UNCOVERING THE ROOT OF FAITH THAT WORKS 2 – Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day of Settlement || First Sunday Service || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland

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–    Bishop David Oyedepo on “UNCOVERING THE ROOT OF FAITH THAT WORKS PART 2” at Covenant Day of Settlement || First Sunday Service || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland

Great things happen on certain days. May today be a certain day for you. A certain day means a memorable day, a day you don’t forget in a hurry. May today be a certain day for you. There are things you need to document so you don’t forget.  There are things you can’t forget documented or not. May today be a certain day indeed in your life. Church Gist. Anybody can make his or her day a certain day. The day you choose to focus on Jesus, receive and believe His Word becomes your certain day. You choose to not be chatting in church, not browsing nonsense in church. You choose to, He is speaking every day but not everybody is hearing. May you choose today as your certain day. Grace to make the choice of today as your certain day receive it right now. Thank you Jesus for this in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is never late to be right. There is no ‘sit down look’ Christian who has testimonies. It is believers on the go for Jesus that have testimonies. You check most churches today, there are all sit-down people begging God for everything. You see a going forth church today sharing testimonies one after another every day. People say “na only you?” because these signs shall follow them as they go, not as they sit down. As they go for me. Signs don’t sit with people, they follow those on the go for Jesus. I have been going since 1976, the things that have been following me have never stopped following me, it is a magnetic field. If you choose to follow then goodness and mercy follow you automatically. Church Gist. In the precious name of Jesus, many have never seen the practical reality of goodness and mercy but in the next two weeks, I decree that you will experience the reality of goodness and mercy. Why all these instructions all the time? It is in the instructions that is your profiting. Every instruction of scripture is absolutely for your profiting. It doesn’t add anything to God. There is nowhere to add anything to God. He has filled everything. Of His fullness have we all received. So there is nothing God is looking for. He just wants to satisfy you and me. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray you will begin to have a positive response to every response of scripture.

God cannot help the disobedient because the scriptures cannot be broken. He is full of mercy but He is a covenant-keeping God. It is your obedience and my obedience that attracts His blessings not groaning in prayers. I won’t do anything, don’t do anything. There is nothing in doing nothing. Live with your no wine and face the shame but not you. Church Gist. This year must mark the end of every trace of shame and reproach in your life. By your raw unashamed obedience to God and His Word. That is the way it works.

Lord Jesus, I pray for a new approach to your instructions by everyone in this service. So let it be in Jesus name.

Again, welcome to Church this morning. Expect the best from heaven in the name of Jesus Christ. We have been looking at uncovering the root of the faith that works. Faith still works today. Faith is what defines Christianity and faith is what makes the Christian different from all other mortals on the earth today. Obedience of faith is what differentiates one believer from another. Hearing the Word and not doing it is deceiving one’s self. James 1:22-25. That is why obedience of faith is what differentiates one believer from another. Why are we in the same Church and getting different results? Obedience of faith. Why are we hearing the same thing and getting different results? Obedience of faith. Why are we reading the same materials and getting different results? Obedience of faith. Church Gist. We serve a covenant keeping God, not a Father Christmas God. Until we do what He says to do we cannot commit Him to do what He says He will do. Until we choose to do what He says to do we cannot commit Him to do what He says He will do. We do what He says first then we have committed His integrity to do what He says He will do. Obedience of faith is what differentiates one believer from another, not luck, not Satan. When faith is actively in place, Satan is out of business. 1 John 5:14. Ephesians 6:16. When faith is actively at work, Satan is out of business.

