THE MASTER KEY FOR WINNING (SERVICE) – PART 2 – Pastor David Ibiyeomie || The Master Key For Winning Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 18th February 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on THE MASTER KEY FOR WINNING (SERVICE) – PART 2 || The Master Key For Winning Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 18th February 2024 || Second Service.

This month is our ‘Month of Kingdom Advancement’. The Message is MASTER KEY FOR WINNING (SERVICE) – PART 2. You can enforce change through service. When Matthew 6:33 becomes your lifestyle, winning becomes your heritage. Job 36:11. 

-There is someone with a ringing sensation in the ear, you are healed in Jesus’ name. You hear a strange voice, you are also healed.

Job 36:11. So Kingdom service is the gateway to affluence and influence. No winning and lifting without Kingdom service. We are born again to serve God. You are saved to serve. The greatest statesman to ever live, his name is called Daniel, then in the Old Testament the greatest businessman is Job, the greatest father in the Old Testament is Abraham. The greatest businessman was Job, the greatest statesman was Daniel. Now, Daniel was so powerful that he reigned in four regimes. For fifty-something years he was on the throne. Not all these 4-year, 8-year terms. Church Gist. This man was there reigning for fifty-something years. Daniel 6:20. You know when they threw him to the Lion’s den and the King spake and said to him: ‘Oh! Daniel, servant of the Living God’, he didn’t call him ‘Governor’. He said: ‘Servant’! First thing they knew (about) him was that, ‘This Man, you serve God’. And look at what he said, he said: ‘…Is thy God whom thou servest continually’, not occasionally, not ‘Sunday-Sundaylly’ not ‘Glory Reignly’. ‘The God whom you serve continually, able to deliver you’? If people don’t know you that you serve God then something is wrong. Daniel 6:20. ‘Servant’ is not ‘pastors’, you are a servant when you meet and do what God asks you to do. 

Who is a servant?

A true servant is one who is interested in serving God and (the) interest of His Kingdom. Servants of God are not pastors, there are many pastors who are not servants of God. Servant of God is not a Bishop. Servant of God is one who is interested in serving God and the interest of His Kingdom. Church Gist. Was Daniel a pastor? Was he a pastor? He was not a prophet but yet the King called him ‘Servant of God’. A servant is interested. There are many pastors who are not ‘servants’, they are pastors. A servant is interested in promoting God’s Kingdom. Serving God is the wisdom required for a change of position and story.

-May you serve God.

Exodus 23:25. In Luke 5:1-7, there was a man called Peter, this Man gave his boat for Jesus to use to preach the Gospel and after Jesus finished using his boat, is that clear? He used his boat to serve God. Church Gist. So your life must be used to serve God! And after Jesus finished preaching, this Man was frustrated. Throughout the whole night, they caught nothing but Jesus said: ‘I don’t use men and dump men. Now that you have allowed me to use your business material for my Gospel…’ Peter’s frustration ended.

-Somebody’s frustration is ending right now.

He turned Peter’s captivity. God cannot use you and you end up being useless. Church Gist. Peter became an employer of labour, he beckoned on other people to join him after Jesus used his boat. Luke 5:7.

-After this day, others will join you in that blessing of God.

Those who serve God end up as celebrities. If you want breakthrough and fulfillment in life, what do you do? Serve God. Peter served God with his boat and then everything turned. Have you not heard people say: ‘I have a car and I started using it to carry passengers to come to Church, everything what? Turned’. Shout Hallelujah. 2 Chronicles 15:1-4, 12-15. ‘I don’t care about God’. He too will not care about you. If you stay in a Church where nobody is teaching you the truth it’s dangerous. Serving God is the key to rest.

-You will enter into your rest.

The moment they made the covenant to serve God, they entered into their rest.

-Somebody is entering into their season of rest.

Psalms 34:10. You can’t be in want serving God. When you are addicted to the Kingdom of God, you don’t beg for additions from God. Matthew 6:33. You can’t seek God and sink in life. Let me say this to all of us: God will rate you according to your service not according to your title. God’s rating is according to our service not according to our what? Titles. You can have a big title of Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Senior Pope, Senior Bishop. God will not rate you on that title, you can be a Pastor, Senior Pastor, Senior Apostle, Changing Apostle. Church Gist. God will rate you based on your what? Service. It’s the service God will use to rate you not your title. Are you getting what God is saying? You know why? Many of us are carried away with titles, we think the title is what matters most. No! It is your service! Because people are tied down with titles, true believers are known for their service to God. Too many titles! If you look at Moses, look at Abraham, look at Job; David, Daniel, Nehemiah, Peter, Paul were all known for service. Every one of them was service, they were not known because they were kings, they were known for service.

