- Dr Pastor Paul Enenche on the “THE PRACTICALITY OF WALKING IN LOVE” at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre || Power Communion Service.
Lord, we appreciate your faithfulness and mercy, all of you in all of us is what our heart cries for, breathe upon your Word tonight and let not one person leave here the same, be glorified Lord, in Jesus’ precious name.
I welcome everyone here tonight, in the precious name of Jesus. Last Sunday we dealt with the subject of the Character of Love and the final thing we looked at last Sunday was the product of love.
We said that;
- Walking in love is walking in the nature of God.
- Walking in love is walking effortlessly in faith because faith walketh by love. Galatians 5:6.
- Walking in love qualifies people for the mercy and the intervention of God.
- Walking in love is walking in the presence of God and that is the anointing.
- Walking in love is walking in the realm of our full potential.
- Walking in love is walking in the realm of the harvest.
I’m going to add the seventh one this evening.
- Walking in love is walking in health. Hatred and unforgiveness invites affliction. Hebrews 12:15. The root of bitterness is an invitation for trouble in the body. Bitter people, malicious people may battle with what we call; mind-body related illnesses, psychosomatic illnesses, some migraine symptoms, some ulcer symptoms and others. ChurchGist. I have seen people laid to rest from cancer because of bitterness, because of hatefulness, it will never be your portion.
Tonight, we are looking at THE PRACTICALITY OF WALKING IN LOVE.
Ephesians 5:2. Love is a journey, which means to operate in the realm of love, steps must be taken , you take steps. If love must be real and for it to produce, steps must be taken.
The question is; what step must we take to walk in love? How do we walk in love?
The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Love. Romans 5:5. 2nd Timothy 1:6-7. Everyone who genuinely has the Spirit of God carries the Spirit of Love. ChurchGist. Praying in the Spirit is praying in love, it’s praying in the language of love. Any Holy Spirit a person carries that makes them to hate their wives or husbands must be questioned. Flowing in the Spirit is flowing in love. The more spiritual you’re the more love filled you are.
Men and women of the Spirit are men and women of love. Everytime you’re flowing in the Spirit, you’re irrigating your heart with love. I know what I’m saying, from experience, after I have prayed for 1 hour, 2 hours down to 6 hours and I have been flowing in the Spirit and praying, when I step out of that closet, I feel like embracing and hugging everybody. I look at my wife; honey how are you, until one day my wife said, this way you look, can you return back there, so that you can look like this permanently. Any prayer closet you come out from and you’re screaming and shouting at everybody, it’s possible you met somebody else but not God. That you’re screaming and shouting at everybody and everybody is running away.
Smith Wigglesworth had an anger problem that was so terrible, he said when he became angry, he would be vibrating like an electric cable, he was so angry until he told his wife; don’t go to Church and his wife told him, you’re my husband but Jesus is my Lord, I’ll respect you but I’ll obey my master and she went to Church. ChurchGist. One day he locked the woman outside and she was lying by the kitchen door and when the man opened the kitchen door in the morning, she fell inside because she was sleeping on the floor and she greeted the man, good morning sir, what would you like to have for breakfast, after she had been locked outside. Smith Wigglesworth said my wife loved me into the Kingdom. After that Smith Wigglesworth became filled with the Holy Ghost and he said his heart became tender like that of a child. He said that being filled with the Holy Ghost is a life of luxury.
His heart became tender like that of a child, that is what the genuine Holy Ghost does to a person. You can almost not hurt a fly, you can’t hurt your wife, hurt your children or hurt anybody. ChurchGist. When next the Holy Ghost makes you speak in tongues, ask Him to help you speak in love and to act in love.
John 1:1. 1st John 4:8. If the Word of God is God and God is Love, then the Word of God is love. So, when a man is filled with the Word, he’s filled with the Word, the Word makes you loaded with love. Any Word of God that you carry on your inside that does not make you love people or have feelings/passion for people, that word of God is to be questioned. ChurchGist. A man said to me, when the ambulance came and they brought the woman here, he said as soon as they arrived in no time, I was there with them in the ambulance because one of our Pastor told me that one of our members is in the ambulance to be moved from one hospital to another hospital and they have branched here, can you please come over and pray for her? In my mind, I said I’m already on my way.
