-Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “AUTHORITY WITH SECURITY” || Midweek Power Communion Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.
Ephesians 2:4-6.
-(May) the Lord bless His Word in Jesus’ name.
The subject tonight is AUTHORITY WITH SECURITY. Hallelujah! The objective of this Teaching is to understand the security that goes with Kingdom authority. Meaning that Kingdom authority goes with Kingdom security. By way of introduction, ‘Above Only’ is our God-ordained place of existence. Deuteronomy 28:13. ‘Above Only’ means the place of authority. ‘Above Only’ means the place of influence. Furthermore, Scriptures made it clear in Matthew 5:14, so we are a city that is set on a hill. According to God’s agenda, we are a city not in a valley. Church Gist. We are not even a village in a valley, we are a city on a hill. And we just read furthermore in Ephesians 2:6 that we are seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So the ‘Up place’ is our place. But hear this: In God’s program, we are lifted – We exist in the lifted realm. But this is the point: The lifting of God is accompanied by the keeping of God. The Lifter is the Keeper. His lifting comes with His keeping. He won’t lift you for any devil to waste you. He won’t lift you if He can’t keep you. When God takes you up, He keeps you there. People may want to crash you down but if it is God who took you up, He keeps you there.
-May I announce to someone here today, no devil will be able to crash you down.
That is the sum! The summary of all we are saying is this, when God gives you authority whether it is spiritual, material or financial authority. Spiritual! Like in spiritual authority as an apostle or something; or material authority or political authority or financial authority. When God gives you any form of authority or all of the above – Spiritual authority, leadership authority, financial authority. Church Gist. When God gives you all of these, He gives you security. And it is not hard to know because this is true in the physical. The highest office in the land, the President of a nation is the highest authority in the land. It comes also with the highest security. Am I communicating? There’s nobody’s security in any nation that is higher than the presidential security. None! The ambassador of a nation in whatever nation he is, he is allocated security because he represents the authority of a nation.
So authority comes with security. And if it is so in the physical, it is so in the spiritual. Even influential individuals who are not even political office holders. (In) places where things work very well, their security is of a concern. I remember a man who was going to come to America some time ago – long time ago. Church Gist. And he was saying that their FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and so on was advising him that: ‘We can’t guarantee your security if you go to so and so place’. That is, anywhere that he is to go, even though he wasn’t President; but he was a profitable, notable citizen of the Country. They had to arrange for his security in the nation he was going (to), that is how things work.
Security is the companion of authority. In the Kingdom, God has positioned us as His people in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. ‘Above Only’, being our place. It comes with security.
Look at Scriptures and let us see some people in the Bible that had authority and God gave security:
- Abraham.
Abraham had financial authority, he had spiritual authority, he had influence. And God did not just give Abraham authority in the financial realm. You know Abraham’s story. Genesis 12:1-5. Genesis 13:2. Genesis 24:1. Genesis 24:35. Look at the security that God gave Abraham in Genesis 17:1. ‘Walk before Me’. What’s the meaning? ‘Abraham, I came to confirm to you that I have your back’. Church Gist. Like they will say it today: ‘I’ve got your back covered’. ‘Walk in front of Me, you don’t need to look back to know whether anybody is pursuing you’. Walk before Me, Go ahead in front of Me, I dey! I have got your back covered, I am behind you. Whatever wants to face you is facing Me. They may be seeing only you but I am behind’.
-I announce to somebody here today, from this moment the God that you and I serve shall be sighted at your back. The forces of hell in a short while starting from today, they will see Jehovah at your back.
Look at someone by your side and say: God has got your back covered.
‘Abraham, I dey your back. Let me see who will dare you’. Church Gist. So when somebody dared Abraham; we read that before in Genesis 20:3, Abimelech, God came and said: ‘You are a dead man because you have touched the wife of My friend’. That was Abraham, God got his back covered. Authority with security! Not the hiring, not even physical security, God Himself.
- Jacob.
Genesis 31:53-55. Genesis 32:1. Now, this was after Laban had heatedly pursued Jacob. As he left to go to the Land of his promise after 21 years. So was Jacob going to go alone? Genesis 32:1. And the angels of God met him and said: “Baba sent us.” ‘And the angels of God met him’. Angels, how many of it? Genesis 32:2. Church Gist. It’s a battalion, it was a brigade. In other words, ‘you have left your master’s house. He almost left you empty-handed. But I just want to let you know Jacob, that you are too connected to Me to go lonely. You are too connected to Me to feel vulnerable, to look like you’re on your own. Host of Heaven, just escort my boy’!
