TOWARDS MAXIMIZING OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST 4 || Bishop David Oyedepo at Next Level Banquet Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 23rd June 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on TOWARDS MAXIMIZING OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY IN CHRIST 4 at Next Level Banquet Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 23rd June 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

No one ever doubts what he sees. What we doubt are things we are yet to see. The dumbest person on earth will not need any conviction to believe what he sees. The things we doubt are proof of things we are yet to see and it takes meekness to agree. I can’t see it and not believe it, I can’t believe it and not become it. Church Gist. The destiny of every believer is packaged in the book but you only realize as far as your eyes can see. It is there but until you see it, you can’t have it. Until I see it, I can’t have it.

I saw I was redeemed as a priest and a king to reign on the earth at the age of 16. I saw it! I saw my royalty in redemption. It impacted my thinking pattern and actions. I saw that my future is in His plan and not in my plan. So I wait on Him to locate His plan. It has been gorgeous these few years. You can’t see your picture from scriptures and doubt it. The things you doubt are things you are yet to see. You better agree. Even Thomas when Jesus showed, “My Lord and my God!” There are people sitting down here now that no matter what you say, it can’t move them. Church Gist. They can’t see it. When I saw hitch-free marriage, I received it. It was strange then, marriage was warfare. The way I met it. When I began to declare what I saw they thought I was mad. “Let’s watch when he gets married”. They have been watching. Please pray this prayer from your heart, Lord open my eyes to see my picture from your Word. For I can only realize as far as your eyes can see.

Lord Jesus, we are here at your feet. Open our eyes to see what you are showing us from your Word and thank you for it. Church Gist. We know you are a covenant keeping God, we can’t see it and not believe it. We can’t believe it and not have it. Therefore Lord, open the eyes of all this morning and let your name be glorified in Jesus name.


God’s Word is likened to a mirror from where we locate God’s picture of us. James 1:22-25. We are taking away from here the fact that God’s Word is a divine mirror that shows God’s picture of a believer. It is a mirror. You come to the Word, you come to a mirror to locate what God’s picture of you is like. That is why I said destiny is a function of discovery. Church Gist. This is a ‘do it yourself’ Church. You can’t see it with my eyes, you need your eyes to see. As we behold Him as in a mirror we are changed from glory to glory. That is why our destiny is a most elastic one. We have a most elastic destiny in Christ changing from one realm of glory to another. Changing as we behold Him in a glass. It is that glass where we see our picture that keeps changing our story.

When He showed me my prosperity in His plan, I screamed “Ye! I can never be poor.” You can’t see it and doubt it. You can’t believe it and not declare if. We believe it therefore we have spoken. Some things we say and you start grumbling, it is because of what we see that you are yet to see. I decree an eye opening miracle for everyone in this service today. God’s Word is a mirror from where we see God’s picture of us. Anything may have another picture of you but God’s picture of you and I is in the Word. Church Gist. God’s plan and purpose for the redeemed is as contained in the volume of the book called the Bible. Isaiah 29:11-12. God’s vision of all is contained in the book and the book is called the Bible. Hebrews 10:7. Volume of 66 books. They said “John who are you?” “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.” From the book. Luke 4:17-20. The vision of all is in the book. God’s plan for you and me is in the book. If nothing is changing, there is something wrong. He said the book is sealed. Do you know what seals it? If you are not born again. Not everybody in Church is born again, don’t ever make that mistake. They might be in front seat in Church, it doesn’t mean they are born again. I have been in church where I ministered and the priest of the Church came out to accept Christ. One of us had a challenge and one of my elder ones said he should go to another Church and be answering altar call every day until when he is saved. It is sealed from any unborn again child. The mystery of the Kingdom is committed to us who are within, those who are without it is like stories. Their writing is not changing them. Somebody coming out of here and be beating his wife. I mean with all these things that we are saying. Haba wa! What’s the matter? Can’t cater for your own wife? What kind of man, the Bible says he is worse than an infidel.

