8th December 2020: Bishop David Oyedepo testifies on the opening day of Shiloh 2020 about 169 documented testimonies of healings online from across 25 nations during the lock down period. Virtually the whole of 2020 had been characterized by lockdown causing many nations to stop functioning optimally as well as churches around the globe to cancel their regular services and in some cases annual gatherings.
8th December 2022: Pastor E.A. Adeboye receives his 8th honorary doctorate degree from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. The honorary degree was conferred by the fourth President of the institution, Dr Williams Wilson in the Redemption City during the 2022 Holy Ghost Congress.
8th December 1894: Thomas Kent goes to be with the Lord. He was one of the three missionaries (others are Walter Gowans and Rowland Bingham) whose labours led to the formation of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). He was buried in Bida, present day Niger State, Nigeria.
8th December 1691: Richard Baxter goes to be with the Lord. He was a Puritan who is known as a peacemaker who sought unity among the clashing Protestant denominations of his time.
8th December 1934: American missionaries John and Betty Stam are martyred by Chinese Communists. The Couple had met while attending Moody Bible Institute and got married a year before their passing. Publication of their biography prompted hundreds to volunteer for missionary service.