You are where you are today in part, because of what you’ve been saying about yourself. Words are like seeds, when you speak something out, you give life to it. When you continue to say it, eventually that can become a reality. Whether you realize it or not, your are prophesying your future. This is great when we are saying things like “I am blessed, I am strong, I will accomplish my dreams, I am coming out of that”. That is not just being positive, your are prophesying victory, prophesying success, prophesying new levels.
Your life will move in the direction of your words but too many people go around prophesying just the opposite, “I’d never get any good breaks, I’d never get back in shape, business is slow, I’d probably get laid off, flu season is here, I always get it”. They don’t realize they are calling in their fate, it is just like they are calling in bad breaks, mediocrity, lack.
The Scripture says we will eat the fruit of our words, you are planting seeds when you talk. Make sure you are planting the right kind of seeds.
Instead of saying, I will never get well, this sickness has been in my family for the last 3 years, no! let me give you the right seeds “God is restoring health back into me. This sickness didn’t come to stay, it came to pass”. You keep sowing those seeds and eventually you’ll eat that fruit; health, wholeness, victory.
Instead of saying I’d never get out of that, I’d never rise any higher, no! “I will lend and not borrow, whatever I touch prospers and succeeds, I am coming into overflow, into more than enough”. Start sowing seeds of increase, seeds of abundance.
Instead of saying I will never accomplish my dreams, no! “I have the favour of God, blessings are chasing me down, the right people are searching me out, new opportunities, new levels are in my future”. If you keep talking like that you reap a harvest of good things. James said in the Scripture, with our tongue we are blessing or cursing our future.
Stop cursing your future, sometimes the enemy doesn’t have to defeat us, we defeat ourselves. Pay attention to what you are saying, are you blessing your life or are you cursing it?