There are these pictures all over scriptures, if it is not changing you, you can’t see it. As we behold Him, we are changed. He is changing people from one level of glory to another. Some are very angry with what I am saying but you need meekness to be corrected. Psalm 25:9. Everybody needs meekness. Without meekness, your destiny is limited. Matthew 5:5. Many cannot be taught because they can’t be taught. I have my life to live, I am a man of myself. Goodluck! that is why you are a man of struggles, you are struggling all the way. He has corrected me openly, publicly severally with joy and delight. I have announced again and again that something I said before was wrong. Somebody is sitting down there just looking. “Say anything you want, just pray for me”. This is not a ‘pray for me’ Church, it is a ‘show me the way’ Church. Church Gist. If you can’t see the way, that’s your problem. Somebody is seeing something this morning. My prayer is that this Word will keep changing your life. You have an enviable destiny in Christ, you can’t afford to live a pitiable life. Today is your day.

Everything about the believer is as written in the book. 40 days of fasting and prayer will not deliver that destiny to you until you see it. We are to pray and fast to see it. Until you see it, nothing happens. From scriptures, we understand that we have a royal destiny in Christ. Genesis 17:4-6. Our royalty has its root in the Abrahamic covenant. Galatians 3:29. Revelation 5:9-10. Out of every tongue, every nation. There is no disadvantaged nation in the covenant. There is no disadvantaged tongue in the covenant. There is no disadvantaged race in the covenant. You can’t see your royalty and take on slavery. Out of every tribe, every kingdom, every kindred, every nation, He has redeemed us. Equal price paid to access equal value. Some sell their business and run to a nation to become slaves. Watch it, take it easy. You miss your place, you become a displaced person biting your fingers in secret. Church Gist. This Church is taking the lead in several ways without any aid of any other nation under the earth. There are major employers of labour who end up as jobbers across nations. Run from Germany to Russia, from Russia to China, China back to Uruguay. All kinds of nations because they won’t even ask the Lord, what are you saying Jesus. They just buy ticket and run. Out of every nation, every tribe, every race. We have a royal destiny in Christ, race or nationality notwithstanding. There is no first class nation in the covenant, There are only first class believers. Before God and with all sense of humility, which Church will they invite me to now that will now be a testimony. “I thank God for that invitation.” Which one? I saw that longest time, not yesterday. You can’t see it and miss it. Same God. There are folks here today that will become major employers of labour. Employers of 100,000 people, employers of 200,000 people without playing games. By simply walking the covenant. Can I have you say with me, ‘I have a royal destiny in Christ, I refuse to play slavery’.

You can’t think like a peasant and end up a king. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. In 1987, a friend and brother in ministry in America said to me, “Brother David, what needs have you in your ministry?” I said we have no needs. We only meet needs. 1987! We had no standing property of our own at the headquarters. A needy mentality is what makes you a pauper. There are very many people today who are paupers not because they don’t have what it takes to prosper, but they don’t have the mentality. Church Gist. 1987! Some are not born again, others are not walking with the fear of God. The secrets of God are with them that fear Him. They are just jamboree about. Freelance believer! Others are too proud for God to show them anything. Moses was very meek, He said ‘I speak to him face to face’. Very meek, open access. That is why many can’t see what God is saying. 1 Are you born again? 2. Do you walk in the fear of God? 3. Do you possess a meek spirit? You can’t have those things and not move forward.

4th October 1981, I saw from Proverbs 4:18 that God has not designed life for ups and downs but for ups and ups. I never read it in a book. Proverbs 4:18. Perfect day means the day Jesus appears. Church Gist. The day He returns. Today is our Next Level Banquet, may you see it now that your life is not meant for stagnation in Christ. But you have a destiny of unending progress. Therefore the end has come to every siege of stagnation in your life.

  1. We Have A Super Healthy Destiny In Christ

Right now as I am speaking, every planting of the wicked that is behind your state of ill health shall be rooted out now. Isaiah 53:4. We are redeemed to live a sickness free life. Isaiah 53:1. It is believing that somebody paid the price for you and I to live a super healthy life that will make it a reality. Church Gist. Isaiah 53:4. One Greek Translation said ‘He has borne our pains and carried away our sorrows.’ You are redeemed to live a sickness free and pain free life. I therefore curse the root of every sickness and pain in everybody’s life under the sound of my voice. For we have been bought with a price and we are to glorify God in our bodies and our spirits which are the Lord. 1 Corinthians 6:20. We have been bought with a price and the price has been fully paid for our total health. Therefore this morning, take delivery of your total health package in the name of Jesus Christ.

