Prophetic Charge at Liberation Hour Service || Bishop David Oyedepo || 25th June 2024 || Youth Chapel Canaanland ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo Prophetic Charge at Liberation Hour Service || 25th June 2024 || Youth Chapel Canaanland ||

Psalm 74:20. So walking in the covenant disarms the works of the wicked. The covenant of victory anchors on faith. 1 John 5:4. Covenant keeping God, there’s none like you. If you can’t change the day and the night, you can’t temper with the covenant. When we play our part, we have committed His integrity to fulfill His part. You saw what Jesus did? Church Gist. The touch of the mantle, the insanity disappeared, depression gone, kidney problem, blood problem, everything gone because of faith. Faith! Faith in the living Word, faith in the Messenger that He sent. 2 Chronicles 20:20. The big question in provoking divine intervention is the faith question. Matthew 9:28-29. So divine intervention responds to our faith. Keep your faith alive, this is your day!

Jesus does not only heal. He heals instantly. Let me say this before we continue. When the Lord sent me, He sent me to liberate the World from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the Word of faith. That’s the weapon He placed in my hands and that’s the one He confirms. Church Gist. So the Word will go forth here and heal someone in India, heal someone in China, heal someone in the US (United States of America). He’s a covenant keeping God. That’s what He sent me.

Here in this Church, every testimony is triggered by people saying ‘I caught it. When Papa said this is your day, I said, this is my day. When he said, the siege is over, I said: yes, the siege is over.’ There is no magic here. God’s healing and deliverance virtues flow principally through the Word. Church Gist. Jesus was teaching in their synagogues and healing all manner of sickness and disease. We were not told He prayed for them – the Word went forth. Matthew 4:23, Luke 5:17, Luke 6:17-19, Psalm 107:20.

Listen to me. Religion has held the Church bound. ‘Just pray for me.’ Now, listen to me. The prayer we pray for you will only deliver in your life through your faith. Matthew 9:29. ‘I have prayed but your faith is required to make it happen in your life.’ So listen to the Word that will stir your faith and help you to receive what Jesus has already provided. Church Gist. That’s why people are frustrated. They go from prayer house to prayer house receiving prayers from people who have never had answered prayers in their life for manipulations. ‘That prophet, when he prays ‘pam pam pam’, you will just receive like that.’ And you have been receiving like that without seeing me.

Nobody can receive anything from God outside his faith. God cannot bypass your faith to reach you. Church Gist. I am sent to set free the oppressed through the ministry of the Word of faith. So only those who care about the Word of faith get liberated in this Commission.

  • But today is your day!
  • I see your faith coming alive today!

What Is Behind The Miracle Of Instant Healing? And we saw a number of those testimonies this morning.


  1. He already paid the price for our healing, health and wholeness. 1 Peter 2:24. He bought us with a price from the market of sickness and disease to put an end to everything buying and selling in our temple. Church Gist. As He brought out the whip and chased out all that were buying and selling in the wilderness, so they gave Him stripes so He could chase away everything buying and selling in our lives.

Therefore, anything buying and selling in your body, they are illegal. They are not allowed. They are not permitted. They are intruders. Church Gist. So when your faith comes alive in the price that Jesus paid – ‘surely He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pain’’, so we are redeemed to be free from sickness and pains.

  • Now, in the name of Jesus, whatever sickness followed you here must drop off your body today!

Proverbs 3:27-28. Jesus will not be anymore powerful tomorrow than He is today. He will not be anymore faithful tomorrow than He is today. He will not have any greater authority tomorrow than He is today. Hebrews 13:8. Church Gist. The day your faith comes alive, your miracle is delivered. 2 Corinthians 6:2. Just like He saves instantly, so He heals instantly.

  • Receive your instant healing today!
  1. His compassion moves Him to do that. Matthew 8:1-3.
  • By the touch of your faith today on the Word of life, you will receive your instant healing! Lamentation 3:22-23.
  1. When we are hurt, God is hurt. Jeremiah 8:19-22. God is hurt when we are hurt. Just like parents are hurt when their children are sick, so God is hurt when we are hurt. Isaiah 49:15. When we are hurt, He is hurt. Church Gist. It will take the spirit of sleep for a mother that the son is gasping and slept off. God is not sleeping on your case so let your faith come alive because you are walking free today!

