WISDOM FOR LIVING || Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche at September 2024 Preservation (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

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  • Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche on “WISDOM FOR LIVING ” || September 2024 Preservation (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

I welcome everyone here tonight in the precious name of Jesus. What a very hectic convention week and also a very highly impactful convention we had. Church Gist. Testimonies coming from everywhere is showing that we didn’t waste our time last week. To God be the praise.

Tonight is our preservation service for the month of September and I’m speaking on “WISDOM FOR LIVING”. Church Gist. And our objective is understanding the wisdom keys for durable and quality living. Wisdom for living.

Proverbs 13:14. Wisdom is a fountain that supplies rivers of life, supplies streams of life. Wisdom is a fountain that drowns the forces of death. Church Gist. It’s a fountain that releases the rivers of life and drowns the forces of death. On the other hand, foolishness is a killer. Ecclesiastes 7:17. Foolishness cuts people short before their time. Ecclesiastes 7:12. So, there are two things that wisdom and money have in common. Church Gist. Wisdom can defend you from shame, money can defend you from embarrassment but there’s something wisdom has that money does not have. That is, the superiority of wisdom is that it gives life to those who have it. There are people who have money but the money couldn’t purchase them life. Church Gist. But wisdom is known to prolong life, wisdom is known to do for you what money can’t do.

  • somebody say a loud Amen.

Going further. Proverbs 15:24. That is, wisdom links up to life whereas foolishness sinks you down in death. Wisdom is a link to life. Church Gist. The absence of wisdom is the way of death. So, tonight, we are going to look at 8 wisdom keys that a man or woman possessing will impart on quality life, meaningful life and durable life.

  1. Maintain a joyful heart.
    Proverbs 17:22. A merry heart is a tonic for life. When the bone is dried up, what is that? I’m talking to you medically. Church Gist. The bone is the centre for the manufacture of the blood cells – the red blood cells, white blood cells and all of that. When that bone is dried up, life is gone because the red blood cells transport the oxygen in the body. The whole of the body, the transportation of oxygen is the red blood cells. Church Gist. When you don’t have red blood cells, you don’t have blood, you’re anaemic, anaemia to death. So, joylessness is the drying up of life. There are people who have been depressed to death.

If you want your life to be exciting and quality, you must not allow your joy to dry. Isaiah 61:3. Joel 1:11-12. Church Gist. Everything just dried up because joy dried. If the trees, the living things can dry, the life of a man can dry up. Listen, every attack on your joy is an attack on your life. Whatever you need to do to ensure that your joy is intact, do it. That is why those who are not yet married, when you marry frustration, you sign for a lifetime of depression. Church Gist. God will give you signals in your courtship and relationship. That relationship that is already taking your joy, to go forward like an ox to the slaughter, is to sign for premature death. I’m speaking prophetically to somebody. Maintain a joyful heart.

There are research on octogenarians, we talked about sometime ago, where they said that laughter and a good sense of humour had been the source of them living 80 years and above. Church Gist. And I have shown you many times, people depressed to death, depressed until they died, they never woke up the next day.

  • That will never be your portion!
    So, it is not just an action, it is a wisdom. If you want to live long and live in quality, it is wise to maintain a joyful heart.

I heard the story of a young lady, she was diagnosed with, I believe, leukemia, a blood cell cancer or something. And this person said, “well, before I die, let me enjoy myself”. Church Gist. Decided to organize some clean humour, clean comedy, just played some of them and just kept on laughing and said, “At least, before I die, let me just be happy” and just laughed and laughed and within six weeks, every trace of this thing died out of her system. Because merriment is medicinal. A merry heart doeth good like medicine.

  1. Maintain a bitterness-free heart.
    Avoid an unforgiving and bitter heart. Avoid unforgiveness and bitterness. The two of them set the pace for both trouble and destruction. It’s a wisdom. Hebrews 12:15. Church . That ‘defiled’ can be ‘many be destroyed’ because the Bible said the little leaven leaveneth the whole lump; little foxes destroy the vines. Root of bitterness springing up becomes a destruction to many. Mark 11:25. Church Gist. So, unforgiveness and this bitterness also interfere in your relationship with God and it is God who is to protect and preserve your life and now, there’s a breakdown of connection between you and God because of bitterness and that can lead to destruction.

