-Pastor Paul Enenche on ‘DOORWAYS INTO WISDOM’
Preservation and Power Communion Service, Dunamis International Gospel Centre.
Father, we give You the praise, we give You the honour, we give You the adoration, we give You the worship. We honour You, we adore You, we magnify You; blessed be Your name, honour to Your name, adoration to Your name. Be glorified, be honoured and be adored. Breathe upon us tonight; let everyone here tonight experience and encounter You. Let no one leave here the same way, be glorified Lord, in Jesus precious name.
Please I want to clarify that there is no special material that we sell that carry special power; special oil or special communion or special anything. Just for clarification; the anointing oil could be picked from anywhere, prayed upon and faith in God, not faith in the oil produces the result. Church Gist. The communion materials could be picked from anywhere, so in case anybody ever met you and said, this oil is specially from Dunamis, this communion, this wristband, this and that; that is fake. We don’t have anything special to sell that carries special power. It is the power of God that produces the result and please, don’t let anybody misdirect you.
- I believe that you have understanding!
Very important because, we live in very fraudulent days where somebody might deceive you; “Oh, I met pastor directly, he gave me this oil. I can sell it to you if you give me more money.” No, there is nothing like that.
- The Lord bless you in Jesus’ name.
‘DOORWAYS INTO WISDOM’ is our subject tonight. Our objective is to access ways into the world of wisdom.
Proverbs 8:1-3, 34-35
Scriptures make it clear that there are doors, there are gates, there are access ways into the world of wisdom. Church Gist. The difference between the wise and the fool is in their ability to locate the gates, the doors, the access ways into the world of wisdom. There are gates, there are doors, there are access ways into the world of wisdom.
Question is; what are these ways, doors and gates?
1). Meekness or humility (James 3:13). Wisdom is accessible by meekness (Psalm 25:9). You look at the man Moses, the Bible says in Numbers 12:3, that Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth in his generation. Church Gist. By virtue of that meekness, he stepped into the world of wisdom, to the point where he could lay hands on Joshua in Deuteronomy 34:9, where Joshua was filled with wisdom, because Moses the servant of the Lord had laid hands on him.
I am sure you remember how Solomon stepped into the world of wisdom, he stepped in there by meekness (1 Kings 3:7-9). Arrogance is the enemy of wisdom; arrogance is the enemy of discretion. Show me a proud person, I will show you a confirmed fool. The meeker you are, the wiser you become. What is meekness?
Teachability, the acceptance of ignorance; accepting that you don’t know, accepting that you are a child, accepting that you don’t know your left from your right. This can make you to learn from anybody. There are people who have never learnt from anybody. Meekness is the number one gateway or doorway into the world of wisdom.
2). Desire and desperation. You are meek, you are teachable, you accept that you don’t know, then you desire it and you are desperate about it (Proverbs 18:1). The strength of your desire will determine the weight of your discretion. How desirous you are will determine how wise you become (James 1:5).
Desire is the doorway to discretion. The more desperation you have, the more impacted with wisdom you get. In one of those scriptures on wisdom, both in Job 28:12, Proverbs 3:13, the Bible begins to say that, if you can seek wisdom more than you seek for silver; if you can look for it, if wisdom is more important to you than money, then you can get it. Church Gist. That was what happened to Solomon; desire and desperation. “Lord, I can’t be a fool. I can’t continue to make mistake in life, I can’t continue to stumble, I can’t continue to be duped permanently; I need to be wiser and then, when that desperation comes, the wisdom comes.
3). Prayer and supplication. You went before God to demand for wisdom (James 1:5). “Lord, I am in need of wisdom; I need wisdom. I need to know which way to go, this intractable marital crisis for example, “I need wisdom on how to handle this husband of mine or this wife of mine. I need wisdom on how to handle this difficult boss in the office. Church Gist. I need the wisdom on how to administer this church, on how to administer church growth. I need wisdom in management of the project that are on my hands and you go before God and demand for wisdom (Ephesians 1:16-18).