The same way He saves instantly so He heals instantly. Psalm 103:3. Same thing, same way. Church Gist. If Jesus won’t tell anybody who believes today, “I have saved enough people – come tomorrow”, in the same way, the day your faith comes alive is the day your healing drops.

  • Yours must drop today!

To tap into the instant healing ministry of Jesus, first recognize that Jesus is that great Physician that the Bible talks about in Jeremiah 8 that we referred to recently. Jeremiah 8:19. ‘If I were in America, they have the expertise for this case. If I were in England (my God), I won’t have any problem. But they don’t know anything here in this Country.’ ‘Jesus too, doesn’t know anything?’ God is saying “what ignorance is this?” Church Gist. Do they die in America? The doctor that saw you last year, you went there they say: he is dead. But Jesus ever lives. Every expert has a need. Only Jesus has no need and He is always there with unlimited power to set free any captive. Jeremiah 8:19-22. They don’t know the balm. ‘They don’t know the Physician and my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.’

Jesus is that great Physician. Luke 5:31-32. ‘I am here. You have been waiting for me. Church Gist. I am here and I am here to restore health unto you and to heal you of all your wounds.’ Jeremiah 30:17.

  • God has just come to somebody now. God is restoring health to you now!
  • He’s healing you of all your wounds now! Hallelujah!

The Bible is full of instant healing testimonies. Bartimaeus, the Blind had his sight back immediately. Mark 10:46-52. The paralytic man received his healing instantly. They carried him in, he carried his bed out. Matthew 8:16. That man’s son was possessed of devils. He came to Jesus’ disciples, he said they couldn’t help him. Church Gist. He said to Jesus, ‘if you can do anything, have mercy on me.’ ‘I can do everything if you will only believe.’ Mark 9:19-22. ‘I can do anything if only you can believe.’ ‘I believe, help thou my unbelief.’ Call for your faith to be helped today. Jesus cast out that devil and his son was returned back home.

  • Today is your day!

The mantle was placed on the picture of that sick child in the hospital. Same day, ‘I want to eat.’ Church Gist. The siege departed because the mother believed.

  • Some are here on behalf of their son or daughter – Jesus will set them free today!
  • Some are here on behalf of their spouse that could not move – Jesus will set him or her free today!
  • Some are here on behalf of their daughters who are believing God for the fruit of the womb – Jesus will hear you today!

Because He has not changed, He still heals instantly. He still heals instantly today.

  • Today is your day!

He’s able to replace and restore all irreparable parts of our bodies. So He repaired the ankle bones of the man at the Beautiful Gate. Church Gist. The man that could not move by any means. Jesus restored strength to his system and they said, ‘we have never seen it in this manner.’

  • Something the World has never seen before will happen in your life today in the name of Jesus!

So you have come to Jesus, that great Physician, that all-round Specialist who can deal with any issues on our health. He calls the dead and the dead hears Him. Church Gist. He called Jarius’ daughter, she was back to life. He called Lazarus after 4 days – stinking, he came forth.

  • Everything dying or dead in your life, Jesus is calling them back to life!

‘🎵🎶🎼I receive my miracle today, today. I receive my miracle today, today. I will never go away empty handed, I receive my miracle today, today.’ Now lift up your right hand and translate that song into words. Today is my day. I have come to the last bus stop for the healing of mankind, for the liberation of man. Church Gist. Jesus, you already healed me therefore, I take delivery by my faith for my healing today. I take delivery for my healing today. I take delivery for my liberation today by my faith. Help my unbelief. Keep my faith on His feet in Jesus name.

  • Now receive your healing in the name of Jesus!
  • Be made whole in the name of Jesus!
  • Be set free in the name of Jesus!

Now I have good news for all those who are here for the fruit of the womb. It’s not your ambition, it’s your birthright.

  • Today, every force from hell resisting your fruitfulness must bow today!

But remember, all provisions of redemption deliver on the platform of the covenant including the fruitfulness of our body. Deuteronomy 28:1-4. So there are things He’s saying for us to do that will bring us into those catalog of blessings which includes the fruitfulness of our body. Psalm 89:34. Church Gist. Now in that covenant, every seed of Abraham is ordained for fruitfulness. Deuteronomy 7:14. That’s God’s covenant with the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:29. So every child of God has the Abrahamic covenant of fruitfulness in him. So barrenness is not your portion.