Now let me treat you to this interesting light from heaven. Hebrews 10:23. Professions don’t jump on people, people develop the required capacity to make a point in their professions. Faith does not jump on people, you have got to develop your faith. We have got to grow our faith. My son here can’t wake up tomorrow and become a lawyer. No! It doesn’t jump on people. Isaac can’t get up tomorrow morning and He is a pilot. He buys a white shirt and black trousers and carries a bag, they say what is going on Pastor Isaac? He says I am now a pilot. Between yesterday night and now? Faith is a profession that requires practical engagement in developing capacity. It is a profession. It is not a happenstance. What will happen will happen anyway I am born again? Born what? Why are you not born again into Engineering? You train in Engineering. You better wake up and train. Hebrews 5:13. Church Gist. So there is a need for skill. You need to develop spiritual skill in your operation of faith. We need to develop it. Faith is no mere confession, faith is a profession. That should ginger you. So all those books recommended, it is not because Papa likes recommending books. Every day in this church, there is no day they don’t recommend books and there is no one you have read. It is the 45-minute lecture that you receive to pass a final exam. Is that how to pass? You receive only lectures, you don’t do any extra work and you are waiting for a first class grade pass. That is a last class grade. Faith is a profession, this short boy is loaded with Hagin. When God told me to write I said what will I write again? Hagin has written everything. We still consult today, day and night. Faith is a profession not a mere confession that is why every confession has now become confusion. Faith is a profession. Somebody’s story is changing.

My job this morning is to minister to you not actually teach. To minister to your conscience that you need to wake up. The devil is not that strong, you have given him the place. Church Gist. You gave Him a place of prominence by not knowing how to deal with it. Today must mark a turnaround in your life.

A principal factor here is the fact that the faith that works anchors absolutely on the Word. Any faith without an anchor in the Word will not work. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. Romans 10:17. Otherwise it is a mere belief system, it holds no water in the world of the spirit. The faith that works anchors absolutely on the Word. Church Gist. We saw in Abraham according to that which was spoken and so shall thy seed be, so he staggered not at the promise of God. Romans 4:18. So Abraham’s all-weather faith anchored on the Word. So a believer that is not committed and dedicated to what is written cannot develop faith. Only the faith that anchors on the Word delivers.

1.            What is faith? Faith is a living force. We are trying to define faith like we do in all the parts of this teaching series. Faith can be defined as a living force drawn from the living Word to produce living proofs. We got that from Luke 8:40-48 – the woman with the issue of God. Church Gist. Jesus is the living Word so when faith comes alive we tap into virtue that changes our story. Somebody will tap into virtue today as your faith comes alive.

What is faith? Faith is putting God’s Word to work believing. They had no wine and Mary said whatever He tells you to do, do it and so they went into it unashamedly. They said there was no wine, you are pouring water, all of us are looking at you. Are we dummies? Are we stupid?  Putting God’s Word to work believing. “Children,  have you any meat?“ they said no! He said cast your net on the right side. Right and left side of a boat on the same water, what is the difference? Whatever He tells you to do, do it and they enclosed a great multitude of fishes. Somebody will say whatever God will do let Him do, He won’t do anything until you do what He tells you to do. God won’t do anything Sir! “I have been in this Church for 19 years.” That is story. Church Gist. God doesn’t know years, a thousand years is like one day to Him. So what is 19 years? That is 0.00001 second. “I have done my best”. Well done. Self-commendation is an affliction, it doesn’t change people’s story. You may have done your best but you have not done the right thing. Do the right thing. You hardly come across anybody from an exam hall who did not believe he has done His best. Then He got zero with his best. It is not about you saying I have done my best, your best will be shown by the scores. Faith is putting God’s Word to work believing. John 15:16. Take responsibility that will launch you into the realm of favour than whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will do it. Seek ye first – Instruction and all these things others are dying to get shall be added to you. If you don’t seek, He won’t add to you. He won’t! He is for smart for that. Faith is putting God’s Word to work believing not scornful of the truth. “You know Papa, every month there is an operation. Operation is coming again, get ready for it. I can bet you.” You know Nigeria Bet? The Papa I know, in May there must be a major operation. You know May is our anniversary. The way I am looking at him, that is what he is working out now. Church Gist. That is what is working for me my friend. It is working for me like fire. His presence dominates my life. All those people you think are my enemies are not my enemies, when they see me they bow. When you are on the go for Him, He goes with you. So He goes with me day and night. Whether I sleep or I wake, He is always with me. When a lion is asleep does he now become a sheep? Putting God’s Word to work believing is faith. It is not waiting for God to work. It is putting God’s Word to work. It is not weeping for God to be moved, He is not moved by weeping. Putting God’s Word to work believing is what we call faith. James 2:18.