Do you know why that is so? The Church is redeemed as an army of men and women of exploits and it takes strength to command and sustain exploits. We are the light of the world, we are to show the world the way to go and it takes strength. One of my sons was telling me recently, he said in 1996, I came back from work at 2am and he was the one to open the door. So the security was knocking and he wouldn’t open the door. So somebody in the house now went and woke him up. I now took him by the hand to the dinning hall and showed him a picture of a lion that is feeding on the Word. Lions don’t sleep. From that day, he had control over sleep. I was coming back home at 2am. You know I am very easy to kill if you want to kill me. You need strength to command and sustain exploits. Church Gist. Abraham led an army to war at that extreme age that was put between 85 and 90. He trekked for three days looking for where to sacrifice his son and left the staff there and went forward. He could lay hold on his son and you know there will be struggle. There is no how you want to say someone sees a knife and will not struggle. Abraham overpowered that young chap. The boy could carry wood, he is not a baby. Even when you want to slaughter chicken, don’t you see the struggle? That was strength. He rose up early in the morning, that time was put at 114. Now you find a young man dozing in the morning. Thank God he is not driving. That’s why God has ordained strength. You have an ordained strength inside of you. I command that strength to surge. No one lives like a weakling anymore here. The days of feebleness are over in your life. Whatever destroys strength, I curse it in your life in the name of Jesus.

We all have a super healthy destiny in Christ. Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matthew 8:17), I saw that August 30th 1980. I can never be sick, I said. Grace has kept us. Our destinies open up at new birth, the question then is what are the proofs of new birth? Examine yourself, you will know whether you are born again or not. Church Gist. 2 Corinthians 13:5. Anybody can know whether he is born again or not. Anybody can know whether he is just playing games or not. The proofs are there from Galatians 5:22-23. The fruits of the Spirit which are the proofs of redemption. Matthew 7:20. Anybody can prove whether he is in the faith or not by checking on those things. Among the blessedness of redemption is:

  1. Faith

At new birth you are given a measure of faith so we can live the overcomer’s life. 1 John 5:4. He has the overcomer’s faith deposit inside him at new birth. A measure! Romans 12:3. If he works little on it, it becomes little faith. If he works much on it, it becomes great faith. If he works great on it, it becomes exceeding great faith. It is what he does on it that determines what it becomes. Everybody has an overcomer’s faith deposit in him at new birth. People don’t believe the Word, the question is are they saved? First, you need to believe before you can be saved. Church Gist. If you truly believe them you have access to that measure of faith. Whatever God says will now begin to make meaning to you. If you don’t believe anything, you are not saved anyhow. Christianity is called the faith. Don’t you know whether you are in the faith or not? Many were obedient to the faith. So faith is the lifewire of redemption. So you find the people that don’t believe, they just live like unbelievers. There is nothing different between their lives and others. They visit the same native doctors because they have the same fear.

When one is saved, he receives a measure of the overcomer’s faith deposit inside them. That is what helps him to believe whatever God says for his victory. I only got baptized in the Holy Ghost in 1975, I got saved 1969. God was speaking to me clearly from 1970. All the things I was telling you about royalty, I got it before I got baptized in the Holy Ghost. If you are truly saved, there is a measure of faith deposit inside you. Put it to work. It is one of the vital fruits of the Spirit. What do I call that? Vital proofs of redemption.

  1. Righteousness
    Righteousness is impacted as a gift. He calls it the gift of righteousness. Romans 5:17. We receive the gift of righteousness that empowers us to live a righteous life. It comes as a gift and the gift empowers us to live a righteous life. The gift of righteousness empowers believers to walk in the newness of life. Romans 6:4. So it is not just righteousness in terms of right standing with God but righteousness in terms of right living. Right standing must culminate in right living or right standing is wrong standing. Right standing must result in right living. I am saying that to my friends in the grace ministry. Romans 6:1. Better pick it, young people. You can’t rewrite the Bible. Church Gist. 1 Corinthians 6:9. Where are you going? The Kingdom of God. Who will get there? Only the righteous. There is a catalogue of what God means by unrighteousness, so it is not that somebody is now looking at a dictionary. You don’t need a dictionary for this, He already outlined the meaning. Oxford can’t help you. Webster can’t help you. It is so simple. Every Winner that surrenders to Jesus in truth and in deed, we shall make it there. How many want to truly make heaven? You better start doing what makes it happen. 1 John 3:7. So there is a doing of righteousness, not a knowing. We know we have the gift, we now do to prove that the gift is working. You don’t have the gift if it is not working, the gift that you have must work. It is right doing that validates the gift of righteousness. In the name of the Lord Jesus, everything that displeases God drops off your life. No one’s destiny here shall be scuttled.