We saw barrenness listed among the curses of the law. Deuteronomy 28:18, Galatians 3:13-14. Now the curse of the law means the curse of God. Now, if Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Lord, how can the curse of man stand? Church Gist. How can the curse of devils stand? So one woman said (one man said, one ogboni person said), somebody cursed me – it’s already covered.

When you are born again, you are a new creature. The things of old have no more hold on your life. Numbers 23:23. So the curse of man has nowhere to stand. Jesus came to bless. Church Gist. Acts 3:26. It’s just like Numbers 23:20. Redemption has placed on your life and my life God’s irreversible blessings by any devil.

  • As the Lord lives, everyone either onsite or online in this Service today that is a bonafide daughter of Zion, a bonafide son of Abraham – today, your long awaited delivery drops into your hands!

I’m sent to set God’s people free through the Word of faith. Let your faith catch up with what is going forth today.

Recognize that man was originally created to be fruitful, to multiply and to dominate the Earth. Genesis 1:27-28. Adam fell off so the Earth came under a curse. Jesus came down and averted the curse on the Earth and the curse that came down no longer exists. Church Gist. Genesis 1:28, Malachi 3:6. What He said at the beginning, the moment He saw the travail of Jesus, He restored them back.

  • You are not going to have only one!
  • You will not only have only one child, you will have as many as you desire!

When God saw that Leah was hated, He opened her womb. She had the first, had the second, had the third, had the fourth.

  • God has seen your secret tears, He will deliver beyond your wildest imagination!

Can I have you say with me? ‘I’m no longer under the curse. I have come under the blessing through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. When I turned my life over to Jesus, He wrote off the curses that were upon my life before and now all things have become new. Church Gist. I am entitled to fruitfulness. I am a seed of Abraham. No medical reason under Heaven is strong enough to make me fruitless.’

In 1990, we had a Service. it was a prophetic mantle Service. So I removed my cloth and passed to them. There is this young lady who had a procedure before where they removed her 2 ovaries. So the doctor advised the man that was going to marry her, ‘don’t try that, she will never have a child because the 2 ovaries had been removed.’ Church Gist. That Sunday morning (they were already married now), she took the mantle – first son, no ovary – second son – the 2 of them are graduates of Covenant University. They are properly placed and working. They came without ovaries. No medical reason…the ovary is the factory of the eggs and it’s not there. God doesn’t need anything to make anything happen.

We have seen here, no sperm count, not that it is low, nothing – yet, miracle baby. Today, ignore what they told you. Hear what God is saying. Church Gist. You are a seed of Abraham, you are entitled to supernatural fruitfulness. There was no egg when Isaac was born. Sarah had overpassed the age of menopause but Isaac came through faith.

  • By your faith today, your children have landed!

We have people here today with no fallopian tubes yet, they have children. Church Gist. People with blocked fallopian tubes (no access) yet they carried their children.

  • Today in the name of the Lord Jesus, your own miracle is delivered!

We saw in this Church a woman at 69, husband 72, for the first time in her life, a set of twins. Your case is not closed. Don’t close your case with unbelief. (Speaks in tongues) Science is utterly limited. It is He that has made us. He is the sole Manufacturer of babies. Someone came in here, (she) had done 4 IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in the US (United States of America) – they lived there. She said “no, I’m going home. I will go and see my father.” Church Gist. I was on my way to the airport – it was from the car I put my finger on her and she left. They brought to my office, first, second, third (child). Where man stops is where God begins. They have said, your case is impossible but God says that’s my specialty, that’s my area – come! Doctors only write death certificates. Only Jesus calls the dead back to life.

  • Today, everything dying or dead in you that won’t let you have your children bounces back to life! Thank you Jesus!

Now, the terms of the covenant for fruitfulness – they are so simple and so affordable by anyone who believes in the validity of biblical covenants.

  1. Be born again. Let go of all other gods. The reason why many could not secure divine intervention – they say they are saved but they are here and there. James 1:7-8. ‘You shall have no other god besides me if you are saved. Church Gist. I will visit that iniquity.’ Exodus 20:4-5. You can’t be on two sides at the same time. If you don’t let go of that alternative, you are not qualified for His intervention.
  • Jesus will visit you today!

