UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 2C || Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr at Healing and Special Communion Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 11th August 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

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I CAN NEVER BE SICK – Bishop David Oyedepo.
  • Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr on UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 2C at Healing and Special Communion Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 11th August 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

Our series of teachings for our Sunday Services has been captioned “UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION” and we’re looking at the second part in this teaching this morning and I believe God that for each one of us, the healing wonders available for you and I in redemption will be made manifest in our lives in the name of Jesus.

  • Good news. After this season, sickness will never be identified with you again.
  • Disease will never locate its way to you again.
  • You will no longer be a victim of pain and discomfort.
  • Your life will be a life of health and vitality.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

Our focus in these series of teachings for today’s service in particular is The Healing Wonders In Kingdom Advancement Endeavors and I want you to follow very closely because I believe God that by the Word today, each one of us will experience a dramatic change of story.

It is important to note that all through Scriptures, all healing delivers by faith. Luke 8:45-48. So, the vital force in taking delivery of our healing is faith. Matthew 9:27-30. So, our healing miracles are delivered at the instance of faith. But it is important to note that faith works by love. In other words, the battery of faith is love. Faith is the equipment to take delivery of your portion, but the battery that makes the equipment work is love. Church Gist. Galatians 5:6. What that means is this, the signs of your faith notwithstanding, it is the presence of love that makes it work. You’ll agree with me that a caterpillar, a bulldozer, an earth moving equipment, is a very strong equipment. It can do many, many effort demanding things. What other equipment cannot do, it can do. But if you remove the battery from that equipment, it is useless. It is big, yes. It has abilities and potentials, yes. But it lacks the power required to work.

This is why it is important for us to recognize that while we have a responsibility to build our faith, we also have a responsibility to grow our love. The potential of our faith is determined by the potency of our love. So, our love for God is the difference maker when it comes to the delivery of our faith. Church Gist. This is why it becomes vital and important for us to know what true love actually entails and vitally from Scriptures, we discover that true love is what engraces believers to walk in delightsome obedience. So, when you see a true lover of God, the evidence of it in his life is that he walks delightsomely in obedience. He obeys God with delight.

We are told concerning David that he was a man after God’s own heart. 1 Samuel 13:14. But look at the evidence in the life of David. He was one that committed to obeying God with delight. Church Gist. Psalm 112:1. The Book of Psalm is largely authored by David. Psalm 1:2. Psalm 119:97-100. So, the evidence of genuine love for God is always going to be depicted by delightsome obedience to divine commandments. In fact, we discover that only when the commandment of God do not grieve us can we be said to love God. 1 John 5:3. So, genuine lovers of God are committed to the commandments of God.

  • Today, I see grace coming upon each one of us for this in the name of Jesus.

What that means is that our love for God is not just emotional, no. It forces us into motion. Our love for God is not just emotional, it’s not just something that is taking place in the heart, but it is something that is demonstrated in the act. Church Gist. Until we begin to take steps in obedience, there is no authenticity to our love for God.

It is also important for us to understand that the greatest evidence of a heart for God is our heart for the lost, our commitment to running after the lost. Why? Because it is the greatest demand in the heart of God. John 3:16. At the top of the heart of God is the pursuit of the lost. He wants to see all men saved. At the top of His heart is the pursuit of the lost. Church Gist. 1 Timothy 2:4. That is the heartbeat of God. That is what is topmost in His heart. That is what is most vital in His heart. He wants to see everyone saved. So, anyone that genuinely loves God loves the lost. What does that mean? That means until we begin to run after the lost, there is no evidence of the authenticity of our love for God.

We discover that every commandment of God like we see from Scriptures is for our benefit. 2 Timothy 3:16. So, the Word of God is ordained for the profiting of the saints. The instruction of God is ordained for the profiting of the saints. Church Gist. So, when He tells us to go out after the lost, there are profits that accrue to us in the pursuit of God’s agenda. God does not command you in order to benefit Himself. He commands you and I in order to benefit us and one of the blessings of our pursuit of the lost, the commandment of soul winning, is actually the blessing of health and vitality.

