UNLOCKING GOD’S TREASURES PART 2 – Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Unlocking God’s Treasure Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 23rd June 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on UNLOCKING GOD’S TREASURES – PART 2 || Unlocking God’s Treasure Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 23rd June 2024 || Second Service.

-Father! Speak to us through Your Word, bless every ear and give us understanding in Jesus’ name.

We are still in the Month of ‘Securing Divine Help’ but today we will be looking at UNLOCKING GOD’S TREASURES – PART 2. Psalm 24:1. Haggai 2:8. God has no money problem, He is only looking for faithful stewards. Prosperity is simply having enough provision to complete an instruction from God. Something happened in 1 Kings 17:9-16: There was this Widow they called “The Widow of Zarephath” and Elijah was sent to her and to sustain her. Church Gist. This Woman was at the verge of committing suicide. She had a meal, she told the Man of God Elijah and said: “Look! I’m going to eat this last meal with my only son and die” and she meant it because there was no food. She said: “This is the last meal in my hand, I’m going to eat it and die.” But the Man of God Elijah did something to that Woman in 1 Kings 17:14, he painted a picture from Scripture for her future that will determine where she will get to. When you get a true picture of your future from Scriptures you can unlock the treasures of God. In verse 14, Elijah said: “Make for me first” but he said after he made that statement, he said: “For thus saith the Lord!” He quoted Scriptures. 1 Kings 17:14. There was real hardship, he said: “Look! Listen! I’m telling you, this will happen. No matter how things are hard, this is how your own case will be.”

-I pray today as you hear God’s Word, you will stand in the integrity of the Word.

All Elijah did that turned the poor woman into a woman of plenty was to help her stand on the integrity of God’s Word. Church Gist. Unlocking God’s Treasures simply means following and acting on Scriptural principles to provoke Kingdom wealth in your favour.

How to unlock God’s treasures. How do I unlock what? God’s treasures. The treasures are there but how do I unlock them? Shout hallelujah! How do I unlock (God’s treasures)? This Woman unlocked her treasure by giving her last meal to Elijah! And then what God had for her (…) will produce an orange tree and the tree will produce fruits. Church Gist. Refusing to plant that tiny seed will deny you of a tree eventually the fruits. “Oh! This seed is small!” You are being deprived of fruits. Is that true? Genesis 8:22. As long as you keep holding on to the seed in your hand it will never become an harvest tomorrow. Proverb 11:24. So, poverty is a function of withholding what you have. How many understand what God is saying? Proverbs 10:4. The moment what is in your hand is not released, poverty will remain.

-You will come out of poverty.

  1. Be willing to start your harvest with whatever God has given you already.
    Now, listen carefully! God will never change your situation until you release what is in your hand now. In 1997, as a married man – home and abroad; my wife and I what we had was fifty naira. 1997 not 1927! 1997! Church Gist. And then I understood God’s Word that: To turn my captivity, I have to release the seed. I told my wife and said: “Bring that fifty naira that we have.” The moment I sowed that seed, Heavens opened! From that fifty naira, we got the breakthrough of two thousand (naira). From two thousand (naira) I have been sowing from that day till date and we have never been broke. Are you getting me, sir?

-I pray God will give someone understanding. Shout a better Amen!

Everybody has something to sow. Did you hear me at all? First plant what you have into His Kingdom. God knows how much you have, He knows the little available but until the available is released, the desirable will not be released. It is your obedience that will secure His attention. Isaiah 1:19. But let me say this, that will shock you! Never sow a seed into the life of a non-giver. Church Gist. Did you hear me at all? That seed will never produce. Jesus, speaking about the Parable of the Sower. You remember the Parable of the Sower? He said some fell on good grounds; some fell in thorns. Mark 4:3-8. There are people who are on stony ground. They are stones! If you put maize on stone, it will grow? There are people even in this Church who are stones, if you give them money your Heavens will close. Any believer that does not give, don’t give the person!