3. What is faith? Faith is sharing responsibility with God in the light of scriptures so as to have one’s desire delivered. He tells you this is what to do and watch what I do in response. You go and do your own. Leave me with my own. My own side is secured, yours is variable. Settle with your own, you have committed me already. Church. Go to the pool called Siloam. It is a wicked order for a blind man who has never seen. Does he know the difference between Siloam and another? But whatever you will find, you will find it. Go to Siloam and wash. He went and washed and came back seeing. John 9:1-8.

These are the factors the define the faith that works:

1.            Fear of God rooted faith.

What is the fear of God? Proverbs 8:13. The fear of God is to hate evil. Job was a man that feared God and hated evil. The fear of God is to hate evil not to take pleasure in evil deeds. The fear of God is not to be jittery, it is to hate evil. Which implies to hate what God hates and like only what God likes. Church Gist. To be committed to doing what pleases God as a way of life. Pleasing God becomes an obligation for you as a person. That is the fear of God. Hatred for evil is what is the fear of God. It is a requirement for the faith that works.

We have the examples of Daniel, Daniel 6:4-5. That was his testimony. Daniel 6:23. His faith was well rooted in the fear of God so the faith worked against hungry lions and they did him no hurt. Fear of God rooted faith. We have the example of Paul. 1 Thessalonians 2:10. Philippians 4:13. We saw him demonstrating that time and again. They dragged him out of town, having stoned him and left him for dead. As they gathered around him to decide what to do next with his body, he stood up by himself. God! Now hear the problem we have on this side of the world: “The sorrow of them that hasten after another god shall be multiplied” (Psalm 16:4). So there are people who claim to be trusting in God but they are going everywhere. Church Gist. Those folks will never bow to the golden image that the king set up but these folks are bowing everywhere. By all means, we must make it. Make what? You can’t make yourself. God said to Abraham “I will make your name great and thou shall be a blessing”. You can’t make yourself great. Psalm 127:1. How can somebody who is down below sea level lift you up? No! How can a native doctor change your story? If he knows how to change people’s story won’t he change his own first? You still come around “Oh Lord we praise you” He is laughing in heaven. What kind of human beings are these? Psalm 16:4. Emi o ya Ile e alawo ri o my God, it’s all Grace. I’ve never visited the house of Babalawo. Mi oyale ‘ebami yewo’ ri o. (I’ve never visited palm readers/stargazers….) Make una check for me, I no be blind. I have not added one thing to Jesus and he is decorating my life. Church Gist. The same way with many in this church who have settled with Jesus. Until you settle with Jesus He won’t settle you. Stop making noise. Settle with Him and He will settle you. It is your turn to be settled. Do you know where I got myself settled? whatever God cannot do, let it remain undone. Whatever you can’t give me, may I never have it. Wherever you can’t take me to Jesus may I never get there. Thank you, I dey well. Somebody’s story is changing. We are returning back to the Bible. Bible based faith, not modern day noise making. Not the faith we explain and try to build ideologies around it.

2.            Heart seated faith.

Romans 10:10. Mark 11:23. The heart is the base, it is the platform from where faith operates. Until you win the battle within, you are not a candidate for the victory without. Hannah spoke with her heart, only her mouth moved and Samuel came. Church Gist. 1 Samuel 1:13-19. The woman with the issue of blood said in her heart. Matthew 9:20-29. Faith is a virtue of the heart not of the head.

3.            Dedication-rooted faith.

John 12:24-26. Dedication is what brings us into realms of honour in the kingdom of God. We saw the case of Peter. Despite his frustration, he let out his boat to Jesus for ministry and Jesus dazed him. The Bible said he left all and followed him. Luke 5:1-11. “all men may be offended in you but I will never be offended” Yes! He said so and he meant it. He followed to see the end, only him, all others had disappeared. We saw how God enthroned him on the day of Pentecost. Matthew 26:31-33, 58. The dedication of Peter. Then you saw Peter’s shadow healing the sick. Acts 5:15-16. Church Gist. We saw the dedication of Paul (Philippians 1:21) . Even devils knew -“Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you?” Dedication empowers our faith to deliver. Remember the story of the three Hebrew boys. Their dedication was stronger than death. “Even if he does not deliver us we will not bow to your graven image. We are sold out to our God.” God delivered them because they trusted their God. Their dedication boosted their faith for delivery. They trusted in their God and they came out in grand style. There was no smell of fire on them. That is how powerful our dedication can be in the school of faith.

