UNVEILING THE HIDDEN MINISTRIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – Bishop David Oyedepo at Midweek Communion Service || LFC Canaanland || 8th May 2024 ||

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–  Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING THE HIDDEN MINISTRIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT at Midweek Communion Service || LFC Canaanland || 8th May 2024 ||

 The prophetic focus for the month is MY HELPER HAS COME. John 14:16-18. So He came on the day of Pentecost not just to be with us but to be in us. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Nothing in the environment fills you, it is what goes inside. Ephesians 5:18. So you don’t forget Him at home, He is in you. Your helper follows you around. Your Helper is on your inside. Wherever you appear, your Helper appears. That is what happened on the day of Pentecost, we have seen Him around. Jesus had the Spirit of God without measure, it shows in His life but He is come now in us. You are travelling, He is in you. In the air, He is in you, on the water, he is in you. Church Gist. On the road, He is in you. You are going for an interview, He is in you. You are bidding for a contract, He is in you. You are on the farm, He is in you. Your Helper is ever present, they call Him the ever-present helper. So at a corner, “Holy Spirit, manifest yourself.” “Holy Spirit, show forth your help.” Moses was holding a rod in his hand and he didn’t know the worth of the rod. God asked, ‘What is that in your hand?’ a rod and what about? God said ‘You don’t know anything, put it down now.’ It turned into a serpent. Moses was going to flee. He said No! If you flee, you die. Take it by the tail so it can’t bite you straight. He held it by the tail and it was turned back to a rod. Many of us don’t know what we carry. The Helper of helpers is in you. His name is the Holy Spirit. You are not here to struggle for survival. He is in you to bear you up upon His wings. He is in you.

For our Midweek Services, we are looking at UNVEILING THE HIDDEN MINISTRIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Pentecostals just settled down on the nine gift of the Holy Spirit. We kept emphasizing that forever. Sometimes we add the ministry gifts – apostles, prophets etc. There are diverse hidden gifts of the Holy Spirit. From where we draw help to make the most of our adventure in the Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 2:7. The Holy Ghost is for our profitable living. Church Gist. He said therefore covet earnestly the best gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31). Look at the areas where you need help, see how the Holy Ghost supplies help in such areas and covet His empowerment in such areas.

By way of introduction to Part 1 of it, believers are mostly in need because we do not know what we actually need. Jesus told that woman, “You don’t know what you are asking for.” Many are struggling but they don’t know what to ask because they don’t know what they need. I believe spiritual empowerment is the greatest need of every believer because we live in a world of conflicts and contentions with principalities and powers. Ephesians 6:12.  We wrestle. We are in that conflict perpetually. Church Gist. It takes power to win this war. Experience can’t win this war. Skill can’t win this war. Long time in Church can’t win this war. It takes empowerment to win this war. Luke 4:34. Jesus carried the anointing that destroys devils. 1 John 3:8. The things that threaten you, you carry what it takes on your inside to destroy them. Devils will only submit to the greatness of God’s power. Psalm 66:3. The wicked will only surrender to power. When armed robbers invade a place and they see the crack-down force come. You find them jumping over the wall. They surrender. All this ‘get out of my place’ they won’t here. When they see the crack-down people who are empowered to kill, they drop their guns and run. Satan won’t bow to pleading or begging. The only authority that the wicked understand is power. That is why every believer needs to be empowered.

In Luke 9:2, Jesus called his twelve and gave them power over all devils and to cure diseases. Do what you please with them. Church Gist. That is the meaning. Do what you please with them wherever you find them. Matthew 8:29.

You get anointed to a point where (the) devil sees you and takes cover. You are not saying go out, they went out on their own. You step in and they go out. ‘Lord, change my level of empowerment this time.’ devils don’t bow to grammar, they don’t bow to titles; devils only bow to power. Church Gist. And we are power candidates, all we need is, take responsibility. We are power candidates. All children of God are power candidates. John 1:12. You receive Him, you are a candidate for empowerment to any level. 

