THE BIBLE: A MOST RELIABLE GUIDE OF LIFE 3 || Bishop David Oyedepo at Fortune Banquet Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 21st July 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on THE BIBLE: A MOST RELIABLE GUIDE OF LIFE 3 at Fortune Banquet Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 21st July 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

Jesus we are here at your feet, reach out to each one of us today. Let no one forget today in a hurry. Let it become a day of reference in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. Heal the sick in this service, set free the captives in this service. Let the prey of the mighty be delivered. Let the captive of the terrible be set free. Let every siege over anyone’s life be over today. Take all the praise in Jesus name.

The same way God visited that individual and turned everything around like a dream of the night that doctors could not believe what they saw. It ended there because he came down with expectation. If you were not part of the Covenant Hour Of Prayer for the week, please check out on various platforms and connect to understand the power of expectations securing divine manifestations. Matthew 11:28-29. Years ago I caught the Word that it is good for a young man to bear his yoke in his youth. Most of the time we see yoke as bondage but Jesus said “Come and learn of me, my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Church Gist. What’s your yoke Jesus? Learning. The yoke of learning is easier than the yoke of failure. The yoke of learning is lighter than the burden of stagnation and frustration. What we don’t know, we don’t know. What we won’t learn we cannot know. Faith is impotent without expectation, what faith does is to substantiate our expectations into manifestation, substantiate our hope into reality. When hope is lost, faith is impotent. Faith can’t produce, faith can’t deliver.

Someone came in here from the U.S. and I was on my way to the airport. What was it? She had done 4 IVFs and said to herself, if I may just touch Canaanland, my case will be settled. I said to her, I was on my way to the airport. I didn’t know her, we have never met before. I put my finger on her and told her to go, she will have her testimony. First, second set of twins by the hand of God provoked through expectations. Church Gist. People just come to God’s presence, no objectivity. Fortune Banquet was announced, it didn’t send any signal to your spirit. Yet one genuine encounter with fortune is worth more than a lifetime of labour. For 430 years they were harrowing in Egypt, God came down with favour and turned their story around. They were fed for 40 years for free, day and night. Protected, supplied for. Not healthcare, immune to sickness. They spoiled the Egyptians, supernatural wealth transfer!

Surely there is an end and thy expectation will not be cut off. There is no end to struggles without expectation. This Church is a story changing centre by divine election and by divine allocation. Expect something to turn loose in your life. We serve an ever forward moving God, you have operated in one realm of favour. He said I want to move you forward. Allow Him to, let Him have His way. I am so impatient with failure. Church Gist. That is one of my diseases. Church started and after 3 months, it can’t be growing like this, Jesus. After 3 months, not after three years. “Why is this Church not growing?” and God showed the way. Today, God will show the way to your struggle free heritage in Christ. Open your heart. We are not just here to be taught, we are here to have an encounter with God through His Word that will open a brand new chapter of fortune in our lives and that will be your portion.

Our Sunday teaching series is captioned THE BIBLE: A MOST RELIABLE GUIDE OF LIFE. A most profitable and reliable guide of life. You can trust the guidance of this book forever. The Word is God’s everlasting covenant with His people, ratified by the blood of Jesus, bringing both the old and the new into one. God’s Word is God’s everlasting covenant with His people. This is what to do and in response, expect me to do this. Let me be your shepherd and you shall not want. Allow me to lead you. Do you understand? I will cause you to lie down in green pastures and I will lead you besides still waters. God’s Word is God’s everlasting covenant with His people. Hebrews 13:20. Allow me to lead you. You say who are you Lord? He said I am the Word. John 1:1. Allow my Word to guide you and you shall not want. John 1:14. Church Gist. He speaks to us today by His Word. Who is His son? The Word that became flesh. Let my Word guide you and you shall not want. His Word guided my steps into realms of financial fortune. His Word guided this Church to come under financial fortune that can not be turned back by any wicked force. Something about the Word is that, whatever the Word says, no force in hell can revert it. Allow My Word to guide you. Let my Word be there to instruct you. Don’t play smarter than the Word, you will be playing the fool.

