THE PROFIT OR DIVIDENDS OF PRAYER || Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche at Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

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  • Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche on “THE PROFIT OR DIVIDENDS OF PRAYER” || Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

Somebody wave your hands and give the Lord the praise, give Him the honour. If you’re happy to be here, say Amen.

Very quickly tonight, I perceive that there’s a prayer revival that is going on in our midst and not just a prayer revival but, I believe, a total revival. Church Gist. That is why that little child can have that kind of encounter she’s talking about. And we are going to push it forward tonight with the subject, “THE PROFIT OR DIVIDENDS OF PRAYER”. Church Gist. This is likely to be part 1 because the subject is massive.

Luke 9:29-35. The Lord bless His Word in Jesus’ name. Our objective tonight, very simply is like the title, understanding the dividends or the profit of prayer. Church Gist. Scriptures make it clear that the place of prayer is the place of seeking God. 2 Chronicles 7:14. So, the place of prayer is the place of seeking the face of God. Side by side with that, the Scriptures make it clear that we are not called to seek God in vain. Isaiah 45:19. At the place of prayer, we are seeking God and the Bible makes it clear that we are not permitted to seek God in vain. Hebrews 11:6. Church Gist. So, He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. “I have not called you to seek me in vain”. What is the summary of all of these? It is profitable to be prayerful. Prayerfulness is profitable. We are not wasting our time at the place of prayer.

The question then is, what is the profit of the life of prayer? It is profitable to be prayerful. What then is the profit of the life of prayer? Church Gist. I have plenty of them but we are going to just look at five this evening and after we have looked at these five, we shall proceed into practical.

  1. Access to supernatural power and authority.
    Prayerful people are powerful people. Anyone who knows prayer must know power. Church Gist. Where there’s no prayer, there’s also no power. In Genesis 32:28 after Jacob finished that wrestling that was literally prayer because he was talking to God, “I won’t let you go until you bless me”, the Bible declared him as a prince that has power with God and man and prevailed.

The altar of prayer is the altar of power. The place of prayer is the place of power. Acts 3:1. Church Gist. It was that hour of prayer that they jacked up the crippled man that had been crippled for 40 years. The hour of prayer is the hour of power. James 5:16 (AMP). The prayer of the righteous man makes tremendous power available. James 5:17-18. Church Gist. So, prayerfulness is powerfulness. I want you to bear that in mind and prayerlessness is powerlessness. Seen throughout Scripture – Elijah, Paul the Apostle and so forth and so on in Scripture – were men and women who walked in power because they live in prayer.

  • I see somebody stepping into a higher dimension of power!
  • If you believe that, say a loud Amen.

A man sent his son to me many years ago and the young man lived with us, observed my life and he asked me about fasting and prayer and then he began to do some of the fasting and the exercises. Church Gist. He returned back to his father and his father said, “I don’t know what you did to my son but you transformed his life”. He said, “this boy is fasting and praying the kind of fast that I have not done in my years of ministry”. Somebody in ministry for maybe close to 50 years. Young man. It makes tremendous power available.

  • I decree that power released in Jesus name!
  1. Access to vision, revelation and direction.
    The place of prayer is the place of access to vision, revelation and direction. Is it vision for life? Vision for ministry? Vision for your life’s endeavour? Habakkuk 2:1-3. The watch place is the prayer place.

The junction of prayer is the junction of vision. I remember that I was at a junction in my life on my journey of life and destiny, when I went into the bush in Gana Ropp Calvary School of Ministry, Capro for 3 days and 3 nights and at that junction there was a download of revelation, of vision – What I’m to do with my life. Church Gist. He said: “What I told you about many years ago, the time for it has come.” My wife was praying at home and receiving the same thing. That is why we are all seated here tonight and that is why everywhere from Canada to America to Ethiopia to Kenya, the fire burns all over the World. 3-day fast! Standing at the place of prayer.