4.            Bold speaking faith

Acts 14:3. Bold speaking faith. David stood before Goliath and made those declarations that were far beyond his size but they were declarations of faith and he got them fully delivered. Whatever you claim to believe that you can’t say boldly, God cannot confirm openly. Bold speaking faith, the kind we saw demonstrated by Moses. Everything God told him to say, he said so because he believed God who asked him to say so. Pharaoh stop there! There was not one attempt for his arrest. The whole of Egypt came under a siege. He said open your mouth wide and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10. Church Gist. People will not hearken to me, they are too modern for me, they are too civilized. Psalm 81:10-14. Bold speaking faith silences your adversaries. As God heard those bold declarations of the 3 Hebrew boys, He said Yes! You got it. I will be there before you. He got there to the furnace before them. If He got there one second after, He won’t meet them. The picture of the fourth man in the fire was like the son of God. He was in the fire before they came and He is the consuming fire so He consumed the fire before they threw them inside. If you truly believe that you claim to believe then say it loud and then He will confirm it openly.  It is your turn for a change of story. He said speak no more in this name and they said I will rather obey God than you. That silenced the enemies. It is your turn to silence the enemies.

5. Testimony provoked faith.

Every testimony of the Lord is prophetic. Revelation 19:10. For the testimony of Jesus is prophetic, it is a pointer to what God will do in the life of anybody else who claims to come on key as the testifier. Church Gist. Every testimony of scripture is prophetic. Jesus is the living Word so the testimony of Jesus means the testimony of scriptures.

Every testimony of scripture is prophetic. Let’s come awake. I saw in my Bible that I have been redeemed as a king and a priest to reign on the earth. I saw that in 1970. I was wearing a royal cloak. I saw me in royalty. There was no missing word. God was speaking to me as He is speaking to you. Church Gist. What I say to one I say to all. I saw my prosperity in Deuteronomy 8:18.”My son David, my prosperity plan is not a promise, it does not answer to prayers.” I received the prophetic word and I came out of every trap of lack and want. That was 41 years ago Sir!

Now that woman touched the hem of his garment and was made whole (Matthew 9:20-22). Everybody was clamouring to touch and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. Testimony provoked faith. Matthew 14:36. Everyone that touched was made perfectly whole. Why were they clamouring? Because of the testimony of the woman with the issue of blood. If he is passing here today, no matter how many securities are there, I will touch him. As many as touched were made whole. Don’t be entertained by testimonies. Be instructed. Don’t sit down and be clapping about testimonies. Ask what did this individual do for God to do this in his life and if you are interested connect and commit. I saw the testimony of abundance in the Copelands and I said “Jesus show me what you showed them.” Somebody’s story is changing. My prayer today is that no one among us will be a victim any more but an overcomer indeed in all areas of life. David said “God who gave me the lion and the bear will give me this big for nothing Goliath, I will bring down your head” and he did. Church Gist. The testimony of the past gave him the victory of the present. God has done amazing things in your life but you forget so cheaply and so often. He said “They forgot my hand when I brought them out of Egypt so they provoked me often”. God has done some things in your life, you can put your finger on it but they have become normal to you, they have become ordinary to you. So you are losing the present because you forgot the past testimony. You draw victory for the present from the past victory. That is how it works. David knew he didn’t kill the lion and the bear, he was too small to kill a lion and a bear. God delivered them to him. You are walking free.

6. Never give up faith.

Luke 9:62. No looking back. Hebrews 10:38. If any man turns back, at any point he turns back, that is all. We have here the example of Abraham. He followed through to the end. Romans 4:18. A never turn back faith, never give up faith. Daniel will not stop praying not even with the threat of the den of lions. He opened his windows and began to make his supplications to God three times a day as he did afore time. A never give up faith is an ever-winning faith. Two months before the dedication of this sanctuary we were still trying to complete the roof and then will come in the electrical works. He finished it in two months. Two months, too much. Church Gist. A never give up faith. All we needed to say is “Well you see, God knows we can’t go on, let’s move it now to December ”. From December, let’s move it to April. From April, let’s move it to September. You will be moving and moving until you have nowhere to land. A never give up faith is a guarantee for an ever-winning life. You draw strength from a never give up faith. It is your turn at last.