His Word lives and abides forever. 1 Peter 2:23, Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35. God’s Word is God’s everlasting covenant with His people. Jeremiah 33:20-21. If you can’t break my covenant with the day and the night, you can’t break my covenant with my people. Church Gist. Church Gist. If they only connect to their part, they have committed my integrity to perform. Psalm 89:34. Relax! If it is the instruction of my Word you are following, you have committed my manifestation in your life. Allow me to lead you. Allow my Word to guide your steps. Psalm 119:105.

Now here is it: one can be born again and filled with the Holy Ghost without access to the Word. How? Access demands joy and rejoicing. Depressed believers cannot access guidance from scriptures. Isaiah 12:3. Heaven’s protocol – enter into his gates with thanksgiving, into His court with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name, then He ushers you into His presence where He shows us the path of life. Psalm 100:4, Psalm 16:11. Church Gist. That’s why depressed people remain oppressed because the light for their rescue, they have no access to it. So Paul, a man of unusual insight of revelation said, “Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice.” You don’t know what you are losing when you are depressed. In everything, give thanks, why? It could have been worse without God. For everything, give thanks or you stay depressed.

Every act of God should meet with a response of gratitude from you. Can I tell you something? You cannot be grateful and not be joyful. The reason why you are not joyful is that you are not grateful. “What have you done for me? Look at my coat. Look at my shoes.” Who is looking at your shoes? Has anybody asked you the price of your shoe since you have been coming to Church. That is your cup of tea. My own coat, I don’t have a problem with it. It is white and it doesn’t change. So what is your problem? “Look at my house. I should be living in a smart house.” You are in a dull one? People just waste their energy on nonsense. Our daughter was dying, I sat on my chair with a smile. Jesus there must be a way out. Under ten minutes light came. Church Gist. You can’t encounter His Word without joy, all these carrying long faces around can’t solve your problem. I have never seen anybody find a solution through depression. Depression is always aiming at suicide. Wake up! Speak to yourself. My soul, why are you cast down? You don’t have nothing, you have eternal life. That’s the greatest. Somebody is free. By the anointing today, I curse the siege of depression in everyone’s life.

You are looking for a job, thank God you are a candidate for a job. If you are off your mind, is it job you are looking for? When one goes down with sickness, the only thing he needs in this world is good health. He doesn’t need a car, he doesn’t need a house. If they tell him what he needs, he will say sell my car, sell my house. How much am I to pay in the hospital? Go and everything for this amount. Everything loses value. Church Gist. Yet here you are not grateful for health. You just wake up, “See me now. I am not even going to Church today.” Wake up. No access to the light from the Word, to the path of life from the Word without joy. May the anointing today destroy the siege of depression forever in your life and may that open new chapters of fortune in your life.

The days of oppression will not end until depression stops. Stop depression, you cannot be oppressed until you are first depressed. Why God indwells the atmosphere of joy, the devil is the one in the atmosphere of depression and sorrow. Church Gist. Hell is the centre of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Heaven is the home of joy and rejoicing. You laugh at the devil why he came too late. I am redeemed. Say with me “I am free.”


The Word is Defined As The Incorruptible Seed, That is Indestructible. 1 Peter 1:23, Psalm 12:6. It is void of impurities. Pure words! God’s Word is God’s Wisdom in print and the Bible says “The wisdom from above is first pure.” No abracadabra, it is pure. God’s Word is pure. James 3:17. That is how reliable it is, there is no hanky panky in it. Open! What I tell you in secret, shout it on the housetop. It is not cultism. The scriptures cannot be broken. That’s how reliable. Whatever He says in His Word is eternally reliable because it is impossible for God to lie. Hebrews 6:18. Titus 1:2. Church Gist. Numbers 23:19. God’s Word is eternally reliable to guide us on the path of dignity into realms of fortune in all areas of life. So cheer up. Your access to His guidance demands joy. Paul was under persecution and he said, “In this I rejoice, ye! I will rejoice.” Philippians 1:18. He is not only admonishing us to rejoice, that is what He does and that is how he gained unusual access to the deep things of God through joy and rejoicing.