  • Shout hallelujah!

So, the soul winning commandment according to Scriptures among others, gives us access to deliverance from the curse of sickness. Church Gist. We can escape the hold of sickness.

  • Somebody hearing my voice this morning, you are escaping the hold of sickness.
  • and the good news is that when you escape by God, not only do you escape once, but you escape once and for all.
  • That means for somebody hearing my voice today, the last time you were registered among the sick, will be the last time forever.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

Psalm 124:7. That means we can no longer be trapped. Church Gist. It is broken and we have escaped.

  • For somebody hearing my voice, after the encounter of today, you will never be registered among the sick again.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

So, we see from Scriptures that our commitment among others, to the commandment of soul winning is what triggers our escape from the curse of sickness and of disease and we’re going to look at why. Church Gist. What is it about soul wining that secures our health and our vitality?

1: Engagement in soul winning endeavors entitles believers for healthy living and we’ll look at this from Scriptures. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. “Now then, we are ambassadors of Christ”. Who are the ‘we’ there? You go back to verse 19 and it talked about ‘us’. Church Gist. Who are the ‘us’? Those in the Ministry of Reconciliation, those who are going about bringing people back to Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20. Now, according to Scriptures, everyone that is advertising Jesus, spreading the Good News, becomes an ambassador for Christ.

In the natural, we know that nations send emissaries to other nations and the emissaries that they send, some of them, we refer to as ambassadors and those ambassadors, among the packages that are given to them is package for their well being including their health. Church Gist. Alright? So, their health is catered to among others, by the nations that have sent them. Now, anyone who has gone into the field has gone on assignment for Jesus. He has sent them. They have become ambassadors and because they are ambassadors, they are entitled to be catered for by Heaven, the Nation that sent them. Is somebody getting what God is saying?

Proverbs 13:17. I love that because it doesn’t say that “A faithful ambassador will be healed” It says, “When you see him, he is health. There is nothing sick about him”.

  • For somebody hearing my voice this morning, after this encounter, nothing will be sick about you.
    -If you belive it, say a louder Amen!

You see, there are people, they have not been diagnosed with sickness but they look sick. Church Gist. When you look at them, it looks like something is wrong, it looks like there is an affliction somewhere but it says a faithful ambassador, not only is he healed but he is health. When you look at him, he is the picture of health and vitality.

  • I pray for somebody again this morning, whatever it is that has been tormenting your body, today marks the end of it forever.

What that means is that health is the heritage of every Kingdom ambassador. If I am an ambassador for Christ, then health is my heritage. Church Gist. It is part of my package. I am not permitted to be sick. Is somebody hearing what God is saying?

God’s Servant would say all over the years, many of us have heard him, “I can never be sick” Why? It is the heritage of those who are on an assignment for Jesus. When you are on an assignment for Jesus, sickness is not permitted to be found in your body. Church Gist. Is somebody getting what God is saying? It’s not permitted to be found in your body. Your body becomes immune to sickness and disease.

  • I pray for someone here today that as your heart gets quickened to begin following after His commandment, running after the lost, sickness will never be found in your body again.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

So, it entitles us to healthy living. That’s because we are ambassadors for Christ and our ambassadorial package involves health and vitality.

  • Therefore, no more sickness for you!

2: Every fruit bearing or soul winning believer is kept supernaturally fit so they can keep bearing more fruit. They are kept supernaturally fit. John 15:1,2. To purge or to prune means to cut away what may hinder its productivity. Church Gist. So, when a man or woman, a boy or girl becomes committed to soul winning, one of the things that takes place is that God begins to prune you. He removes from you the things that may hinder your effectiveness and one of the things that hinders the effectiveness of a believer in soul winning is sickness. So, He begins to take it out. He begins to remove it from your body.