So, you go before God; in this area, I am in need of wisdom.” Matthew 7:7-8 already told us that the only thing you will not receive is the only thing you have not asked. If you have not received it, then it is because you have not asked. If it is not given to you, it is because you haven’t asked. Ask and it shall be giving you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened into you.
Kenneth Hagin said he prayed that prayer in Ephesians 1:16-18, almost a thousand times; “Father, I am praying for myself, that you give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you.” Everything, he will just pray and pray until he exploded in the realm of not just wisdom physically, but the realms of revelation, realms of hearing and so forth, by the mystery of going before God and praying desperately.
4). Inquisitios and enquiries.” The asking of questions; it is those who ask questions that deserve answers; both asking question from God and asking question from man.
You know an intelligent person by the speech they give, but you know a wise person by the questions they ask. Even children, who will be very great tomorrow, they ask every questions that communicate wisdom. Church Gist. One of my children, when they were growing up asked me a very serious question and he said, “Daddy, who planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden? I said, it is God. He said, “Okay, if God planted it, why did He say they should not eat? If He didn’t want them to eat it, why should He plant it?
Wow! I am sure that even if it is for your adult mind, it is a serious matter. I told the child and said, “Yes, God planted it and God planted it for one reason; if that tree was not there, there is no way God will know that they will obey him if they had the choice, but because they would be doing everything like a robot and God will never know if they had an alternative what they will do, so there was something that was there to test their choice. Unfortunately, they failed. If you have a choice, will you obey me? The had the choice and they could not obey God. So, God will never force a man to do anything contrary to their will. He will give a man the choice. You can choose what you want and remain with the consequences of your choice and when you hear such questions, you know where a person is going (Jeremiah 6:16).
Luke 2:46-52
If you start with questions, you must end with wisdom. Jesus started with questions, ended with wisdom. It is not possible to ask questions and lack wisdom. Show me a man, a woman who knows the road of questions, I will show the person who have the way of wisdom. Too many people are so arrogant to ask; “supposing I ask and they say, I don’t know.” Some of the most wisest people on the face of the earth ask questions permanently, even if you go to the classroom, some of the most intelligent students in the class ask the most, maybe irritating questions to the teacher. They just keep asking; “excuse me Sir!” And then, the other ones just mopping and just quiet, supposing I say something and they say I don’t know anything” and keep on failing in the class.
Who knows this? Church Gist.
The intelligent guy will lift up his hands. If he says it and they say it is not correct, he will learn and still keep on. Beloveth brothers and sisters, when last did you ask a genuine question, whether you ask God or you ask man? How do I do this, how do I do that? What steps should I take? It is very important on the journey of wisdom.
5). Seeking and searching (Proverbs 25:2, Proverbs 18:1, Ecclesiastes 7:25). God’s servant, Bishop Oyedepo said when he wanted to know the secret of supernatural finances and financial prosperity, he got the book of ‘God’s Will is Prosperity’ by Kenneth Copeland and other book by Gloria Copeland, locked himself for three days with fasting and he said, “Lord, I want You to show me the mystery, the secret behind prosperity. He began the search and at the end of the day, he understood.
Daniel 9:2
Understanding is the bedrock of wisdom. If you are going to be wise, you must be a man and a woman of books, a woman of resource materials, a woman of information. You must have it any area where you need wisdom, in that area, you embark on a search. Church Gist. There are people who are doing businesses that they have never read anything about. He has not read anything about estate or property development. He knows nothing about it. All he knows is that, he is in the market. He has not read anything about his or her line of business; he is not upgrading or updating himself or herself and so, he remains there.
If you go into the aviation industry, once or twice every year, a pilot must go back for recertification to remain updated, so he is not outdated, so that he can remain relevant and keep on flying. Medical doctors go for refresher’s training, consultant surgeons, consultant gynecologist and so on, once in a year, once in six months, they return back to do refresher’s courses, to keep themselves in touch with latest developments and recent practices, best global practices; what is going on now currently in surgery in America, India and so on and so forth. They have to do that and so, it is very important if you are going to walk in the realm of wisdom, that you are going to seek and search.
