- Bishop David Oyedepo’s message on WHAT WE DON’T SEE COMING, NEVER COMES (A) at Third Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 8th December 2024 || Second Sunday Service ||
Psalm 65:4. Anytime God calls, He calls to bless. There’s a blessing package awaiting you at Shiloh and there’s one awaiting you this morning. Psalm 65:4. Church Gist. So He has satisfactory answers, solutions for our issues. When He calls, He calls to bless. He blesses you by setting you free and showing you the way forward. “Lord, at Shiloh 2024, show me the way forward. Spiritually show me the way forward. Over my family life, show me the way forward. In my business and career, show me the way forward”. The capital benefit of wisdom is direction. Church Gist. Wisdom is profitable to direct. “Show me the right step to take, the right turn to make”. In Jesus’ precious name we have prayed.

Now, someone stood up here this morning, one of the elders and got free in the last Pre-Shiloh service. Church Gist. Jesus is in the business, He has arrived here already, there’s something for you this morning. “Lord, let my package for today be fully delivered”. Go ahead and pray.
Jesus, we know and we know that we know that you’re in our midst. Zephaniah 3:17. Lord, do just that this morning. Let everyone here today have a touch from you. Church Gist. Let it be a turnaround touch. Give each one today a Pre-Shiloh package and let your name be glorified in Jesus’ precious name.
- give the Lord a big hand of praise and be seated please.
What we don’t see coming never comes. Living without expectation holds no future. What we don’t expect, we are not qualified to experience. Expectation is what sets the pace for God’s interventions and manifestations in our lives. Church Gist. The question that Heaven is always asking is, “what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11-12. You know His Word lives and abides forever. He’s ever asking that question. What you meet tomorrow is a question of what you see today. The Word of the Lord came to me, not that I thought, saying, “David, what do you see? Jacob, what do you see? Elizabeth, what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11-12. Church Gist. So, when your expectation is well defined, you have committed God to perform it. It’s so important.
You’ve heard severally here that faith is the substance of things hoped for or things expected which is what graduates into evidence. Church Gist. The result is an evidence. Expectation is what engenders evidence. Expectation sets the pace for proofs in our lives. Hebrews 11:1-3. Expectation is what sets the pace for all divine manifestations. Church Gist. That is not done in groups, expectation is an individual issue. You don’t prepare for exam in groups. You may have group study or study groups and you find a First Class there, a Third Class there, a go-away there, in the same group. So, preparation is personal. Church Gist. The preparation that leads to advancement and change of story is absolutely personal. Don’t get lost in the crowd. Church Gist. “We’re getting ready for Shiloh”, are you ready? What is your mission at Shiloh? Define your expectations.
Somebody once said, “are we not preaching the same thing?” No. We may be preaching the same thing, are we doing the same thing? Somebody is up 5 hours in the night, another one slept 8 hours in the night. Church Gist. You can’t do the same thing and get nothing. It depends on where you start. Your personal preparation is what will deliver your personal expectation. If you don’t prepare, you won’t get nothing. There’s no point playing religion around. Somebody said, “I’m going to Shiloh, I’m returning with my set of twins”, defined. Church Gist. Two boys, one boy, one girl, defined. It’s not play. When you insult him, he didn’t hear you. If you’re going to write exam, you don’t listen to insults. You don’t. You’re going to catch a flight and somebody said, “you’re a stupid man” you say, “me, I’m stupid? I’ll deal with you today”. The flight will go and they won’t give you your money back. No.

Many don’t know where they’re going oh. Every little thing distracts their attention. In the precious name of Jesus, this shall be your own Shiloh because it will deliver all your expectations line by line as you stay focused on God for your desired change of story.
- It shall come to pass.
No one ever arrives at a future that He cannot see. Most of you have heard me say I am not surprised that we are where we are. I thank God for making it happen but I would have been surprised if we are not there because I saw it coming. Church Gist. What we don’t see coming never comes. I saw it coming and I prepared myself for its coming. I engaged myself to see it come, God is too faithful. If I can keep my part, I mean He will always keep His part forever.
What you don’t see coming hardly comes, so don’t come to hear nice teachings. Come to have an encounter. The Lord appeared to Samuel at Shiloh (1 Samuel 3:21). Appear to me too. Appear to me. This is the 26th Shiloh, appear to me. You know humourously in Chapter 26 of Genesis, the Lord appeared to Isaac. Now let’s see Chapter 26 of Shiloh. Church Gist. “Thou shall not go down to Egypt.” Genesis 26:2,12. Isaac sowed in that land and in one year everything turned. Let this be your prophetic Genesis 26 where you will hear clearly from God what steps to take, which turns to make. Somebody’s story is changing.