Many of us will remember the testimony of one of us who had been shot in the hand and that hand was mended through a surgery and a metal plate was put inside the elbow in 2007. But then, he got wild for God in soul winning in the year 2015 and went out one day, 2 hours, winning souls and saw 16 people brought to Christ and suddenly, as he got home, God spoke to him and said “My son, go to sleep. Church Gist. I want to operate on you” and he went to sleep and by the time he woke up, he saw the metal implant on the bed. No cut, no blood, no water. What has happened? The Husbandman has gone to prune the branch. “You are producing fruit for me, I will remove whatever is hindering you”.

  • From now, as you and I get wild for Jesus, particularly in this Operation Come And See, I see each one of us having whatever is hindering us been uprooted from our bodies.
  • If you believe it, say a louder Amen!

Don’t forget that the original Surgeon is not a doctor, it is God. The first Person to cut man open and perform surgery is God. There is no better mechanic than the Manufacturer. Church Gist. When God takes over your case and He begins to manage your system, there is nothing a man can do that can compare to what God can do. Is somebody hearing what God is saying?

This is why you and I must understand our placement, our positioning as far as our walk with God is concerned. Church Gist. Ensure that you get yourself addicted to God so He can take over the management of your system. Shout hallelujah!

You know, in automobiles, we know that there are vehicles, when you buy vehicles, you can have with those vehicles a particular management package where the manufacturers or where you bought the vehicle from, they are the ones that manage the vehicle for you. Now, if you know anything about that, you will discover that there’s always a clear difference. Church Gist. If you carry your vehicle to a mechanic, roadside mechanic, he will repair something and spoil something else. How many of you know that there are mechanics that as soon as they touch your vehicle, your vehicle will perpetually begin to have new issues? Because he’s not the manufacturer, he’s a mechanic and the mechanic is limited. But when the manufacturer takes over, there is nothing in the car that he does not know. There are many times you take your car to the mechanic, the mechanic is not so sure, but he cannot tell you outrightly that he is not sure so that you don’t change him. So, he says to you “No, just wait a minute. Church Gist. I think from what I am hearing in this vehicle, it looks like there’s something with the spark plug. Let’s change it” When the spark plug spoils, he says “When I opened it, I discovered that there was a problem with the engine. The whole brain box, we must change it.” Is somebody getting it?

Now, hear this. Your doctor is a mechanic. Your God is your Manufacturer. When you go to God, He takes care of your system beyond what any human input can. Is somebody getting it now? And one of the ways you have a registration card in that clinic of Heaven is through your service. Exodus 23:25. Hello? You know, it is complex when you go to a hospital where you don’t have card. Church Gist. But when you to where you are registered already, it is straight forward. Your registration in the clinic of Heaven is your service. As you are serving God, you are paying your dues. Your registration is kept intact. Whatever happens as far as your system is concerned, He takes charge of it. Shout hallelujah!

  • From today, God takes charge of your body in the name of Jesus Christ.

3: Physical strength is required both in going out after souls and standing strong on the Altar of Prayer and because God wants all men to be saved, therefore, for those who are committed to those assignments, He infuses them with health, vitality and strength. Shout hallelujah! He infuses them with health, vitality and strength. Church Gist. So, when you find yourself committed to going after the lost, only are you not sick, but you are also not weak. You are kept in strength, vitality, because the Bible says the labourers are few. So for every labourer that is pursuing after Him, He keeps you energized. Shout hallelujah! He keeps you energized so your system is not weak.

You know, there are people, they are not sick but they are not strong. Every little thing, you find them just dragging, dragging, dragging, no energy, no vitality. Church Gist. Tired in the morning, tired in the afternoon, tired in the night, go to sleep tired, wake up from sleep tired. But when you get after the lost, you are in pursuit of God’s agenda, not only does He keep you healthy, but He keeps you strong.

  • From now, no more weakness for you in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • If you believe it, say a loud Amen!