There are people who take holidays and all they do in that holiday is to go and blow away money and go and excite the flesh, the fancy and so on. Meanwhile, their minds and everything is bankrupt and that is not correct. It is good to relax and part of it, recreation is part of life, but once in a while, maybe you just take two or three days, casual leave and you are on a search for something; “how do I explode spiritually, financially or move beyond this level and you went on a desperate search and when that is done, it is not possible to learn and not progress. Knowledge brings progress. When you are updated, you cannot be outdated.
6). Attention and submission to instruction. That is, you are not just reading or studying by yourself, you made yourself available to be taught and instructed (Proverbs 1:1-5, Proverbs 8:33). To hear instructions is to be wise (Proverbs 9:9). If you want to be wiser, you feed on instruction (Proverbs 13:1, Proverbs 19:20).
The secret of leading is learning. To learn well is to lead well. Light makes wise, light gives weight. Let me give you a general counsel:
Any man who learns from nobody is error, waiting to happen. He may be a pastor, a politician, he may be anything, who learns from anybody is a colossal error that is waiting to happen. One man pastor the people, he was on his own, no mentor, no pastor, no tutor, nothing. Church Gist. He was called Jim Jones then. One day, he told all his people that, this world is not good enough, let them all just go to Heaven at once. He gave them cyanide poison, all died, including himself. None of them could question what he was saying because he was a lord to himself. He heard nobody and they were not bothered that he was not listening to anybody. I will not be pastored by a pastor who is not being pastored. It is danger, it is disaster, it is calamity. Nobody is alpha and omega of knowledge – error, waiting to happen. Guidelines are therefore safety.
Have you been on a bridge before and they put handrails on that bridge, is it because people are blind, that is why they put the handrail on the bridge? No, there are people, there eyes are opened, who will fall into the water if there is no handrail. Some people, their eyes will turn, some people, suicide will enter their head, say why don’t you just jump into the water, let crocodile just interact with you? All manner, some the demon of death will push them inside, so they put handrails there. Guidelines guarantee safety. That is why, you need to be guided by higher instruction. You need to be guided in life.
Show me your father and I can confirm your feather. Show me your father and you are guaranteed a ladder. Show me your father and we can confirm a future. Someone was talking to me some time ago and was talking about someone and said, “Oh please, who is his father?”
Response: “I don’t know.”
I said, “Does he have a father?
Response: I don’t know.
If he has a father, won’t you know? I asked him, who is my father? So, he mentioned him. I said, Oh, it is very clear; anybody who is being mentored, pastored, tutored, the devils will know. Any of you here now in the realm of the spirit, the devil is looking for your trouble, it is the mantle of your father that will appear and say, don’t you know who you are dealing with? Even the devil will be aware that you are not a bastard, you are not fatherless, you are not futureless. Even the devil will be aware, how much more human beings and your friends? Lift up your hands and say,
“Father, I submit myself, I surrender my life to instruction, direction and guidance. I am available oh Lord in the name of Jesus.”
I hear that there is move called whatever school of something, something, people don’t need to go to church any more, just remain at home, let the Holy Ghost teach you, this and that. That is error from the pit of hell. Give them just a few days, explosion into all manner of terrible things. It didn’t start today, it comes in cycle since the day of old, since Bible days, Kenneth Hagin days, our university days, it comes round like this. Church Gist. They stopped going to church, they get destroyed, some run mad, some pregnant out of wedlock; all manner. Then it disappears, then after some times, those who didn’t know that such a thing existed before, they find it afresh and become excited, just comes in cycles and that will never be your portion!
The same God who said, He gave us the Holy Ghost to teach us all things, the same God said, He gave unto them the apostles and prophets and pastors, evangelists, teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry. So there is an instruction the Holy Ghost does and there is a balancing and a correction that the apostle does and the prophet does and the teacher does and a pastor does, so that when you hear something from the devil and you thought it was from the Holy Ghost, the apostles will say, “that is not from God,” the prophet will say, “that is not scripture,” the pastor will say, “oh no, that is not correct.” The teacher will say, no! I have ransacked this scripture from Genesis to revelation, what you are saying is not balanced and not everybody holding the microphone is a teacher.