You will be shocked, listen! Something happened long ago, a man walked to me with a baby of less than I think, two days or three days – they just gave birth and the pastor; he’s a pastor. He came to me, my wife was there. He said: “Sir, the man we are staying with is so wicked he said we should pack out!” Emotions not compassion because I was not led by the Spirit of God. I said: “How can somebody be wicked? This is a newborn baby from (the) hospital. He said: “My wife just came with the delivery of a new baby and then they said we should go. My wife came, two of us were working” He was not a member of this Ministry, it was from another ministry. Church Gist. I said: “The person who drove him must be very wicked! Bring the only forty thousand (naira) we have, bring it!” As I gave him the forty thousand (naira), Heavens closed! Everywhere ‘kaaun’. I said: “God! But I helped him.” He said: “He’s not a giver, he doesn’t pay tithe. You are only working by emotion not by compassion.” He said: “For me not to open his doors as a pastor you should know he closed his Heavens.” Any pastor begging, don’t give! I don’t care how they misinterpret it, somewhere he has missed it. He’s not a tither!

God cannot call a pastor and he will be begging people. Check! When you give to givers, ‘paam’, true? With all humility, have you ever sowed into my life without testimony? No! But if you give a… even in Church here not everybody giving you notes you should give. Church Gist. Why would somebody be giving you notes for help with all the things I’m teaching? God does not bless you when you give to people who are not givers because you know the truth, they are not applying it so they are, ‘concre’ ground, ‘concre, concre’! They are coal tar, they are asphalt. If you put corn under asphalt it would burn it, they are ‘okoko’.

Say: Lord! Reveal to me, the good soil that will produce. Shout hallelujah!

Not even every Church you should sow. There are also ‘concre Churches’. I won’t go into details. There are ‘concre’ people and ‘concre Churches’. Are you hearing me? The parable of the Sower. He says: Some produced, some did not what? Produce. So not everywhere you put seed will produce. I’ve given Christians and my Heavens closed. I’ve helped pastors, my Heaven closed. These days I will first hear God. It’s better to give an unbeliever to bring him to Christ than to give a believer who does not sow. Because the sinner? Church Gist. You are using the money to bring the person. So, God will know that you’re spreading the Gospel. You can give your relations who are not born again. They say that Jesus is Lord! You say: “Yes!!! Bro Yes!!! Sister? Yes!!! You say: “Now say after me…” But if you give a believer who does not give, he knows the truth already. Even if it’s a member of this Church, don’t give! You say: “Na wickedness Papa dey preach? “Okay! Make I wicked for today!” Don’t give!” Most times we give by emotions, not by compassion. God works by compassion! Emotions is when you are working by your feelings! Say I hear! Did you get anything?

  1. Be a consistent giver.
    Number one I said: Start with what you have. Continuous giving is what guarantees continuous harvest. James 1:22-25. Consistency is a proof you trust God and have confidence in Him. Do you eat once in a lifetime? I’m asking you or you keep eating? Do you say because I’m now 99 years I will stop eating till 100? What will happen? That you have been giving since if you stop, it will also stop. The food of yesterday cannot sustain you for one week. Have faith in God. Hebrews 11:6. Wrap your giving with faith! Don’t give based on feelings but as commanded by God. Consistently!

Now, during crises and hardship. Is it proper to give? The best time to give is during hardship. Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 and Ecclesiastes 11:3. He that looked at conditions will never sow. “Oh! School fees! House rent! Oh! Things are tough, God.” It’s not your business, your own is to give. How God will do it is not your business. Ecclesiastes 11:6. Your duty is just to obey. How God will do it is not your business. Church Gist. There are testimonies we can’t share on this altar for some reasons, for security reasons. Are you hearing what I’m saying now? That giving have proved it that it works. This Church gives, I give; it works. There are breakthroughs this Church has gotten that if we share them; the one we no share, they dey attack us. We share other ones, they go carry knife for road. It shows that God will bring it not necessarily from where you believe, He can bring it from any source.

-I pray all your givings will produce right now.

Many are inconsistent in their covenant walk with God so they get broke easily. Be consistent! Keep doing it! Don’t give today (and) you stop tomorrow. Now listen! Life story! I sat down! Because I think a lot. We were 120 in Bible School, how many of us? 120 of us in Bible School that left Bible School full time just the way we have full time now. We were more than 120 but 120 of us graduated. We were all taught the same thing in Bible School. Church Gist. Then, how come amongst the whole people I’m the wealthiest of all? Now, it will humble you, I’m the youngest in new birth in my class. I became born again 16th July, went to Bible School in October. Every one of them in my class was born again before me. Then how come I’m the one who is somewhere top? With all humility before God, no arrogance. Now listen to it, I’m the only one who has been paying tithe from 1997 till date, none of my classmates have been paying tithes. All of them, they paid one week, they stopped two weeks. They paid two days, they stopped two days. So the gap is like this (Illustrating). 20 children don’t play together for 20 years.