Now, these folks stayed with Jesus for 3 and a half years. They lived with Him. Mark 3:14. But after He was done, He told them “don’t go anywhere, I can’t guarantee your thoroughfare.” Luke 24:49. Church Gist. Without empowerment, you can’t have your way through. You will be struggling with your positions. We need empowerment to subdue the oppositions. Thank you Jesus!

After 3 and a half years, He couldn’t guarantee them. So, there is no way teachings can be a substitute for power. No! Church Gist. The only language the wicked will bow to under Heaven is the language of power. On the day of Pentecost, they were empowered; cloven tongues of fire appeared on each one of them. Don’t hide in the crowd. Get individually empowered. Matthew 25:9. 

Everybody needs fuel in his vehicle to remain on the highway of life. Your vehicle will be parked without fuel. Many are parked – they are parked by the wayside. No! Church Gist. Everybody needs fuel in his car to keep his vehicle on the highway of life. You have been around the byways enough, it’s time to hit back the highway by fueling up. The engine is intact, your spirit man is born again. Yes! But you can’t hit the road. You and I need fuel to get on the highway of life. That’s why I said, many don’t know what they need. They are just praying for anything that comes to their mind. ‘Lord, empower me to next levels this time. I’m long overdue for forward movement – empower me to next levels.’ Acts 10:38. Empower me Jesus!

Every believer needs spiritual empowerment to prevail in a world where everyone is travailing – everybody is struggling. We need empowerment to make a difference. But we are not empowered for show, we are empowered to serve. Church Gist. Simon thought empowerment was for show, he gave them money that they may give him some of those powers so that when he lay hands on people, he can also have a show. Empowerment is for service, empowerment is not for show. Sir, if you seek empowerment this time to serve God better, you will be empowered to live a triumphant life. 

Jesus was empowered to – “the Spirit of God is upon me. He has anointed me to…” We are empowered to serve, not empowered for show. Church Gist. Empowered to serve! Wherever you see empowerment in increasing dimension, the individual is committed to serving God’s interest. So He empowers him to do that and then to live a triumphant life. 2 Timothy 2:6. So he’s anointed to serve and a beneficiary of that anointing. 

I told you one day, I was watching Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Olubadan video and I saw afflictions. I saw men (grown up people) being carried on the back. The people carrying them were almost sick – to drop them in the morning for a 6 pm Meeting in the evening. Compassion welled up in me. I was crying and I said, “Jesus, I want to be part of helping these afflicted become free. Jesus, make me a part of their solution.” So I turned off the light just for concentration. ‘Jesus, I want to be a part of the solution.’ Then He walked in. Church Gist. Sir, if you are out to serve Him, He will walk into you. He walked in, touched me on my back. Something like warm water came down my spine; Sunday morning – eruption. You can’t be out to serve Him and seek His empowerment to do so and not be empowered. “Empower me to serve you better, serve you more faithfully, serve you more fruitfully.” He says, “you mean it? Okay, be empowered.” You move forward.

The reason why we cry forever for empowerment that is not coming is that it is being demanded for show. Just give me a testimony – that’s what I want. ‘Okay, be wanting it.’ Acts 1:8…I’m empowering you to serve my interest primarily. It’s missing today. Church Gist. That one is missing today. You watch everywhere, it’s missing. Just power for show. (Blows air) – fall down. If you don’t fall, we will push you. What’s all those ones? And then you fall down, you rise up; there is no difference. 

Empowerment that advances your walk with God and keeps you flying in a grounded world. That’s what we need. If you are not out to serve Him, you are not a candidate for His empowerment. Simon thought, “give me this power, it will be another show for me.” He was coming from the other end of Jordan before. He was a magician in town. Church Gist. Now, he is born again, business seems to have closed but with this Holy Ghost thing, I will make money. He said, ‘you have no part nor lot in this matter because your heart is not right.’ So we need a right heart to be empowered. Acts 8. We need a right heart, a heart that is panting after God to be empowered. 

