-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on WONDER WORKING PRAISE – PART 2 || Wonder Working Praise Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 1st September 2024 || Second Service.
Are you joyful that you’re alive to see the first day? I don’t want you to just thank Him carelessly, thank Him from the depth of your heart that you are alive. Life is a gift, you can’t buy life with money. Church Gist. That you are alive to see the first day in September 2024. I want, even if your country is not yet in the morning; just thank Him in advance. Tell God: “Thank You” wherever you are. Go ahead and tell God: “Thank You” for making you see it.

It is those who thank God that their tanks never run dry.
-Because you have said to God: “Thank You” for this first day, your tank will never run dry.
‘Thank you’ is an application for more. If you’re thanking Him for the gift of life then God will give you better life. Are you hearing me?
-And that is how it will be in the name of Jesus.
We will take two sessions in all the services. Church Gist. I will take (the) first session for a few minutes on healing and I will take (the) second session – the message for the day.
The moment I climbed the altar I heard a clear word of knowledge. There’s someone you’ve gone very far concerning your marriage, but since you stepped into that relationship, there has not been peace. You’ve not had peace but you have gone far. Church Gist. God is saying to you: “It’s not late!” It’s better to have a broken courtship than to have a broken marriage. You’ve gone very far but you have not had peace. You are so afraid to even tell everybody around you. I heard it clearly. Not having peace is an indication that (that) thing will have a problem. So it’s better you call it quit than to say: “How would they feel?” I’m sure God is speaking to someone in Jesus’ mighty name!
-Father! Speak to us in this Session of Healing. Church Gist. Let each one with sick(ness) be healed in the name of Jesus and those who are not sick enjoy health in Jesus’ mighty name!
Hear this and hear me well, it is God’s will to heal you. Sickness is not from God but from the devil. Acts 10:38. What was the good He went about doing? Church Gist. Healing ‘all’ not ‘some’ that were oppressed of the devil. So sickness is an oppression of the devil. He healed all, not some. Are you amongst the ‘all’?
-You will be healed right now.
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. If He healed them yesterday, He will heal today. He is a healing God. Church Gist. His healing power has not reduced. Matthew 4:23-24. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the healing Gospel. He healed all!
-Everyone at the reach of my voice with any kind of sickness in your body. You will be healed in the name of Jesus! He sent His Word. It’s the Word of God I am speaking not my word and He healed them. As I’m speaking God’s Word right now, someone who says: “Amen!” That sickness leaves you instantly in the precious name of Jesus!
-Someone’s goiter is gone in the name of Jesus! Injection abscess is gone in the name of Jesus! Church Gist. Rheumatoid arthritis is gone in the name of Jesus!
-Matthew 4:24. The same Jesus who healed in the streets of Galilee, the same Jesus is at work right now!
-Wherever you are, whether in Church or online and you are with any sickness, you will be healed in the name of Jesus. If you believe it your Amen confirms your healing.
1 John 3:8. One of the works of the devil is sickness and diseases. Sickness is not from God. Sickness is from the devil. Never you think God is teaching you a lesson through sickness, that is ignorance! God can’t teach you a lesson through sickness. Church Gist. Sickness is an oppression of the devil.
-Every sick in the name of Jesus! Put your hand in that part of that body. In the name of Jesus, I command that disease to go right now! I command that pain to go right now in the name of Jesus! You are made perfectly whole right now in the name of Jesus’ mighty name!
Jump on your feet and say: “Disease, you can’t stay in my body. No sickness can stay in this body, my body has been bought with a price; it must glorify God. Church Gist. Sickness, you are illegal in this body. I command in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you foul spirit: “Come out of my body! In the name of Jesus!”
-There’s somebody. When you move, it’s as if you are dizzy; you are healed right now! You are made perfectly whole!
-There is someone with a strange boil in your armpit; very strange boil is gone in Jesus’ name!
-Someone, something is moving in your body; you’re healed in the name of Jesus! Church Gist.
-Whether I call that disease or not, you are made perfectly whole!
