UNVEILING THE MYSTERY OF WISDOM IN SCRIPTURES || Pastor Olayinka Folorunsho at SHILOH 2024 Day Two Shiloh Hour of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 11th December 2024 || Second Word Session.

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  • Pastor Olayinka Folorunsho on “UNVEILING THE MYSTERY OF WISDOM IN SCRIPTURES” at SHILOH 2024 Day Two Shiloh Hour of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 11th December 2024 || Second Word Session.

Somebody give Jesus a loud shout of praise. Please put your hand together for Jesus. You may please be comfortably seated. Church Gist. Hallelujah. Well, I am sure that you have been richly blessed by that explosive Word that came shortly. I was extremely blessed, I don’t know if you. But if you are, shout us, “I am blessed!”

This morning, I will likely to deeply appreciate God’s servant, our father in faith, my father who has graciously privileged me to share a word on this exalted altar. The greatest thing a man can give to you is showing you the interpretation of God’s word through his life. We are in the days were people have read the scriptures so well, but getting difficult to see the expression of scriptures in the lives of people who teach them. Church Gist. We are privileged of God to have God’s servant and all through the years God has privileged us to be here, what has been our greatest courage is because we see a life of God. What he teaches practically in his life and so it is easy for us to follow. I want to deeply appreciate you Sir for this great opportunity. Somebody who is said to be blessed, out your hands together for Jesus.

This morning, in the privileged time that I have, we will be saring in the subject Unveiling the mystery of wisdom in scriptures. Just like we heard from the opening word yesterday from our Father. Divine wisdom is a mystery which the world is finding difficult to unravel. Why because? Church Gist. The product of this wisdom cannot be explained by natural phenomenon and yet it is realm. You heard God’s servant say that only fools doubt proofs. The good news is that after this Shiloh, your life that use to be an explanation will turn to an exclamation in the Name of Jesus.

The wisdom of God is the very living wisdom of Scriptures. It takes something that has life to impact life, to produce life. Church Gist. The dead cannot give birth to life, it is only the living that give birth to life. This wisdom is an every living Wisdom. So it keeps you alive in every area of life. It keeps your Spiritual life consistently alive. It keeps your business, your destiny, the vision of God for your life. It keeps it running and alive.

  • From today, nothing dies in your life in the Name of Jesus.

In 1 Peter 1:23, the Bible calls it the incorruptible seed. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. The incorruptible seed. The seed that is not corrupt, giving you incorruptible result which liveth and abideth for ever. The incorruptible seed. The seed that is not corrupt, giving you incorruptible result which liveth and abideth forever. Church Gist. Whatsoever the word doeth, which is whatsoever the Lord doeth liveth forever.

  • From today, no Satan will be able to stop God’s testimony in your life.

This every winning wisdom is embedded in the pages of Scriptures. We heard from yesterday’s teaching and this morning that there are different types of wisdom. Earthly wisdom, sensual wisdom, devilish wisdom. But this kind of wisdom is embedded in the pages of Scriptures. Church Gist. You can’t get it anywhere, you get it from God’s Word. In Psalm 19:7-8, here what the Word of God says. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
It brings perfect people, it brings perfect testimonies. It gives perfect result. The testimony of the Lord is sure. A man can promise you, but tomorrow, he can deny you. You may escape a trap through earthly wisdom but it is just temporal. This kind of wisdom is sure. It is certain. I remember many years ago, in our church in Kaduna, way back. Some of the things our Father in the Lord, God’s servant said. Church Gist. Naturally, you couldn’t imagine it. It is difficult to imagine because of where we where. But those walls, because they are not man’s walls. They are not from man’s wisdom, they are sure a d today we can see the full realization. Why because God’s Word. God’s wisdom is sure.

  • On this Shiloh ground, God must speak a word to you that your adversaries will know that you are serving the God in the Name of Jesus.

It is sure, it is right, it breeds righteous people. It teaches us how to stay right. How to live right, how to walk right. It is clean. That is what the Bible says. It delivers from all manner of controversy. God’s wisdom is clean. Church Gist. By the great work of God in this commission today, everyone knows that the hand of God is strong. And getting to this point not by any cunning means, but by the wisdom of God. It is clear and is it clean to everyone. The wisdom of God is clean. It gives clean result.

  • From today, your result will not be questionable in the name of Jesus.