Now, if that phone call meets me when I was standing, I will be on my way instantly, straight to that ambulance. Every revelation that does not translate into compassion is mere information. Passion for God and compassion for people. We have a lot of people who can turn the Bible upside down and preach all manner of things but no heart for people, that is just head knowledge. ChurchGist. Every revelation that does not translate into passion for God and compassion for people is mere head knowledge, it is just information.
Whatever you hang around, hangs around you. You cannot stay in a local kitchen in the village and not smell of smoke, you can’t sell fish and not smell of fish. Anything you hang around with, hangs on you. ChurchGist. Someone said; if you lay down with dogs you will wake up with flies, the positive case also applies. 2nd Corinthians 3:18. When you spend time with God, you’re changed into His nature and His likeness.
I heard the story of a woman who was praying to God in the closet and her husband came to ask her for something. Honey, can I get food? I don’t know whether the husband is a Christian or an unbeliever, but the husband comes and wants to get something from the woman and this was the woman’s response;
🎼Satan pack your load and go (X3)
In Jesus name 🎼
She’s praying to God and it’s in the climate of love and she’s calling her husband Satan. Is it possible for such a husband to follow her to Church. ChurchGist. There are times I’m in the closet and I’m praying and my wife walks in, maybe she needs my attention or something and there I’m speaking in tongues and then she walks in, she does not know what to do, she’ll then maybe write a note but then I’ll still bring her closer and pet her and give her a sign that we’ll talk later. Did I spoil the prayer? No! God is aware that I’m married and once in a while my wife will look for me not knowing that I’m praying.
Life is very easy!
And I would pray that prayer very well and by the time I’m through, I’ll return back to my madam. Excuse me, what was it? Okay! ChurchGist. Or when I come to a comfortable junction, and the matter is a very urgent matter, I can quickly attend to that issue and return to the prayer. Who says the prayer is a waste?
The Bible says we should dwell with our wives according to understanding that our prayer be not hindered. ChurchGist. So, that prayer you’re praying and your wife is saying; it’s only prayer you know how to pray, it’s only the Bible you know how to study, you can’t look after anybody, no food, no nothing. God is also hearing the murmuring, so your prayer is plus one, and grumbling is minus one. 1st Peter 3:7. 1-1=0. Psalm 17:15.
If God asks me to do it, I’m doing it and His commandments are not grievous. Mark 12:30-31. This means, God, you’ve commanded me to love and I’m going to walk in love. ChurchGist. Your Word told me that your commandments are not grievous, your commandments will not grieve me. Isaiah 48:18. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. Say with me; the commandment of God is connected to the blessing of God. 1st John 5:3. The commandments are connected to the blessing and the commandment guarantees peace. So, you have to make up your mind to obey the commandment to love.
Let me say this; Love is not a gift, love is a choice. There is nobody who is gifted to love people; people make the choice to love. The same way joy is not a gift, joy is a choice. Love is not about what you feel, it’s about what you choose. That is, you decide to love whether you feel like it or not, you’re going to love your wife/ husband/ children. Even if there are situations that make loving difficult, you’re still going to love them, it’s a choice, by the commandment.
How many of you men know that, your wife will not look like the way she looked on the wedding day all the time, you better reconcile yourself with this reality for those of us who are not yet married. Also, your husband will not always look the way he looked on the wedding day. ChurchGist. A time will come when her physiology and her anatomy will change, the abdomen is protruding forward, the configuration of the nose is changing, the face is looking somehow and it’s not her fault, it’s the product of impact. Do you understand?
When some people say their wife is not looking the way she was looking before, I tell them, you’re the cause of it. At that time, the love cannot be less than it was before the marriage, that is why the choice to love overwhelms the feeling of love. Those who follow feelings end in failure because feelings are never reliable, you may feel something today and not feel it tomorrow. How many of you know that there are Monday mornings when you don’t feel like going to work? If you follow those feelings, will you succeed in life? There are also times when you don’t feel like going to school, but you have to go to school. ChurchGist. I remember when we were very young and they were taking us to school at first and they used to sell some food near the roadside close to our house, on those days when we come to where the food was, we finish eating and we don’t want to go to school again. There was a time we stayed at home for almost 1 year because of that situation, my father said; they are too young, that is why they are insisting on not going to school.