And you know why that’s the case, because when a person truly loves God, it says all things work together for his good, so everything, even inside the body begins to work well on his behalf. Church Gist. Everything is working in top shape, top shape because he’s demonstrating his love for God going after the lost, standing on the Altar of Prayer, advancing the course of the Kingdom. As a result of that, everything, even the body begins to work together for his good. So, there is energy, there is vitality.

  • That will become somebody’s experience from now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What God is saying to you and to me is simple, our commitment to serving Him positions you and I to begin to experience the outflow, the outpouring of the grace of healing, health and wholeness. Church Gist. Also, strength and vitality as a result of it.

  • and for you and I, as we begin to engage particularly in this season, I see each one of us positioning afresh to begin to enjoy the reality of health, healing and wholeness.
  • and for anyone that may have come into the service with sickness, pain or discomfort in your system, today marks the end of it in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • If you believe it, say a loud Amen!

Now, today is our Communion Service and it is important for us to begin to understand the power in the mystery of the Communion. We are told in Scriptures that the manna and water from the Rock that the people of Israel took in the Wilderness secured them health for over 40 years in the Wilderness. Church Gist. Deuteronomy 8:4. Psalm 105:37. It said in the other verse that their feet did not swell. You know what it means to be trekking for 40 years and their feet did not swell up? It says they were in the Wilderness for 40 years and there was not one weak person.

Now, when we talk about Wilderness, one common thing that you would know about Wilderness is what? Heat. Is it true? In the Wilderness, there is heat and one of the things that happens when there is heat is tiredness. People who are walking in the heat get tired more quickly. Church Gist. But here the Bible says these people were walking in the heat for 40 years and not one person was weak. Not one person was weak. That means they were infused with something that was beyond the natural. Not one person was weak.

Now, I want you to imagine this. God told us that when they were to cross the Red Sea, Pharoah and his army were behind them and they were there with chariots and here came Moses and the people of Israel. Moses was over 80 years old and the people of Israel were behind him and they walked through the Red Sea. It is not just like crossing this stage, it is a long distance. Church Gist. Walked through the Red Sea and came out at the other side. They were on foot, the Egyptians were on chariots and the Bible says that when the Egyptians time came and they began to try to go through the same path, all Israel had already crossed, Egypt was still trying to cross. They seemed to have chariots and all of that but strength could not be sustained so they were consumed in the Red Sea.

Now, listen to this very carefully. It means that what was made available to the children of Israel cannot be said to be natural because old, young, children, adults, everyone moving, no one getting weak, no one falling down, no one fainting. Church Gist. Everyone kept moving day and night because they were energized by this mystery. We are told in Scriptures that they partook of the Rock and then they partook of the manna and as a result of that, they were strengthened from above.

Now, Jesus likened the flesh in the Communion to the manna in the Wilderness. John 6:48-51. So, according to Scriptures, Jesus was likening the bread to the manna. Also, we know that the blood of Jesus can be likened to the water. Why? 1 Corinthians 10:4. The Rock that followed them was Christ and it was from that Rock that they were drinking the spiritual drink. Church Gist. So, when we come to the Communion table, we are coming to the spiritual drink that came from Christ. What is that drink? The blood of Jesus. We are coming to the body that was sacrificed by Christ. What is that body? The flesh that we partake of as the bread. What does that mean? It means the manna and the water are here again. Is somebody getting what God is saying? The manna and the water, they are here again.

Now, listen. Here is the greater mystery, that this manna and this water is of higher caliber than the one they took. Hebrews 11:39,40. They went through the Wilderness and they were not weak. It’s a good report. They went through the Wilderness and they were not sick, it’s a good report. They went through the Wilderness, they were not fainting, it’s a good report. Church Gist. So, anything they had, our own is better. Hello? They had the water that came out of the Rock, our own is better. They had the manna that came down from Heaven, our own is better. How do we know this? Jesus said this, He said “Look, what they ate is not really the bread of Heaven oh. Yes, it came from Heaven”. But He said “This is the true bread that comes from Heaven”. So, our own is better in redemption. When we come to the Communion table, recognize that we are coming to a superior table. We are coming to a table that is loaded with mysteries for you and I to have dominion over the miseries of life.