Of course, the opposite side. What are the works of the flesh?

  1. Envy
    What it does is it engenders hatred and bitterness. You say unsavoury things about someone because God is blessing him. Romans 13:13. 1 Corinthians 3:3.
  2. Drunkenness
    That should not be mentioned among us. Be ye not drunk with wine where you remove your cloth and walk naked. Ephesians 5:18. “Lemuel, stay off strong drinks for that does not become of kings”. It is not expected. Drunkenness for any reason under heaven is not part of your redemptive package, you are redeemed to live a dignified life. Nothing erodes dignity like drunkenness among others. It is from there you move forward to other things in that realm. To drugs! If it is not turning you enough, you add drugs to it. When your brain was correct, it wasn’t delivering much. Now you now try to walk against it to deliver much or what. Your taste for it will be dead when you are truly saved. Church Gist. The smell of it will offend you. Somebody said maybe someone told Papa that I am drinking. No! God told me that you should stop drinking. It doesn’t add value to you, that is what I am saying. All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient. It doesn’t add value to you. So leave it. It is not your wife or your husband who told me, it is God who told me.

I told you a story one time. In Kaduna a family was fighting over suya on Saturday night and then in the morning of Sunday, I was teaching. They came to Church together, so none of them saw me. In spite of the fight last night, they came together to Church. They drove in the same car and I was teaching. I illustrated ‘Why are fighting over suya?’ Church Gist. The man looked at the wife and that was the end of the fight. Who told you? The Holy Ghost. I didn’t know them until when they showed up and said this was our problem last night. One of the sages here said “Olofofo (Amebo) ni Holy Spirit”. He shows you what people think somebody else told you. So when it appears like God is hitting you, he saw you and he wants to rescue you. I see your royal mentality comes back to life.

So when any aspect of our glorious destiny is being resisted, besieged, what to do is to make a project of any such issue through the study of the Word. Your health is challenged? Get down to the book. Lay hold on relevant materials on healing and settle with it to deal with it from access to light from heaven. There is this priest from one of the churches and he had these three sicknesses together – high blood pressure, hypertension and dizziness for seventeen solid years. They had a prayer group, they were praying and fasting together and nothing happened. One day he walked to a bookstore and bought three books – How Faith Works by Kenneth E. Hagin because his faith didn’t seem to be working. Church Gist. He bought one other one I have forgotten and then Keys To Divine Health. He decided to go through it to find out why this thing is still there. Having been enlightened, he declared a three day war against the devil. He said “I followed the prescription in your book, Keys To Divine Health and on the third day, I took the Communion. Immediately, the 17 year old bondage on me was broken.” He wrote a letter and brought it by hand. 17 years of struggle ended within weeks by making a project of it.

A man came up to me in 1996 that nothing was working, the devil is after him. He was crying, I mean weeping. I said I can’t talk to you under this condition. Weep not, that is where the journey begins. Go and read the book Satan Get Lost. When you finish it within seven days, come back. When he came back, he was beaming with smiles and laughter. Church Gist. I couldn’t picture that he was the same man. He said I didn’t know Satan is as cheap as this. Life sprang up. Liberty restored. Make a project of issues that seem to be militating against your destiny in Christ. That shame is long overdue. That reproach must leave. Get hold on relevant resources that will help you to locate the way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13. There is always a way of escape. Isaiah 30:20-21. Settle down and make a project of any issue of concern to your life and you will find it. Jeremiah 29:13. You shall find it. Remember destiny delivers on discovery. You can’t find it and not believe it. You can’t believe it and not be empowered to have it.