Keep your environment warm. How are you today? Great. Why? Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. He said if you have lost anything, I am the reason why you have not lost everything. So give Him thanks. If you are not grateful for what remains, nothing may remain. Give thanks. The good news is God’s Word is eternally reliable. While the earth remains, God’s Word remains valid. It is valid for all times but applicable only to whosoever believes.

How Do We Access The Guidance Of The Bible?

  1. Stay In Love With God.
    You get into friendship with God like Abraham and you will have free access to His leadings. Genesis 18:17-18. Isaiah 41:8. Let your love for God graduate into friendship. Too many love what God does, very few love God Himself. They love His miracles like people in John 6. “Ah, we are all seeking for you?” He said you are looking for me for miracles. Not for me as a person. Church Gist. Everybody loves what God does, how many truly love God? The first and the great commandment, thou shall love the Lord thy God, not what He does. Matthew 22:37-40. The Word of God delivers on this two commandments. That is the platform upon which every Word produces: thy shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul.

Love is it. To secure guidance from God’s Word just stay in love. Before you finish asking the question, the answer has come. Just stay in love. Abraham was hearing God per second on what to do, what step to take. If the foundation be destroyed, the righteous can do nothing. The foundation of an exciting walk with God is love. A genuine love for Him, not for what He does. You may have heard me say if I were still riding my Volkswagen Beetle I will not be any less committed. God knows, the devil knows and I know. My heart is panting after Him not after what He does. Church Gist. Why don’t you ask yourself a question: do I really love God or I love Him for what He does? Do I really love God? My wife was dying, I was all over the world obeying His commandment. She is here. Wake up, all these small things that you are crying about, it is not the way out. You got a job and you are complaining, what kind of job is this, then you lose it. Then you start asking God where He is. There is no heart for God.

There are people in this Church today, no matter what you teach they won’t do anything. Church Gist. I am not a prayer contractor. I am to teach you what to do and I leave you to decide whether to do it or not. That is your grand access to secure continuous guidance.

  1. Engage The Demand Of Prayer And Fasting For Guidance

Isaiah 58:6-11. So fasting is one of the platforms we engage for access to guidance from the Word. Show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity. I engaged in fasting and searching the Bible with books. Not crying. Show me from your Word the way to prosper without games. I have never given a bribe to any devil whether at home or abroad. They are all hearing me now. We speak to the world from here. “Lest you say you made Abraham rich.” Church Gist. You hear everything and you just go and do something else. That’s okay. My financial fortune is testifiable. No games, that is where you are entering into. For your office to send you on an errand and you put something in your pocket. The curse of the Lord is in the house of the thief. You don’t need it. You will be swearing on lies because of money. You will be swearing. Today marks the end. The Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard. Proverbs 13:15. Hardship ends in your life today.

