Abejoye is a thrilling YouTube series of the Mount Zion Film Productions, named after the lead character Olayitan Abejoye, a high ranking member of African traditionalists in Ajibogun and the carrier of the sacred gourd.
Abejoye travels to America for the first time to spend sometime with his son’s family; his wife and three children, but this marks the beginning of strange and turbulent experiences for Abejoye and his entire family overseas, making him a prime suspect of the strange happenings.
When Abejoye is visited spiritually by two other ranking members of the traditional cult in request of rulership through possession of the sacred gourd, Abejoye humiliates and mocks them with justifiable reasons, saying he will never release the gourd to them. The two ranking traditionalist promise to deal with him and they leave.
Prior to this time, Boyega, his grandson has been experiencing terrible attacks that makes him scream and have sleepless nights. Abejoye’s daughter inlaw begins to suspect him to be the cause. Due to the continous attacks, Abejoye’s stay is short lived from a 3 months vacation to a less than 7 days vacation. His daughter in-law orders her husband to ensure he returns baba to the village.
As difficult as the choice may seem, Abejoye’s son must return baba to save his own home from wreckage. Their pastor offers to take baba (Abejoye) to the airport. Abejoye is filled with shame, he worries over his enemies for giving him such shame and thinks of how people will say he never travelled to America and that he has been lying all the time that he has a son in America.
The Holy Spirit ministers to the Pastor to take Abejoye and hide him in his own house rather than take him to the airport. This is the beginning of redemption for Abejoye. He thanks the Pastor for wiping away shame from him.
In this hiding place, Abejoye is taught about God who is powerful than the God who disappointed him when he needed him most, a god who made his family think bad of him and was ready to deliver him into the hands of the enemy.
Other attacks come on Abejoye while in the pastor’s house but Abejoye begins to defeat his enemies through the Word of God he learns from the Pastor. He can’t read or write so he fully depends on what the Pastor teaches him and believes strongly in Jesus. Abejoye’s faith is so adorable.
This is a movie that teaches faith, forgiveness and the power in the Word of God. The way Abejoye believes in simple Bible stories and it becomes very effectual in his battles is just too astonishing, it is baby-like faith, the way a child believes that his father will catch him and not let him fall when he throws him up.
Abejoye the movie, stirs a longing in Christians to take their prayer life seriously and further opens the eye of the believer to the understanding of spiritual things and the spirit realm.
If you want to reignite your prayer and faith life, Abejoye is the right movie for you.