Praise the Lord!
Feelings are never reliable, so don’t follow just the feelings, you must come to the point where you make the choice. You make the choice because we are commanded to do so.
Say with me; I have made a choice to follow Jesus and I have made a choice to love people by the commandment of God and I’m going to follow that choice in Jesus’ name.
To succeed in your love walk, you must be connected to people who know how to love people and avoid people who hate people.
I will go deeper on this matter on Sunday. Proverbs 13:20. He that walks with the loving shall be loving but the companion of haters shall hate people. Proverbs 27:17. When you keep the company of people who are so generous, who are so loving and caring. My mother spent her life taking care of other people’s children, just before you, the food is served to other people, strangers will pack away all the food, in her house Dog and Cat are friends and eating together. All animals are together there. ChurchGist. There are people whose parents criticized everybody in their presence, and growing up in that climate, it is disaster. There are some so-called friends who don’t see anything good in any human being, run away from them otherwise you won’t be able to protect your love life. There are those who hate people and they want to recruit you into hatred.
I said to this guy; I like the way you dress so sharply but I saw you sitting with this person last Sunday, are you people friends? No, we’re just sitting together. Okay! Just stay away from that guy, only because he hates the other guy, he wants to transfer the hatred into another person’s heart. I’m telling you the true practical, it’s not all prophets who close their eyes to prophesy. So, you’re just moving about with bitterness hating people, you don’t know the reason. ChurchGist. You don’t like this person but you don’t know the reason, it’s somebody who infected you.
I heard a story some time ago, someone was eating in Dallas or somewhere and people were running and they started running, other people saw them running and they also started running, after they had run for a long time, somebody asked another person, excuse me please, why are we running? The man said, I’m also not aware. Itt’s called a Band-wagon effect, the transfer of frustration and transgression and hostility. Don’t let anybody do that to you. ChurchGist. Sometimes ago, some people were talking to me about somebody and how terrible the person was and I said to them, I don’t know what he did to you people but he hasn’t done me any wrong. Avoid anybody who talks about people to you, they will talk about you to others.
If you ever give them an allowance to talk against people to you, they will talk against you to others. ChurchGist. If they dare talk about somebody to you and you made a comment, the comment you made is what they will send to that person.
They won’t tell the person what they said before you made the comment, some people are not in Church for service, they are here to look for faults, the usher has fault, this person has fault, that person has fault, choir didn’t sing well, the drummer didn’t drum well. ChurchGist. The Air Conditioner didn’t work well. And they move from place to place with the baggage of grumbling and murmuring.
Even Jesus Christ in His days on the earth, He prayed for the disciples that they may be one, He prayed for their perfection, He prayed that the people be correct, Himself didn’t pastor 100 correct people, one of them doubted Him, he’s called Thomas. ChurchGist. He said, I don’t believe you; you call yourself the Son of God, show me your hands and except I put my hand in the hole, I won’t believe that you resurrected. That was Apostle Thomas, not just a member. I’m sure it was because of Thomas that Jesus gave them a bottle of oil to go and anoint the sick, I’m sure Thomas was the person that was behind that operation. Jesus pastored Thomas and then He pastored Peter.
Peter was very unreliable, quick tempered, before you can say; Praise the Lord, somebody’s ear is already cut down, it was on the floor. Thank God Jesus had the power and He put the ear together, all of them would have been in the cell. Apostle Peter; he said if everybody will deny you, count on me. Jesus said, shut up, calm down. Before the cock crow twice you will deny me three times, that means you’ll be denying faster than the crow of the chicken and cock crow is used to measure time. ChurchGist. The worst of it; Judas Iscariot, who was an Apostle, an Apostle that sold the master. He negotiated his price, he planted a kiss on His cheque and he wants to use the kiss to kill.