When it was time to find out about marriage and who to be settled with. At the altar of prayer again, direction began to come. When we overwhelmed Area One and it was time to move in terms of a bigger place that can accommodate us, prayer again. And then in a night vision, the place we are today was revealed and here we are. The place of prayer is the place of vision, it’s the place of revelation. Jeremiah 33:3. Church Gist. The place ‘where we call’ is the place ‘where we see’. “I will show you.” The place where we call on Him is the place of ‘the showing’. Jeremiah 33:3. Jeremiah 6:16. “When you stand, “ask.” That is prayer. “And I will show you the way.” And I want to make this very clear to somebody. When we pray, vision can come, revelation can come, direction can come but don’t think that your prayer was not answered because the direction did not come immediately.

The direction, the vision, the revelation will come in answer to your prayer, whether it comes immediately or it comes eventually, it will come but the most important thing is that the prayer should be prayed. That was what happened to Zechariah. He had prayed for a while for God to bless him and his wife with the fruit of the womb but it appeared like there was no answer until in Luke 1:5-13. Zechariah wasn’t praying he was offering incense. Zachariah wasn’t talking to God at that time concerning having a son. Church Gist. Prayers that were prayed before was producing results, was bringing forth revelation at a later time. Am I communicating? It’s possible that you prayed a month ago, it’s possible that you prayed 6 months ago and you are getting a dream tonight in answer to what you prayed before. Is God speaking to anybody here at all? So the altar of prayer makes vision available, it makes revelations available, it makes directions available either immediately or eventually. It makes visions available; makes revelations available and makes directions available.

-I believe that somebody here is stepping into the realm of visions and revelations. If you’re that person shout the loudest Amen.

And actually, it makes directions available. You remember the Master Jesus in Matthew 14:23. Fourth watch of the night is 3 a.m., between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. After He had sent them away about 6 p.m. to just go and cross the river. Church Gist. They were battling with the water for close to almost 12 hours and they were just in the middle of the same storm. Where He was praying, He saw their challenge and He went on them – walking in the water to meet them in the midst of the storm. At the place of prayer, He got the revelation and He walked on the revelation and provided a solution.

-Tonight as we pray, somebody will get a revelation, a revelation that will bring you deliverance and bring deliverance for your family and bring deliverance for your loved one. Do you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.

Also, we saw our Master Jesus where we read in Luke 9:30-34. They were talking to Him about the death He would die. Church Gist. They were giving him direction, information, insight about the death; probably how to go about it. The contents of what they said to Him were not known to anybody but they were speaking to Him at the altar of prayer.

-Somebody is going to get clarity. In one area of your life or the other where clarity is needed, you are going to get that clarity. Do you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.

  1. Access to ancient mantles
    🎶 Mantles are falling, fresh fire is burning, the oil is dropping, the hand of God is here. 🎶 Luke 9:30-31. The place of prayer is the place of the appearance of mantles. Hebrews 12. You know the place of prayer is the same as the place of appearing before God. Like we say: “Seeking God.” It’s the same with what happens when we come to Zion. Church Gist. Matthew 21:15. So actually the House of God is a House of Prayer. Hebrews 12:22-24. ‘Just men made perfect’ are saints ready in Heaven but when we gather in Zion, they are spirits or they are mantles available in the midst of the people for the possibility of anyone who is qualified to catch it. That is what happened at the place of prayer. Hallelujah!

Before I became a Pastor while I was still in Jos, young medical doctor. At that time, my mouth was almost permanently moving. That is, you have prayed for 3, 4 hours in the morning, you are still out in the day and the burden of prayer is still massive. Church Gist. Then one day, I saw myself and I sat with 3 men and we were talking, (I think I’ve mentioned this before), their names were not written on their heads but in the realm of the Spirit, you know as you are known. I knew that this was Smith Wigglesworth, this was A. A. Allen and this was John Wesley. We were in communication. Church Gist. There are others that we have seen and we have experienced plentifully, but the place of prayer is the place where mantles are transacted, the place where mantles fly, the place where graces can be connected and tapped into.

