- Bishop David Oyedepo on ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 3A at Prophetic Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 19th January 2024.

We have enumerated the wonders in the earlier part of the series. Isaiah 58:6-14. Among others, prayer and fasting is a platform for express answers to prayers. Isaiah 58:9. So I welcome you to this type of the valley of Dry Bones where God is out to turn things supernaturally in your favour. Church Gist. Things are turning around for you this morning. The bones were very dry (Ezekiel 37:1-10). People who think that your case is closed will be proven wrong today. Ezekiel 37:11-14.
- Your graves are opened today.
- They think you will die but you shall live.
This is why I called this a type of the Valley of Dry Bones. God is out here to reenact this wondrous act of Ezekiel 37 in our midst.
- Therefore anything dying or dead in the life of anyone shall bounce back to life today.
- Every dying or dead organ will be restored to perfection today. Church Gist.
- Every sentence of death passed on anyone shall be thrown out today.
- Every shut up destiny in the grave shall come forth supernaturally.
- Every closed case shall be reopened in your favour.
- Every generational curse shall lose its grip off the life of anyone in the name of Jesus.
Therefore in this Prophetic Service be reminded that the altar of prayer and fasting is the altar of express answers to prayers. Thanksgiving is a requirement for taking delivery of answers to our prayers. Philippians 4:6. God is not a joker, He means what He says and He says what He means. He is not a prayer storing God, He is a prayer answering God. Whenever we pray according to His Will, we have committed His integrity to perform. His Will covers every good thing. Matthew 7:11. So if you have asked for good things as a child of God, it is your right. Good things are your right in redemption. To have children is your right. To enjoy sound health is your right. To be gloriously married is your right. To have breakthroughs in your career is your right. So expect delivery of answers to all the prayers you have prayed thus far in the service. There shall be a seal of delivery of answers.
In this Prophetic Service, I want to admonish you to please stay focused and be on alert. What I say to one, I say to all. Elijah said to Elisha, if you see me when I am cut up it shall be yours. So stay focused. Intense focus, undistracted focus to maximise your intention in the prophetic service. I still remember I was in Tulsa with a desperation to return with whatever grace was upon Hagin and I sat in that meeting. I couldn’t tell who was on my right or on my left, that was none of my business. My eyes were glued on the altar. Suddenly in one of the afternoon sessions, not night sessions, as I beheld, I saw his face transfigured with my own naked eyes. It became like the face of a baby and I saw oil dripping down from head, down his cheeks and into his suit. Then, something electric was fired into where I sat in the gallery. I broke down in tears uncontrollably. No ‘I love dignity in public’, it wasn’t me. And then, God said to me, “my son David, the baton has been passed over to you”. Here we are today in the river of faith. Here we are today in the ocean of faith. Stay focused!
And then, they were mocking him, “oh boy, your master will be taken away from you today”. By the time he returned, they bowed and worshipped.
- your mockers will change their mind! Because you’re returning from here today as a wonder.
So, set yourself for an encounter in this prophetic service. Church Gist. Recognize that every prophetic Scripture is a sworn verdict by God and settled in Heaven forever. Isaiah 14:24. So, every prophetic Scripture is a sworn verdict, “I swear and it is what I’ll do”. Psalm 119:89. Every prophetic Scripture is a covenant that remains in force as long as the earth remains. Church Gist. Jeremiah 33:20-21. God’s Word concerning stands forever. Matthew 24:45.

Also, recognize that every prophetic Scripture applies for all times and to whosoever believes. There’s no new generation scripture, forget it. No one qualified to reedit the Bible, forget it. The Word of God lives and abides forever. 1 Peter 1:23. Luke 1:45. Church Gist. Recognize that as a Church, we are in our New Era Year, “Behold, I will do a new thing”. He never lies. So, there are new thing packages for you this year. Isaiah 43:18-19. Don’t think about the way it used to happen, something is about breaking forth. Isaiah 43:19. “Don’t let your past disconnect you from what I want to do. Church Gist. Don’t let your experience in the past dislodge your position”. Isaiah 43:19.
- this year marks the end of your dry seasons in life!
New Era here connotes a new dawn. Psalm 30:5.
- your morning of joy is here!
- Every form of secret weeping is over!
New Era also connotes the opening of new chapters of glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
- new chapters of glory is opening to you this year!
These are all prophetic scriptures, please catch it. Church Gist. They are not there to impress you, they’re to let you into God’s agenda.