Matthew 18:34-35. So the tormentors are invited. So this is the point of the matter, destruction happens at the frequency of bitterness and from my own experience, madness and bitterness are connected. Over and over, this has been cited in history. T.L. Osborn told a story of how he went to, I believe it was in Uganda, where a young lady had some gang people enter their hostel and had a rape situation – a terrible, brutal situation. This girl came out of that situation and became very, very bitter. Justifiably, you may say. Very, very bitter against those who abused her; so bitter. She was cursing and cursing until she practically ran mad. She became violently insane. Church Gist. Can you imagine how the action of a wicked person or wicked people is causing collateral damage? Violently insane! In the Crusade of T.L. Osborn, this girl was brought; was a woman now, was brought to a point of deliverance and even after the deliverance she was led into forgiving the offenders because that was the root of that madness. It’s a destroyer! Don’t ever forget Matthew 18:7. It’s compulsory! The only way you will not be offended is when you’re out of this World. When you’re done, when you’re gone to the grave. Matthew 18:7. What is God saying? Offences will come, just watch your reaction to the offence while I watch the offender. Am I communicating at all? This is very, very important! Everything we need to do to maintain a joyful heart, maintain it. Everything we need to do to maintain a bitterness-free heart, we must do it.

  1. A steady diet of the Word.
    Matthew 4:4. Luke 4:4. Listen to this, the Word of God is the diet for life. In addition to that, I mean the way people eat physical food in order to live; we eat the Word to live. In addition to that, the Word of God is the Word of Life. Ezekiel 2:2. Now what is that Spirit all about? John 6:63. The Word of God is the Word of Life. Philippians 2:16. The Word of God is the Word of Life. When you eat the Word of Life, it swallows the forces of death. When you feed on the Word of Life, it swallows up the forces of death. And this is practical, try and ensure you get at least a verse of the Scriptures; two verses. A couple of chapters on a daily basis and in addition to that, try and see to it that this kind of preaching you are hearing enters your ear on a daily basis. I listened to message – my own message today and that of my Father in the Lord today, before I came for this Service today. I listened! Church Gist. While the Service is over, I will listen to more messages tonight and look at practical Scriptures. What I listened to had nothing to do with what I’m preaching. It has everything to do with my existence. Am I communicating at all? It is a bad habit to open the Bible only on service days. Only on Sunday, you open the Bible and then close it until midweek service and then midweek service you open it again and then you close it until the next service. That is, nobody survives like that! You don’t only eat when there is birthday celebration. You don’t only eat because you’re invited to a marriage anniversary. You eat daily for personal survival and it is very, very important that this diet of the Word is there. You don’t carry umbrella because rain is about to fall. When you’re in rainy seasons, if you’re going for certain occasions, you hold your umbrella, especially if there are signs of clouds. So that you can shield yourself! That is how the Word of God is. You don’t try to look for the Word to use to fence off the devil when situations arise. The Word was there ready! Somebody said: “Whenever fear comes to knock on your door, send faith to answer the door” and by the time faith goes to answer the door, you will realize that nobody is there. That’s how it is! Let there be resident revelation!

-Somebody say: Resident revelation!

Let there be resident revelation to tackle occasional confrontations. Church Gist. Resident revelation! Very, very important! And so, maintain a joyful heart, maintain a bitterness-free heart, maintain a steady diet of the Word