Listen, every truth that is stretched becomes error. It is truth applied in excess that is called error. There is a way I can preach on supernatural supplies and financial abundance in God that it becomes materialistic and becomes an error, where your focus is on the money and not on God. There is a way I can preach on Holiness and it becomes an error, where I say, “Don’t touch money because it will take you to hell.” Church Gist. Where I say, “Leave the money and leave everything to the people of the world,” then it becomes an error. It is true, but it is applied in excess. That is why there is the need for instruction. I don’t know why God is having me to branch this way tonight, but I am sure there is somebody seated here tonight and somebody watching online, that is benefitting from what I am saying here.
7). Observation and watching. Papa Oyedepo told a story of one of his cousins many years ago, who will not listen to nobody. He was right and everybody was wrong. Nobody could teach him, Nobody could instruct him. Papa said, he was trying to tell him some things and made him to see reasons in some things, the man almost fought him. So, he left him alone. After donkey years, he was still roaming about in cycles. No life, no job, no nothing because he was right, everybody was wrong.
- That will never be your portion in Jesus precious name!
The eyes, what you see with your eyes affect the wisdom dimension you can operate in (Lamentations 3:51). Eye is observation, heart is wisdom (Proverbs 24:30-34). It was the farmland of a lazy man, the walls of his farm broken, the weed had covered the plantation of a lazy man, that was what Solomon was describing; “I didn’t read it from a book, nobody taught me, I was watching the man’s life and I was receiving observation.” Church Gist. I grew up learning how a good marriage should be and how marriage should not be by several observations. I grew up to learn life management, I drive on the road, open my eyes and receive a lot of instructions. You see, many people look but see nothing. They are hearing, but understanding nothing, things just past their face and they didn’t see anything.
I have observed some people in time past and I learnt how not to do the work. If this is the way, if you want to fail in life and ministry, do it the way this person is doing it and if you want to end well, do it like this. I just saw all those things and took note of it. One day we were going to a fellowship meeting with a young lady at that time, going for a fellowship meeting, so we came beside the farmland and I looked at the farm and said, “This farm looks good” and she said, “Me, I hate farming. I hate farms.” What? I was hearing that for the first time. I said that, but do you like food? I have not seen that girl from that day till tomorrow. If she was a potential marriageable entity, it ended with that comment. If you hate farm, ministry is a vineyard.
There are people with their eyes opened, they married the wrong girl or the wrong husband. The man was speaking and acting and suggesting and doing everything to make you gain wisdom, you refuse. Eyes that look are plenty, but eyes that see out of what they are looking, those eyes are very few. Church Gist. One young man brought a girl to me many years ago and said, this is who he wants to marry. After interacting with them a few minutes, I said, “How did you see it before you saw? He was confused, the marriage couldn’t hold.
- May God open your eyes. As your eyes are open, may you see and as you see, may you act correctly!
One key is, what am I seeing? What is what I am seeing saying to me? Especially if you have a few phenomenal encounter and experience. What have I just experienced? Out of one experience, I can write down ten lessons. I was going to Canaanland some years ago and we were inside a traffic, very terrible traffic on Iyana Ipaja area on that road and by the time we just kept moving gradually, when we got to a place, it was a trailer that was not meant to pass that area, he just parked carelessly and somehow, the whole road; there was no traffic in front. Meanwhile, people are suffering behind. I realized disorder is foundation for frustration. Anywhere there is frustration, find out, something is disorderly, something is not been done right.
The second thing is, if the trip is slow, keep moving, the front is free. That is, in life, in case you are moving and you have done everything you know to do and yet, it appears as if the journey is slow, just keep on moving for as long as you can take one more step, the front is free. There is no way I could have read that from a book. So, that powers my resolution, that if I am doing the right thing, no devil can stop me from taking steps. Church Gist. If I am in the right path, no devil can stop me from moving forward. I gave tithe for a long time, I didn’t see the returns, but I kept on and I kept on. This is what the Bible says, I read it from scripture and this is true, I kept on and I kept on and then, boom, rain began to fall and it is falling and kept on falling. I was preaching it, I was practicing it but it is like the devil was frustrating the result and the returns but, I knew it was true and scriptural and I kept on moving, that if the trip is slow, keep on moving. The front is free, let that be your take home tonight.