You know a man after my own heart, that’s the name of David…Psalm 89:20. My God! So with a heart for God, you get anointed without struggle. You get empowered without struggle. Church Gist. With a heart for God and the interest of His Kingdom, you get empowered without struggle. 

– Somebody’s story is changing!

We are empowered to go about our heavenly Father’s business and not to be benchwarmers because Christ wants all men to be saved. So, you have a part to play, you have a part on the prayer altar to play, a part on inviting people to Christ in Church, a part to seeing them being brought to Church, a part of going out on the streets and witnessing, a part of sharing Christ through our various social media platforms with all your friends without being ashamed. Church Gist. He wants all men to be saved and He doesn’t want anyone to perish. So partner with Him. Receive grace and empowerment to be an active partner of Jesus in fulfilling His agenda for mankind. That’s it.

Some of the Hidden Ministries of the Holy Spirit include; (that we look at tonight before we close).

1. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of power or call Him the Anointing that subdues all principalities and powers. Church Gist. That is, He empowers the believer for dominion over principalities, powers, rulers of this wicked World and wicked spirits in high places. Luke 10:19. 

2. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of meekness that engenders unending growth and expansion. Meekness – it’s a very rare commodity (meekness of spirit – not looking meek). Meekness of spirit! You are disposed to corrections, reproofs, instructions at any time. Church Gist. You are not out to contend with God on any truth. He says it, you take it and you take it with goodwill not under pressure. Matthew 5:5, 1 Peter 3:4. It opens you up to the best of Heaven. 

Psalm 25:9. So the more meek we are, the more exposed we are to the truth of life that guarantees triumphant living and secures growth and expansion. Numbers 12:3. Straight equation. Very meek = very great. Exodus 11:3. No one’s growth and expansion will ever be above his level of meekness. Meekness is what defines anyone’s level of expansion on the earth. Jesus said I am meek and lowly of heart. He has not stopped expanding till now. Paul said I am the least of all saints. I am not even worthy to be called an apostle. He is still an apostle today. Church Gist. Unlimited expansion. Disposition to instructions. Not taking God’s Word with levity. Anything contrary to that is pride and you know the cost. Proverbs 16:18. Spirit of God, help me to stay meek. Endue me with a quiet and meek spirit which in your sight is of a great price. Keep me humble and under your mighty hand so in due time you may exalt me. Keep me away from exercising myself on matters too high for me. Help me to enjoy my level per time without being apprehensive. 

Because of the devastating effect of pride, God has given us a solution through a quiet and meek spirit. It comes on a man and he can’t see what people are saying about him, he sees God behind it. Church Gist. When they clap for him, he just forwards it straight to the source. ‘That’s not me, they are making a mistake.’

3. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Obedience That Opens The Life Gate To A World Of Supernatural Blessings

 In the Kingdom every blessing trails the believer’s obedience. Blessings don’t jump on people as rainfall. It is believer’s obedience that secures their access to blessing. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. I call it lifegate to a world of supernatural blessings. He just outlined them all the way to verse 13 of Deuteronomy 28. Supernatural blessings coming from all sides through our obedience of faith. If we refused to move to Lagos from Kaduna, we will be held hostage there for life. There won’t be any Africa Gospel Invasion Project (AGIP), there won’t be any Mission to The World, there won’t be any Covenant University (CU) or Landmark University (LMU) No! Church Gist. It is one obedience that leads to the next blessing, the next obedience leads to the next level of blessings. The day you are tired of obeying God, you are tired of His blessings in your life. Would you take this season seriously please? It is ordained for your next level blessings if you care for it. 1 Samuel 15:22. There is no future for the disobedient in the Kingdom.

He gave them one pound each and seven of them disappeared. One of them came and said “I know you are an austere man, you always reap where you did not sow. I have kept your money. Come and take it.” He said bind him and cast him into utter darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Disobedience can be costly. Don’t toy with it. Church Gist.  Ezekiel 36:27 is what that Spirit does. ‘I want to empower you for obedience’. Let’s cry out for the Spirit of delightsome obedience. That whatever God says suits you at any time and you go all out for it. You never beg Him or pray for blessings. Psalm 112:1-3.  Our obedience will impact our children.