-Very shortly, people here are about to move with angelic escorts irrespective of what you have in the physical. You are going to see the host of Heaven around your life, around your family, in your community. You will see the host of Heaven. You believe that shout the loudest Amen. That is authority with security.
Look at your neighbour say: Nothing to fear, God dey.
And it was in the same chapter that he was going to meet Esau, no fears. The host of God was with him. Church Gist. Genesis 35:5. Beyond the host of God, there was a climate of terror that was upon Jacob and the pursuers could not pursue him.
-I announce to you today in this Preservation Service, every pursuer sent to pursue you in the Month of May, I declare their frustration. They are frustrated. Shout the loudest Amen! Hallelujah!!
Look at your neighbour and say: God is on my side. Church Gist. God has got my back covered and I am moving in the company of the host – the host of Heaven.
- Joseph: Genesis 39:2, 21. Our greatest concern here was the fact that the Lord was with Joseph. The fact that Joseph was not alone even in Potiphar’s house as a slave, he wasn’t alone. Church Gist. In the prison as a prisoner, he wasn’t alone – that is, God followed him inside prison. I don’t know whether that makes sense to you.
It doesn’t matter where men keep you, God will follow you there. It doesn’t matter where people keep you, if you belong to God he will follow you there. He will follow you to the house of your slave master and follow you to the house of imprisonment and if he follows you to the house of your slave master, you must come out of slavery, come out of the prison.
- I don’t know where they have kept you, I am anointed to announce to you, you are coming out!
The Lord is with you means, “I am here; you can sleep if you want. I never sleep I don’t slumber. Church Gist. Let me see who will dare you.” There are people here today, before this month is out, those who dare you will see the back slap of God. Those who dare you will regret their attempts forever. When God is with you, to dare you is to dare God. Any man attempting to dare you is to dare God.
- Job: Job 1:10. When God gives you authority, he gives you impenetrable security. Impenetrable! Impenetrable security that no guerrilla fighter, no ambusher can penetrate. Impenetrable wall of security. All that Job had, had one wall. If Job has a property in Abuja and another one in Lagos, one wall surrounds them. If he has a child in Calabar, another child in Ikot Ekpene and another one in Isuikwuato and another one in Isiala-Ngwa, one wall surrounds all of them. Church Gist. Anything Job has, anywhere they are located, one wall is around them all. That is to give you rest concerning your child, your property, your husband. If your husband is currently fighting terrorism, there is a wall around you and around him.
Mentality affects reality. What I just told you now is my awareness. There is nothing that is connected, related, associated with me that is not inside the wall. They’re all located in the wall; it’s the blessing hedge, the hedge of fire, the hedge of protection. You’re inside that wall! Every devil looking for you will jam fire, will be roasted by fire!
Say after me, “I am too defended to be confronted. I am too secured to be scared.” Church Gist. If there’s nothing you’ll go home with today, if the blessing of God is upon you and he has lifted you, (and all of us are lifted because whether you have physical property or not, we are all seated in the Heavenly places) anything you have, wherever you are, one wall is around them. Too defended to be confronted, I’m too secured to be scared.
Somebody shout power!
- Daniel: Daniel 6:19-22. The Angel of the Lord is always on assignment for the benefit of the Saint. The angels of the Lord are always on assignment for the defence of the Saints. They are on assignment to destroy death, to destroy traps. How many of you know that that was a trap that was set for Daniel? They know that if you say, “nobody should pray” that Daniel will pray and as Daniel prayed, the trap they set caught Daniel. Church Gist. But the angel of the Lord was sent to destroy the trap. Can I announce to somebody here today,
- every trap they set for you, that you knowingly or unknowingly stepped inside, I declare that trap is destroyed by the ministry of the angels. In your place of work, in your assignment, in your family, in your community, in your neighborhood, every trap the devil set for you, that you stepped into consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly, by the ministry of the angels I declare that trap is scattered!
This is a prophetic Word for somebody and under the next 48 hours you will tell me that it came to pass.
Psalm 124:1-8. By the ministry of the angels, every trap of premature death, every trap of criticism that is set for you and your family, the trap is scattered! Anybody related, associated or connected to this declaration tonight, it is scattered. Somebody say, I escaped!
- Peter and the Apostles: Acts 5:19-23 – “How dem pass? Through the wall?” Please don’t ever forget that if the door is closed, there is a road in the wall – we will say that another day. Acts 5:24-25 – “you have done your worst by determining where to put them but God went against you.” Church Gist. Lamentations 3:37, Job 5:12. Listen, there are some people who never imagined that we will be where we are or do what we are doing. Where they kept us is at the background – you can’t amount to anything. How many of you are like that? When you were growing up people talked down on you, they looked down on you, they never imagined anything can come out of you, but I don’t know where they kept you, God is transferring you somewhere else by his power, by ministry of the angels. You won’t remain where they think you will remain. Church Gist. You won’t remain where they think they have kept you, where they think they have tied you, where they think they have locked you in.