Seven Keys To Realizing Our Next Level Heritage In Christ

I mentioned earlier that we have a next level heritage in Christ. The path of the justified is like a shinning light, shining more and more unto the perfect day. We have been justified by the blood of Jesus. Romans 5:9. By the blood that saves us, we have been justified and we have been justified to be glorified. Church Gist. Romans 8:30. Proverbs 4:18. The path of the justified is like a shining light, that shines more and more till Christ the perfect one comes. You never know a backward trend again. Your adventure on this earth shall be forward ever and backward never.

  1. Recognize that every child of God has a next level destiny in Christ
  2. Possess a next level mentality to realize this.
    Genesis 13:13-15. Isaiah 2:1. Exodus 7:1. We must possess a next level mentality to keep making progress in the adventure of life. Next level mentality. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
  3. Obedience of faith has proved to be the trigger for our next levels.
    As we saw in Abraham. Genesis 12:1-4. Genesis 13:14-15, 17-18. He moved his tent to embark on the trek. Abraham did. “Circumcise all the males born in your family” Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised and a covenant was established. Genesis 22:1-3. He has a picture that God was going to bring Isaac back to life. Hebrews 11:17-19. We need a next level driven mentality. God never leads backwards, he always leads forward. Church Gist. God always leads forward. Whatever leads a man backwards is not God. What shall we do, Pharaoh’s army is behind? He said Go forward. We don’t go sideways. Go forward. You are going forward from now. You have that going forward heritage in Christ. You won’t miss it anymore. You are going forward from today in the name of Jesus.
  4. Access to light from scriptures is what sets the pace for next level experience in the Kingdom
    Isaiah 60:1. Every access to light moves the believer forward. Who are these that fly as the clouds? They are the ones who have encountered light from the Word. Isaiah 60:8, 15, 22. Our next level adventure is triggered by access to light.
  5. Walking by the revealed truth is key to Realizing Our next level

It is not enough to have the light and keep jumping. We must know that we can’t realize that next level that we see without walking in the light of its demands. I heard God say to me in 1984, 40 years ago from Deuteronomy 28:1. The Lord said to me, “There is a place for you on top if you are interested.’” I said I am interested. He said “ then whatever I tell you to do, do it.” It is not quote it or preach it, do it. It is your access to the next level. “You will build this sanctuary in one year.” Let’s go ahead. “It is time to get the aircraft.” You have never priced one before but go ahead. Church Gist. Whatever I tell you to do, do it. “get down to Lagos.” Do it. “This is the new place.” We came there here. Your next level is in doing what He says. We can’t realize our next level without doing what He says. Your next level in financial fortune is in doing what He says. You can’t smell next level without doing what He says. What did He say? Pay your tithe. I have the key in my hands, I am no respecter of persons. I won’t open the windows till I see your tithe. Church Gist. I receive your tithe up in heaven, ushers collect it here but I receive it there in heaven. Keep promoting the Kingdom, you keep enlarging your coast. You can’t stumble on financial fortune, no matter your skill. In the Kingdom you can’t stumble on financial fortune. It is entrusted into the hands of those who will do what God pleases. It is not acquired. Stop it! On the other side of Jordan, they acquire it. On this side it is entrusted. I am saying that to you as one who has been enjoying leaps and bounds in financial fortune without playing games, without making calls, without giving prophecies for people to give. Change of level is in doing what He reveals, not in documenting what He reveals, not in preaching what He reveals but in doing it.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God is not a chorus, it is a marching order. In return, all these things that others are dying to get shall be added unto you. So I was out yesterday. Yesterday was Saturday, I should be preparing for today. I was out and I was enjoying myself by the road side. Doing! I have been doing that since He showed me. Church Gist. He keeps changing your level as you do it. So don’t wait for change of story, go for light to the next level and choose to walk in that light. You won’t beg God to change your story. It will keep changing from one level of glory to another. So that next level is not something you pray over someone is what someone takes responsibility to realize. Joshua 1:8.

