Praise the Lord!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome to morning glow, welcome to another time in the presence of the Lord. Trusting the Lord to bless you, enrich your life and supernaturally lift you up this morning.
Heavenly Father what a day You have created; beautiful day, great day, awesome day, a day to achieve. A day to see Your awesomeness and Your power at work. A day to see the outstretching of Your hand, a day to see You prove Yourself mighty and strong.
Bless Your people today. Glorify Your name, heal the sick, set captives free. Lord as we lift You up in this place, be lifted up globally. Heal the sick, set captives free, answer prayers, give somebody a testimony before the end of today. Let them come back testifying that the Lord is good and His mercy endures to the glory of Your holy name. We thank You in Jesus name.
Welcome to morning glow. Praise the Lord! Trusting the Lord that your night was good and today is going to be a great day in the presence of the Lord. It is going to be a great weekend this weekend and this month is still going to be an awesome month where God does strange miracles, strange healings, strange favours, strange testimony in the mighty name of Jesus.
This morning we will continue to pray the hand of God. When God stretches His hand, things happen. When God stretches His hand, He silence the enemy. The Bible tells of when the Passover was over and Jesus came and ministered to the people and there was no food. Thousand of them, possibly 20,000. Church Gist. Then He asked from His disciples and they said it is just one boy with lunch; five loaves of bread and two fishes. His parent must have given him so much just in case the meeting extended. And Jesus took the basket from the boy, blessed it, broke it and distributed it.
We need to first realize that the greatest thing you can do is to put something in the hand of the Lord. When He takes it, it looks like you have lost it but you have not lost. Then He blessed it. When God empowers and blesses what He takes from you, get ready for more blessing. Then He broke it, then He distribute it. Be ready to move in the grace of God, in the power of God, in the awesomeness of God, in the testimony of Jesus Christ.
When you put things in the hand of Jesus, miracles happen. So this morning we are going to pray the hand of God to touch different areas of your life. We did so yesterday and today we are going to do same again.
When we put things in His hands, He makes it to become more than enough. He took the boy’s five loaves, He turned it into so much that it fed thousands and there were 12 baskets left. Someone this morning, get ready for multiplication in your hands.
When you leave things in the Master’s hand, He provides not just enough to wet appetite, but He makes it break forth to touch much lives. Church Gist. Get ready to receive yours. In the natural, few fragments of fish and bread will not feed many but get ready for the overflow. Get ready for the left overs.
Like Philip we fail to realize that the hand of God matters. All we need to do is to take instructions. Philip says; what can five loaves of bread and two fishes do in a crowd of 20,000? He did not realize that the little is much when it is handed to Jesus. So get ready for surprises, get ready for turnaround, get ready for the Lord to take over, get ready for Jesus to shock you. Get ready for an amount that will exceed your expectation, a miracle that will be beyond your dream and today very powerful, as we pray the hand of the Lord, we will seal it with the communion.
- God will honour your faith, God will honour your cry. Your cry will not go unheard or unanswered in the mighty name of Jesus.
The crowd around Him didn’t just get enough to quench their hunger, Jesus provided more than enough to satisfy. Church Gist. So when we put things in the hand of the Lord, the Omnipotent One who dwells on the inside of you; will exceed your prayers (Ephesians 3:20).
Always remember that His ability to supply is drawn from His glory, not from the bank of this world. “…but my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.” Always remember that when you leave it in His hand, He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory; not some of your needs. So this morning we are believing God for a move of God.
- Places where things have been stagnant, we are believing the hand of the Lord will be stretched, things will work out. As you go out today to work, the hand of the Lord will be stretched, things will work out.
- Your short-term vision will come to pass, mid-term dreams will become reality, long-term dreams will become reality in the name of Jesus.
So when we put things in the hand of the Lord, He will give you life and everything that follows it. He said the thief comes not but to steal and to kill and to destroy; I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Church Gist. Glory to God. So be ready to receive abundant life, abundant favour and abundant testimony.
When we put things in the hand of the Lord; we see little, God sees surplus. If you hear me, when we put things in the hand of the Lord, we are seeing little, He is seeing surplus. Philip saw little, Jesus saw surplus. So when he put it in the hand of Jesus, what Jesus saw is what manifested. Let all men be liars, He remains faithful. It multiplied. The world called you worthless, He is going to see you as blessed, He is going to see you increase.