He says: “Jesus went about doing good!” What was the good He went about doing? Healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Now in the name of Jesus, every oppression of the devil; you are free from it! In the precious name of Jesus!
-You are loosed! Now! Wherever satan has bound you, in the name of Jesus! You are loosed in Jesus’ name! From that oppression of the devil.
Say: I’m free!
-That chest pain is gone! That heart condition, you are healed! That pain in your liver is gone in the name of Jesus! Church Gist. You on a hospital bed, you are made perfectly whole in the precious name of Jesus! If you believe you are healed, say: “I’m healed!”
-Your eyes will see clearly, your body will be restored! In the name of Jesus, every pain is gone in the name of Jesus’ mighty name!
The Month is declared as the “Month of Wonders Of His Word” and we are looking at: WONDER WORKING PRAISE. Praise is magnifying God for who He is. Your high rating of God will cause praise to flow from you. You can’t rate God high and not praise Him. Praise is a powerful tool in the hands of a believer. It has the ability to unlock wonders, signs, miracles, breakthroughs in our lives. God does wonders when we praise. Exodus 15:11. If you want to see the wonders of God, then give God praise. Church Gist. Psalm 22:3. Psalm 77:14. Wonder working praise is not just singing songs or reciting prayers; it’s about engaging God with a heart of praise in a way that releases the power of God to do wonders. When your heart is involved, you are bound to make a mark on the Earth. I will give you some examples of wonders provoked by praise in Scriptures. Wonders provoked by praise in Scriptures, I will give you some one or two of them. When you follow His example, you get the same result. Is that clear sir? In Mathematics, they will say: This is the example. If you follow the example and solve your problem, you will get the same result. So, wonders provoked by praise in Scriptures:
- The Wonders Of Restoration Of Life.
John 11. A man died for 4 days called Lazarus and Jesus came to the tomb and said: “Father! I thank You!” As He said: “Thank You!” The dead man rose. Praise has the potency to raise the dead. Church Gist. If He can raise the dead, that means your business can bounce back again. Your career can bounce back again. Nothing dies with praise. Everything dead rises with praise. Jesus praised and Lazarus came back to life.
-Somebody’s dead business will jerk back now.
John 11. You all know the story? If you read from verse 38 down, we will read John 11:40-41 for time’s sake. The Bible said, He said: “Roll ye away the stone.” That means, remove every unbelief. Remove every what? Every unbelief. When you want to praise God, remove every unbelief. Don’t say: “Lord! Is it this simple praise that I will praise that will bring back my business?” God does not work like men works, He gives a simple instruction; when you enjoy His instruction, you enjoy distinction. John 11:40. How many believe they will see the glory of God? Glory to God. John 11:41. Listen! When He said: “Thou hast heard Me.” Lazarus was still in the grave. So without praise, nothing changes. “Oh! My business is dead!” Praise Him in the midst of the dead business. Many of us, we thank God when things are done. We thank God for things to be done. Many of us: “Oh! God! If you give me a job, I’m going to thank You!” You praise Him for things to happen. Are you hearing me, sir? Many of us, it’s when things happen we praise God. No! Advanced Christians praise God for things to happen. Say: I hear! Babies praise God only when things have happened. John 11:42-44. So the door to the miraculous will never be opened until you praise Him.
-Whatever that has been dead in your life with the praise today will come forth in the name of Jesus!
Nothing dies with praise. How many know that today that business will not die again?
-Your career will not die! Your finances will not die! Even your health will not die!
- The Wonders Of Supernatural Supplies.