This wisdom never gets outdated or old fashioned. It is ever relevant for all times. Praise the Name of the Lord. It never gets outdated. We are lining in a world of modernism where the devil is fast corrupting great virtues. What we used to hold as virtues. Satan is corrupting and even trying to corrupt God’s Word. Church Gist. And we see so many things that were n the world before coming into the church. Why? Because if modernism. This Word is current. It is never outdated. The wisdom of God is never outdated or old fashioned. In Isaiah 55:1-2. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Verse 10 and 11. God’s Word when it is release, it must come to pass. No matter the controversies of the world. No matter the worldly explanation. God’s word must come to pass because it is never outdated. It is current and generational. Church Gist. In Lamentations 3:22-23, it said it is if the Lord’s mercy that we are not consumed. His compassion failed not. They are new every morning. From generation to the other, they are new. They can never be outdated. No matter how men try to misinterprete it, it is new every morning. It is the same. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever. The power is the same. It never lose its power.

Psalm 145:3, hear what the Bible says, Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. Not a jot of this Word will go unfulfilled. Matthew 24:35. So the Word of God, this wisdom. This ever wisdom principles, they are never outdated. They can achiever sustained result. That is what God’s wisdom is. Church Gist. God’s wisdom is trading scriptural principle. Not the worldly principles, scriptural principles. It is engaging God’s approach to every situation of life. When you engage God’s approach, it destroys the reproach. That reproach is still standing because we have not engaged the right scriptural approach.

There is a way that seemeth right, but the end thereof is the way of disruption. Church Gist. In reading scriptural principles, this ever winning principle will always generate ever winning results. From today, you never go down in life in the name of Jesus. You will never see failure in life in the name of Jesus. Whatever challenge may be standing in your way, before this Shiloh is over, you have your solutions in the name of Jesus.

God’s wisdom is applicable for all times and seasons. To every situation, especially the days we are in where people feel there is so much famine in the land. There is so much financial tension and the world principle says for you to keep having. Church Gist. To keep gathering. But that is not the ever willing wisdom. That is not what the ever winning wisdom says. In Deuteronomy 8:18, you want the power to get wealth, the covenant. That is the ever winning principle. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. Thou shall remember the Lord your God, you want the power to get wealth. Remember the Lord, remember the covenant. There is one that scattereth, which is contrary to the wisdom of the world. The wisdom of the world says gather, gather and that is how to have more. But the ever winning wisdom says scatter. Scatter wisely according to the scriptural dictates of the Kingdom and in every other accepted avenue as dictated in scriptures. There is one that scattereth and yet is increasing. But there is one that withholds much more than is necessary, it turms to him as poverty. Church Gist. The liberal soul shall be made fat. And he that watereth himself shall be watered.

  • From today, as you begin to trade the ever winning wisdom, poverty shall never be found in your life in the mighty Name of Jesus.

It is applicable in all cases. In your family, it is applicable. The wisdom principle is applicable. Husband love your wife, wife submit to your husband. That is the wisdom provision. If you love your wife, it will determine how you speak. If you love your husband, it will determine how you speak. A certain incident happened many years concerning a couple. Who also got a divorce because of yam. Satan can use anything if you are out of order. The man came from a less comfortable family and the wife came from a very comfortable family and apparently she was peeking the tan and the man came back from work and saw how she was tearing the yam. The thing was touching him, as if they were tesring his skin. Church Gist. He went inside. He couldn’t hold it, he came back again. He said, “Ah, is this how you peel yam in your mother’s house?” And the wife said, “In your own Father’s house, do they eat it with the back?” And then when they reported themselves. What is bringing this problem? He said it is yam. When you are out of the principles of Scriptures, the devil takes advantage. Trade the ever winning wisdom in every area of your life and you will never suffer loss.

  • From today, I decree, everything concerning you will keep going up in the mighty name of Jesus.

As long as the covenant of the day and night is there, it is not too late, just know that the ever winning wisdom is in place. Church Gist. It will deliver. In Jeremiah 33:20-21 . Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers. As long as the Covenant of dat and night is intact, the mystery of the ever winning wisdom is intact. In Deuteronomy 28:1. If we give heed to obeying it, we shall find ourselves in the high places of life. Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.

  • I speak to you by the Spirit of God. After this Shiloh 2024, men will have to look up to see you in the Name of Jesus.
  • Your position is changing in the name of Jesus.
  • That situation is changing in the name of Jesus.