Let me treat you at this point to something we mentioned on the 10th of April 2023 about the seven prophetic pillars that came our way as a Commission on April 10th 1982. They laughed at us to scorn. Bold statements that shouldn’t come out from ordinary folks like us without any background or anything. Church Gist. God released those seven prophetic pillars and brought them to pass one after the other. Amazing prophetic words have gone in your direction but let me tell you what happened, how to see prophecies fulfilled raw in your life. Watch what the Lord was saying:

1.            The destiny of this age has been committed into your hand.

What? You? Age? Do you know the meaning? It is just talking about generational impact. The destiny of this age has been committed into your hand.

2.            This ministry is not limited to this country but to several nations of the world where vibrant churches shall be planted.

We were 68 people in that meeting, on April 10th 1982.

3.            This ministry shall not debate over doctrine but shall prove the power of the Holy Ghost.

So no debate, just raw manifestation of the power of God.

4.            You will be speaking from one spot, it shall be seen on the screen across the nations at the same time.

How? The internet wasn’t there then.

5.            I saw wings flying and I asked what are these? He said these are aircraft with you inside carrying the everlasting gospel of Christ across the nations. Church Gist. Aircrafts? Ministry that has no bearing

6. At the base of the ministry, a tent. shall be built that will sit 50,000 people.

We are there now! 50,000 people was a daydream in those days. You don’t imagine it, there is no gathering anywhere in the world that had it for church but here we are today.

7. The printing press of this ministry shall operate at an industrial scale including printing of Bibles.

Are we there? Give the Lord praise.

Now, what are our takeaways after 41 years of seeing raw fulfillment of prophecies as it concerned these seven prophetic pillars?

Only God can do what He says He will do.

God only requires that we do what He commands so He can do what He says He will do. We should not be bothered about what God says He will do, we should only concern ourselves with what He says we should do. Knowing that God is far more faithful than we are when we do what He tells us to do acceptably, we have committed Him to do what He says He will do. God is simply saying “Do what I say and leave me with the rest”. None of those prophecies was pursued. We kept doing what He said to do and He kept confirming them one after the other at His own time. We can only do what He asks us to do because His commandments are not grievous and He doesn’t tempt anybody with evil. We can not do what He says He will do, it is beyond our capacity. Keep doing what He says to do and watch Him keep doing what He says He will do. Don’t try to do what He says He will do, you and I cannot afford it. We don’t have the capacity. Church Gist. Keep walking with Him and He will keep confirming His word in our lives. If only we choose, there is nothing that He has asked us to do that He has not engraced us for. No one of us has the resources or capacity to do what God says to do. No one can do what I say I will do, that is what God told me. Because only my hand can deliver my plan and purpose. Whatever He tells you to do per time, keep doing it and watch Him confirm His word step by step, stage by stage, phase by phase in your life.

These seven prophetic pillars came to light on their own without anybody pushing for them. We are just simply doing what He says to do per time and He is confirming what He says He will do. Beginning from now, no prophetic word will fail in your life. God has ordained this year for getting you on the covenant highways, you will never be found on the byways any more. You will never be found on the street corners any more. You are coming out of obscurity to the limelight and you get there by doing what He says to do for the hour. It is His job to get you on the covenant highways, your job is to do what He says to do. That is our story. There was none of these we had to save money for. Not one. There was none we would have planned for if He didn’t bring it to pass by Himself. If God had asked me when do you want to buy aircraft? Father please hold it, it is not in plan and it is not in view. Church Gist. He built this place, we didn’t have a plan to start it. Our plan was to divide it for farmers in the Church to be farming to secure the land and then He said this sanctuary shall be dedicated September 18th 1999. Can you guess the sign? They were on the drawing board when I said how much space have you got in this design, they said about 40. I said wait there is a record. It was not being pursued. People are pursuing prophecy instead of pursuing God. Pursue God, my friend, He will confirm His word in your life. Keep doing what He says to do. Leave the remaining to Him. He is more faithful than me and you. For instance, bring four souls. You don’t need any intelligence to do that. With all the contacts you have in the world? No! There is no commitment. You can’t treat His Word with levity and expect Him to treat you with dignity. You draw near to me, I will draw near to you. You draw far from me, I draw far from you. I pray that this year no one shall be left on the byways. No one shall be left on the street corners. Everyone will find their way on the covenant highways of life. The days of frustration and stagnations are over in your life. The days of begging for survival are over in your life. The days of unbelievers asking you ‘where is your God’ are over in your life.