A man of God shared testimony in this Service, his own elder brother is a pastor in our ministry. He has evangelical ministry in this Church. Now, I looked at two of them, the elder brother does not give. He’s hearing me, he’s our pastor. He who is in his own ministry likes giving. The gap between two of them is like this (Illustrating). He comes with millions to give me offering, his brother is normally giving me ten thousand (naira). If he gives me highest maybe five, five thousand (naira); he’s broke. That two of you are the same parents does not mean that God will bless you together. Church Gist. Now the brother is a member of this Church oo, he’s a pastor in this Church oo but he’s broke. He has his own ministry but he is rich, why? The brother hears what I’m teaching the one in the Church does not practice. So it has nothing to do with whether you are a member, there’s no membership in giving. Two of them are the same mother, the same father. The brother is a pastor with us but broke. He is not a pastor with us, he has his own ministry but comes here to worship. The gap is like this! When he comes to see me, he gives me big offering there is nothing wrong and I will tell him: “Kneel down, God change your story.” But his own brother will come with one flat envelope (Laughing). Difference is clear! That you are a member does not mean that God will bless you.

There are people who hear my message on television and are blessed because when I meet people, they say: “Sir, do you know I became rich because of what you taught on television?” And there are those who are here for past 27 years as far as this Church is concerned. They have believed they are co-founders, they are fellow founders yet nothing to show. It’s not how long you have been in the Church it is how well. And you are in this Church for up to 4 years and you are still making ‘kirinkirinkirin’ something is wrong! The Pastor is hearing me, he would be laughing where he is. Church Gist. His brother testified so two of them know themselves. (Laughing). He go say: “Papae you no go leave me alone?” I no go leave you oo make you too dey give. Your brother wey bin dey give e get money you dey still find small small ten ten thousand (naira). He’s a pastor oo of Salvation (Ministries) but he is broke (Laughing). That you are pastor does not mean you will be rich here oo if you don’t give. If I stop giving today, my prosperity will stop. You don’t use yesterday’s menu to live forever even if you say the food is very sweet. “You know? It’s very sweet, I’m not going to go to toilet.” You go die! You must deposit whether you like it or not, shout hallelujah! Consistency in giving is what guarantees consistency in receiving.

  1. God hates waste.
    Whatever God gives you now is intended by Him to extend into your future. Whatever God gives you today, He has the future in mind. There’s no future for those who spend without limit. Luke 15:11-32. Waste leads to want! He began to be what? In want because he was a waster. Proverbs 18:9. Church Gist. Stop spending more than you earn. Waste is one of the biggest problems of our generation today. Learn to turn fragments into capital. Jesus fed 5,000. After He fed 5,000 men excluding women and children in John 6. John 6:12. Now, the Messiah is teaching us a lesson, He said: “I don’t believe in waste.” Gather the things you are wasting, start something with it. Say I hear!

Do you know some pleasures are to be deferred so as to avoid pressure in the future? They are good to enjoy but you defer them. Today, I can afford to travel with my family anywhere but it was not so before, I had to grow to this level. For 9 years I did not travel even to Benin Republic in this Ministry. Not because this Ministry was not rich, this Ministry was running in millions but I didn’t travel because I had to defer. Church Gist. There are people who don’t have the money I have, they junket around the whole world. Anybody who has nothing to show for a business and you’re junketing, you are the biggest fool of the generation. You can’t be driving 5 cars in a rented house. You are a stupid Christian. Are you hearing what I’m talking about? What is it you are doing? Prosperity does not go to wasters and with all humility, I have come to notice, those who don’t work are the biggest wasters.

Check anybody in your family who is not working, they will ask you for something, you will put your hands on your head. “Brother, I no get phone!” You say: “Which phone you wan buy?” He says: “iPhone.” “Who you wan call?” “My friends.” “Wetin dem dey do?” All of us, nothing! Pleasures without limits will result in penury without boundary. Church Gist. Yes! It’s good to enjoy life but calm down, are you working for that money? You can’t be a worker like me and not calculate your income. Check anybody who is not working, they are wasters and spenders. They have no respect for money because they are not working. Check anybody around you who is idle, they spend money anyhow and God hates waste. He hates it!