2 Chronicles 27:6. No outcome will ever be greater than preparations made. Every outcome in the adventure of life is a function of the quality of preparations that goes into it. Church Gist. So prepare yourself to meet your God because He is coming down for you. He is coming down for your change of story. He is coming down to open a new chapter to your life in the name of Jesus.
Every worshipper should therefore come to Shiloh with a heartcry, “Lord, show me the way out of these challenges”. In case you have challenges that are sitting on your life. Show me the way forward spiritually, the way forward for my family, the way forward for my business and career. The capital benefit of wisdom is direction. Church Gist. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Ecclesiastes 10:10. Jesus was going to feed 5,000 men minus women and children. An average of 10,000 people minimum. Do you know the answer? Himself knew what He will do (John 6:6-7). Wisdom always shows what to do to deal with impossible situations. There is nothing like knowing what to do to get out of unwanted situations. There is nothing like knowing what to do to go forward in life.
Following divine directions brought us here. His ways are higher than our ways, so let’s connect with His ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, so let’s connect with His thoughts. I remember I once said I will never live in Lagos no matter what. Because of the rush rush kind of life, no! You want to come down from a bus, you have to run. To join the bus, you have to run. To disembark you run and when you fall down, they laugh. Then suddenly, “Arise, get down to Lagos and raise me a people.” Church Gist. Direction! Destiny was waiting where I said I would never go. You know there are many things we say out of ignorance and because you said it, “No! I am a man of my word.” You are a man of failure, man of frustration. I said this can’t be a church. Never! I know some geography and I know some principles of Church Growth. This can’t be. Church can’t be here. Are we farming? We came here and said Father thank you, He said this is the place. Can I tell you something? The capital benefit of wisdom is direction.
When God leads the way to a battle you have won. When you lead the way, you turn your back. When God leads the way to any battle, you have won the battle because the gates can’t stand before Him. Psalm 24:7. When you go on your own, you know what you meet. Direction! Lord, just show me the way forward. You can’t show me the way forward and the devil stops my way. The devil can’t stand on my way. When you show me the way forward and I follow that way, no devil can stop me. Church Gist. Tension in your home, Lord show me the way out of this tension. He will show you where you are missing it. When you are not ready, you won’t hear. He will show you where you are missing it. That way you look tense is not the way. You are the tension and temperature of that house. Then you come down and you are on your way going forward. I like you to be desperate about direction. You have gone round that mountain long enough. What is the next step forward? Not every step leads forward. Some steps are backwards.
- You won’t take backward steps.
I like you to be extremely personal in your engagement at Shiloh. Be extremely personal. Last year, I was told that we had 219 viewing centres in Lagos but this year we have 225. Providing opportunity for every well meaning, serious Winner not social Winner. Not people who come to Church to show I am a Winner and he is not winning anywhere. He is in all kinds of funny things. Church Gist. For any serious minded Winner that is not in Shiloh this year God have mercy on you. It is only God that can have mercy on you, you know I won’t know you but God knows you. May that mercy help you to get there and tap into what He has in stock for you. But as for you, you can’t be connected and not end up celebrated.
There’s a kind of grace in this place Sir that every truly connected individual radiates the same order of glory. Church Gist. That’s in all of my sons of the Prophet – breaking forth! One of them called me yesterday, he said, “the grace is working here! Everybody knows that that grace of My Father is working here.” Get connected, Jesus is here changing stories, get connected!
- There won’t be anything called frustration around your life again!
- You never suffer stagnation anymore in your life!
The package is sumptuous, it’s heavy, it’s tasty, come ready. Every session shall be with diverse encounters.
Don’t be lost in group preparations, don’t be lost in fellowship preparation. Be personal. You don’t write corporate examination, you write exam one by one. Abraham expected Isaac, circumstances notwithstanding, Isaac came. God will always turn our expectations to manifestations. Romans 4:20-21. Come with full assurance of faith that your itemized expectations will be delivered one by one to the full and beyond. Church Gist. That man said, he began to tick all that he presented before the Lord at Shiloh and discovered that all have been answered. There are people here today, whatever you define, don’t come casually to Shiloh, come with a mission. Come with specified expectations. Itemize them and back them up with Scriptures. You don’t know which Scriptures to engage, ask your neighbour. He will show you.