Let me share, service is very powerful. When we were in Bible School, something happened. I will never forget, my wife is a witness, we attended Bible School together, one full year. Now, in Bible School, you have two sets of people, every Bible School, especially the kind of Bible School where you can display. Church Gist. We have those who want people to see them. When they pray like this, they will display, they will quote 50 Scriptures, you see it in every Church. You see somebody they come to display but they are not interested in soul winning. They come, they say: ‘John 1, John 2, John 3, John 4’. Those are people who want people to know them. But when it comes to the reality of service, they hide, they dodge. So they used to tell us to serve in different funny areas. 

In the Church then, just like we have people in this Auditorium, there are people if you post them out of this Auditorium now, they will fight you. That’s how it was, they feel like this Place is where people should see them. In service, where they post you does not matter. There are people if they don’t serve here, they see (that) God is not there. Church Gist. Nah! You didn’t come to service, you came for posing. So there was an auditorium in the Church where we were, in Iyana-Ipaja. So, all the full-time Bible students, that’s where they like to serve. You know? When they serve there, everybody will see them, those who are not married, the young girls will see them. Then those who are married, everybody will know that this is a full-time pastor. 

They used to give us special tags, so when they see, they say: ‘Who is this guy’? He is a full-time pastor, he is in training. So there is a stage you are in (Laughing). So they said we should go and serve, I noticed that everybody was dodging children’s Church and the convenience. When they say: ‘You, go to children’s Church’, they say: ‘No! Which children’s Church for what? So I will go and sit with children? Post me to the Auditorium’. So everybody dodged children’s Church. Church Gist. When the class prophet came to us, he said: ‘You, children’s Church’. They say: ‘How can I be a full-time pastor, children’s Church’? And children’s Church is not like this one that we organize. That time, if you go to children’s Church, you will shout from the beginning till the end. They will come and drag you and say: ‘Uncle’! They will drag your dress, you will say: ‘Sit down’! Then another child will come: ‘Uncle’. So this is how you will say: ‘Sit down’!!! Till Church is over. (Laughing). 

So, nobody! Children’s Church is eh? Where is that country close to Russia that is very cold? They know it but nobody wants to go there. So (the) children’s Church is like Siberia. Siberia, people know Siberia but it’s too cold nobody wants to live in Siberia. So children’s Church? I understood ‘service’ so I said: ‘Give me, I will go’! The class prophet looked at me. I said: ‘Give me the Church I will go’. So I was the only one in children’s Church. From beginning till the end you will talk till it’s over but I was fulfilled. Church Gist. One of my classmates came to me, he said: ‘You know what? This thing they are doing, see the proper place to sit down’. Sometimes, some advice are demonic. He said: ‘The proper place to sit down is in the Auditorium so that you will see Bishop talking. All these ones they are doing, I don’t think it is correct’ and he quoted Scripture oo. ‘You know? Sit at the Word like Mary’. (Laughing). The Scripture can be misquoted, the content and the motive matters a lot. The Scripture is right but the motive is wrong. So I said: ‘Let me serve’. I followed him for one or two but God spoke to me, He said: ‘You are disobeying, go and serve where they told you’. So I just left him, I went to serve. 

Now, to cut the long story short, while I was serving I will be the only one to serve in (the) children’s Church. I will be the only one to go and serve! When we have like Week of Spiritual Empowerment, you stay outside; direct (people) because the crowd is too much. They will say: ‘You’ because some men will want to enter female convenience without reading, you know this society they don’t read. They will still see female toilets they will still want to enter. Church Gist. You say: ‘No!!! Oga, go here’. So they will put the men here, put the female here. So me, full-time student (pastor), that’s what I always do. When somebody wants to make a mistake, I say: ‘This is where you should go to’. Then one day, my wife and I, we were going to eat, as we were going, they just did like this: ‘You, come’! So I looked at my dressing, you know when you are full time if they call you, you first look whether you are well dressed. I said: ‘Hope I didn’t dress…’ Since I started this preaching till now, they have not spoken to me, they just kept me standing. Bishop will be talking to one pastor, I will say: ‘What did I do’? I will look at myself: ‘Hope I’m okay, I tucked in, okay. So, what did I do’? I was just waiting, they didn’t talk to me. 

