?’, I see God enduing you and I and every engaging Winner afresh with power from on high. Say with me, “I receive it.”
Luke 10:17-19
“…even devils were subject to us in thy name”: because they were able to exercise the power given unto them, they returned triumphant, they returned with testimonies.
-Therefore, for you and I, as we engage in this current operation especially, we all shall be returning with joy.
-We all shall be returning with testimonies.
-Devils shall be subject to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Secondly, we must understand that praying in the Holy Ghost render our enemies helpless (Jude 1:20). Each time you pray in the Holy Ghost, you are building up your power base. What we are saying here this morning is that praying in the Holy Ghost render our enemies helpless.
What does it mean to pray in the Holy Ghost? It means to pray in tongues with your spirit man engaged! That way, you are praying in the Holy Ghost and each time you do that, you are rendering your enemy powerless. That brings us again to the very important fact of the baptism in the Holy Ghost. To be an effective witness for Jesus, therefore will require the help of the Holy Ghost and that’s why it is very important for every believer to be baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. In case you are under the sound of my voice today and you are not baptized yet in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, He is the gift of God to you as a believer.
Even right now, wherever you may be, as you lift up your voice in thanksgiving to the Almighty God and begin to give Him praise, you will discover that He will send you the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For those of us who are already baptized, it is one thing to be baptized in the Holy Ghost, it’s another thing to engage that gift of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, you must remember, every time you pray in the Holy Ghost, you pray in tongues, what are you doing? Among other things, you are building up your power base!!

Therefore, again this morning, it is very important for us to remind ourselves, make sure that you engage in praying in the Holy Ghost on a regular basis, on a daily basis and you will see the transformation in your life, in a way that you never imagined.
This is one major thing that I have observed in the life of God’s servant. More often than not, you will see him probably in the midst of a very important meeting, he is writing, he is thinking, he is talking and suddenly he bursts out to praying in the Holy Ghost. Sometimes we are in a meeting, in Church service and then you see him writing, he is scribbling, he is putting scriptures together and then suddenly he bursts out, praying in the Holy Ghost. Many of us who sit around him, in Services, in Church, in meetings, I’m sure you must have noticed that before. Even this morning, did any of you notice that this morning?
That is building up your power base. We all must begin to engage in that consciously more than ever before.
-The grace to be able to do so, I see God release it unto us more than ever before in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thirdly, we must receive grace to press the battle to the gate until our converts are established in the faith!
-None of your converts shall be lost to the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ.
Daniel 12:3
-That is talking about you. Your shining will be forever and ever.
-When God lifts you up, no devil can bring you down.
Remember the testimonies we heard this morning (documented testimonies). Both of them engaged in Kingdom Advancement endeavours, praying for souls, engaging in spiritual warfare and conflicts; as they did that, God handed to them their desired testimony. The first testifier said, “the marriage that was almost crushing came back alive.”
-Whatever it might be in your life, that looks like it is almost crushing, shall revive again in Jesus name.
-This season is your season of Testimony!
The same thing with the second testifier, millions of Naira of business of contracts.
-God will change your story.
-In the same vein, financial favour will begin to answer in someone’s life in a strange dimension as you begin to engage in this season than ever before.
-Your hands will never lack again.
-Your story will change for the better.
Let’s make sure we keep pressing the battle to the gate until our converts are established. You will not miss your rewards in Jesus name.

Prayer: In one moment, build up your power base, pray in the Holy Ghost…your enemies must be rendered powerless.
Let God hear you, pray some more, pray in the Spirit, pray in the Holy Ghost. Make sure your spirit man is engaged. Don’t just speak words alone. Engage your spirit and let Heaven hear you. Lift up your hands to God as you do that.




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