- new chapters of glory is opening to you this year!
New Era also connotes a favourable change of story. Not just change of story, a favourable change of story. Church Gist. Psalm 102:13-15. So, fearful favour is the lot of everyone in pursuit of God and the interest of His Kingdom this year.
- So, it’s your year of fearful favour!
- favour that makes Kings to tremble is coming on your life this year!
New Era also implies an upward change of story. Habakkuk 3:17-19.
- Upward change of story, that’s your portion!
- Your story is changing upward!
- everyone will know that your God is lifting you!
- as we maintain the joy of the Lord as a lifestyle, you’ll keep changing level upward.
A New Era also connotes a marvelous change of story. Psalm 118:23. 1 Peter 2:9. Marvels is part of God’s package for His children. Church Gist. We are to be marveled at by people. People should wonder, “what is happening?!”
- and this year you’re walking in that realm!
Please, take note of all these and grab them in your spirit because when you hear it and you see what God is saying concerning you in it, your hand will handle it. It’s the way it works.
Finally, New Era connotes an enviable change of story
-Come on now! It’s your year of enviable change of story.
Remember we brethren as Isaac are children of promise. Galatians 4:28. And there was a year where Isaac became the envy of the strongest nation of the World – One year. Genesis 26:12-14. It all happened within one year.
-Before 2025 is over, you are a person to be envied. Church Gist. That lines up with 2025, our New Era Year. Genesis 26:12. It’s your year!
Therefore, in return for our engagement on the altar of prayer and fasting, we should expect all our afflictions to be turned to celebration. Can I have you say with me: I expect that!
-Psalm 30:11. God is turning your mourning into dancing! He’s converting your afflictions to celebration. Every form of weeping behind closed doors is over. The subject of your tears is turned into testimony. Church Gist. Thank You Jesus! So wherever you’re seated; affliction, you’re gone. You don’t belong here. Begin to say that: You don’t belong here. Stress, strain; you are gone. Weakness, pains and aches, you are gone because God has come down this morning to turn your mourning into dancing. It’s your day!
What you don’t expect you can’t experience, please wake up. Wake up! Scriptures are not there to entertain us, they are there to secure our future in God. Church Gist. They are there to secure our tomorrow. Also expect every form of shame and reproach to be turned to glory. The Word says for your shame you shall have double!!
-For your shame you shall have double.
Isaiah 61:8. Zephaniah 3:19-20. In that same land where you have been put to shame, God will give you a new name.
-It’s your day!! Shame is over! Reproach is over. No one will ask you again, where is your God? This morning, every subject of shame around your life is rolled away in the name of Jesus.
Also expect every plague of sickness and disease turned to full restoration of health. The plague is over! 🎶 Rise and be healed in the name of Jesus, let faith arise in your heart. Church Gist. Rise and be healed in the name of Jesus, He has healed you and made you whole🎶 It’s not a thing to happen, He already took your infirmity. He already took (your infirmity), He never returned it.
-Therefore, every form of sickness and disease, this morning tormenting anyone under the sound of my voice. Because He already took (your infirmity), you are declared free. Church Gist. Every terminal disease is rooted out of anybody. 🎶 Rise and be free in the name of Jesus, let faith arise in your heart. Rise and be free in the name of Jesus, He has saved you and set you free🎶
-It’s your day!
🎶 Oba mimo gba’so aisan Lara mi. Gba’so aisan, mio f’aso aisan b’ora mo. Gba’so aisan. Oga ogo gba’so iya Lara mi, gba’so iya, mio f’aso iya b’ora mo, gba’so iya. 🎶
God has taken away the cloth of sickness from my body, I’ll not wear it again. Now be free in the name of Jesus!
Jeremiah 30:17. Isaiah 58:8.
-Therefore, I decree speedy restoration of your health. Receive it now in the name of Jesus!
-Barrenness is turned to fruitfulness.

Exodus 23:25,26.
-Everyone called barren, sing. It’s your turn!
-As the Lord lives, whose I am and whom I serve, this is your year.
-You are bringing forth this year and to His glory. (x3)
-Every siege of marital spell is broken.
-Thank you, Jesus.
-Expect every area of pity in your life to be turned to envy.
-You’ll never be pitied again.
-Like Isaac, your season of envy has arrived.