I have been in situations where we have been inside heavy rain to the point where you had to park the car by the road side and all of a sudden, you move a little bit and the other place is as dry as earth. Don’t use your present moment to predict your future. What is happening around you now is not a reflection of what will happen later because the rain was so heavy, you thought that it will be raining for the next one hundred kilometres, you thought it will be raining for the next two hundred kilometres or five hours in a stretch, not knowing that it is just round here and as you move forward a little bit and the earth is as dry as anything. But many people use their past to predict their future. What happened to you before and what is happening now is not a prediction of what will happen later, just do the right thing. The weather in front is clear.
Don’t use your present moment to determine your future movement. The climate in today does not predict the weather in tomorrow .
- I am here to announce to somebody, something is changing in your life!
- Where you are now is about to give way to where you are meant to be!
Today they may be tolerating you, they may be looking down on you, taking you for granted and all of a sudden, everything changes tomorrow and then, they begin to bow for you and say, “Good Morning Sir, oh sorry for everything we did against you. We didn’t know you are going to become like this, we didn’t know God has a hand on your life, we didn’t know your future is like this!”
- Congratulations, you have a bright future ahead!
You only have insight where you have interest. Many people are not interested in the events around them, just allow things to happen and pass; this matter, what am I learning? (Psalm 19:1-2, Jeremiah 18:1-5).
8). Association or company (Proverbs 13:20). Your company determines your mentality and your mindset. Association affects discretion, the way you think, the way you reason is affected by the kind of people you walk with. Your friends affect your mind, they influence your thought process, mindset and choices. Church Gist. There are people who didn’t marry who they were meant to marry because a friend said the man wasn’t good for them. Your friends affects your choices, mindset, thought process and reasoning capacity.
You know, to be wise and remain wise, you must be surrounded by the wise (1 Kings 12). Solomon was a wise man who surrounded himself with wise men and these wise men gave his son the counsel (2 Kings 12:6-7). He discarded that wisdom and went to the wisdom of mentally bankrupt men, area boys and they told him, tell the people, your finger is ticker than your father’s waist. Tell them, your father cane then with whips, you will deal with them with scorpions. He opened his mouth and said it in all stupidity and the people looked at themselves and said, “this small boy, we are trying to help you, you didn’t know. What portion have we in David and what inheritance do we have in the son of Jesse? We don’t need you again as our king.” He forcefully sent a man to go and collect tax, they stoned the man to death. That was how the kingdom left him permanently. The man lost the kingdom at the frequency of stupidity.
Show me your friends and I can confirm your wisdom. Show me who you call friend and it is clear whether you are wise or bankrupt of wisdom. The person you call your friend, it is not his fault that the person is your friend, it is your fault for agreeing that, that is your friend. I don’t have a single friend that is zero upstairs. It is better to walk alone than to walk with the wrong crowd. Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, who was their friend? Daniel (Daniel 1:20-21, Daniel 2:17-19).
Love everybody liberally, but please relate selectively. Love is a command, don’t hate people but relationship is a choice. We are commanded to love, never commanded to relate. Have you ever seen a passage, ‘be a friend of everybody?’ Church Gist. That was the mystery of the towel of Babel, when in one language, the man say “come,’ in the other language it means “I will deal with you,” so they scattered and when you hear people talk and you hear people behave, that is when you will know whether they are friend or foe. That person that is bringing the news of other people to you, run from them, they are not in the interest of your future. That person that is bringing gossip to you, run from them, you have too much to deal with, than to be dealing with gossip. “I just love you so much, I just wanted to let you know how people are talking about you.” Let them talk. Church Gist. Talking about me is the least of my concern now. I want to succeed. I want to impart my generation and make some millions and use it to push the Gospel. How will they talking about me affects me now and help me to achieve that purpose? That will distract my mind, it will cause me bitterness, it will take my focus off for some days. You are not in the best of my interest, telling me such garbage.