God’s Word is God’s wisdom bank and His currency never loses value. The entire world is framed by this wisdom of God. In Psalm 119:97-98, the Bible says, Oh how love In thy law, it is my reputation all the day. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than my enemies from they are ever with me. Yo be praying that, Oh Lord, let me not have any enemy in Jesus name. Even if you find Scriptures to hold, it cannot come to pass. Church Gist. Because either is scriptural that enemies will always be there. Challenges are not to swallow you up. Oppositions are not to train you. No, oppositions are for your up position. They are always with me, but through your wisdom, you have made me wiser than them. They will always be there. If you don’t want to have enemies, don’t succeed. If you don’t want to have enemies, don’t go forward. Even when you are on the ground, they will till talk against you. They are always there. They’re are some people, they will smile at you and greet you, but they are surprised that you work up. Hallelujah. You just bought a car and you just share with them. This is what God has done. Oh thank God. Congratulations. After you leave, they will whisper to somebody. 2-door car. We thought it is a car, 2-door car. They are wishing. Church Gist. Enemies are always there, but he said, through your commandments, you place me in command, you make me wiser.

  • Receive that impartation of wisdom in the Name of Jesus.
  • Your enemies will always come late in the Name of Jesus.

In Psalm 19:7-8, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Making wise the simple not the ones who engages in arguments and debates against the Word of God. Sometimes, we get so learned that we lose the Spiritual virtue of God’s Word. Yesterday, our father was teaching us on the prophetic nature of God’s Word. We try to want to explain God’s Word with our head. The simple. The one that will take the word above His Name. Instead of God to change His word for any man, He will rather change any man for His Word. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will never. The wise, Church Gist the simple will always have access to this ever winning wisdom.

  • I speak from today, receive grace to receive this ever winning wisdom in the Name of Jesus.
  • No matter how difficult men have said your case is, I decree with the application of this ever winning wisdom, your case is settled in the Name of Jesus.

Now let’s look at this very strange good news. Here are some good news you need to know about this ever winning wisdom.

  1. Supernatural wisdom is the trademark of the end time church.
    That is what God has declared, that you and I will be identified with with this end time just like Jesus in Matthew 13:54. The Bible says, And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? where has this man this wisdom? They were astonished. Church Gist. Now listen to me.
  • By the Spirit of God and by the God of Shiloh, you are leaving this Shiloh ground as an astonishment to your world in the Name of Jesus.
  • All those who thought nothing good can ever happen in your life, by the application of this wisdom, you will become an astonishment yo them in the Name of Jesus.
  • Whatever good that has never been known to happen in your family. I decree that by this impartation of this Shiloh, it shall happen in your life in the Name of Jesus.
  • Your testimony shall explain Shiloh 2024 in the name of Jesus.

That is the trade mark of this end time. By this impartations we are receiving in this Shiloh ground, something will change in your approach to your work, to your family . Something must change in your approach to your Spiritual life. Church Gist. What commeth this man with this kind of wisdom? You have complained and complained while you were not rooted in your place of work. Not after this Shiloh. Because, God is going to be showing you steps to take that you will become an astonishment to your management.

  • That position that nobody has occupied I your place of work, after this Shiloh, by the application of this wisdom, you are there in the mighty name of Jesus.

This kind of wisdom generates mighty works. Great works. I know you have experienced some good works in your life before. But you are changing phase. You are entering into a realm of mighty works. In John 14:12. The Bible says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. As my Father has sent me, so send I you.

  • By the impartations in this Shiloh, God is graduating us to the realm of mighty works. Not mighty words. We have spoken so well to people. Church Gist. We have spoken about what God says He will do in our lives. But the grace to know what to do such that it becomes manifested in our lives. We are receiving it in this Shiloh ground. If you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.
  1. This ever winning wisdom is accessible by the Holy Spirit assisted inspiration.
    We need inspiration of the Holy Spirit to know what steps to take per time. To know what to do per time. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us, to lead us, to show us the mind of His and what to do per time because it is whatever God show you that make you a show to your world. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. The revelation of every scripture is given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Church Gist. we therefore must create time with the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 2:9-10. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Deep things of God. The deeper the revelation, the higher you rise in life. We just rely on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Now what we know. Not even our experiences. The Holy Spirit translates the mind of God for us.