Next, Expect every curse, every enchantment, every spell to be turned to blessing. Church Gist. Why? By redemption, we are not permitted to live under the curse. Galatians 3:13,14.
-Therefore, expect every air, every trace of curses turned to blessings in your life today.
Numbers 23:23.
-I therefore declare null and void, every enchantment of the wicked against your life. They are declared null and void this morning.
Isaiah 49:24-26.
-So, this morning, you are free from the striving of men.
-You are delivered from the striving of the wicked.
Show yourself Lord. Can you say that? “Show yourself Lord on my behalf. Show yourself today against my adversaries. Church Gist. Show yourself against my enemies. Show yourself against my adversaries. I’m rescued. I’m free”.
Expect every captivity turned to liberty. Expect every evil addiction destroyed. Psalm 126:1. Expect every evil taste paralyzed. Expect every spiritual bondage broken. Expect your spiritual liberty this morning. Church Gist. Whatever displeased God will not survive in your life today. Whatever turns God off breaks off your life today. Psalm 126:1,2. In the name of Jesus, your spiritual dignity is restored. Thank you, Jesus.

Therefore, shake your feet from the dust, oh captive daughter of Zion. You have sold yourself for nothing. Church Gist. You won’t have to pay nothing more to be free. I’ve paid all the price, Jesus said. So, you are free!
Now, watch. Man is the worst enemy of himself. When you point (an) accusing finger to one person, you are pointing 3 to yourself. “That man is my problem, but I’m 3 quarters my problem, he’s one quarter of it.” So when you stop being a problem to yourself, you will be free.
- Whatever you don’t want in your life gets off you today!
Stop blocking your own access to the glorious future that God has for you. Stop blocking your own access. Stop! It’s time we begin to consider our ways and return back to God.
Like we said earlier on, the platform of prayer and fasting is primarily ordained for spiritual renewal. Spiritual renewal is all over those verses. Spiritual renewal! If you come out of this without a transformation of your life then you have not been there. Church Gist. Some things must change for you to take delivery of your New Era package. Some things must…our position must change. Thank you Jesus!
You know, “give me, give me” like that testimony said is the prayer of children in children’s Church. “Show me Jesus what is blocking my way is the prayer of adults. Church Gist. “Show me the right way to go” and many of us have received amazing light in the course of this prayer and fasting.
- Grace to work in that light, receive it now in the name of Jesus!
- Expect your slavery turned to royalty!
- It’s your year of enthronement!
- The year 2025 which is your New Era year is your year of enthronement!
- You are scaling strange heights this year in your various endeavours in the name of Jesus!
Revelation 5:9-10. There is no advantaged nation in the Kingdom. Every nation is always the same with God. There is no first world, second world – it’s the geography of the World. With God, He has made all nations of one blood. So you don’t have to run to nations, run to God. Run! Church Gist. No matter what nation you run to, until you run into God, you have not found a refuge. Psalm 71:7. It’s inside God we find our place in destiny. It’s not in a nation, it’s in God.
- Your slavery is over!
- In this Prophetic Service, God is turning all of our struggles into miracles!
John 3:8, Isaiah 8:18.
- Expect the supernatural to suspend all natural limits in your life!
- You are breaking forth!
People will tell you when you come to a wits’ end, “it will take a miracle.” Isn’t that what they say? Church Gist. You are the miracle, it will take. It will take a miracle!
- Therefore, expect your struggles turned to miracles today!
- And it’s turned!
Now watch, this Building (Faith Tabernacle) is a miracle. Anybody who thinks that ‘he’, you know Papa, you don’t understand it. This Church, you don’t understand it. We had no budget for this yet we had no borrowing. We didn’t steal. Miracles are real. Church Gist. I remember one bank came forth when we were beginning construction in Covenant University to offer us a one billion upfront facility. I thanked them; I said, “if God cannot build it, who will run it? We don’t need it.” Miracles are real.
- Many are walking out of debt this year!
- Never to be found there again!
Miracles are real and they happen everyday to whosoever believes. Miracles are real. Church Gist. We are not indebted to any man living or dead as a Commission and yet, amazing things are happening. Miracles are real!
- God is turning your struggles to miracles today!
Somebody is looking for a job and he’s been looking for who to know. That’s why you haven’t gotten the job. You won’t get (it). Get to know God. Church Gist. That man said before I was through reading ‘Born to Win’, I got a call. It was in a fast. “I got a call – come and take your job.” Before I was through reading it…Just simple obedience of faith to instructions.