For instance, you’re serving God faithfully. He’s a covenant keeping God. Among the blessings is that you will never beg bread and water. So serving God forbids that you beg for bread and beg for water. Exodus 23:25. To bless means to enrich so His blessings maketh rich and adds no sorrow. You won’t drink dirty water from the gutter – no! So it’s your package – “Lord, I’m serving you, I can’t be serving sickness at the same time and I thank you for it.” Exodus 23:26. Church Gist. God’s agenda in your life will not be aborted. You will not suffer physical abortion. It’s not enough to have money in the bank, you must know how to draw it. Many have money they don’t know how to withdraw it. ATM must have my money perhaps but I don’t know how to get there. I will pass by the place, my money is there but I can’t withdraw it because I don’t know how to withdraw it. They have POS all over town, I don’t know whether they have money there o. I don’t know what they do, I saw everybody carrying one thing around like that. No, it’s not enough to have money in your bank, you must know how to withdraw it. Many people’s bank account is heavy with Jesus but they don’t know how to withdraw. They don’t know the code number. If you lock me up in ATM room I can’t press it. I don’t know how, I’ve not learnt it and I’m not planning to learn it. Church Gist. So, if you’re planning to draw on your heavy account with God, learn how to draw. You can’t be suffering devastation when you have abundance somewhere.
At Shiloh God will open new chapters to every area of your life. How many know that God will never need a donation. What are you going to donate for to him? What have you that you have not received from him? He can’t be waiting on you and me for donation. Any investment made in time, energy and resources is for our returns. You don’t donate to a bank, you invest. Can I hear your Amen? And the agreed returns must be honoured. Church Gist. What I heard in my spirit is: many people have stocked their Heavenly bank with resources but just don’t know how to withdraw it. Hezekiah knew how to withdraw it. Isaiah 38:3-5. Isaiah 43:26.
- You will never beg bread!
- You will never serve sickness and disease!
- Your days will not be cut short!
- You will never be batten nor cast your young in the land!
Why? These are the investments into my heavenly account by serving God in truth and in deed. Nehemiah expected the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt and God showed up to make it happen. Every of your expectations at Shiloh, God will show up to make them happen. Within 52 days, that gigantic wall was finished and perfected. Nehemiah 6:15. He expected it and God showed up to make it happen. Whatever your expectations are as covered by the Word, the Word of Life, God will show up to make it happen. Church Gist. It shall be your Shiloh with proofs! All those calling you Iya Shiloh, Baba Shiloh, they will join you to celebrate. The chapter to your marital settlement shall be open! The chapter to end all crisis in your married life will be open! The chapter that will move your children forward will be open!
Every biblical picture we see concerning our future is as valid as any heavenly vision. We call that the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him. Anything He shows you in His Word is His vision for your life. “I have this package for you, if you are interested.” Let me cite two instances: While getting ready to go into full time ministry, because I saw so many pastors struggling for survival. Going about to see children go to school, going about to pay house rent. I said to Jesus: “Who pays me as I step out?” And I began to watch in the Spirit. So come to Shiloh watching in the Spirit for answers. Watching in the Spirit for what? Answers. He showed up one morning, He said: “After these things, I appointed seventy others also.” Luke 10:1. And He sent them to go two by two. Luke 10:7. Church Gist. Who pays me? He said: “You are in my employment. I’m responsible, just stay on duty.” Sir, I’ve never knocked on anybody’s door in my life for any form of aid and that’s gone forever. He just showed me that I’m in his employment. I didn’t know! He is responsible! Not a man in case the man disappears. Sir, he’s been paying me forever. But you know? You don’t get paid a perm. sec’s (permanent secretary’s) salary when you’re a starter. A02, admin officer 2, level 7 right? You’ll now begin to climb and climb. As you stay faithful, you go to 10, to 12, to 16. I don’t know whether they have extended it now. Alright! So but He was paying. There was no hassle, there was no “we are about to eat, what do we eat now?”. No! He was paying. By showing the way to go.