How many of you know that Daniel had a connection with the mantle and the grace of Jeremiah? I’m sure you know that. Jeremiah was a foremost intercessor. I don’t know whether Jeremiah had not prophesied, maybe how many 100 years, I don’t know how many years before Daniel was born, but Daniel anchored… Jeremiah was the Weeping Prophet, was a prayer man and intercessor, Daniel came and linked up with that same mantle by the mystery of prayer and the Word because Daniel ransacked the Book of Jeremiah. Church Gist. Daniel 9:2. “The Word that came to Jeremiah who existed many years before me, when he prophesied that Israel would be carried into captivity, he gave the timing which they would be there. 70 years would the captivity be”. He continued with the mantle of Jeremiah. Jeremiah 29:10. Daniel fellowshipped with that Passage and took it to the place of prayer and became the enforcer of the prophecy of Jeremiah whose mantle he literally had. “As I believe in revelations, in visions”.

  • Somebody, say a loud Amen!

Don’t think that when we talk about mantles, we’re only talking about people who are pastors and evangelists, there are wealth mantles. There are wealthy men and women who existed in days past. Abraham carried the mantle that made him blessed in all realms. He was the biggest Man in his generation. Church Gist. Solomon had a mantle of royalty and prosperity. David carried a mantle. There are managerial mantles, leadership administrative mantles, Joseph carried it, Daniel carried it. So, there are diverse mantles in Zion and at the place of prayer, we can connect and tap into these mantles.

  • Somebody getting one tonight, say a loud Amen!
  • Is anybody receiving anything tonight? Shout the loudest Amen!
  1. Access to spiritual capacity enlargement.
    The place of prayer is the place where spiritual capacities are enlarged. If you remember, I told you that studying the Word is like eating the food, praying the prayer is like doing the exercise – the workout. Spiritual capacity enlargement. It was at the Altar of Prayer that Jacob became Israel. Church Gist. Genesis 32:28. Like we have always said, Israel is the name of a nation whereas Jacob was the name of a person. Also, Jabez. That one, he said it in his prayer. 1 Chronicles 4:9,10. There was a spiritual capacity enlargement that happened at the place of prayer. Until Jabez, like we saw, became a city. 1 Chronicles 2:55.
  • Somebody, say a loud Amen!

I am sure that you understand capacity enlargement. You have the lawn mower whose assignment is to cut grass. We don’t have that in Nigeria, this machine they push that they use to cut the grass is the lawn mower. It is a little version of a bulldozer but the dozer is not used to cut the grass, the dozer is used to uproot trees. Church Gist. There is a Rolls-Royce engine for aeroplanes, there is one for cars, the difference is capacity. Are you following what I’m saying here today? The car Rolls-Royce engine, no matter how much you fire the car, except you want to pieces the car, it will not fly. But the aircraft Rolls-Royce engine, you just go on the tarmac a little bit and before you can say praise the Lord, you engage the landing gear and the nose is up and then it’s just going and then it just reaches a level and begins to cruise.

One Pilot told me, he said if the sky is clear, no weather, nothing, by the time he reaches the ultimate altitude, maybe 40-something thousand, he will just press cruise control and go and sleep or that he’ll go and rest. If the sky is clear and the weather is clear, he will just relax himself, he will just be looking at the thing. Church Gist. The thing will take you until it is time to land. He said the next time there is work is when it is time to land, that is if the sky is clear and if there is no instruction from the control tower to move left or right or down or up. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Because it’s just an effortless cruise. That’s how that engine works. All is a matter of capacity. We may look alike, but we may not have the same capacity. We may have the same height but we may not have the same capacity. Church Gist. We may go to the same school but we may not have… that is the challenge of people in our world today. “We were in the same class”. Who told you that? Only God knew who was in class with you. Only God knows who’s in your class.