Those were the Kind of people that Jesus Pastored. Yet there is somebody here who is trying to look for somebody here that doesn’t have the type of Judas, the type of Peter, the type of Thomas. Whenever you see such a person, even if the Church was perfect before that person came, at the arrival of that person, the Church will be damaged. ChurchGist. Until you guard your ears, you will lose your heart, because your ear is a gateway to your heart. It was when Delilah spoke to Samson until Samson’s heart changed. If you have no watch over your ears, you have lost the sanctity of your heart. Just avoid the company of the hateful, avoid such in the house of God. Avoid it, so that you can defend your heart and love liberally. We can love liberally but you relate selectively. There is no commandment that says be the friend of everybody. Is there any commandment like that in the Bible?
So, in loving people you have no choice, in relating with people you have a choice, nobody can force themselves to be your friend and you can’t force yourself to be anybody’s friend. I’m saying this point because some tender-hearted people, innocent people became victims of bitterness, hatred and eventually wickedness because who began to speak to them. ChurchGist. One woman told her friend, the way my husband is behaving and dealing with me, I want to leave this marriage, the friend said can I assist you with transport money. The person that experienced it told me with her mouth. The friend was advising her on how to successfully divorce her husband. It will never be your portion. Will you guard your ears? Will you guard your heart? Will you guard your love life?
You guard it by surrounding yourself with the right people.
This includes understanding that life is a seed, that what we reap is determined by what we sow. What I do for people returns back. ChurchGist. In my medical school, a man picked interest in me, so much interest, he was ready to do anything for me, a very big doctor, he was a medical doctor around the year I was born, later on he explained himself, he said when I was a student in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, I will pass and branch by where your mother was trading, my mother and her sister were traders together, she would give me money and the amount your mother will give to me, it will take a long time before you could spend it, what my mother gave to him was almost beyond what any other person gave to him. So, it was as if he was on a vengeance mission, I need to find one of this woman’s children, to see what I can do for him and God gave him the opportunity and we saw.
He was very interested in me. What you’re sowing today, your children may reap it tomorrow, even you yourself may reap it tomorrow. Matthew 7:12. Psalm 18:25. When Job prayed for his friends, God turned his captivity. Job 42:10. What I make happen for somebody, God will make happen for me, so I’m going to love people, I’m going to do as much as possible to the people that come my way. ChurchGist. I may not reap it from them, I will reap it from God.
Galatians 6:9. In the journey of love there is a tendency of weariness. One young man graduates in Nigeria and then got scholarship to go study in the UK, it’s related to me and he was stranded, he needed some amount of money to able to meet up scholarship details and I was very happy, somebody I know from my mother’s side has this opportunity, let’s do everything we can to make sure he goes. So, we looked for money, personal money in pounds and we assisted him, he went to the UK, that was the last I heard from him. He graduated, I’m not aware, he arrived in Nigeria, I’m not aware, he’s working in the bank, I’m not aware, the only time I was aware was when he lost his job. ChurchGist. He was no longer a Christian, he had lived recklessly, someone was pregnant for him, I can’t remember the details. I’ll continue from this place on Sunday.
If you follow people’s reaction, you won’t take action. If you follow the wrong reaction, you would just be paralyzed. You raise somebody and he tries to erase you. You give him stool to climb, he wants to knock off the one you were standing on, have you experienced such before? The more you help the more they hurt, until you’re almost saying you’re not helping anybody again. That devil is a bastard.
Some girls say all men are bad, it’s not true, because they encountered a very bad guy, a heartless guy, collecting their money, eating their food, hating them and spending his own money on somebody else. Bad guys! I want to do a course on practical husbanding and fathering. Because assumption brings frustration, because there are times that you expect people to know things and they don’t know it. The course is for those who are already fathers and husbands and those who intend to be. If it is scheduled, will anybody attend? Practical life lesson. ChurchGist. Because many young people are suffering in marriages and even those who are not yet married are afraid of getting married, because of what they see of their friends. Life is designed to be enjoyed not endured, that includes marriage. There are some people who are afraid of going home to go and meet their husbands at home and he too just left church too, what kind of life is that. He’s normal here but when he reaches home, he’s a tiger.
- Father, you have sent your Word and I have received your Word. Father, I pray for positive transformation from your Word into my life.
- Father, I ask that you’ll overwhelm me today with your Spirit of Love. Help me to function at the frequency of love, I receive it now.
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