  1. Refuse to live in fear, live in faith.
    It’s a wisdom! It’s a wisdom key for existence and this is very important because we live in a fear-ravaged world. We live in a world that is ravaged in fear. Yesterday, somebody was telling me the challenges that he had; I was going to pray for him. Ah! He mentioned almost ten things: Every one of it was dangerous – something, something cancer; pulmonary embolism; metastasis to the brain; all manner! About lined up! And that’s the kind of world we live in. You will hear something that may break your heart or shake your faith in the course. Turn on the television, turn on the internet or something, bad news! Maybe you wanted to travel and somebody sent you a prayer request about kidnapping on the road you wanted to pass. He’s not sending you to frighten you, it’s just a prayer request. Church Gist. He said: “On so and so road, somebody who is about to wed has just gotten kidnapped. Just join your faith with us!” And you’re about to enter the road, on the same road. That is why here we ask people not to describe what happened and where they are coming from. Don’t describe it! “You know that place, that junction between…” No!!! We don’t need to know the junction so that nobody will be afraid when they are passing that junction. I don’t know if you know this place – our village. In the road from Otukpo to our village, there is a junction there; in vernacular they call that junction, the Junction of “Akor” who used to steal person’s pikin. (Laughing). Do you remember? Yes! The Mountain of Akor who used to steal “akujoche.” Anybody has heard of it before? When I was a baby, anytime we were passing there (laughing). Is there anybody from Eke or Ugbokolo side here? You know the place I’m talking about? Any other person know the place I’m talking about? Why did they call the place – the man who used to carry person’s pikin? And I was a pikin (Laughing). So anytime we are passing there, I will hold on to anybody I can find and close my eyes as if we’re not passing. By the time we have crossed the place, (sigh of relief). “Even if you will carry person’s pikin, he can’t carry me.” (Laughing). Do you understand what I’m talking about? The Bible said: “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Fear cometh by hearing and hearing by the negative news of the World. That’s how it is! We must guard our hearts. Job 3:25. Fear is a destroyer. Matthew 14:30. We saw how fear caused Peter to sink. Fear brings disaster and faith brings life. Habakkuk 2:4. Romans 1:17. Galatians 3:11. Hebrews 10:38. So avoid fear at all costs, embrace faith by all means.

Now there are many ways to deal with fear and establish faith but I will give you two of them:

i. Fear can be dealt with and faith installed by the revelation of the Word. Romans 10:17. The more of the Word you stuff in yourself, the more faith comes and the coming of faith is the departure of fear. Church Gist. The more faith comes and the more fear leaves. Romans 10:17. The Word of God, faith can be installed and fear can be expelled by the Word of God.

ii. The second way in which faith can be installed and fear expelled is praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 1:20. Install the Word, receive the Word to kill fear and install faith and also install faith and kill fear by praying in the Holy Ghost. 2 Timothy 1:6,7. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of boldness. Church Gist. It deals with the spirit of fear, so after you have gotten the revelation of the Word and there is something you are afraid of, just begin to pray in the Spirit until the fear dies, until all of a sudden, you are behaving like a superman, until all of a sudden, audacity is injected. That is our fourth wisdom.

Maintain a joyful heart, maintain a bitterness free heart, maintain a steady diet of the Word, refuse to live in fear; live in faith.

  1. Remain under prophetic covering. It’s a wisdom. Hide your head under prophetic covering. Remain under prophetic covering. Hosea 12:13. The Lord uses your Prophet to bring you out of captivity and the Lord also uses your Prophet to guarantee your security and preservation. “and by a Prophet was he preserved”. Church Gist. Look at what David told his men in 1 Samuel 22:23. He was not boasting just because he was David, he was boasting because he carried a prophetic mantle.
  • Somebody, say a loud Amen.

We have heard experiences of so many people in this Church, in this Ministry, under this covering, not just in this Church but under the cover of this Ministry, where they found themselves in conflict situations and they said the mantle of the Commission appeared in the face of God’s Servant and he stood in between them and those demons and then cleared the devil and so on. Church Gist. I mean, they are so plenty from all around the World, both in Nigeria and outside Nigeria. The mantle of your Prophet tackles the battle of your destiny. You cannot hear that enough. The mantle of your Prophet tackles the battle of your destiny. Whoever God has placed as Prophet over your life, if you can value that prophetic cover, that mantle tackles the battle.

Somebody told me the other day, she said “The devil was trying to make me run away from the same place of my deliverance”. While in the service, in the course of a particular ministration, something landed and something took off. Church Gist. Beloved brothers and sisters, two thing you must never allow to destroy the prophetic covering over your life.

i. Never allow offense.
ii. Never allow distance.

Offense may be indirect or seeming direct. When the sons of the Prophet was telling Elisha, “Do you know that God will take your master away from you?” It was an offense situation they were trying to create. “The Man that you have served all your life for 21 years, did he at least reveal to you that God will take him? We know how bad a master he is. Church Gist. Very quick tempered, he can call fire on anybody anytime. Is he cautious enough to tell you? Do you know he’s not a good person? I’m sure you know that”. He said “I know it, hold your peace. Him I know, you I don’t know”.