One day somebody came to me, life story! One of my… we were mates when we were younger. He crossed his legs in my office, I was looking at him and if you see his phone, as at that time I was using one tired Samsung. He dropped the phone on my table so I was looking at his phone. If you see my own phone. He said: “Pastor, you know? I just need some money now.” I looked at him I said: “Sir, if I tell you truth you go vex?” He said: “Of course, no!” I said: “See the phone you are using, see my phone. Church Gist. You’re asking me to give you millions with this phone wey you get? I won’t give you! Not that I don’t have the money but the phone alone you are using is enough to get the millions! You are using this phone which me who have the money I’m not using.” He said: “How na? Find me some money!” I said: “I no go find you! Go and sell that phone! Nobody will see this phone and then give you money!” He said: “Eh?” He’s a member of this Church now oo, he said Papa, when you dey talk that one I no dey gree but now I don see why I go gree.

Some things that I’m telling you now that may look very hard when you have understanding you accept it. Ecclesiastes 6:7. People who like enjoyment, enjoyment no dey end oo. “I like to dey enjoy life,” you dey work for am? Is there anybody who does not like enjoyment? We all like enjoyment but there’s a phase for it. Don’t enjoy when you have not invested. Proverbs 23:2 and 21. Church Gist. “O boy me I like… I just wanna go to Paris, from Paris I go to Maryland, from Maryland I move to Amsterdam, from Amsterdam I move to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt I move to Washington DC, from (Washington) DC I want to stumble into Hong Kong and then I just come back, then I would stop over you know? You know what I’m talking about. I move with first class and first class to business class, oh my God! It’s good!” But do you know how much it costs? The whole of that money is enough to start a business. If you have it, no problem. There is a phase!

There are things we are doing today if we try them some 20 years back, you won’t meet this Church where this Church is. There is a phase for everything. There’s a phase for economy, there’s a phase for business class and a phase for first class. Church Gist. Don’t enter first class when you are still at the stage of economy. It’s better you enter economy today and first class tomorrow. Don’t buy a car when you have not established a business because the business will generate money for car, the car can’t generate money for business. Many of us we want to pose, in the process we decompose.

-You will not decompose.

Please, stop living above your income. 1 Timothy 6:6. Eat your size, wear your size, live your size. I have never borrowed, you know why? I live my size. If you don’t live your size, you start borrowing. First sign of people who are living above their size is borrowing. Once you start borrowing, you are living above your size, learn to invest. Borrowing is an indication (that) you are living what? Above your size. I have never borrowed because I don’t live above my size. Manage the small to get big. Say I hear! This Church is rich but I still know how to live my size. Church Gist. There are people if they are in my shoes. Hey! With all humility, whether people hate my wife oo or not oo. If some people are in my wife’s position they will fly. Woman? They will fly. They go say: “Pull my shoe from my leg.” They will sit in one place and say: “Remove my shoes, make sure nothing touches my legs! Can you bring me water from there to drink?” She won’t move from where she sat down. “Bring me water. Hope you know I’m the wife of David Ibiyeomie? Hope you know? In case you don’t know, can you clean my lips? I like it not like this.” Calm down!! Life is not like that! Invest first before you spend.