  • Somebody, say a louder Amen!

This kind of place we are under now, (Glory Dome), it takes a divine capacity for it to be conceived first. That a thing like this is a possibility, it’s a capacity. That the construction started and they told you the amount of money it will cost and you don’t have hypertension with stroke, it’s a capacity. Church Gist. For it to continue and it is finished, it’s a capacity. For it to be finished and you believe that it can be filled. Are you following what I’m saying here today? It has overflown many times and under this temperature that we’re on, in a short while, it will overflow many times on Sundays, many, many, many times. Are you following what I’m saying here today? Don’t make a car fly if it doesn’t have aircraft engine. Church Gist. There are people who have almost killed themselves with competition. They’re trying to contend with people that they can’t contend with. Jeremiah 12:5. If you want to contend with horses, you need horsepower.

  • Somebody, say Amen!

That is what happens to you at the place of study of the Word. That’s what happens to you at the place of prayer. That’s what happens to you at the place of fasting. Church Gist. That’s what happens to you at the place of encountering God. You are just getting larger and larger.

You know capacity enlargement? You’re a businessman, they gave you a job of 10 billion. You did the job and you mismanaged that 10 billion until it became 50 million naira because that is where your capacity is. Church Gist. If they give you anything more than 50 million naira, they just want to finish you. You neither have the wisdom, the intelligence, the organization or the structure to manage in billions. If you’re going to do that, then you need a capacity enlargement. You give a Pastor whose capacity is 100 members, give him 10,000 people to Pastor, you’ll only finish him. Pride, arrogance, careless talk to everybody, “Do you know who I am?” Church Gist. And then Until the people drop to 100 where it is his capacity, then he’s comfortable there.

  • I believe that tonight, Jehovah God is enlarging somebody’s capacity and if you’re the one, say a loud Amen.

Somebody said he watched a lay video, a pastor, an accountant who is a pastor, he was formerly an accountant-general in a state. She said, “You’re so busy, I don’t know how you have time to do all these things. Church Gist. How can you pastoring and preaching and going all over the world and then you still have the time to sing and even do video of music?” Somebody say, ‘capacity’. It’s a God-given capacity. When you’re preparing message, you’re preaching on crusades, the sick are getting healed, healing and deliverance service is on, Seeds of Destiny is being written. Church Gist. I have a lineup of about 5-6 music projects that are ongoing. I have about 5-6 books manuscripts that are available already, at least for finalization and proofreading and releasing that is available already. Crusades is everywhere, Churches are being administered worldwide. When you see them on the screen, you see the Churches, all of them, they’re not on their own. A child left to himself bringeth his father shame. Are you following what I’m saying here today? I’m not saying nothing to impress you. Church Gist. So, I believe there are people here tonight whose capacity Jehovah will enlarge to be able to handle more with your life and to be able to achieve more with your life.

  • you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.
  • Every containment, every narrowness of capacity in your life, your spiritual life, your destiny appears so narrow, everything appears so narrow, you attempt little things, you get tired, I decree today, that season is over!
  • somebody say a loud Amen.
  • lift your right hand, say, “I receive capacity, I receive it now!”
  • Give the Lord a big clap and a shout of praise.

We might just have to stop with one more tonight.

  1. The privilege of life and character transformation.
    The man who prays is changed by his prayer. Prayer does not only change things, it changes people. Luke 9:29. Acts 4:13. Church Gist. You know, most times, testimonies preach message, they preach messages. That little girl, I don’t know how old she is, that testified tonight, 12,13,14? Battling with the spirit of lies, stubbornness and then confusion and then was just pushed through. Church Gist. An intercessory processor. She was just processed through a 15-minute tonguing machinery, system, moved from this side and she walked on the other side. Refined. Lying gone. In the middle of that, she had encounter about a wall that was standing that couldn’t be broken and she said she saw me, I appeared. Whatever I said broke down the wall, “now, you’re free”. From that day, no more lying, no more confusion, for only 15 minutes of prayer. What about 30 minutes brutality? Church Gist. What about one hour brutal? Is somebody ready tonight? Something is about to change in your life. An addiction is going to be broken tonight. The spirit of depression is going to die tonight!

