-Prophet Ayuk Raymond Ayuk
On The Proof of Dedication To God
Fountain of Hope Ministries International
(City of Champions)
Douala, Cameroon
Text: Mark 12:30
What is Dedication to God?
1)It is a having a heart that follows hard after God.Psalm 63:8
2) It is living a life that is sold out for God. A life where a man’s heart is panting for God. 1 Corinthians 6:20.
3) It is having a life that is invested and wasted on God.
4) It is carrying a passion to waste your resources on God. If you see a dedicated man with money, the money has something to do with God.
I pray in the name of Jesus that your hand will follow after God.
I pray in the name of Jesus that your life will be sold out to God.
I pray in the name of Jesus that your life and resources will be for God.
What are the Proofs of Dedication to God?
1) A love for His person and His presence.
Any man who is dedicated to God will love the person of God and His presence. Some people are dedicated to church but are not dedicated to God. They are out for the hand of God.
We can see this In Psalms 63:1.
Here the Psalmist is lamenting for God.
Some of you used to go for morning mass fervently when you were not born again, when you had no understanding of what it meant. Now that you understand and know more about God, you have become unable to get up in the morning and rush to church.
Because the devil knows that what you have been doing for thirty years was religion, what you have decided to do now is revelation so he has stopped you from doing religion but also withheld you from operating in revelation.
Many of us come from backgrounds where we used to go for morning mass and morning prayers, and it was never a problem. You go for morning mass and evening mass. When Easter comes you even go for training. But now you cannot come for new believers classes. Because you don’t love the person and presence of God.
The proof of your dedication is your love for his presence and his person. Many people come to church for God’s hand and not for His person.
2.) The proof of your dedication is your love for the word of God
Psalms 119:160
There is no morning you can go without the word of God. They cannot be preaching and you are sleeping. Because your spirit needs to be fed by the word of God.
The book of 2 Timothy says study to show thyself approved. You are not studying for another man. You are studying for yourself.
John 14:15
I pray that a fresh passion for the word of God will enter somebody.
The proof of your Love for God is your value for God’s word.
You have a shoe of 40,000FCFA you don’t have a Bible of 20,000FCFA You can buy a dress for 60,000F and can’t buy a Bible for 10,000F. And you are not a true Christian until the Bible you are having you bought it by yourself not the one that somebody gave you. May God put a fresh love for his word in your heart.
3.) Your Love For The House of God.
Psalms 133:1…
Anything taking you from the house of God is not of God Psalms 84:7
When you come to Zion you appear not before the Pastor but before God. You cannot be dedicated to God and be absent from Church. Let me tell you satan will give you many reasons not to be in Church.
Give no room for satan.
Never let anything pull you away from the presence of God.. it’s the place of your strength, and covering.
Throughout this year no one will take you out of the presence of God. Don’t make church like an option. That you attend only when you are happy.
Hebrews 10:25
Whenever we gather together as believers people have different graces. And what happens in every fellowship is a connection to others strength and graces and then you go back stronger.
Satan will always make you see reason for not coming to church.
If you want to serve God well you must take him personally.
5.)Your Love for Soul winning:
John 15:16
This coming Sunday I declare somebody must follow you to Church.
6.) Your Love for People
John 13:34-35
May God help you to love people.
You can’t be dedicated to God and not love people.
6) A Love To Give To God.
There’s nobody dedicated to God that’s not a giver to God.
God asked the Israelytes to give during a period we can call lockdown, in the wilderness. No one was working. There is no excuse for not being generous towards God. He asked them to build him a house also in this hard season. They gave him gold in a time of hardship. It is easier for many to use their earrings to make an idol than to give to God.
7) A Passion to Defend The Course of The Name of The Lord.
You cannot enjoy the company of a people who rubbish or mock the name of the Lord.
God can by Himself defend His name but loves using men .
1) Keep Praying In The Spirit:
Make praying in the Spirit your lifestyle. The spiritual upholds the physical. Paul said I pray more than you all in the Spirit.
Ephesians 6:18
Jude 1:20 speaks of building up your most holy faith.
Don’t wait for problems to come beforw praying in tongues.
2) Take Periodic Fasts
Isaiah 58:6
There is a fast God appoints for men to follow. Take at least one day a week for your personal fast. Also take days apart time and again too fast. Staying away from distractions of all sorts. A week shouldn’t pass without you taking a past. You didn’t come to enjoy food, you came to impact a generation.
3) Keep the right Company
Be very careful when you get into companionship to carry people up when you are not yet spiritually balanced yourself.
Your Company will determine your impaction.
Your Company will determine your rising. No company will leave you neutral. You would receive either a negative or positive impact.