You know? After a while, they called me. They said: ‘Come! You know what? We just decided you will serve on the Altar’. God said to me: ‘You know why I promoted you’? Because you served where others refused to serve. I became the most popular student in Winners’ Chapel. The whole Winners’ Chapel knew me because after Bishop Oyedepo comes down from the Altar, I’m the only one who climbs because, the Communion, we used to put it on the Altar, then from the altar we serve. Church Gist. So once he comes down, nobody climbs the Altar except me. So for twenty minutes, it’s only my face that will beam. So the entire Church knew me, others were wanting people to know them, I was personally advertised by God. I became the most popular student in Bible School and God said: ‘I promoted You because of service’. And if you see now, me and my mates the gap is like this. The secret of promotion is service. Don’t do (serve) for eye service, do (serve) to please God, He knows how to lift you.

-Your lifting is coming.

I will be telling you the avenues for serving God, there are four avenues:

1.  Kingdom advancement prayers.

You can’t say you are serving God if you are not praying for the advancement of His Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-10. Every time you are praying, pray for the advancement of His Kingdom first before you pray: ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. The daily bread is number two. ‘His Kingdom come’ is number one. Many pray for daily bread without praying for the Kingdom of God so they miss it in prayers. Always pray for the advancement of what? The Kingdom. Church Gist. I elaborated that on… Is it Thursday teaching? Yes, Thursday. So go and get Thursday’s message. I broke down the kind of prayers, I can’t teach that now. It is Kingdom prayers? The things you need to pray about: Soul winning, those ones I taught on Thursday. Get that Thursday message. How many of you ever prayed for the Kingdom? Say the truth! When last did you pray for the Kingdom? If you don’t pray for the Kingdom (and) every time: ‘Oh! God, give me this’!!! No, that’s not how to pray. Always pray for the advancement of His Kingdom then you are serving God.

2.  Soul winning.

Acts 1:8. Hear me, power is not first for display, that’s why, please everybody hear this: Many of us ‘Look, if I get power, I’m going to pray for people to see miracles’. No! Power is first and foremost for soul-winning. God is not empowering you for showmanship. Church Gist. The first thing empowerment does is for you to win souls, then you see yourself operating a dimension you can… Acts 1:8. So, power is not for display first, it’s not for people to say: ‘You are loaded’. No! First use it to win souls then that power can produce.

-I see power produce in your life.

Mark 16:15. Preaching the Gospel is not for preachers, it is for all of us. ‘Oh! I’m not a preacher’, you are a preacher. Jesus said: ‘Everybody, go’! It’s a command! It is not optional. ‘I don’t like to preach’. No! You must preach. There are compulsory courses in the university, if you fail them you don’t graduate. Soul winning is the number one compulsory course, if you fail it you can never graduate as a Christian. You know the problem with Christianity today? We are totally carried away with materialism. Church Gist. You think Christianity now, when they say somebody is successful, we rate him based on the cars he has, based on the houses he has, please that’s not success. If you have all the cars and you don’t have any relationship with Christ, you don’t have any success. Mark 8:36. No! Today, Church too has rated successful Christians as men who have money, somebody can have money and not be successful. Hope you know that? If he does not have a relationship with God. Say: I hear! The witch doctors are they successful? Some of them are very rich. You don’t know? Very rich. But do they have any relationship with God? That’s ‘No’! Don’t be carried away with all those kinds of things. Shout Hallelujah!

Say: I will be a soul winner.

John 15:16. He said: I am the one who employed you, can you tell your employer what to do or he will tell you what to do? God said: I employed you to win souls – This is our primary assignment. Listen! The work you do is secondary, the office you go to is what? Secondary. Church Gist. Soul winning is the reason God created you on earth. That is primary – to serve Him. ‘I will go to (the) office, I will train my children’, all are secondary. The primary reason for you to exist on earth is to serve God. If you forget that one, you are a waste. Say: I hear!

Say: I will serve God.

-And as you serve God, God will bless you in the name of Jesus.

3.  Sanctuary stewardship.

Proverbs 14:23. Luke 13:19. This Sanctuary service is the kind of service where you are in a service unit of a Church such as: Ushering. Sanctuary keepers, peacekeepers, the safety group, the decoration, the choir, all those ones are called what? Church Gist. Sanctuary stewardship. Where you belong to a service group, it has its own reward.

-May God reward all of you in Jesus’ name.