I told you, many years ago when I was meant to travel with my Father in the Lord to a program in America and somebody who was given our passports to process visas kept the passport to himself until the journey was almost a few days and he was asked, “Where are the passports?” “Oh sorry, it is here” “You didn’t submit it, you didn’t present it. Church Gist. What happened?” The man had no explanation. Probably he didn’t want us to follow Baba. “Who are you to follow him for the trip?” You know what somebody told me? Somebody who is also an equal son in the house. He said, “If I was the one they did that to, I would leave their father for them”. Offense. “If I was the one they did such to, I would have left their father for them. Is it not…okay, you people, hold yourselves. Let me go and look for another father”. I said no way. Number one, it was not his fault. Number two, I am following a perfect virtue, not necessarily a perfect vessel. Church Gist. Which means, there may be oversight. Which means there may be humaness that is not necessarily sinful, that is, “We all are persons. You greeted me, I didn’t answer you. I am a person. Maybe I was tired”. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Do you know the hecticness of this Convention that finished for a whole one week? There were still people waiting to be seen after Commanding the Day Midnight Prayer. To be seen, possibly to counsel. ‘Haba mana. Haba why. Na person we be’. Do you understand what I’m saying now? Church Gist. So, not offense. Because the devil will do everything to cut you off from the mantle that holds your deliverance and destiny. He will do it. That’s what they were trying to do to blind Bartimeaus. “Shut up. Hold your peace” Then he cried out the more, “thou Son of David, have mercy” When they couldn’t stop him, he stopped his affliction.

  • Somebody here, I announce to you today, no devil shall stop you.
  • No agenda from hell shall stop you.
  • No power of hell shall stop you.
  • If you’re saying Amen, say a louder Amen.

Don’t let offense and don’t let distance. Thank God for the Information Communication IC world. Anywhere you are today, you can connect with one plug in. Whether on YouTube or on live transmission and just maintain a connectivity. There are people who are in Australia, who are in ends of the World, who know what is going on in every Service per hour, per hour. One of the greatest things that amazes me the most is when people claim to be under this covering and very, very drastic testimonies and events, they are not aware. Church Gist. “Did you hear the testimony of Emmanuel that God almost raised from the dead?” “Oh, when did this happen?” “Did you hear the testimony of Jonathan Shuttlesworth, how one encounter changed his life?” “Really?” Now, if you don’t hear such things, what will change your life? It was the testimony of Elizabeth that changed Mary’s story. “How can this be since I know not a man?” Then the Angel said “Do you remember Eliza (Elizabeth) your cousin? This is the sixth month with the one who was called barren. For with God, nothing shall be impossible” “Really? Elizabeth is pregnant already? 6 months? Alright, I’m ready” Do you understand what I’m saying?

I heard from Papa Oyedepo, he said his wife, Mama, jot down testimonies the way you jot down message. “Testimony: Woman trusting God for the fruit of the womb for 13 years got triplets. Action: She took the following steps”. She references them. “She took the action number one: she never gave up. Church Gist. Action number 2: she kept praising God. Action number 3:… So, Lord in all situations, give me the grace to keep praising you. That’s my lesson from the testimony.” It says “Thy testimonies are my instructors” So, to claim that you are following and you are not aware of what is happening, the results the mantle is producing, the strides and the impact, there is a limit to which your life can be impacted. Remain under prophetic covering.

  • and I decree to everyone here today under this covering, every spirit of destruction looking for you, they are arrested and returned back to hell. If you’re saying Amen, say a louder Amen!
  • Look at somebody by your side, say “Remain under cover. Remain under the Prophetic covering. Remain, remain, remain in Jesus precious name”.
  1. Avoid careless utterance.
    Proverbs 18:21. Matthew 12:37. Words bring life and words bring death. You remember that young man who claimed that he killed Saul meanwhile he didn’t, you remember him? David killed him. Church Gist. Proverbs 6:1-2. The words of a man’s mouth are his captivity or his liberty. You’re liberated by the words of your mouth, you’re taken captive by the words of your mouth.

There are people who play with words that are regrettable. Somebody told about someone, he said, all the time, death was on his mouth, “so, if somebody dies now, you know. This and that and that” to the extent where the person dug his grave while still alive. Not fairytale oh, true story. Church Gist. That death that was anticipated was precipitated and it manifested in a hurry. The person’s closest friend was the one who told me, I couldn’t believe it. “Death, death, death” on the lips. Yesterday, a woman saw me and said, “Pastor, I am dying, pray for me”. I said, “you want to die? Don’t talk like that”. Church Gist. You can’t talk death and have life and you cannot talk life and die just like that.

