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-Pastor Ezekiel Atang on Dressing.

Dress the way you want to be addressed and perceived. Regardless of your content, people will be more convinced by the container than anything else.

It is the container that gives a clue of the content. I will first identify a doctor by his appearance in the doctor’s coat. I will easily know who a lawyer is by his black robe and wig, just about the same way I will identify a nurse etc.

What you put on determines who you attract. If I need medical services, I will not approach a man in a lawyer’s robe, I will most definitely look for a man in a doctor’s coat. And if I need to marry, I will not be attracted to a half naked lady, I will be drawn to a well packaged, neatly and decently dressed lady. I will be drawn to the kind of lady I will be able to present to my mother and father.

When all you think of in your appearance is the sex appeal (sexiness) then you are calling for customers and not marriage materials. It is an open invitation to men of easy virtue who want to have sex and nothing more. A man could be carried away and then end up with you in marriage, but the problem he will have will be the fact that he was attracted to your sexiness and nothing more, and that could spell doom in marriage.

Display your content, showcase God’s glory from the inside to the outside. People display what they have inside on the outside. People don’t buy products without reading the container very thoroughly these days. You may be decent on the inside but don’t betray your content with the wrong packaging. Let your container (dressing) speak of what and who you really are on the inside.




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