-Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo at CHoP
- The Church is not a building, the Church is a people.
- When God multiplies the Church, it means God is multiplying His people through the mystery of thanksgiving.
- To be ungrateful is to be a great fool.
Father, it’s unto You that we have come this early morning, We thank You for these wonderful testimonies. You are the Doer, take all the praise. We pray oh Lord that these testimonies shall be permanent. Anyone tapping into any of them, let their own also be established.
Thank You for answered prayers also, both personally and corporately, we receive our answers speedily. Right now, Lord, our hearts are opened, speak unto us again, visit us again. Give us the spirit of understanding. Grant us grace for performance, we give you all the praise in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
All through this week, beginning from Monday, in our Covenant Hour of Prayer, we have been looking at the subject captioned:
Say after me please, ‘Thanksgiving is a must to keep the Church growing!’ Say a believing Amen. This morning, let’s read one scripture as our text:
Matthew 13:33
Jesus spoke this parable unto them and He told them that the Kingdom of Heaven can be likened unto a leaven that a woman takes and hid in three measures of meal. This gives a clear picture, parable, illustration of what thanksgiving is. As a woman, you want to bake a good, you take yeast in your hand, mix it with measures of meal, whatever measure you want to take. By the time you are done with baking your good, a small tiny portion that you put in your baking pan has swollen up, the size has changed, the size has increased by the end of the day.
Why? because you have added yeast into your flour. Isn’t it?
In the natural that gives us a very, very simple but powerful illustration what thanksgiving can do. Whatever issues of your life that you add thanksgiving to, you discover that the hand of God supernaturally comes into motion and then you have a wonderful product of testimony at the end of the day. So thanksgiving is a spiritual yeast!
When you put it to work, the end result is testimony.
-Therefore, beginning from this month of thanksgiving, as you put that spiritual yeast to work in the different dimension areas of your life, you are ending this month with thanksgiving.
-You will not only have testimony but God will turn you, yourself to a testimony.
-Living proofs is what God is going to make out of someone at the end of this month.
If you are the person, let your Amen show it.
Therefore, we must understand that as we look at this subject this morning, that our God is the city taking God. He is a city taking God.
Acts 13;44 – “…Almost the whole city”
Our God is the city taking God. Almost the whole city came together. It happened before, it can happen again, because He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. Therefore, if He did it in the Acts of the Apostles, He can also do it again today and He will do it again.
Deuteronomy 2:36
The Bible makes it very clear, “no place, no city.”
The Lord our God delivered how many? All
Does that include Lagos, does that include Ota, does that include Sango? The Lord our God delivered all, not some into our hands. He will do it again.
Say with me, “Our God is the city taking God.” As we put to work especially this month like never before, the power of thanksgiving, the spiritual yeast of thanksgiving, God will deliver unto us again this city.
Can I hear a believing Amen?
Next please understand that God is behind the manifestation of signs and wonders that gather souls into the Kingdom (Mark 16:20)
“They went forth and preached everywhere”: in how many places?
Everywhere and that includes where you are right now, no matter the city, the location, the village, the hamlet where you may be. Everywhere, they went preaching the Word. As they did so, the Lord was working with them and confirming the Word with signs following.
Who was working with them? The Lord.
So God is the One behind the manifestation of signs and wonders. He is the Doer, He is the One behind it. No one in the flesh can work signs and miracles and wonders without God being behind such one. Then we see how this played out in Acts chapter 8 as Philip went to Samaria.
Acts 8:5-6,8
The rest of the story you know, there was great joy in the city. God worked with Philip in the city of Samaria and the whole city came together. God who did it in the days of Philip is the same God we are serving today, He will do it again.
This also played out as Peter when declaring the Word in Acts chapter 9 verse 34.
Acts 9:34-35
“…and they turned unto the Lord”: How many of them? All
God went ahead, working with them and we saw it in the life of Philip, we see it also in the life of Peter, we shall see it in your own life.
Remember we are talking about the fact that our God is the city taking God.
He did it through Philip, He will do it through you.
He did it through Peter, He will do it through you.
God multiplies the Church through the mystery of thanksgiving and praise.
Remember the Church is not a building, the Church is a people. Church Gist. So when God multiplies the Church, it means God is multiplying His people through the mystery of thanksgiving.
-God will multiply you.
-Therefore, welcome to your season of multiplication.
Jeremiah 30:19
“…I will multiply them” – talking about you.
Say to your neighbour, “God will multiply you.”
-Your season of multiplication is finally here.
-Your season of glorification is finally here.
Therefore, it is time for us to arise like never before as a people, as individuals that make up the Body of Christ to be armed with the mystery of thanksgiving.
Remember, not to be grateful is to be a great fool. There is no fool among us.
-Therefore, the grace to be more grateful than ever before as individuals, receive it in Jesus name.
Deuteronomy 1:11
This is the prayer for someone here this morning: Make you a thousand times so many more as ye are and bless you as He hath promised you!
Someone’s story is about to change.
Rise up on your feet if you are that person, lift up your voice unto God.
Prayer: Grace to be more grateful than ever.
Lift up your voice right now and receive it from God.
Remember, He that giveth thanks in the spirit, doeth it well. So for one minute, lift up your voice, lift up your hands to God, thank Him in the Holy Ghost, thank Him in the Spirit. Let Him hear right now, your voice of appreciation. Thank Him for every good thing in your life. No more murmuring, no more complaining, no more grumbling, gratitude only. Is someone thanking the Lord? Your hands lifted, your voice raised up to Him in the Holy Ghost, thank Him some more.
CHoP is an acronym for Covenant Hour of Prayer