I shared the story with you of one free thinker and Jonathan Edwards. They watched their story, their background for 300 or 150 years and discovered that the free thinker had all kinds of junk on his lineage – prostitutes, drug addicts (all kinds of nuisance), vagabonds and Jonathan Edwards – dignified people, noble people all along. Jonathan was a powerful minister. Church Gist. When he preaches on air, you would hold your seat as if the Earth is about to open – unusual fervour. So your lineage hangs on your walk with God. The quality of our walk with God will tell on our coming generation. Delightsome obedience is the greatest investment you can make into your coming generation. Delightsome obedience – no stress, no strain. Delightsome! 

We had a gorgeous Mission House in Kaduna. ‘Get out of this Town.’ We came down here at His commandment struggling to rent and thank God we got where to rent. Is it comparable? Never! Are you bothered? Never! I knew He sent me to come. Church Gist. Please, most of the things that count with us as men, don’t count with God. They don’t count with God. You know, he’s been a believer since the year 1942. That’s okay, where is he standing now? 

– Somebody’s story is changing!

– You will leave a very rich heritage for your lineage!

– They will be connected to God forever! Psalm 112:3.

Once again, we are not empowered for show, we are empowered for service just as Moses was anointed to bring Israel out of Egypt not anointed to be Moses that ran away and came back “now, I am empowered. Church Gist. You can’t touch me.” No! He was anointed to get on a mission for God.

– You are going places!

There is no software for increasing empowerment. No! There’s no software for it. Access to spiritual empowerment requires prayers and oftentimes, along with fasting. No software. We live in a software age. No software. No spiritual app for increasing empowerment. It will always demand a thirst for the soul, a longing of the flesh to experience advancement in empowerment. Church Gist. Jesus returned from that fasting episode in the power of the Spirit and His fame went across all the regions roundabout. We saw Him went to Mount of Transfiguration and prayed and as He prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered. His robes were white and glistering and there appeared to Him, Elijah and Moses and they spoke to Him about His mission and the people saw subsequently, the mighty power of God. Luke 22:43. The prayer was (in) Luke 22:28-35 where God said ‘He is my beloveth Son, hear ye Him.’ The manifestation was (in) Luke 22:43. He prayed into it. There is no shortcut Sir. 

The apostles saw power in Acts 2 like God said they will. They were filled with the Holy Ghost. In Acts 4, they prayed and with great power…so power has translated to great power from the altar of prayer. Church Gist. The apostles gathered together in Solomon’s Porch in one accord which implies, they were praying and then, there was an eruption of signs and wonders. And not only that, Peter’s shadow was healing every sick that came under that shadow. 

Increasing empowerment demands a crave, a thirst, a longing, some of the times, along with fasting but without prayer, forget about empowerment. Luke 11:13. We are going to see the kind of growth that we have never seen as every winner reaches out for next level of empowerment. Church Gist. You speak to someone, he can’t go to bed. He wants to respond. He sends you a text in the night, “excuse me, what you told me this afternoon seems to be touching me. Please, please help me.” He calls you, please lead me to Christ. I want to be saved by virtue of the unction on your life. And we prayed this prayer and signs and wonders erupt in Church and people keep flocking in because of the undeniable proofs before their very eyes. We all have a job in our hands. 

– Lift up your right hand and give God thanks for showing you and I the way to go. 


I want you to spend quite some time this time in seeking for increasing empowerment with a clean motive to serve God better, with a clean motive to promote the Kingdom better than you ever did, with a clean motive to take fuller advantage of this season than any other season in your spiritual life and watch out for what will come out of it. Church Gist. “The husbandman that laboureth for empowerment will be the first partaker of the fruit of that empowerment.” So, watch out!

– No one’s labour shall be in vain in the name of Jesus! 








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