Praise can turn insufficiency to sufficiency. It has (the) power to turn lack into abundance. It can bring provision in times of scarcity. John 6:1-12. Jesus was also met with that kind of situation – 5,000 men excluding women and children in the wilderness. In the wilderness, there is no shop; there’s no supermarket in the wilderness. There were 5,000 men excluding women and children. There was no food for them to eat. Maybe in this time of hardship globally. Church Gist. You have only 5,000 and your landlord has told you (that) you have to pay 500,000. It’s not the time to grumble, it’s the time to praise. You are not the first to come across such scarcity. It has happened, it happened with the Messiah Jesus Himself but He knew what to do. John 6:1-12. How many know what to do now? Tell yourself: “I will praise.” By praising God, we acknowledge Him for His goodness and benefits towards us. John 6:11. So you take whatever is available and say to God what? “Thank You.” You are looking for five million, you have five thousand, what do you say? “Thank You.” So it can turn small to big, insufficiency to what? (Sufficiency). Maybe you say: “That is Jesus!” I will tell you of our Church here.
When God told us to start the Building of the Cathedral, the money this Church had; divide it into one percent, it cannot finish that Cathedral. The bill was bigger than the whole income of the Church, that is plus your own offering; my own offering; my tithe, everybody’s tithe put together will not go beyond foundation. But do you know the humbling part? Not one day has this Church experience lack concerning that Building. Did you hear what I said? Never did money became a problem, it has been human factor before now but not money. How? We kept praising God. Most of you who are members know that we go there to praise. Is that true? Church Gist. Every time we praise, God supplies! We praise; God supplies! There are things; I no longer talk about it because when you hear the amount and you don’t have faith, you may faint. So I don’t talk about it anymore. How God is doing it even me can’t explain it because these things are in millions of dollars not naira. How God is doing it till now, I can’t explain. But the secret is what I’m sharing with you. The more we praise Him, the more the supplies!! You will never hear or say: “Oh! God, what is happening?” No! God is happening! Don’t ask what is happening. Say: “God is happening!” Glory to God! How many will acknowledge? He said: “Forget not all His benefits.” Psalm 103:1-5. Shout hallelujah! Shout a big hallelujah! Shout a loud hallelujah!

What Are The Benefits Of Wonder Working Praise? Some Of The Benefits:
- It Brings Us Strength And Courage.
Psalm 28:7. Do you want strength and courage? Give God praise! It’s praise that is making us not to panic. Is that true? Glory to God. Somebody will say: “What is he talking about?” Let me tell you something: Do you know as the Project of that Cathedral is going on, other projects are going on? Are you aware? So many projects. We are still buying Churches, buying properties, buying things. Church Gist. Are we under pressure? The secret is what I’m telling you. You know? One thing with people is that anything simple, they don’t do it. If you tell people: “Jump inside pit, bath inside the pit now.” They say: “Nah! Do you know for God to work, I bathe inside pit?” If you tell the same man and say: “Just dance!” God will do it. He will say: “Nah!!! It’s just dancing oo, do you know where I went to? They bury me inside pit.” Are you Jesus? After they buried Jesus, He wants you to be buried again? Eh? He has been buried for your sake, you don’t need to be buried. People like anything that is rigorous. That it’s rigorous does not mean that it’s good. Are you getting what I’m saying?
We were with a great man of God and he ministered to me very profoundly. He said: “That something is beautiful does not mean it’s joyful.” Something can be beautiful and not bring you joy. Oh! Mike Murdock. He said: “David! Something is joyful does not mean it will bring you joy.” Something happened and we laughed over it but I learned something from it. Something is beautiful does not mean it will give you joy. You know? He is a man of wisdom. They brought something very fine; very fine fork that has gold but it’s not the thing he wanted. Church Gist. So he said: “David! Something is beautiful does not mean it will give you joy.” So we laughed over it. That a woman is beautiful does not mean she will give you joy at home. (Laughing). There are many beautiful women who are problem and there are very handsome men who are troubles. That somebody is beautiful does not mean he will give you joy. Are you hearing me? Joy is a different thing. So, don’t always go for beauty. That the cloth is beautiful, you may wear it and it does not fit you.
- It Provokes Healing And Restoration.
I will not dwell so much on it because we have done that. Is that true? Jeremiah 30:17-19. So when you begin to give God praise, your health will be restored.
-Your health will be what? Restored!
- It Brings About A Change Of Status.