4.  Financial stewardship.

Some people do only one and they don’t do any other one. But you must do the four. But they have points. If they are all at 10, they don’t weigh the same. Soul winning weighs higher of all. Soul winning and prayer for the Kingdom weigh higher, then the other ones have small, small points. Are you getting what I’m saying? Job 36:11. Exodus 10:24-26. God is saying: ‘Do you really want to serve Me’? Church Gist. Use every resource to do what? To serve God. Your money must be involved in service. I don’t mean the offering that you give, that’s not the service we are talking about. We are talking about you, using money to promote God’s Kingdom. Like for instance as you are now you can decide to get a bus, pay for it, bring people to Church. Is that true? Can’t you pay transport for one person? Is that a big thing? ‘Eh? Every time, I no get’. Which day you go get? God knows ‘Ife esike’! Things are hard!!! ‘Ife esike – Things are hard.

Tell your neighbour: If you don’t want things to be hard. You, don’t be hard. It’s because of how hard you are. Church Gist.  I don’t know in case you are hard, that’s what I mean (Laughing).

I have a relation of mine, my younger brother told me he said: ‘Papa, you don’t know that woman’? I said: ‘How’? I didn’t know true, true. I put her on salary but he said: ‘Look at her very well, she never asked you to help anybody. Every time, she wants, it’s only herself. He said the woman is so selfish, she does not say: ‘Help my sisters’. He said the sisters are also suffering but she will never say: ‘Help anybody’. Every time she comes it’s only herself. He said: ‘So you don’t know’? I said: ‘Eeh’. So I now took time to look at her. True, true when she came next time, everything she asked for was for herself. Church Gist. I said: ‘See your son here na, you no go talk make e go school’? She looked at me. I said: ‘So with this your old age you still dey ask for yourself. This boy e no go go school? Do you know some people are selfish even to their own children? Have you not talked to a family, only old people are asking for themselves, the younger ones they forget them. They are old already oo, they are still saying: ‘Do something for us’. Human beings are selfish oo. If things are hard, you are a brother of ‘Ife esike’. Find out in the dictionary what is ‘Ife esike’.

1 Timothy 6:17-19. He said: ‘Scatter’! Promote the Gospel so that when tomorrow, challenges come. God can remember you. Say: I hear! You know why? There is no money you use to serve God, God will not reward you for it. Church Gist. Any money you use for the Gospel you will be rewarded. Matthew 19:29. Mark 10:28-30 and Luke 18:29-30. There is nobody that will use his money to promote the Gospel that will not be rewarded. 

-May you be rewarded in the name of Jesus.

So, benefits of serving God? They are just too numerous. Let me say this in closing: Look for values to add not for things just to take. Stop being a seat occupier in Church, you are just occupying seat, bench warmer. Give God your heart and you will make a mark on the Earth. Well! I close on this note: Joshua 24:15. Many times when we talk of gods we think of only gods of mammon. There are four idolatries on earth: 

i.  The first one is the idolatry of human (Human worship). Where there are people when it comes to God they value human beings more than God. 

ii.  There is the idolatry of political idolatry where people follow sinners who are in politics to do what they do. You are a child of God, Daniel was in politics, he didn’t do what others did. Don’t go into politics and kill people, you are a child of God. 

iii.  The third idolatry is the idolatry of money where people worship money as god. 

iv.  The fourth idolatry is satanic idolatry where people can enter the cult just to make sure they tell the World that they are existing. These areas are the four idols. Are you getting what I’m saying now? I don’t mean you being a politician, that’s not what I mean. Church Gist. Don’t do what dirty politicians do. You can be a politician and be clean. Daniel was in politics but he didn’t do what others did. You don’t go to kill people because you want to be in power. Then money? You don’t because of money, worship money as a god. Then, you don’t go to enter a cult as a child of God.

You can’t be here (in Church) and then be entering one society where they tie something on your waist. When you want to enter house, you take back enter house like this. (Illustrating). No!!! Your children are seeing you. Money!! There is a room where none of your children can enter, what is in that room that they cannot enter? Your wife can’t enter. Nobody enters! You say: ‘This room, that room’! The day you go die, dem go open am oo. One man who was our neighbour, this man when the man died, the kind of things we brought out from his house. Church Gist. When they say: ‘satan’. He was satan’s incarnate. When he died, I sent a pastor to go and clean his house; red cloth tied with goat head. This man, every day you will see people tying red cloth with candles. We will stay from our upstairs because he has a storey building, he has daughters. So, they will stay from the window (and) be looking to the Church, we too, we will stay from there (and) be seeing to their compound (Laughing). The man was satan’s incarnate! They told me that the house he had when he died people could not enter the house (Laughing). Have you not seen people in the village when they die, footsteps will be making ‘Gboom’!! They open door, nobody! (Laughing). 