“Lord! Show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity! Come with a “show-me-cry”. Come to Shiloh with a “show-me-cry”. What He shows you is what keeps you on track. That’s what will get you on the flight. And He showed me: “My son, David!” He has your name! You must hear your name from Him this time! How many want to hear their name from Jesus? He said: “I know my sheep and I call them by name.” He has been calling me by name. Church Gist. “My son, David! My prosperity plan is not a promise. It does not answer to prayer; all these prayer of breaking your head. It won’t bring you prosperity. It has no respect for fasting. “My prosperity plan is a covenant, until your part is played I am not committed.” Straight! I didn’t read it from any book oo, I got it from Jesus. When He shows you the way, the way opens up. He shows you the way, the way opens up.
-God will show you the way this time.
Sir, your being at the same spot is not God’s plan. No! You’ve been around this mountain long enough. No parent is happy to find their children at the same spot. Church Gist. Why do you think that God is excited when you’re at the same spot? Is that holiness? No! The Holy God does new things every day.
-New things will start happening in your life. New, new positive things from Shiloh! My prayer is that every grace upon this Commission will start finding full-blown expression in your own life. Church Gist. You will never know a backward trend all the days of your life in the name of Jesus!
What you don’t expect never comes to pass. Proverbs 23:18. So, God works on our expectation to determine our new position. And this is what makes the Kingdom of Christ the dreamer’s world because God will deliver as far as your eyes and my eyes can see. Genesis 13:14-15. All that you see is all I’m committed to. Church Gist. What do you see coming for you at Shiloh? All that you see is all that God is committed to. All that you see in truth and in deed. All that you see is all that God is committed to, to make happen in your life and my life. Don’t come to Shiloh without well-defined expectations backed up with appropriate Scriptures. “Rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” And the clearer one says: The faster the delivery. Jeremiah 1:12.

Now listen, I never kept this Church money one day in my life since inception. So I couldn’t be tempted to go and put my hand in it. As soon as He told me: “I’m responsible, stay on duty.” I’ve stayed on duty and He’s been showing responsibility. Awesome God! Something happened, in case you read it in any of the books. One night, the Lord said to me: “Get down to the office, call the administrator. Let them bring out every brass farthing in this office.” Imagine that kind of instruction, 11pm. So I called the administrator and I said: “Over to the office!” Called the accountant: “Bring all the money you may have, quickly down here.” After they came I said: “I hope everything is off?” I said: “Put them in my boot.” So I went back home with my associates. Under three hours, robbers invaded that premises. Found zero! Found what? Zero. Direction! No games! And delivered back in the morning to them as they packaged it. Life is simple!
-God will lead you this time oo.
All these bemoaning circumstances, situations. “You see our country, you see our continent, you see our race.” Which race? He has made of one blood, all nations. There’s no difference between the Jews and the Greek, between the White and the Black. You’re the one who thinks so.
-There is a breaking forth for you!!! From Shiloh onward, you are on a flight! I said: God is getting you on a flight!
Abraham was 75 when God got him on a flight, he boarded the flight, Abraham is still alive today.
-God will change your story! Thank You Jesus.
So, I’ll like us to commit to final preparations for Shiloh on a personal note and you’re going to be glad you did.
After we receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, we now have free access to every other thing available with Christ. Church Gist. Romans 8:32. All other things are freely available. All things that make for life and Godliness are freely available.
- Shiloh will deliver your package in full!
Therefore, what do you see coming your way at Shiloh 2024? What changes are you expecting to return with, expecting the biblical wisdom for all of God’s intervention in our lives? Proverbs 24:13,14. So, that is, God’s wisdom is setting the pace for the happenings in our lives, so get committed to it. Church Gist. Define your expectations as Hannah did at Shiloh and everyone that does shall return with their own Isaac (Samuel) from this great feast in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. Again, come with a mission, specify your expectations, connect with the Scriptures that guarantee delivery and walk through them in the course of Shiloh 2024 and they shall return as testimonies in your hands!
Genesis 13:16-18. So, you’ll be walking through those expectations to turn them to manifestations. “Arise, walk through” This is your expectation, walk through it by all the faith you can muster and God will turn it to testimony in your life. After I’ve shown you the way, walk that way. Amen. Church Gist. Then you get yourself on the highways of life. Walk that way. Stay on duty. I’ve stayed on duty, no careless time. Stayed on duty and He has stayed committed in paying me what I’m worth per time and He pays sumptuously, He pays enviably, He pays liberally. God is not a robber. Can I hear your Amen? It’s not enough to see the way to go, you must go that way. Wisdom is not just knowing the way to go but going that way. Church Gist. Wisdom is knowing the way to go from the Word and going that way. Knowing the way to go is not enough. Going that way is what makes it happen. Genesis 13:17.