God lifts those who praise Him. Praise lifted David from a humble shepherd boy to the palace and eventually to the throne as the King of Israel. That was why he never stopped dancing even as a king. He was praiseful! He was what? (Praiseful). 2 Samuel 6:14. He danced not as a houseboy but as a king. He danced as a king. The most powerful king on earth; no mortal man has been celebrated after death like David. 3,000 years after he passed, they celebrated David in Israel which has never been done to any mortal man. The secret is: He danced not minding his position. 2 Samuel 6:15-16. You all know the story? She (Michal) was plagued! You know why she despised him? Her father never danced one day. Read your Bible, you will not see where Saul praised God. Arrogant people when people praise, they make comments: “See the way he’s dancing! See the way she’s jumping up and down as if she is the only one in Church.” You say: “How can she be dancing like that?”
-Whoever is mocking your God and my God will be visited this same way!
Please, don’t mind your neighbors; just praise God! Don’t mind the mockery of men. If you want God to make you, give Him fearful praise. Go down and step up and dance as if there’s no tomorrow. A man of God flew with me. Great man of God, we sat together on the plane and he said: “Pastor can I ask you a sincere question? The way miracles happen very simple in your hands, is it the praise? Me too I’m learning to dance.” So I laughed! But he was very serious! He said: “Tell me: “Is it this your dancing? Because you don’t shout and miracles happen! No! I admire the way you dance!” Church Gist. Mike Murdock saw us last year and said: “Your praise is powerful!” He said: “All over the World, when you praise God, we all look at you!” He said: “The praise is anointed!” I don’t just dance for dancing’s sake; I dance with consciousness! When I’m praising God, I don’t see any mortal man. When I’m praising God, I don’t look whether you’re existing. If you praise (God) and you’re busy looking at another person, you are not praising. You see somebody you say: “See the way you dey dance.” Na em be say you no dey dance. Have you seen a footballer playing on the pitch knowing how the other person is dribbling? You hold ball, you don’t leave your ball and be looking at another person: “Oya! Dribble!” My friend, mind your business! How many will praise God? Shout hallelujah!
Say: My status will change, my situation will change as I give Him quality praise!
Finally, Psalm 81:3-5. Is today the first day? Today is the first day; is that true? Is today not first? Okay! The new moon! Church Gist. That means when you start the month with praise, you are bound to end with what? Testimonies.
-God will make sure you end this month with testimonies. Church Gist. Shout a loud Amen! Shout a better Amen!
We said: It will restore life; it will bring insufficiency to sufficiency; it will bring healing and can bring a change of status. How many want (their) stories to change? Rise to your feet! Are you going to focus on something? You are not dancing for dancing’s sake; you will dance with understanding. Psalm 47:7. So you are saying: “God! Change my status this month! Change my position this month! Church Gist. Restore my health this month! Lord! By this praise, let something that has never happened happen in my life. I must have testimonies this month!” Is that clear? We are going to praise God for nine solid minutes. All Churches make sure you praise God as if you have never done it before. If you don’t have good instruments, hook up to the Headquarters but everybody, focus on your own. My focus may not be your own focus. When you don’t focus on praise you may end up as a locust. Say: God forbid!
“I will focus on God not on circumstances and God will give me my testimonies.” So you know what you want? Church Gist. Now! Focus on God to do them for you and when you go (on) praising God, God will go (on) lifting you up.
Do you know what God said to me? He said: “Let them know when you say, you don’t pray for money; then what do you do?” We don’t pray for money in this Church but we praise God. Church Gist. So you don’t think that we are magicians. No! We don’t pray but we praise! Are you getting what I’m saying now? So anytime you sow seed, it’s not to be praying: “Oh! God!!” Just give God praise, the Earth shall yield her increase.”
-Every insufficiency will end in plenty!

-Whatever you have named the Month – September; it will be so! Because everything Adam called, till today God did not change the names. If you have said to September, it shall be to me a month of progress it will be so to you! Church Gist. That which you have declared to the Month – September, will make God remember you! In the name of Jesus! It’s a month where God will restore everything you have lost!