Joseph said “but I fear God” and he was walking in terrific favour that they handed all the estates of Potiphar to his hand. Daniel, they couldn’t find anything against him. He was a faithful man and God brought him into favour. The good news is the encounter of today will mark the end of every trace of misfortune in your life. Make demands on the altar of prayer and fasting for direction. Stay in love with God. What the Word does in summary is to unveil God’s ways to us, they call it doctrines, kingdom protocols towards maximizing our adventure on earth. God’s word warns us towards danger ahead if you won’t stop doing certain things. That is why sometimes you open your bible to a certain passage and it is talking against you, you close it. Church Gist. He warns us against impending danger. They call it reproof. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Reproofs which means warnings, corrections which means you are off, get back if you still want to get to your destination. Instructions, this is the way to go. Take it or leave it. Beautified destiny, dignified destiny, fulfilled destiny, accomplished life through embracing Kingdom protocols, responding positively to Kingdom warnings, His corrections as made known in His Word and His instructions as your way of life. That is how His Word dictates our lives. All scriptures both Old and New Testament show the way to go, warning on going the other way. Correcting our steps so you don’t go the other way and giving instructions that don’t have respect for your opinions. Today there is so much education. Whatever God says, I don’t think so. How? Your teacher said something and you said you don’t think so. You will never graduate. You don’t mark your papers by yourself. You will soon think so, by the time you keep repeating the same class. Until they say they don’t want you again, your tenure is over. No one will miss His guidance again.

The good news is, it is never late to be right. You can decide today to follow Him. If you let Him Shepherd your life which He does principally by His Word, the good news is you shall not want. Church Gist. He will lead you in the path of righteousness for His name sake. Goodness and mercy will follow you as you are following His leading all the days of your life. That is your portion in the name of Jesus.

Today is our Fortune Banquet. First recognize that the quality of a believer’s life is a function of the favour of God at work in his life. The quality! Psalm 30:5. His favour is the factor that defines the quality of life we live. Psalm 30:11. His favour turns our mourning into dancing. By the baptism of favour today, God is turning every concern in your life into dancing. Church Gist. Remember, by strength shall no man prevail. Psalm 127:1. Eccelesisates 9:11. Skill does not secure favour. Psalm 44:3. Favour! Favour is the grand determinant of the quality of a believer’s life. So we need to understand that divine favour is the solution to all misfortunes in life. May God smile on each of us today.

There is no provision of scriptures without conditions to meet for delivery. We need that covenant mentality to make the most of our walk with God. How do I experience the downpour of God’s fortune in my life? Never ever make a mistake of waiting for favour. Church Gist. Favour has to be entreated, provoked, triggered. There are things to do to trigger the manifestation of heaven’s favour. Come and learn and you will find your grand access into realms of favour. Come and learn! Psalm 45:12. Favour is entreated. How do I provoke heaven’s fortune on my life?

  1. Be Born Again And Remain So.
    Every day, he will be saying be born again. Be born again and remain so. Redemption is a show of God’s favour to a man. By grace we are saved. Grace connotes divine favour. That is why it is an election of grace, not of works lest any man should boast. Favour begins with proven new birth. People might stay in Church but they say when were they born again? They can’t say. It is not late, do it today. It is not guesswork. Guesswork hardly works. Favour begins with proven new birth, not new birth, “Lord, I receive you as Lord and Saviour.” New birth with change of story to validate it. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Nothing has become new and you say you are saved. That is not the Bible. How will I know that you are saved? You will know when you are saved. How do you know when you have eaten? You will know. Not that please assume you have eaten. I can’t assume. I will know when I am eaten.

Psalm 5:12. It is new birth that makes a believer the righteousness of God. So we are cocooned by His favour through redemption. Why they turned their lives to Christ, they were having favour with all the people. Acts 2:47. New birth attracts favour. The journey into the realm of fortune begins with proven new birth. Church Gist. Continually guarded new birth. Not you are saved, you see a miracle and you walk away. Go and squander it like the prodigal son and you come back again. Ask yourself, am I saved? Is this what a saved man does? Where are the fruits of the Spirit in my life? Where are they?