- I announce today, anyone that they have locked inside somewhere by witchcraft power, by the ministry of the angel your door is unlocked, your life is unlocked, your destiny is unlocked!
Psalm 20:7-8; Proverbs 18:10. You’re already out tonight! Church Gist. By the decrees and the preachings of this night you’re already out!
Singing, “Almighty mighty God.”
Acts 12:5-8.
How do we experience our security in the authority realm?
Where God has taken you and me in the Heavenly places, in the realm of the blessing, in influence, how do you experience the security?
- Live for Him:
Singing: I’ll live for Jesus, day after day…
Philippians 1:21. Live to represent him. Live for his cause, live for his purpose. Live for the purpose for which you were placed in authority. The Ambassador must represent his nation in order to enjoy the immunity that is for that office. Live for his cause, live for his purpose, live for the purpose for which you were placed in authority. Daniel 6:20-22. Singing, “my God will never fail.” Church Gist. My God did not fail, he did not fall my hand, he didn’t put me to shame, he didn’t make people laugh at me.
- I announce to somebody here: your God that you serve will not fall your hand. He won’t make the world to laugh at you, he won’t make the enemies to laugh at you, he won’t fail you, he won’t disappoint you, when you need him in the name of Jesus!
There are many people who are living only for themselves, living for money, job, living for this and that. Live for Him.
- Trust in Him: have faith in God. Be confident in Him. I just said it, “know that he won’t fail or disappoint.” Hold on to his Word of preservation. Habakkuk 2:4. Your existence is at the mercy of your faith. No matter how holy you are, if your confidence and belief in God is out of place, life is at risk because without faith it is impossible to move God. Church Gist. Hebrews 11:6. Daniel 3:28 – not just servants but servants that “trusted” in him. If you must be delivered, there must be trust. If you must be delivered from calamity, delivered from danger, disaster, there must be faith and there must be trust.
Don’t waver in your faith even in the face of danger. Look at the woman and her little children – 13 year old holding the mouth of probably an automatic rifle until robber had to run. Trust in him.
- Know what is working for you: 2 Kings 6:15-17. Listen, wetin dey work for you pass wetin dey work against you. They that be for us are more. Even generally, angels are more than demons – only one-third of them became devils and as they lost their position they lost a great level of power. Church Gist. One angel can kick out a million devils. Wetin dey work for me pass wetin dey work against me (pardon our use of language, it’s called pidgin English)
- After tonight, what is working for you will overpower what is trying to work against you!
In case you leave here and go home today and they ask you, what did you hear in Church? You say, I heard many things but there is one I remember now, “wetin dey work for me pass wetin dey work against me.” But there is a challenge: wetin dey work for you wey pass wetin dey work against you, if you no see am, you go still fear. You see? Church Gist. The chariot of fire roundabout didn’t just appear there (2 Kings 6:15-17), they had been there all this while but the man didn’t see it until he said; God opened his eyes. Many of us, all we need is the opening of the eyes – open the eyes to Scripture, open the eyes to the Spirit to know the forces that are at work on your behalf.
Lift your hands say, “O Lord, open my eyes to the Scripture. Open my eyes in the realm of the Spirit to know what is working for me.”
There is a message that I am looking for and I wanted to recommend it. I asked the media people to help me to get the title. I preached on the ‘Living In Divine Preservation’ where I itemized the forces of divine preservation. I itemized things like: ‘The wall of fire’, ‘The ministry of the Angel’, ‘The terror of the Lord’, ‘The Hedge of the Blessing’, ‘The presence of God’. Diverse channels that God has made available for the preservation of His children. Church Gist. You can go to that Message again or go to the YouTube, you can get it there. ‘Living In Divine Preservation’. That is, getting to know if God is protecting me, how does He do it? So we explained ‘the terror of the Lord’, we explained ‘the wall of fire’, we explained ‘the hedge of the Blessing’, we explained ‘the ministry of the Angel’. There is at least one angel, at least one that is around you but you’re not aware of (if you) have ever given your life to Christ. Hallelujah! Somebody say a loud Amen.
-I prophesy to you today, what is working for you is going to work and actually overwork until what is working against you is totally collapsed.
Know what is working for you.
- Follow that which is good.