Okay! What stops us from having jet? This Church can buy jet without raising offering but you know the thing? Cathedral is not finished, it will not be wisdom. I can say: “Today, we will buy jet in this Church now,” because it’s a luxury. It’s not a luxury! We will not raise offering, we will buy jet. But is that wisdom? Cathedral should be finished first, true? Even you hearing me that I have bought jet when you know Cathedral is still on, will you be happy? So, something you are doing, you are showing people that you are not wise. You, you won’t complain oo because I mean, I travel round. That’s not wisdom. Is that wisdom? No! We should finish that Place, true? So you too can be proud that we are through with that Project. Church Gist. But if that Project is not done, now you are saying: “You know? I just have to buy a jet somebody shout yeah!” You will come back and say: “Pastor! Na yeye life be that oo.” That’s not wisdom! It’s important but it’s not the time. There are people who don’t have one-tenth of the wealth of this Church, they display! When I see some of them I say: “Oh! My friend, calm down!! If you see wetin I see that means you go fly like this. You go dey waka like this (Illustrating). My leg no go touch ground!! Make una carry me I dey fly now! I dey fly!! (Laughing). But I noticed that the more humble you are the more God lifts you, stop wasting! Invest that money! Shout hallelujah! All I have said in line is that, keep giving!! And it will keep going up! Shout hallelujah! Because accumulation without distribution will end in frustration. What did I say? 3 things! Start with the seed that is available, continually give and avoid waste.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you the right soil to sow in order to produce a bountiful harvest. Soil can be Church, can be individuals. Are you getting what I’m saying? Psalm 119:18. Lord! Show me the right soil to sow. Mark 4:3-8. And teach your children to sow. I’m standing before God, I will go with David to shop. I will say: “Pick something.” He will say: “Daddy! No!” I will be looking at him. Church Gist. Haa! He will say: “No! I don’t want anything!” I will say: “Why?” He says: “I want to give to you. You’ve told me, I want to work to give to you! Every time I tell him, he will say: “I want to work, let me give to you! I’m planning how I will buy you a jet, not you giving to me. I said I want to work hard to give to you.” So I just changed his mentality, he says because I hear you when you teach. No! I don’t want to be collecting, I want to work hard to give to you. I smiled! And it’s the mentality that I have.

I’ve never expected that (Bishop) Oyedepo should give to me. I’ve always thought of what I would do for (Bishop) Oyedepo. Are you hearing me? Are you getting what I’m talking about? There’s no special thing. If you see him, you see him with his normal, in fact, the shoes he wears whether two hundred, maximum is 100 dollars shoe. Somebody like me, his child! His shoes are, some of them – 40 dollar shoes. He does not have any shoe that is up to 500 dollars, his shoe; highest shoe he has is 40 dollars because of his mind of it. 23 dollars, 30 dollars. He doesn’t care, he just goes his way like that, he just goes. Church Gist. He says: “Daddy, no worry, na wetin na? All these ones no be wetin I go buy.” I will be laughing but there are people if they have the privilege they will say: “Daddy you know? You have to get me something of 50,000 dollars. You know you get money well well.” Even your children, teach them not to waste. After eating food, they should not take their leg and do like this: “Queen!! Come carry this food!” Queen is the house girl. “Mummy, she refused to carry my food, I don’t like it like this, Queen!” You too stupidly will now call the housemaid: “Queen, you gave her nonsense food?” So the Queen, no be pikin? Na only your pikin be pikin, thank you!” You don’t know? It was a house boy called Joseph that became the Prime Minister. The person you’re treating anyhow today may be your next president.


Now listen! You will be careful where you sow. A relation of mine showed a seed and began to have psychiatric problems. And I prayed for this my relation and God said to me: “That money that she gave for that chieftaincy that’s the problem, that kingship money.” He said: “That money went to a demonic source.” A staunch believer but she gave money for chieftaincy struggle – tussle in the village. And then all of a sudden she began to have psychiatric attack. He said: “That money she put into that source is demonic.” She didn’t do it physically but her money went there. Are you getting me?

-Some of you, I decree today in case you gave a wrong money. May mercy prevail over judgment. In case you gave money even unknowingly to the wrong person, I decree mercy prevails over judgment. Church Gist. I hear God! In case even you gave to a witch a wizard that wants to use it against you, I command it (to be) destroyed in the name of Jesus! In case you gave money to the wrong person who used it for evil. Thunder strikes that environment! In the name of Jesus!

Most times our problem is not that we are not giving but we gave to the wrong sources.


Thank You, Father! In Jesus’ mighty name!

-Your eyes will be opened from today. Wisdom will answer to you to take the little in your hand to make it big! Church Gist. Receive it now! You will never waste what God has given to you, in Jesus’ mighty name!

Do you know some of you, just your phone call you are making is enough capital to start a business. Are you hearing me? Church Gist. There are people who make phone calls in hundreds of thousands, phone calls and it’s not for business; to converse. That is enough to start what? A business.

-None of us will waste anymore.

If you look, the thing you’re looking (for) is capital. All the capital, somehow, if you bring waste here, waste here combine them you have gotten the capital. Church Gist. Is that true? We are always looking for something we have not gotten. Look at something you have gotten (that) you have wasted.









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