One of my domestic staff said: There was a man who died in their village, when they go to muck, they will not see his corpse. The whole mortuary attendants ran. They said they will see him with eh this native jumper in the town. Then (when) they come back, they discover he’s not there, so they had to… (Laughing). He said: ‘That family? Papa, you don’t know that family. When the father died, they will go to the mortuary, they will not see the man (Laughing). They said they saw him with jumper in the town (Laughing). Church Gist. Please, don’t be in Church and be carrying small, small things; tying on your waist, those things they are not good oo. Even if you tie it now, nobody knows. When you die, when Church people will come, those people too will come, they will say: He’s our person. Have you not seen people when they die, they say: ‘We know na churchman but na our person’ (Laughing). You see them with black from head to toe. They will say: ‘Church finish, we dey here’. Then the children will say: ‘Ah! Papa dey inside these people’? ‘Una know say that una papa, that ring wey he dey wear for hand, wetin una think say e be’? (Laughing). You don’t need all that, you are a child of God. Serve God! God is enough to take you to wherever you want to be. But hear this: I want to challenge you, how many of you will serve God all the days of your life? Will you serve Him?

Say: I will serve Him all the days of my life.


In Jesus’ mighty name. I get words of knowledge in a strange way. There is somebody who gave money to a person and from that day your life turned. Church Gist. You gave money to a relation of yours who is very demonic and I heard clearly: Five thousand (naira), very small money but the money was used for something very demonic.

-Now, everyone held down by the devil, I command you free right now. If there be anyone you gave money that used it for evil, the thunder of God strikes that person. Church Gist. You did it with good intentions and the person turned it to evil. I decree as you are free now the person goes down. Whatever anybody has used your money to do anything evil, I declare, today will not pass, judgment will strike in the name of Jesus and you will be free in Jesus’ mighty name.

But hear this, I said in the First Service that we will all challenge ourselves. As a brother, I won fifty-six (56) souls in one month. Now that you know service is the master key to winning. In a year we have 52 weeks, we are going to enter into a covenant: ‘Lord! I receive grace, I will win 52 souls before this year is over’. If I say now: Look for 52 people to give one, one million (naira), it won’t take you the next five hours, you will know that you have relations who are 52 (in number). Church Gist. If I say now: ‘One, one million, bring fifty-two names’. Before today is over, everybody here will get fifty-two, fifty-two (people). With that then, you have made money your own idol. Now give God 52 souls in the year 2024. So you can do it! How many of us can do it? If you start from today, you will do it. Every week, make sure one soul is abiding in Church, then the day you win 4 (souls), you are covered for that month. If you win 10, two months plus, is that true? So you can decide to win your 52 in one month and you know that year is covered. But every one of us, we can do it! How many of us can do it? It’s not compulsory, it’s a willing thing. Anything you do willingly God rewards you, so nobody is putting it on you as a weight but if you love God, you prove to Him. Is that true?

-And God will reward all of us.

Including me, I will go out now. Not the one we go out on Saturday oo, I will go out alone. Go and tell some boys and say: ‘Jesus loves you’. So I will mark one, two, three and when I reach my 52 I will tell you. And I can win my own in one week if not one day. But it’s not the one I preach to people oo, I will make sure I take their names, write their phone numbers. This one I will call them myself not the one someone will call on my behalf because I want Heaven to record my own fifty-two for me. Church Gist. So, you too will do your own, is that true? When you don’t want to do (it), ask yourself: ‘If na one, one million (naira), I no go do? When that voice says: ‘But you can’t do oo’, you say: ‘Shut up! This voice! But if it is one, one million to give my siblings, won’t I go and look for 52 (people)’? If you say: ‘No! No way! Just know that money has become your god. Say I hear! How many (people) is money their god? Nobody! So you will win 52 (souls) for the year. It’s a long time na? Not so? You can do it in Jesus’ name. One soul per week and God will reward you in the name of Jesus.

-May all the blessings of this Kingdom service be rewarded (to) you.

Say with me: Every blessing, all the benefits of serving God, I decree as I obey let me receive the reward.

-May everything that has to do with soul winning, Kingdom prayers, all the four things; as you obey you receive the reward now in Jesus’ name.









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