1 Peter 3:13. Follow that which is good. Let me explain that to you. It means walk in the path of good. Summary! Be a good person! Don’t be a bad person, (don’t) be a wicked person otherwise you will never experience the protection of God. Be a good person! Don’t be a bad person, don’t be a wicked person. Be a good person means. Wish people well. Be good to people. Let the welfare of people be your concern. Let people’s welfare be safe in your hands. Can I go a bit further, never plot the harm of another. Never program to hurt or harm. Never be involved in the destruction of anybody otherwise you open your life up to destruction for what a man sows he can’t escape reaping it. Church Gist. Whether it is in word, it is in action, it is in deed, it is in conspiracy. Where they are destroying people, don’t be near there. Your name shouldn’t be mentioned there, that’s the only condition. Who is he that can harm you if your pathway is good? You’re not a bad person. You’re not a wicked person. There are people who put (their) mouths in other people’s issues to pull them down. Says: ‘It’s good for him!! Yes! It’s true, he deserves it’! From residual bitterness, hatred and all of that. Some people report people in offices and the people didn’t do anything. What do you gain when a person is sacked unjustly? Have you been raised? Did that lift you? There are people so possessed with the devil that they enjoy the pain of people. They enjoy when people lose (their) joy.
-That will never be your portion.
Please, I beg you. I’m not sure whether this particular point has been included on this schedule before, but the Holy Ghost pulled off that Scripture. If you want to be free from harm, be a good person. Be a nice person, wish people well. Pa S.A Sadela lived to a 114 years old before he died. He was one of the apostles that followed Apostle Babalola, (of) the Christ Apostolic Church. Church Gist. Sometimes, some people began to find the fault of the Apostle Babalola. Some of those around him, some of those following him. You know what he told them? He said: ‘You all are so perfect, more perfect than him yet God rejected you and anointed him’. Since you are better than him, why didn’t God give you the anointing that is on him? That was his answer. Case closed! He said I don’t know his fault, if he has fault I’m not aware.
Then somebody said: Tell us the secret of your longevity. He said: ‘I love everybody, I don’t hate people’. That’s what the Man said with his mouth. He said: ‘Love and truth’. In 1961 or so, he said he was coming from a night vigil and he was sleeping on the steering. He hit somebody down and I think the person died off, just like that. Church Gist. When police came, people said: ‘You have killed person, what happened’? He said: ‘I’m sorry! I’m coming from a night vigil. I think I fell asleep on the steering, I didn’t know when I hit her’. He’s saying that to people who are ready to kill. You know what the people did? ‘It’s okay! Let’s trust God to wake the woman up since you’ve been so truthful like this’ – The woman didn’t die. Did you understand? Be a good person. Be good! Don’t ever jubilate at the downfall of anybody even if it is your enemy. 1 Peter 3:13.
-Grace to walk in goodness is released upon you right now.
- Finally, live uprightly.
Genesis 17:1. ‘You want Me to cover your back? Walk perfectly. Walk before Me on the condition that you would be perfect’. Job 1:1, 10. Isaiah 33:15-17. Not just physical killing of people but where they are butchering people in backbiting, his ears are not there. You know there are some people who eat their neighbour for dinner. It is 7 O’clock! Sister, brother sit down. Church Gist. What do you see about this man? This one will just butcher, butcher, butcher and hand over the knife to the next person. Says continue! Butcher, butcher, butcher take the knife. ‘What does he think he is? Let’s give him time, he will soon crash’. Take the knife. ‘What of you’? ‘In fact, I don’t want to involve myself because if I talk about this man’. Give the other person the knife. They are butchering him for dinner. You dey eat person? Cannibalism. Isaiah 33:15-16.
There are things you do (and) you don’t beg for bread, you don’t beg for water. When was the last time you heard that kidnappers mounted roadblock for an aircraft? On high! There’s a place that is far above the reach of harm. It is a harm-can’t-reach-it. There is a realm God keeps you. How many of you were old enough? Well, many of us are still old enough. There was a time of very serious bombing attack in our city, in our nation generally and we decided to go and hold crossover night at the Eagle’s Square. Anybody remember that time? And all counsel was against it that we cannot go and hold, we said we have gone already. Provided they will give the Place for our use. We did all (the) security arrangements, everything but we went. When some people said supposed they come to bomb, I said: ‘Bomb doesn’t bomb bomb’. Do you know we came and did it and do you know? About two people were arrested from the venue with IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). Yes! They were arrested from the venue. They came for bombing agenda, cheaply arrested. Isaiah 33:16. Welcome to our month of ‘Above Only’ existence! The theme of this year, this month is harbouring it. The whole year’s theme is centered on the Month, this month of May. ‘Above Only’ existence! Ola!!! Somebody say a loud Amen! It is your month of existence at the top.
Somebody say: I’m existing at the top!! The pit is not my place!