1 John 5:4. When you are born of God, you will become a child of light and darkness can’t block your way anymore. That’s newbirth. You are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Church Gist. You can’t be oppressed again. Newbirth is not Church identity. Newbirth is becoming a member of God’s own family where oppression cannot survive, where the devil cannot have his way. That’s newbirth. It’s not a social membership of a Church.

  1. Get hold of the Word concerning your fruitfulness. You have heard it today – hold it. I am no longer under the curse of barrenness. Church Gist. Jesus, rescue me. I have been redeemed to be fruitful – Jesus paid the price. Lay hold on the Word concerning your fruitfulness.
  2. Receive and believe that Word. The Word you don’t believe, you will never experience. John 1:12. What we don’t believe, we are not empowered to become. God does not only say you will have children, He gave you what you must do when the children arrive. Church Gist. You will teach them when you sit down. You will teach them when you stand up. So God already concluded that you will have children. He has already concluded that you will have children.
  • The good news is: yours is concluded today!
  1. Let serving God and the interest of His Kingdom become your new way of life. Psalm 34:10. Let serving God become your new delight. Matthew 6:24,33. Psalm 127:3. Serving God is what qualifies a man for rewards. Church Gist. You don’t pray for rewards, you serve God to get rewards. 1 Corinthians 3:8. So serving God, it’s not crying to God – it’s serving God that entitles believers to rewards and among the rewards is fruitfulness.

One of our brethren here in the Yoruba Church – a 52 year old (woman) would go around her neighborhood. ‘Ewa s’ijo asegun’ (Come to the Church of Winners.) (She) couldn’t speak one word of English. She became the mockery of the environment. ‘We know why you are running around. You don’t have children. Church Gist. They will just be deceiving you there forever.’ She brought forth her first child because she never gave up at 52 – the child was on the altar. It’s part of your reward for serving the interest of the Kingdom. It’s part of your reward.

No one serves God at loss. Serving God keeps adding value to every area of our lives. Church Gist. That’s the mystery behind the membership of this Church. Serving God keeps adding colour to His people.

  • You are the next in line!

Exodus 23:25-26…that’s God’s covenant of stewardship. You serve me, you will never be a beggar. You serve me, I will take care of your health. You serve me, you shall not be barren nor cast your young in the land. Church Gist. That is the challenge of sit-down tight believers. He just comes to Church, ‘yeah (nodding his head)’ – he is appraising God. He is an observer. He is a fan. No impact.

  • You are not that man!

Now, as we close. Recognize that your Father is the sole baby Maker, you are not permitted to be a baby beggar. Your own Father is the sole baby Maker, you are not permitted to be a baby beggar. Psalm 100:3. He is the baby Maker. Jeremiah 1:5. Your Father is the sole baby Maker. Psalm 139:14. Church Gist. We have been fearfully and wonderfully made. We are not biological accidents. He has made us. How can your Father be the sole baby Maker and watches you to remain a baby beggar?

  • Today, your baby Maker Father will show Himself in your life!

Don’t let any word from God look ordinary to you. Whatever God says, He creates. Whatever He says, He creates. He doesn’t require any raw material. He doesn’t require a laboratory. “And God said, and God saw.” So when you believe what God says, you will see. Church Gist. He will build the Tabernacle in one year. Only you can say that and He did it. He made it happen. No budget, no begging, no borrowing, no calling special people. Whatever God says, when you believe it, He creates it.

  • Today, your miracle babies are created!

Lift up your right hand. Give God thanks because the Word has delivered your miracle.

  • The siege of barrenness is over!
  • The siege of fruitlessness is over!
  • The siege of impossibility on your fruitfulness is over!
  • Your healing is here!
  • Your healing is settled in Jesus name!

Today, by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we shall be administering the prophetic mantle for your rescue, for your fruitfulness, for your healing, for your deliverance in the name of Jesus!

Every anointing upon the anointed flows through every material that comes from their hands. Matthew 14:36, Acts 19:11-12.

  • Today, by this prophetic mantle, every disease will drop off!
  • Every evil spirit will depart from you!