How do you get the best from the Master?
- Get rid of anything that tries to hinder your faith because you can not afford to miss your blessing.
- Stop talking with both sides of your mouth because you see, when you do so, you invite hindrance. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Church Gist. Start talking your breakthrough, your testimony, your favour, your turnaround, your blessing.
The Scripture say in 1 Peter 5:7, casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. Put the burden on Jesus. Get ready to receive uncommon turnaround, uncommon testimony.
- Refuse to be counting pennies while your eyes are on the Omnipotent God. Get ready because the Omnipotent God will surprise you so that when you look at it, it looks little and He breath on it, He took it, He empowered it, He blessed it.
- Recognize that this is His way and when you dedicate what you have to Jesus, allow Him to pray over it, to bless it and to give it back to you. The boy gave five loaves of bread, he gave his fishes. Who do you think will take the 12 baskets of left over? Of course, the man who sow the seed should get the harvest. Church Gist. Harvest is coming to my house and I believe it is coming to your house; uncommon one and unusual one.
Others didn’t sow so they are eaters but those who sow, they are sowers. He gives bread to the eaters and seed to the sower. Something is about to happen because someone is going to receive something beyond their measure.
- 12 baskets of favours are coming to your house! I kind of see 12 angels bringing 12 baskets to your house.
You know every time I imagine this boy going back home, I always see 12 hefty men carrying 12 baskets following him and reaching home.
- Jesus is your hope of glory and only Him should take the title of the Master supplier. The Master supplier is going to touch your hand. His hands will touch your hands. Church Gist. No way, there is no hand like His hand. His hand created the universe and in a miraculous way.
A song says it took a miracle to put the stars in place, it took a miracle to create this whole wonderful universe and as far as our lives is concerned, it took a miracle of grace to save us. So get ready, what everybody have Ignored, God will consider it valuable.
Get ready for your breakthrough, the Master is in your house this morning. The hand of the Lord is about to do the unusual, the creative, the miraculous. And there is somebody on this platform this morning whom God has chosen your case to make it a specialization for today. I repeat, He has chosen to make your case a specialization for today.
- By His hand, He will make you destiny to be mighty.
- Father in Heaven we thank You. We come to you this morning in faith. We come this morning with expectation. We come this morning because we see the heavens open and we are ready to receive. Church Gist. We are the ones whom You are visiting; You are visiting our homes and Your hand is going to touch everything that concerns us; touch our baskets, touch our lives, touch our homes, touch our works
- (1 Chronicles 29:12) The hand of the Almighty will make your destiny to be great in the name of Jesus. The One in whose hand it is to make destiny great shall pick your life and raise you up. You will not fail, you will not falter in the name of Jesus.
- Today I prophesy into your life that the hand of the Lord will make your life strong, will make your life powerful, will make your life awesome, will make your life great, will make your life lifted. Church Gist. Get ready for a divine lifting beyond measure, for a divine lifting beyond your imagination, for the hand of the Lord to wipe your tears, fill your mouth with laughter and cause uncommon testimony in the name of Jesus.
- By the hand of the Almighty, your destiny will be great. Your destiny will be awesome, your testimony will be heard around the world. The hand of the Lord will be beautiful on your ministry, on your family, on your life in the name of Jesus.
- From this day I speak into April and the rest of this year that by the hand of our Almighty God, light will shine in your way, you will not walk in darkness. Church Gist. By the hand of our mighty God, this year, light will shine in your way, you will not walk in darkness.
- (Habakkuk 3:4) I speak into your life today, light for every day, light for every day from the hand of the Lord. Guidance for every day from the hand of the Lord in the name of Jesus.
- May the hand of the Lord guide you, may the hand of the Lord lead you, the hand of the Lord make way for you in the name of Jesus.
- In this season of your life may the heavens visit you. May the heavens open upon you, you will hear the voice that says this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
- Every voice of condemnation will be silence for you. Every voice that says you are nothing will be silence for you.
- The voice of affirmation, the voice of the Lord that is upon many waters shall speak to you in this season.
- God will open your eyes, you will see victories, you will see testimony, you will see your desire upon the enemy.
-The mouth of hell will be shut for you. Church Gist. The victory of Jesus will manifest through you. You will be the evidence that our God is still at work.
- Peace on your household and peace on your family. So shall it be in the name of Jesus!
Praise the Lord!