The Bible says, the north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue. So, there is a face you carry, that they can easily gossip for you. Bible complete ooo. So, there’s a face you carry that they can comfortably gist about people in your front and there is a face you carry that if they drop the first sentence, they can’t drop the second one. Church Gist. There is a way my father in the Lord used to look; that is, if you are preaching and he is sitting; if you are not sure of yourself, you will drop the mic. No matter what you say, he will just be looking at you like this.
Lift your right hand and say,
“Father, I receive the grace to walk with the right company and association; I receive that grace now in Jesus’ name.”
9). Reasoning, thinking, meditation (Joshua 1:8, Acts 6:1-2). They analyze the situation and then, they said, it is not reasonable; this is not correct, that we are majoring in the minor. We have left the Word and praying, we are only doing welfare. Let us face the Word and prayer and let us select people to handle welfare and they said, it pleased the people and they act according to their reasonability. The outcome of it was productivity and then, the church grew; everything exploded.
Wisdom is analytical and logical reasoning. You sit down to analyse and to calculate logical, what is the better way to get a better result? I am struggling in this situation, how do I get better result?
Proverbs 20:5
Answers are inside your mind, but you draw them out by reasoning, meditation and thinking. Church Gist. Your mind is loaded with answers, but nothing can be drawn until you sit down and you think well, you think the best and the most, when you think on paper. You carry pen and paper, what is the way to get out of this situation? You put your mind under pressure, if you have to blast in tongues, whatever, how? These are ten ways, that can get me out of this situation. Now, which three out of these ten will be the most instant in productivity of results and then, you go to work. I heard that from my father in the Lord, Bishop Oyedepo for the first time; you think the most and you think the best when you think on paper.
Acts 10:19
God speaks to those who think; the voice of God comes in the midst of meditation, thinking and reasoning and the voice of God equals the wisdom of God.
Do you know that there are people who claim that they have an enemy, this man is my enemy. I told my wife and said, why can’t we catch the devil and kill him at once, so that the whole world can rest? So, if I claim that this person is my enemy, I will met this man and say, “Are you close to this person? Don’t be, he is not a good person.” What of you, I saw you talking with him the other day, what were you people discussing? Did he mention anything about me? He is a bad person. That is yeyeciousness of life. Church Gist. Life is too short to make permanent enemies, who is the kind of person that will make a permanent enemy out of a journey from here to Gwagwalada, inside a bus? He saw somebody in the bus and then, they didn’t talk with each other, from there he vowed that, that person is an enemy for life. He may not meet the person again and people do such thing inside church. How do you even have the time to notice who is your enemy? If you have an assignment to do with your life and you have a destiny to fulfill and there are so many things in your life that you need to settle, you haven’t settled.
- It is a new day!
The next time anybody is coming to you to talk like that, say, did you hear what pastor preached the last time? Is it your type he was talking about? You are not in service, let me get you the tape. It will help you behave better.
Be so focused that you are not aware of who is saying what, be so focused on fulfilling your destiny, making your mark, impacting your world, that you are not even aware of who is saying what or who is not saying what.
10). Impartation – where somebody who carries the wisdom of God, either speaks it upon you, releases it upon you by the laying of hands (Deuteronomy 34:9). Who speaks into your life, who lays hands on you, determines the wisdom you can walk in. That is why you should be careful, you don’t surrender your head anywhere they say they are laying hands on people. Many years ago, I did that, I regretted it; “All of you on this side, step out here and be on the line.” The person laying hands on people, I wasn’t sure of him, I said, “How will I do now?” But now, I know better. It is not today, it is twenty something years ago. So, after that, I asked my mentor; “Excuse me Sir, there’s a hand that was laid on me one time, I don’t like it. Can you lay your hands so it can be unlaid?”
When someone say, “All of you, line up, power is flowing.” You can stand up, alright but you just move like you are going to the toilet.
Where are you going? You will say, “I am coming.” You move away, when the process has finished, you can come back if you need to or you can move for good and tell the ushers, “Please, I left Bible on the front seat.” And if you have ever received any such laying of hands or impartation, tonight it is cancelled! It is deleted in the name of Jesus!
(Altar Call)
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