In 1989, someone’s wife among us ran mental. They carried her to Ekpoma from Kaduna. So he came back, “please, you have to come with me to Ekpoma.” I said, look, I can’t go to Ekpoma. I reached out my hand to my pocket, I gave him one handkerchief. I said, wipe her face once, that devil will depart. Church Gist. He said, but she’s very violent. I said, but she’s your wife. They put her under iron barricades. They opened the barricades, struggled to put this mantle on her face – she breathed downward. The evil spirit departed.

  • Everything tormenting you will depart today!

I shared with you the testimony of 1990. We have always heard that for fruitfulness. The anointing of fruitfulness on my life is in that mantle. Church Gist. As you take it like this (on your hands), that’s your miracle children! The number you desire will be delivered! Thank you Jesus!

  • It’s your turn!

One of our students in the Bible School, his uncle passed on in Uyo. So he went there, everybody was crying. He said, please clear the way. He has heard about New Testament special ministration through the mantle. Church Gist. So he took the mantle and struck the man in the name of Jesus. (The man responded) Why are you beating me? Everybody scattered. Jesus brought him back.

In the year 2000, someone was said to be dead (was confirmed dead). They were waiting for an ambulance – that was in Kaduna. The pastor said, “I can’t go (2 a.m) but this is the mantle they gave us from Lagos. Church Gist. Go and rub the body.” While they were waiting for the ambulance, they saw the woman coming back with a handkerchief. ‘What’s happening?’ She said, give me room. She rubbed the body of the dead – he sneezed and jacked back to life. It was on a Saturday morning. He was live in Church on Sunday.

  • Today is your day!

So God still works special miracles through His anointed prophets and apostles.

  • Today, your own shall be delivered!
  • They all happened instantly. Today, your own will happen instantly!

Quickly therefore, one non negotiable access to accessing your portion is to be born again. If you are here…the testimony of that family – he said, my wife came out and I came out to rededicate our lives to Christ on Sunday. Church Gist. Then on Tuesday, we were here and instantly through the mystery of the mantle, the insanity vanished. The same unction. Everything wrong in the body came back to life by reconnecting to Jesus.


It always works following Jesus. 55 years ago, I gave my life to Jesus. 55 years after, I’m still singing my song. It always works. Church Gist. He said, follow me (Jesus said) and I will make you whatever Heaven has ordained for you to be in life. You keep following me, I won’t stop making you.

  • That grace comes on your life today!

I have never checked on any other god since He brought me into the Kingdom. He has been more than enough for me till date. Church Gist. He’s more than enough for anyone else who will care to keep following Him!

  • That grace is yours today in Jesus name!

This is not a magic wand. It delivers by your faith.

  • Every siege of the wicked, as this mantle comes your way, they are rendered null and void!
  • Every disease departs from your body today!
  • Every evil spirit tormenting anyone of us, as this mantle touches you, they go out of you never to enter again in the name of Jesus!
  • Your instant healing is settled!
  • Your fruitfulness becomes a reality!

Someone here was seeing her period throughout. The husband said, you better check your weight. Church Gist. Be doing exercise. So she went to the hospital, ‘ah, you are due for delivery.’ No antenatal. That’s the God we serve.

  • Therefore, in the name of Jesus, everyone here on the line for miracle children, they are delivered right now!

Out of his body were taken handkerchiefs and aprons to them that were sick. Church Gist. The diseases were healed and evil spirits went out of them. So shall it be!

If it can answer on the picture on the phone and you are here live – It must deliver in your life! For those across board who are online in this Service, just take that handkerchief in your hand and place (it) on that screen while I pray right now. The same unction will travel through the line and reach you where you are.

Now Jesus, by your precious gifting in my life, as you have validated it over and again, I release this mantle as instruments of power to set free every captive, heal all manner of sickness in the name of Jesus!

– Deliver miracle children to all in the name of Jesus! It is done!

– Now, honour your Word, Jesus. Church Gist. Let there be waves of instant testimonies right now in the name of Jesus.

– Both onsite and online, let there be explosive miracles, mind boggling miracles; the kind that you do always!

– Let special miracles be wrought today!

– Let growth disappear today!

– Let pains vanish today!

– Let blind eyes be opened today!

– Let deaf ears be opened today!

– Let the cripple walk again!

– Let terminal diseases be terminated today and let your name be glorified in Jesus name! So shall it be!






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