I told you sometime ago, one of the most painful experiences I had in my life’s journey, small boy told the mother, “mummy, if I die, will you cry?” Mummy said, “I will cry oh”. Devil heard it, it was sealed. Only child. Proverbs 6:2. Church Gist. There are even people who are.. look at the woman that testified from Canada the other day. What did the doctor tell her? That she will not live beyond 12 hours, she refused. They referred her here, all the doctors there were almost saying the same thing. She said, “let me just reach Nigeria” and she arrived at the Glory Dome, stepped her feet on the ground here and the death hadn’t come yet and she went and checked herself here, the picture was appendicitis that was going to rupture, ruptured appendix. Church Gist. She said, “I want to go to Nigeria”. The doctor said, “no airline will carry you like this”. Everything was pointing to her agreeing to die, she refused. There are some suggestions of symptoms, dreams and human beings that only want you to agree to die.

  • somebody say, “I disagree! I refuse! I shall fulfill my days! I shall live out my days! I disagree with the spirit of premature death in the name of Jesus!”

Avoid careless speech. If you won’t say anything that is positive, don’t talk at all. What did I say? If you won’t say anything that is positive, don’t speak at all, just keep quiet.

  1. Maintain quality, profitable relationships.
    You know the meaning? Who surrounds you determines what you can survive. The quality of people who surround your life, they determine what you can survive and how or whether you’ll survive. Do I have an example? Acts 14:19-20. Paul was surrounded, he got up. Example number two, Peter. Acts 12:5- 6. Who surrounds you determines what you can survive. What about the crippled man in Mark 2:1-4. Church Gist. Can you imagine? Friends that were crazy enough to tear the roof in order to make their friend live and not die. You need some good friends that can dare anything for your survival. Am I communicating at all? You don’t need people who will suffocate your life, you need people who will ventilate your life. You know what brought Dorcas back to life? People who said: “No! This Woman must not die. I am a widow, my children are in school because of Dorcas. My children are clothed because of Dorcas. Peter, should a person like this die?” Peter said: “No! A person like this is not allowed to die” and Dorcas came to life. Please don’t maintain hostility and enmity so that when you need to be surrounded, you won’t be abandoned. Please!

Let me give you 3 keys to having those who can surround you:

  1. Touch lives on a consistent basis.
  2. Make the difference in the lives of others on a consistent basis.
  3. Be a blessing not a burden to your world. To the extent you can, be a blessing not a burden.
  4. Be friendly! Be a friend.
    Well! You may not be the friend of everybody but be friendly. Church Gist. Be of such a pleasant disposition. I believed that that was what happened to Paul. People he had touched, people in whose life he made the difference, people he had been a blessing to, people he was friendly to. When they saw him stoned, while others were running and abandoning him; they surrounded him and as they surrounded him he survived. Am I speaking to anybody here?

-Beloved brothers and sisters, we live in such a world today where the enemy is looking for who to destroy but he will never find you.

If you’re in a Church like this, the most basic unit of Church is called the Homecell, be there. Church Gist. Don’t be too big to be there! In this Church, we have heard people that they have gone to their homes by 2 a.m., to pick (members) to the hospital. That is, a homecell member! A sister is in labour, obstructed labour; this is 2 a.m. At times I feel so touched, the level to which Church people can go in situations like this. It happened to you (Referring to a man), tell us what happened to you:

The man: When my wife wanted to give birth to my second child, I was outside town. Homecell host was the one that came to pick my wife after 12 in the night.

Pastor Enenche: After 12 in the night.

That is, the person in whose house they are doing the homecell – The homecell host! He was out of town. He came to pick his wife in his absence. Please, don’t stand alone!! Snakes are killable easily and it is nightmare for them to move together actually but they move alone and they’re killed alone. Lions hunt in packs and they are hardly wastable. Church Gist. The reason why the eagles fly alone and they cannot be touched? Is because of the height at which it flies. Hallelujah! Don’t be too important to talk to people. Don’t be too psychedelic to answer greeting. Don’t come to the point where people will say: Oh! Just leave them! Leave her, leave him. He’s too full of himself! Don’t do that! Touch lives, be friendly, be relational, ask of people if you can’t see them. Find out what’s happening to people. Life is a seed, what a man sows is what he reaps. Life is a seed.