If all those amazing prophetic pillars were not pursued and yet they were fulfilled, pursue after God. The Lord said to me, the harder you follow me, the higher you fly. Psalm 63:8.

Today is our Special Monthly Anointing Service.

Isaiah 10;27.

–              Today is that day for you.

–              Today is that certain day for you. The burden of the wicked shall be rolled away from your shoulder. Church Gist.

–              Everything choking your life, God is saying enough is enough.

–              Today is that day you have been waiting for.

The anointing oil is a weapon of instant intervention. The holy anointing oil is a generation mystery in the kingdom with undeniable impact in the Body of Christ till date. Exodus 30:31. It is a generational mystery. He was talking to the Israelites. Every child of God is a seed of Abraham, we are spiritual Jews so He is speaking to us. That means this shall be a mystery throughout the generations of the redeemed. The impact of this mystery is still as potent as in Bible days today. David was anointed with oil and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. Instant! Something precious is coming upon your life today. 1 Samuel 16:13. Church Gist. The disciples of Jesus went forth and preached everywhere and anointed them that were sick and healed them instantly. Mark 6:12-13. James 5:14-16. So the oil worked in the days of Christ, worked in the time of the Apostles and is still working today. What you have in your hand is spiritual liquid fire.

–              Everything that constitutes chaff in your life shall be burnt off finally today.

We have these interesting example of Saul and the wonders that followed after he was anointed. 1 Samuel 10:1-13. This among others includes:

Supernatural restoration. After this anointing today, you will be told the things you are looking for have been found.

– after this anointing whatever the enemy has stolen from you sha be supernaturally restored.

1 Samuel 10:2.

Then supernatural favour. You won’t ask, they will give you. Church Gist. By this anointing, a new order of favour will start speaking in your life.

– every air of misfortune shall be totally terminated.

They shall give you and you shall receive from their hand, they shall give you, you won’t beg, you won’t ask. Welcome to a new realm of favour.

Supernatural change of story. 1 Samuel 6:13.

–              By the anointing today, God is changing someone’s story.

–              Whatever evil seed that was found in anyone’s life in terms of plague, in terms of pestilence, in terms of terminal diseases, as you come under this anointing today, your story changes supernaturally.

All the above manifestations took place on the same day. 1 Samuel 10:9. The anointing is a weapon of instant intervention. Every siege of the wicked on anyone’s life, family and destiny shall be over today. All those signs came to pass that same day. Today is that day in your life. No more assault of the wicked on your life. Psalm 89:20-24.

– it is a new day in your life.

It happened from that day on so from today God shall be beating down your enemies before your face. He will be plaguing all of them that hate you. Church Gist. His faithfulness and mercy shall ever be with you. In His name shall your horn be exalted. No more going down in your life. No more setbacks in your journey.

Therefore expect every yoke of the wicked to be destroyed. Every sickness healed, every misfortune overturned. Manifestations of diverse breakthroughs in your own life today.

Proverbs 3:27-28. Wait a minute! Does God have what you are looking for by Him? So He won’t ask you to come tomorrow if you are ready today. Are you ready today? Can you imagine Jesus saying to people who come to Him for salvation to come back tomorrow. Can you imagine that? Church Gist. When your faith comes alive you are saved. It comes alive for rescue and deliverance, you are delivered. It comes alive for healing, you are healed. Let your faith come alive, this is not a ritual. You are walking out of it today. Every spiritual manipulation of your life is ending here today.

Good news! God never lies. For the last two Saturdays we have had 381 new home cells. We expect several thousand this coming Saturday and He will make it happen.

Please take note of this! When you give God thanks for one, He brings two. You thank Him for two He brings four. You thank Him for four He is about to bring ten.

Give God thanks.

–              It is a brand new day for you

–              This week shall be to every one of us a week of testimonies.

–              Many will return on Sunday with tearful testimony.

–              Your dramatic change of story begins now.

–              The days of misfortune are finally over.

–              The days of struggling for survival are finally over.

Welcome to a world of unstoppable triumph. A world of glory and honour in the name of Jesus.

You will testify because God never lies.







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