- It’s your turn!
This morning, we are out here for a special Anointing Service and we are being anointed from the Altar.
- The good news is it shall be a touch not anointing on your life!
Psalm 105:13-15. Mark 13:37.
-By this anointing, no evil is permitted to touch any of us before, during and after Shiloh.
Exodus 30:31.
-That means, by this anointing, between this Shiloh and next Shiloh, no evil is permitted to touch you.
-All that see the Pre-Shiloh last one of this Year will be there next year and in your new status!
We serve a Covenant keeping God. So, as this anointing comes on your head this morning, see it as a seal, as a covering, as a cocoon, God just enveloped in you as a cloud that cannot be bursted.
- It’s your turn!
Ephesians 1:13. He sets Him (The Holy Spirit) as a seal over our lives and the seal means ‘Don’t get near. Church Gist. This is my property. This is my territory. Don’t come near’.
- In the name of Jesus, as this oil comes on your head, your case is settled.
- Throughout this festive season, you’ll be going and coming in peace in the name of Jesus.
- Today, God is out to destroy every yoke of the wicked that targets any of us for evil.
Isaiah 10:27.
-So, anyone that targets any of us for evil will fall into it themselves.
-So, put your faith on the line, this shall be a seal of protection over your life, over your family and over all that pertains to you.
-You are ending this Year with songs of triumph.
-God will make you to laugh and all that hear will laugh with you.
-Before the Year is over, many people’s expectation would have been confirmed to manifestation.
-If you’re one of them, let me hear your loudest Amen!

- Well, it’s the dawning of a new day for you!
- As you depart from this service, you will discover changes in your body, changes in your mind; changes in your spirit in the name of Jesus!
Just a minute: no matter how intelligent a student (is), if he’s not prepared for an exam, he’s bound to goose. True or false? 1 Corinthians 8:2. Church Gist. Please, get prepared. The outcome will only be limited to the quality of your preparation. Please, get prepared. Don’t transfer last year’s preparation to this one. It won’t fly.
You won a gold medal today in sport. (If) You don’t win it next year, you will lose it. Somebody else takes it. Church Gist. You can’t say you are a gold medalist anymore because somebody else has taken it.
- In the name of Jesus, no one will play careless with this upcoming event!
Now, people are coming in from across the World and somebody is living in Ota here, he says, “he has no time.” Over to you! Somebody is flying down from Australia (very close to your house) to this place to pick his miracle and somebody in Sango said, “I am not chanced.” Church Gist. No one can be chanced for your life, you have to be chanced for yourself. So, you better be chanced and give God room to do what He has ordained to do in your life. You better be chanced.
You have been going to that shop since the year began. These 5 days will not destroy it. It will rather enhance it. You better be chanced. Church Gist. You have been opening your office all these time, nobody is coming in there. You better shut it down and come. Now, I’m telling you what will help you.
Somebody asked me, “what will be your lesson in 55 years of being saved?” I said, “get serious with God.” Do what? (Get serious with God.) Only a serious approach guarantees a glorious result. Get serious with God. Church Gist. You can’t be careless with God and expect a serious thing to happen in your life. Get serious with God.
- Shiloh 2024 is ordained your own Shiloh!
- And it’s ordained to open new chapters to your life in all areas of your life!
- There shall be massive spiritual transformation!
- There shall be massive mental and intellectual transformation!
- There shall be great social impact on your life!
- There are many people at Shiloh this year that kings of the Earth will be knocking on your door for help!
Never mind where you are now. Joseph was a prisoner last night and addressing the Nation the following morning. Church Gist. Has God changed? Such things are plenty with Him.
- Many will experience dramatic turnarounds that will lead to shedding tears of joy uncontrollably!
Don’t miss it for anything. Jesus is waiting to decorate your life. Church Gist. We’ve never had a better last year in this Commission.

- In the name of Jesus, your life will never go down again and so shall it be!
- Be blessed as you go!
- And make the most of this week of Divine Feast!
- May this Feast terminate every struggle in everyone’s life!
- May it swallow up death in everyone’s life in the precious name of Jesus!
- See you (at) 6pm on Tuesday at Shiloh in the name of Jesus!