GOD WILL NEVER CEASE TO SPRING SURPRISES IN YOUR LIFE! Bishop David Oyedepo at 1st Service, Faith Tabernacle

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  • Every yoke of unsettlement shall be destroyed.
  • It shall be a week of good news for all.
  • May you be listed among the army of His lovers.
    *My team has brought 31,908 souls to God’s Kingdom this year. I am not asking you to do what I am not doing.
  • Insults don’t stick to me, they are part of the blessings that accompany what we do.
  • Until they mock you, God can’t make you.

Magnify this wonder working God, the God of All Settlements. Give Him thanks, give Him Glory, give Him Praise.
The same way God is springing surprises in this Church, He will never cease to spring surprises in your life.
1 Corinthians 2:9
-May you be listed among the army of His lovers.
Our love for God adds nothing to Him but adds everything to us.
-May your heart for God begins to add to you much more than ever, from henceforth as you keep growing in your love for God in the precious name of Jesus Christ!!! And so shall it be.

For the thing God is about to do, I’ll like us to sing this worship song:
🎼There is none like You
No one else can touch my life as You do
I have searched through all eternity Lord and found there is none like You.

All we have seen thus far You did. All we shall yet see, You are going to do. It’s your doing that’s why it is always marvellous in our eyes. Receive our thanks in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed be your name.
Now today, by Your Word, settle every unsettled area of anyone’s life. By your Word, let every storm in every area of anyone’s life be calmed today. Let every worshipper leave this Service today with a new song, “IT IS SETTLED AT LAST.”
You are leaving this Service Today with a New Song, “Settled At Last.”
-He will settle your spiritual life, there shall be no more ups and downs in your walk with God.
-He will settle the storm in your career.
-He will settle the storm that may be in your home.
-He will settle the storm in the lives of your children.
In the name of Jesus.
-God will settle the storm in your health.
-He will settle the storm in your destiny.
-Everything resisting your going forward will clear off today in the name of Jesus.
-God sent me as one of His restoration prophets, “and from the beginning, it was not so.” Whatsoever was not so from the beginning that is rising and rearing its ugly head in your life shall be brought down today.
-Today, my God will bring an end to every form of secret tears in your life.
-Whatever makes you knock your head behind the door will be turned to an open testimony.
In the name of Jesus and so shall it be.
-For everyone who has been a part of the Cell growth and replication agenda, nothing gets stranded in your life anymore.
-The same commitment to this Multiplication Agenda will begin to answer in your own life.
-Now an Operation is ongoing, “Who is on the Lord’s side?”; in the name of the Lord Jesus, everyone that is engaging in this Operation, you will never lack His presence anymore and it will continue to make a huge difference in your life.
So shall it be. Thank You Father in Jesus precious name.

Speak Your Word to everyone of us and by the anointing of today, let every yoke of unsettlement be totally destroyed.
It shall be a week of good news for all.
-Good news of new job opportunities.
-Good news of promotions.
-Good news of breakthroughs in your business.
-Good news of supernatural fruitfulness.
-Good news of termination of every terminal disease. In the name of Jesus Christ and so shall it be in Jesus precious name.

If you were not here last Sunday, that means you don’t have whatsoever things were distributed last Sunday. If the ushers are ready, they will pass that to you in the course of praying for new converts today. Please get the pack for everyone that may not be here. We are doing that so that each one can come on the same page with what the Lord is doing; so that no one will be left behind. You shall not be left behind.

We put in the hands of everyone last week and I hope you did read it:
Celebrating 40th Anniversary of the mandate: How to prepare yourself to maximise that prophetic season. Please go through it if you have not.
The writeup on ‘Who is on the Lord’s side?’ – To help you know what are the proofs of being on God’s side so you can tell yourself whether you are on that side or not. And then what a difference that makes in a man’s life.
Declaring Operation ‘Who is on the Lord’s Side?’ – and I hope all that got it took time to read it. It doesn’t take that much time, it just takes a commitment to plug into what God is doing.
‘Why every member should be an active member of the home cell?’ – This is vital in the end time agenda. It is the only way to keep the massive influx of souls that is coming into the Kingdom of God. We need to get acquainted and get to know what it offers us by being a part of that Church unit family.
‘Christ is knocking on the door of your house for access’ – This is saying you have the opportunity of hosting the Ark of testimony. That implies testimonies will never cease in your life…because people can only commit to their level of understanding. People will need to understand these things before their commitment can be secured.