Low self-esteem. There’s something. You see? When they saw the boldness… Now, so, there are two things you cannot miss when you pray: Spirituality. Let me make it three: Integrity, audacity. When they saw the boldness of Peter and John – Spirituality, integrity, quality character. You won’t be lying like a dog. Like they say in America. Church Gist. You will have a conscience that is alive. And then audacity! If there is nothing that the life of prayer has done to me, ruggedity of… feeling inferior to nobody under Heaven. Anywhere I have been on earth, it’s white here, yellow here, brown, black. Whether it’s inside the plane or on the ground or anywhere, I don’t feel nothing. Somebody say a loud Amen! That is what God wants to do. There is a level and you need boldness to face destiny.

You want to go for the gold? You need to be bold. You want the silver? You need ‘liver’. You know what they call ‘liver’ in Nigeria? The man get ‘liver’! Do you understand what I’m talking about? You are just ruggedized. At times you see us charging like a lion. How can you combine two natures? One day you are crying because somebody is sick and afflicted. Church Gist. You saw it yesterday and the tears was not just for that person but for countless millions globally that the devil put in the prison. Fill his lungs with liver then cut his leg, put him on oxygen, render him like a vegetable. What a wicked devil! And that is multiplied around the World. “Lord! Who shall help these people?” And then the other day you are standing and roaring at every devil – so “lambic” and so “lionic.” Lamb and lion! Together!

One day I said to my wife, I said: “Why don’t we find the devil one day and kill him at once so that all these problems can just finish?” Just kill him physically and that is, just die at once. So that you will not… The way some of us grew up, if not for the grace of God and for the fire of the Spirit one would have been a victim of both rejection, low self-esteem and inferiority complex because what they call rejection came and came and came. Church Gist. I won’t give details but you have such a fire from above. At the altar of prayer! And a mother who pumped into your head spirituality and made you know you are inferior to nobody. Women talk to your children, don’t let children grow as if they are growing like goats or cattle, talk to them. Put in their head what you think they need for the future. Talk to them at a young age as if you’re talking to adults, their spirit will understand.

  • Somebody say Amen!

So any character you don’t like in yourself… In secondary school, even though I was behaving rugged in some ways. I was still timid when it came to facing (the) crowd. I remember the first time I was meant to address the crowd, I was timid, but not now! Now if the crowd involves demons and there are millions of them in hell, they can be addressed and dressed down if necessary.

-Somebody say a loud Amen!

So, I welcome you tonight. We are going to do another 15-minute immersion in tongues tonight. Church Gist. Anybody who thinks that is a punishment, say Amen. (Laughter) Because when I said that we were going to do another 15-minute immersion, I expected more excitement. Hallelujah!

Anything that is not of God in your life, like that girl, anything you are not happy with, maybe you are too shy where you are meant to be bold, maybe you feel so inferior where you’re meant to feel audacious, maybe you’re too afraid, afraid of your own shadow, afraid of the future, anything that is a nature in you that is not meant to be there, you have the capacity to roast it tonight. Church Gist. Stand up on your feet. Even though we have individual services tonight, if there are those connected you can also let us see them.

My conclusion tonight is: embark on the prayer of faith with insight and results must be drastic. The prayer of faith with insight. Hebrews 11:6. Church Gist. That is, the insight is, “I am not only about to change things by prayer, I’m about to change myself by my prayer” and the faith dimension is “I can’t pray and go out of prayer the same. Something must happen. Something must ‘shele’ (happen)”.

  • Somebody, say a loud Amen.

I’d like you at this moment to turn on the tap of the Holy Ghost. Church Gist. Irrigate your life, irrigate your destiny, step into spiritual power.










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