-And I believe today, you will fulfill your days!

Did anybody get anything here tonight?

  1. Be sensitive to the leading of the Lord.
    God leads with the signal of peace for the establishment of peace. The leading of God is the guarantee of peace. He gives you the signal of peace to establish you in peace. Psalm 85:8. Church Gist. Anything you do outside the voice of God is called foolishness and foolishness is a killer. The leading of God ushers you to peace. Outside of His leading equals crises.

Philippians 4:6-7. Anything you are doing and you feel peace is a confirmation that the step is in the right direction and it will lead you unto peace. Church Gist. Anything you are doing and you lost peace, it might be a business transaction, it might be a journey you want to embark upon, it might be a relationship you are entering into, business relationship, marital relationship and your peace is totally gone, it means you are headed towards danger. Am I communicating? You are headed towards danger and that step must be watched.

  • Somebody, say a loud Amen.
  • Lift your right hand and say “Father, I reject every journey unto disaster”.

Also, secondly and then we close here. Job 33:14-18. God leads people to deliver man from his own purpose. He leads you, He guides you to deliver you from your purpose. You know, there are many plans and purposes of man that is their destruction. Proverbs 14:12. He delivers man from his own purpose. Job 33:14-18. He wants to show you a dream so that you don’t follow the road that you’re trying to follow and to humble you so that you drop your pride. Church Gist. “Nobody can tell me what to do” Why He wants to lead you and deliver you from your purpose is so that you don’t go down to the pit and to deliver you from dying by the sword, perishing by the sword. Do you understand what I’m saying? Refusal to hear…chastened sore, pain on the body, all manner, he almost died. Then He said “rescue him, for I have found a ransom”.

A young girl wants to marry a husband, the father said, “You don’t marry by living together first. You don’t dash yourself to a man as a free gift like that. There is a procedure”. She says no. Gave birth to first child, no marriage. Second child, no marriage, third child, fourth…we read that thing in one Seed of Destiny the other day. The thing so pained the father, repeated miscarriages, repeated miscarriages. Church Gist. First, second, third, fourth and the father and the mother had problem, he drove her and the mother died of hypertension after the man drove her out because the marriage could not hold. He said “of what use are you to me? Your mother said I shouldn’t marry you. Your father said I shouldn’t marry you and now I decided that we should marry, yet we can’t get any child. Miscarriage, miscarriage. You are of no use to me.” Kicked her out. No marriage, no man, no mother, no children. He said, “I want to guide you to withdraw you from your purpose. I want to deliver you from what you want to do but you are hellbent”.

  • You will never be a victim of bad experiences.

You know, this flesh, it has the ability to listen more than ears. Body hears, yes. Little boy, you say, “fire is on the ground. Don’t go near, it will burn you”. The ear didn’t hear. But until he matches the fire, he carries his leg (and runs away) Church Gist. You say, “Go and bring me something from there” He says “Hm hm (No)” Why? What the ear didn’t hear, the body heard it and when the body hears, at times it leaves a deposit that will remind you of what your ear failed to hear. The scar of the fire burn is a permanent memory.

  • May God help us to hear with the ear and not hear with bad experiences in the name of Jesus.

Listen, if you are desperate to hear God, you will hear. If you don’t hear by inward voice, inward witness, almost anybody can dream a dream and even if you cannot dream, one way or the other, in the course of the preaching, God can make one Word come as if the Service was for only you to answer your question. But by all means, the first step is to be desperate to hear God.

One of the things I didn’t want to do in life was to miss God. I didn’t want to miss God in who I would marry and I didn’t want to miss God in ministry. Church Gist. I didn’t want to miss it at all. So, if I was asking, I would be desperate, if it’s 3 days dry, whatever it is, “Lord, I want to know about this thing” and then it happens all the time.

  • It’s a new day for you.

You’ve been given 8 keys. It’s one thing for you to have a key, it’s another thing for you to use it. Church Gist. Okay? Somebody can give you key, but nobody can open the door for you. Go over the keys again:

  1. Maintain a joyful heart.
  2. Maintain a bitterness free heart.
  3. Maintain a steady diet of the Word.
  4. Refuse to live in fear; live in faith.
  5. Remain under prophetic covering.
  6. Avoid careless utterance.
  7. Maintain quality, profitable relationships.
  8. Be sensitive to the leading of the Lord.










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