David pursued the first time and he asked should I pursue? He said yes. He asked again. He didn’t just dwell on the experience of yesterday. Experiences are good, but let us not rely on our experiences. Let us rely on what God is saying over time in every situation. Let’s give the Holy Spirit a place in our lives. Church Gist. Let’s not choke the Holy Spirit in our lives. You want to work perfectly with Holy Spirit for inspiration, maintain a Spiritual life. Make sure your Spirit man is on fire for God. Not one leg in, one leg out. Live a life of righteousness. He is called the Holy Spirit. You just therefore live honey in other to command His attention. Live righteously. Avoid a choking spirit. How will He speak to you when so many things are speaking to you in your heart. You have so much choke your Spirit with all manner of offences here and there. You are keeping malice with your father, with your wife, with your husband, with somebody in your unit. Even when you are in church, you are praying and that person passes. Then your prayer point changes. Avoid a choking spirit.Let the offense go, so that God can come into your life. Maintain a clean Spirit, maintain a clear Spirit. Praise the Name of the Lord. Live a life of thanksgiving. Stop living complaining and murmuring life. You drive the presence of the Holy Spirit away from your life. Everything, you must complain. Oh the sun is hot, there is too much rain, oh I am tired. Everything you must complain, that is why everything is complicated. Those who complain Church Gist they complicate their matters. Those who murmur, they never know more. Live a life of thanksgiving. Get excited. You can draw only from the ells of salvation with joy. Don’t look as if the whole world is falling on you.

Your face is so hard you don’t smile and they ask you why are you not smiling, you say that js how we are in our family. And if somebody give you 1 million now, you will smile and say thank God. Live a life of joy, so you can tap into that inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
-From today, I decree a fresh walk with the Holy Spirit for you.

  1. This ever winning wisdom is creative.
    Whatever God say, He creates. When we believe and receive it and put it to work, we see the manifestation. It creates. Even when it is not there. Genesis 1:1-2. It says. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The creative Word. There ever winning word came and there was light. I don’t care how shapeless your life may look. Men have looked at you and they shake their head. They have given up on you. This looks like your final bus stop. Church Gist. You say Lord I am cong to camp with you in Shiloh. I know you can do all things. You came with that longing in your heart.
  • I speak by the Word of God. God will visit you in Jesus Name. The God of Shiloh will visit you in the name of Jesus.
  • Whatever is missing in your life, my God wil turn it to your testimony in the Name of Jesus.
  • I don’t know the kind of negative medical report you came with, and you have gone to the seemingly best hospitals you know. That situation is changed in the Name of Jesus.
  1. See what the Wisdom book is saying
    The clearer you see through the eyes of Scripture, the faster the delivery. In Genesis 13:14-15, God said to Abraham, I want to change your face, I want to change your situation Abraham. But listen to me, lift up now your eyes. Church Gist. Your eye is so focused on the problem. Lift it up. Stop concentrating on the challenge and on the problem. Lift it up. Lift up your eyes. Look for the place you are northward, southward, Eastward and westward. It says as far as you can see, so will I give it unto you and your seed forever. What you see is what you get. Whatever the wisdom book is saying.

Jeremiah 1:11-12. Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.
Anything you see that is in line with God’s Word, he says I will hasten to perform it. See what the wisdom book is saying. See yourself making advancement, see yourself getting married. See yourself getting the fruit of the womb. See yourself being outstanding in every area of life. See yourself going forward. See your healing. See your deliverance. What seest thou? They have told you that do you think it is possible for your I get married with your age? Bring out your birth certificate and Satan is analyzing and all of a sudden, you see yourself weeping. Many people have jilted you unnecessarily so much so that you bring their pictures to every anointing service. Church Gist. You have anointed that person so much so that all his face has scratched off from that picture, nothing is remaining. Put away that picture. See God brining unto you your God ordained husband. Looking handsome, articulated with very good moustache. See God bringing it your way, see God changing your level. See God promoting you. What do you see? What you see is what God gives into you.

Rise up on your feet. Lift up your voice right now and begin to declare. What you see is what you get. What has the wisdom book said concerning your situation? Do you believe it? See it coming to pass. Begin to paint a picture of that thing that God’s Word has said concerning that area of your life. See your business going global and not local. See your family waxing strong. According to God’s Word, see your Spirit life being consistent. See God doing mighty things through your ministry. See that expansion in that ministry. See impact in that ministry. Sew your deliverance, see your healing. See your breakthrough. See every medical report being reversed. Lift up your voice and speak forth. If you can see it, say it now. Open your mouth wide and you shall feel it. Come on and speak now. Nothing is difficult for God. God is committed to do. Thank you Father, in Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed.
Whatever you have seen that the Word has said about you, receive it in the Name of Jesus. He said whatever you see, I will hasten to perform. I command a speedy manifestation of your desires in the Name of Jesus. And so shall it be. Wave your hands and give Him praise and thank Him.








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