I’ve never had anybody push my life. Nobody has ever pushed me, nobody has ever encouraged me in pursuing after God with every zeal and zest.
Why? I had a bit of understanding of what is in it for me. I understood that God is opening new things by my commitment, I am gaining everything by my commitment.
Please get involved.
It will also interest you to know that my team by this record on Wednesday, as at last Wednesday, we’ve had 31,908 souls brought to the Kingdom this year. So I am not telling you to do what I am not doing, I am only showing you how to do it. You don’t have to have 31, 000 (souls) but you can’t tell me you can’t get 4 people in 4 weeks. That will not be any sign of commitment. So go ahead, show that you are on God’s side and prove it by the results that you bear.
I can’t tell from what you say, you can’t tell from what I say, I can only tell from the fruits you bring. The proofs are in the fruits that we bear. Jesus is Lord. Glory to God.
We are also going to make available ‘Covenant Day of Protection’ flier to everyone: Awesome God, doing awesome things in our midst.
We have 12 brand new tracts. You say, “What is the matter?” That is the matter. The matter is to let everybody know Jesus is here with solutions to whatever may be the issues of your life.
‘Come to Winners for your Marital Breakthroughs’: Is it not happening here?
‘Come to Winners for An End to your Secret Tear’: Is it not happening here?
‘Come to Winners for your Healing’: let Jesus touch you and then you will be made whole.
‘Come to Winners for your Miracle Babies’
‘Come to Winners for your Desired Change of Story’
Praise God, you know I am an advertiser of Jesus. That’s my job, that’s my specialty.
Jesus has the answer to all your questions in case you are looking for one: Find it all in Christ.
‘Come to Winners for your rescue from indebtedness’: You can be free from it.
‘Come to Winners for restoration of peace in your home’: we have plenty of that.
‘Come to Winners for your desired Financial Breakthrough’: it’s available.

I said something yesterday, you need to hear it: Every Flier, every tract advertising Jesus is a Paper Missionary. It goes out to keep speaking when nobody else is there. It keeps touching hearts and stirring souls, “Wake Up.” One Muslim man had a flier in his house. While he was going to rest, he said something told him, that is the flier, “go and pick that flier. Go to that place now.” He went on a Wednesday, picked it and started running down here. It was a Midweek service; he gave his life to Christ.
Someone got a tract from one of our members in Abuja…I think he came from Makurdi, he was passing by. He called in yesterday that I couldn’t come last week but direct me to the Church. They said, “Where are you?” He said, “I am in Makurdi.” So he called the Makurdi Church Pastor, gave him his number…
They keep speaking when you are sleeping. These things (fliers, tracts) keep speaking when you are sleeping. Do that with joy, get excited about anything you claim to believe in. If you are not excited, you don’t believe it. Anything you truly believe stirs joy on your inside. We are all out.
What more, you are free to print. There is no copyright. Church Gist. Print as many as you can. You and your family, go to the market, go to every…let everybody say, “ha ha, are you Papa?”
Until they say so, you are not doing it.
Somebody is in this Church this morning or may be in the second service I don’t know when he will come: I gave him the first tract in 1969. He insulted me, but he is now being insulted too. It is amazing. He reminded me, I had forgotten he said so. All those insults don’t stick to me, they are part of the blessings that accompany what we do. Until they mock you, God can’t make you.
Reach out there and let it be.
We have one of our women in the Yoruba Church who went out sharing fliers. 50-year-old, has never had a child and then some fellows rose against her: direct raw insults, direct confrontation, “if you have a child, will you be distributing fliers? Nonsense!” She got pregnant in the midst of the mockery and brought forth a male child this last year. Isn’t God awesome. The same year of the mockery was the same year of her making.
God is about to make somebody else here.

Prayer: Ask for the breath of the Holy Ghost upon all our advertisement tools, all of our sickles of harvest. Ask God for the breath of the Holy Ghost to come upon them afresh and turn them into Paper Missionaries indeed reaching out to the saving knowledge of Christ in the precious name of Jesus Christ.





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