Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
3 John 1:2
God loves us so much that he provided everything we need for healthy living. He gave us bodies to serve him and foods that can help our bodies function at its best. Our bodies are a gift, they are not our own. 1 Corinthians 6:19. The way we take care of God’s gift says a lot about how much we appreciate Him. One of the ways we can take care of our bodies is to treat it well with the right foods. Healthy meals are nutritious, low in calories and can serve this purpose. Cucumber is a fruit that fall within this category. If you are not eating it regularly, you are missing a lot.
Cucumber is not a vegetable, it is a fruit. Since ancient times, cucumbers have been used in some countries, e.g India, in meals as well as in traditional medicine. This is because, in a warm country like India, cucumbers provide the necessary hydration and coolness to the body. The health benefits that cucumber provide are needed for proper functioning of the body. Cucumber is easily accessible, affordable and nutritious. They have a mild, refreshing taste, high water content as well as certain plant compounds and antioxidants that may help treat and even prevent some conditions.
Here are the reasons why you should eat cucumber:
Cucumbers are low in calories and high in important vitamins and minerals. Raw, chopped cucumber contains the following nutrients: Fibre, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin B, vitamin A, and antioxidants, including a type of antioxidant known as lignans. Antioxidants help remove substances from the body known as free radicals. Some free radicals come from natural bodily processes, and some come from outside pressures, such as pollution. If too many collect in the body, they can lead to cell damage and various types of diseases. Lignans in cucumber and other foods may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and several types of cancer.
The high water content in cucumbers helps you feel full, thus controlling overeating which can help you in your weight-loss efforts. Cucumber is free from fats and is a low-calorie fruit. Hence, it’s a great choice for anyone trying to get a grip on their body weight.
Cucumbers are 96% water. Consuming cucumbers adds to the daily requirement of water by the body, thus keeping us hydrated. This is helpful, especially during the hot weather when we tend to get dehydrated easily. Cucumber also acts as a coolant, providing us relief from the heat. Detox water made using cucumber and mint, effectively eliminates toxins from the body, improves hydration and thus results in innumerable health benefits. If you’re someone who forgets to drink water routinely, then eating 1 cucumber a day can be a wonderful trick for you.
Cucumbers keep the body hydrated which is beneficial for the skin. Moreover, they contain B vitamins like niacin and riboflavin along with vitamin C and zinc (a mineral) which are key to maintaining good skin. Cucumbers fights skin irritation and inflammation. The nutrients in cucumbers also help to fight the signs of skin aging. Applying sliced cucumber directly to the skin can help cool and soothe the skin and reduce or alleviate sunburn. Placed on the eyes, they can help decrease morning puffiness.
Cucumbers may play a role in controlling and preventing diabetes. It contains substances that may help lower blood sugar or stop blood glucose from rising too high.
Cucumbers contain vitamin K and calcium, both of which are essential for stronger bones. Vitamin K has been found to reduce the risk of bone fractures and also plays an important role in the absorption of calcium in the bones.
Cucumbers contain dietary fiber and a good amount of water which help aid in digestion. The vitamins in cucumbers also help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Having a cucumber daily can solve issues relating to bowel movements thereby helping you to develop healthy regularity.
To be “cool as a cucumber” and reap its many benefits, include it in your daily diet. Add it to your salads or just slice it up in half, sprinkle on some salt, and eat it. Stay healthy!