  • For somebody hearing my voice today, by the Communion table that you are receiving today, everything that has been assaulting your body, tormenting your body, ravaging your body shall be terminated in the name of Jesus!
  • If manna could make them sickness free, then this one will make you permanently sickness free.
  • He said that they ate that one and they died. He said but he that eats this one will not die. So, this one has the ability to quench the verdict of death. It means if you came here today with a sentence of death, by this Communion table this morning, it is terminated in the name of Jesus!

That is what the Table has to offer! 2 Corinthians 1:9,10. Hear this, on this Table is the victory you need not only for today but for tomorrow. Is somebody getting it now? If there is a present sentence of death, this Table will terminate it. Church Gist. If there is a sentence satan is planning, this Table will terminate it. If you believe it, say a louder Amen! So, we have a superior table made available to us in Christ Jesus and that is represented by the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ.

It is also important to note that the Communion table empowers us as believers to live like Christ. John 6:67. What does that mean? Church Gist. That means the order of life Christ lived, that higher life that was superior to sickness and disease is what is infused into you and to me by this Communion table. As we partake of it, there is an infusion of life.

I love the testimony of the Man of God, John G. Lake while he was in South Africa during the Bubonic Plague and we’re told there that people who would be afflicted with that plague would begin to foam in the mouth and as they foam in the mouth, they foam till they die. Anyone that touches that foam catches the same plague. Church Gist. But yet, this Man in compassion going to minister to them, will go and clean the mouth of those individuals and people were wondering, how come this man is not catching this thing? Everybody else was kitted up to meet anyone that has such a condition. So they began to say “Let’s check what’s going on” So he went and as he was attending to people, cleaning their mouths, he will clean their mouths and then they put his hand under the micro scope. They discovered that all of the viruses inside the foam in his hand were dead. But inside the mouth that he cleaned it from were alive. You know why? He had come to a realization of a superior life. Church Gist. He called it the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1,2. Now, listen to me very carefully, that life in Christ is what is transmitted by this Table. What was happening in that Man was that whenever he touched that thing, whatever he touched that was to kill him, that life killed it. Hello? That means that if you partake of this Table, whatever was to kill you, this Table will kill it! That’s what is available. So, we are able to live a higher order of life. That life that is immune to sickness, disease, pain and affliction.

  • I see somebody today stepping practically and gallantlly into it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That’s why we are made to understand from Scriptures that the Communion table is the ultimate drink and the ultimate bread. John 6:55-56. Church Gist. There is no medication that can match the potency of this Table. So I like you to just be rest assured because you have come to your final bus stop.

  • Every matter that was ravaging and tormenting you, today marks the end of it forever.

Somebody may say, what is required? One thing principally is required, your faith, your faith. Don’t come to the Table as if you’re just drinking a drink and eating bread. Recognize that you have come to the medication table of Heaven. Church Gist. The medication table of Heaven, when you partake of it and it silences everything that was ravaging your system. That’s what you and I have come to, the medication table of Heaven.

  • Today, as you partake of this Table in faith, I see each one taking delivery of their miracle.

Don’t forget, like we saw earlier, it is to you according to your faith. If there is somebody here who believes, say “I believe”. Come on, say “I believe”. You can walk to that Table, partake of the Table and silence HIV like the testimony we heard today. Church Gist. You can walk to the Table and silence hepatitis. You can silence any disease. You can silence sickle cell. You can silence cancer as you partake of this Table. All that is required is that you infuse your faith into it. Church Gist. Therefore, my charge to us this morning, don’t approach that Table casually. Approach it loaded with faith. Recognize that as you are partaking of it, it is Heaven’s medication for your ultimate solution.

  • Somebody here is walking totally free this morning.
  • If you believe it, say a loud Amen!

—Prayers and Altar Call—









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