  1. Timely response is required to provoke our next level testimonies.
    When God speaks, only those who dive into what He says makes the most of it. Remember the Pool of Bethesda? When God speaks, only those in dive into it, not those who drag, make the most of it. “Abraham get thee out!” He departed. Prompt! “Abraham, circumcise all the males born in your family.” As soon as God left off speaking, Abraham started. Genesis 17:22-23. “take your only son…” He rose up early. Only men and women of prompt response make the most of their next level adventure. “Arise! get down to Lagos, raise me a people.” Someone left that day. It wasn’t part of the agenda. “This is the place” God just told me this is the place. Church Gist. Can we go on and begin to buy? Can we get 100 acres? They said we will try. Can you get 200? They got it. What about 300? Go for 400. Same day. “This Tabernacle shall be built in one year” – 17th of September 1998. On the 18th, we were here drawing the rope. Prompt response! “It is time to get the aircraft.” No premonition, no agenda, no budget. I declared it. You don’t have problem declaring what you believe. I didn’t ask God for it. I didn’t pray for it. We heard it as part of the prophetic agenda. Mentioned only on Saturday morning, never on Sunday. No reminder. The plane landed. Not kwe kwe (inferior) plane. A plane that flies around the world. Prompt response.

Somebody has heard something this morning, you better respond. That is where your next level is. Look away from your present circumstances and be ruled by Word mentality, revelation mentality. Church Gist. God said my path is ordained as a shining light shining more and more unto the perfect day. Where I am is not my last bus stop. This is my stepping stone to the next level and you are getting there.

Before God starts speaking to you directly, He speaks to you from His Word to see how you respond. When I saw I have been redeemed as a king immediately I started to check can a king out like this? No, go and change. I was a king when I was less than a peasant. I received it. It is good that a young man bears his yoke in his youth. I prayed to the Lord to let me bear my yoke in my youth. So that when others are resting I will not be working. The day I saw it was the day I prayed. Church Gist. Prompt response. When I saw Kingdom prosperity, I signed up. I said if this is the way I can never be poor. I signed up the same day. I signed up for Matthew 6:33 in 1976 and I am still doing Matthew 6:33. It is my secret card. Prompt response empowers our access to next level. Prompt response! No more dragging! Whatever God shows you in your private devotion, prompt response. Whatever you hear from teachings from various media, prompt response. Whatever He tells you to do, do it. Don’t analyze it, do it.

  1. Serving God faithfully with results to show is a covenant platform for our continuous change of level.

Abraham my servant. Levels kept changing. Psalm 105:42. Levels won’t stop changing as long as one keeps serving God with proofs. He was a soul-passionate man. He prayed for the rescue of Sodom and Gomorrah with unusual passion as God revealed that to him. We saw the servant that was given one talent and he made 10 more, He said “Have thou authority over ten cities.” Church Gist. Levels keep changing as we keep changing. Levels won’t stop changing if we won’t stop serving. Promotion continues as you are in service, when you are out of service you can’t be eligible for promotion anymore. It is in service that we keep changing levels. At whatever point you retire, that is the point you remain. For as you keep serving, your level keeps changing. Even in old age, you will still bring forth fruits. It is a lifelong thing as long as one chooses to. Joshua 24:15. Serving God with results to show, serving God truthfully and faithfully never stops changing levels.

You were all out reaching out for Christ and I am still out by grace reaching out for Christ with results. We came back yesterday with 147 souls into the Kingdom. Then I am telling you to get one soul, “You see. You see..” I didn’t see. Your disobedience is all I see. You didn’t go out. Did you pray? Okay, who did you pray for? You mean you don’t know any unsaved person in your area among your friends? No! You don’t believe it. I have never borrowed, not that I paid back or I am now free, I wasn’t bound before. I have never begged. He truly adds to us the things that others are dying to get if you will truly serve Him with a genuine result oriented mindset. We have one week more, I can’t imagine any Winner saying he can’t get a soul. He didn’t believe it. Church Gist. You know why? He can’t see it. But now your eyes are opened. What I saw at 22 is still working at 70. The truth, it never falls due. It is valid for all time but applicable to only those who believe. What I saw at 22 concerning prosperity is still working today heavily because I keep doing what He says. It is not waiting for it, it is working for it. He said work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Where you are today notwithstanding, you are moving forward.

You have a royal destiny in Christ. You have a glorious destiny in redemption. You have a mountain top destiny in Christ. You have a most elastic destiny in redemption. Church Gist. You have an enviable destiny in Christ.

The days of pity are over in your life.
You have a heritage of continuous progress in Christ. You have a destiny of unending progress in redemption and you will never know stagnation anymore because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus, your story starts changing for the better from now.








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