I shared something in the course of the week, the mystery of speaking to ourselves. Speaking to yourself in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, not only psalms and songs, speaking to yourself truth. Like the prodigal son came to himself and said “Wait a minute, do I want to die here? No! I can remember I have a home. So I voted out of rascality. If I die here, these pigs will eat me. So let me return home.” Speaking to yourself the truth of life. You find David saying, “Why are you cast down my soul?” He is speaking to himself. One of the protocols of the Kingdom that people forget today. Church Gist. When you speak to yourself, it is the strongest message you will hear. Anyone can tell you anything and you think he is deceiving you but when you speak to yourself. “Wait a minute, do I believe in heaven? Yes! Do I believe in what it takes to get there? Yes. Then why am I doing what it takes to not get there. I won’t deceive myself anymore.” Speaking to yourself facts based on scriptures. It is never late to be right, in case you are not sure. You better be sure today right there where you are seated.” Jesus, I turn my heart to you. I don’t want to play religion anymore. I don’t want to be in the middle of the road anymore. It is not safe for me.

God came down with favour in our midst this morning to bring us out of servitude into fortune. We have been fetchers of water and hewers of wood, God says it is enough. Church Gist. So I have set up this banquet to bring you out of servitude and slavery into where you belong. Redemption makes you a child of favour and that is where you belong.

  1. Stay In Love With God.
    David, a man with a heart for God. Hear what he said in 1 Chronicles 28:4. He liked me to make me king! God loves everyone but He likes some people. Who does He like? Those who love Him, He lavishes them with favour. So He brought David from the wilderness to be anointed king. Church Gist. His brothers were angry and sent him back to the wilderness. “King of who?” Then the king sent to Jesse, “Send for your son to come and be with me in the palace for he has found favour in my sight.” 1 Samuel 16:22. Anywhere you may be in the world, God’s favour will find you.

When you are in love with God, you have entreated His favour, He will locate you to decorate you with His favour. Somebody is here you think that you are forgotten, God’s favour will locate you. You think that case is closed, God’s favour will reopen it in your favour. Somebody is jumping into miracle marriage right now. He liked me to make me king. That’s how much worth we have in His favour. Church Gist. The only way to prove that we love Him is to obey Him with delight. John 14:21. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you through a demonstrable love for God. A proven love for God. The love of God that is proven by your delightsome obedience to what He says to do will locate you to lavish you with His favour.

  1. Continue To Favour His Righteous Course.
    Let whatever matters to God, matter to you. Let His Kingdom have a place in the centre of your heart. Psalm 35:27. I take pleasure in bringing them into fortune because they take pleasure in the interests of my Kingdom. Church Gist. Psalm 102:13-15. Fearful favour is what they call fortune. Can you imagine favour launched Joseph, an ex-convict to the palace? He is an on-convict not ex. The day he removed the prison cloth was the day he wore the royal robe. Fearful favour that is what many will encounter as a result of this banquet. Take pleasure in the affairs of His Kingdom, He will launch you into fearful favour after the order of Joseph like a dream of the night. Somebody’s story is changing. In this season of harvest of rewards, you shall be visited.

The Holy Ghost unleashed the aroma of favour.
Psalm 45:7-8. Don’t ever toy with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Don’t ever toy with His ministry in your life. You can grieve Him, you can quench Him. Don’t try it. Fresh oil will keep attracting favour. It emits the aroma of favour. Just like a smoker will get into a place and you will smell the smoke on his body. When you carry the Holy Ghost, there is a smell of favour that emanates from you that brings you into fortune as you jealously guard His presence. Church Gist. May today’s anointing unleash the aroma of favour on your life. The aroma of favour is coming forth from you today as you commit with the terms of the covenant of favour, not as you wish. Are you in love with Him? Are you interested in the affairs of His Kingdom?

  • You will hit some strange level of favour this month.
  • God is turning some people’s mourning into dancing.
  • Many will be turned into surprises to themselves this time.

It is one thing for people to be surprised about the happenings of God in your life, it is another to be surprised yourself. Imagine Joseph crying how did I get here? Church Gist. A prisoner? Someone already buried and forgotten by His family? In the palace? How? Potiphar’s house is just like a kitchen here, how did I get here? There is a dimension of fortune that will hit you that will make you a surprise to yourself.

Something has just struck a chord in your spirit, that is the Word for your bailout.









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