Sir, I know no man after the flesh and I am telling you the truth in Christ. I know no man after the flesh. There is no man I think of to go to when there is a need. I go to Jesus. Church Gist. The One they are looking for in the house of Mary lives inside me. They were waiting for Him but He lives inside me. “Sir, if you were here, he would not have died.” Now, He is in you; you can’t die! So be awake!
Can you imagine someone who has not read anything since this fasting began. He can’t point to one chapter he has read. He can’t point to one book he has read. Is that fasting? No, that is hunger strike. I have written volumes during this fast. Church Gist. Light can’t break forth when you are not in class. Go to the class of the Bible. You want outbreak of light? We have only 1 week more to go. Go through the school of the Bible and catch light.
My wife is here, she asked me what did you bring from that trip? I said come and see. First books, second books. She said what else? I said that is all else. I said the co tent of this thing could make me a manufacturer of the thing I would have bought. Can you harass me with factory today? No. How? Church Gist. If I snap my finger, a factory will come up. If there is no light, there is no way forward.

The most valuable capital asset from this fast is the encounter with light. It is by that light you command miracles. Though shall take the word in they hand by which you do signs. Exodus 4:17. No word, no signs. You can’t have your struggles turn to miracles without a word in your hand. A word that you handle, not the one you hear. Church Gist. Thou shall take this word in thy hand wherewith thou shall do signs. Take it in your hand. The things we have heard, the things we have seen, the things our eyes have looked upon. The things our hands have handled.
You take the word in your hand. 1 John 1:1. Then you do signs. Do you know the mystery behind the workings of projects in this ministry? The silver is mine and the gold is mine saith the Lord. David, it is not yours o. The silver is mine, the gold is mine. It is not in the member’s pocket. The silver is mine, the gold is mine. I have a running budget for all my projects in the Kingdom.
So, I am a very weak person in raising offering. My job is raising men. God has the silver and the gold. Do you know we entered into 3 nations without a dine from the headquarters. Come on, now. Thou shall take this rod in thy hand wherewith you do signs. Church Gist. Your struggles end here today. So, you know what I want you to do, settle down. Grab the book redeemed as a wonder to my Word. Grab it and devour it. The secrets of men are in their stories, grab it and devour it. You struggle too much. It is not necessary. Praise God. It is not.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, this day Mark the end of all forms of struggles in your life. Thank you, Jesus. We were asked to bring forth our thanksgiving item on the prayers we have prayed because that is what is required to have a seal of delivery of answers. Church Gist. In a moment, we will be out and taken up. You have heard prophetic words targeted at you. Sent to you and sent for you. Your change of story, it has happened in the Name of Jesus.
All the prayers you have prayed this far will enjoy prophetic seal of delivery at the instance if your intense thanksgiving in the Name of Jesus Christ.
One of the things that happened to me in the cause of the week was I asked the Lord to show me what way to stir up the Spirit of men in pursuit after you. He said, keep telling them your story to continue their walk with me. Church Gist. Now, can I tell you what, behind the happenings in my simple life is absolute confidence in God. Whatever God cannot do, let it remain undone. Wherever God cannot take me to, let me never get there.
Whatever God cannot give me, may I never have it. Absolute confidence in God puts a believer in command.
Church Gist. Cast nig your confidence which has a great recompense or reward. Absolute confidence in God. You have been running after people enough, run after God now.
Somebody said, I can’t believe somebody at your age is doing what you are doing, I am not doing anything. He said, my father who dwelleth in me doeth works. How does he do it. I do always what pleases Him. I can by my own self do nothing as he commands me, so I over. Church Gist. Sir, run after God. You have run after people enough. People are not stable, run after God. Who are they that trust in God and whom the arm of flesh is strength. Run after God.
My pursuit after ahod has helped me out. Run after God. They that trust in the Lord shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be removed but abides forever. Can you imagine a ministry of this size without any human point to point to. 44 years running. God is more than enough. Your God is more than enough. Absolute confidence in God. Did you hear the church announcing that all Shiloh sacrifice should go for mission expansion. Church Gist. The Ark is going on, no challenge.
Please hear this, if you set yourself to pursue after God in 2025, you will be happy you did. Stop playing religion of Christianity. Enter into the reality of it. Enter into the reality of the Faith. Stop playing religion. Church Gist. In the Name of Jesus Christ, it is your turn at last.
