- Bishop David Oyedepo on THE BIBLE – A MOST RELIABLE GUIDE OF LIFE 4 at Covenant Day of Fruitfulness Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 28th July 2024 || First Sunday Service ||
Jesus watch over your Word this morning. By your Word locate each one of us. Right our wrongs, keep us from error. Church Gist. Get us on your highway of life. Grant us the meekness to receive your Word. Take all the glory in Jesus name.
One thing to keep remembering is that this book, the Bible, is ordained a guide of destiny. It is not to inform us but to direct us on the right way to go on our journey. Psalm 119:105. The Word comes to show us Kingdom principles that make living profitable. They call it doctrine. The Word comes to warn us of dangers ahead. Comes to correct us when we are straying and swaying away, comes to instruct us, not advise us. Church Gist. That is the whole essence of this book. 2 Timothy 3:16. The reproofs or the warnings thereof are profitable. The corrections are profitable, every part of it. Jesus help me to continue to see this book as my guide in life. Help me to embrace your warnings and not fall into a ditch. Help me with meekness to receive your instructions, the only way to go.
Those who toy with the guide of scriptures, they mostly end up as toys in the world. 1 Samuel 2:30. God and His Word are the same. Our relevance, our impact is a function of how much of this Word we allow to lead our way. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. That’s how enormous the life transforming power of this book is with the capacity to set an ordinary person above all nations of the earth. Allow your spirit man to open up. These are not written to hype you up. There is enough in that book to set a man above all nations of the earth. The Lord spoke to me in 1984 from that scripture, Deuteronomy 28:1. “There is a place for you on top if you are interested.” Church Gist. That’s what they call Rhema. He picks the Word and addresses it to you. “There is a place for you on top if you are interested.” I said I am interested. “Then whatever I tell you to do, do it.” That’s the key. Whether you feel like it or not, it is the only way to go.
Pride is a destroyer. If you don’t want to be destroyed, keep off from pride. Whether secret pride or open pride, keep off. That’s how powerful the guide of this manual can be. It has the capacity to set any man, no matter how ordinary he may appear, above all nations of the earth and bring you under heavy blessings that will come to you and overtake you. Church Gist. Deuteronomy 28:3-4. That’s how loaded this manual is. All we are doing is we are decoding it by the Holy Ghost. We are unraveling the password to access it. It is loaded. Subscribing to the guide of scriptures creates a great future.
“Lord, show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity.” “My son, my prosperity plan is not a promise. It doesn’t answer to prayers or prayer warriors.” Because we grew up believing everything is by prayer. You don’t have to think. “It has no respect for fasting.” We were all raised as fasting giants. Church Gist. That blew my theology. “It is a covenant. Until your part is played, I am not committed.” In my family we stop devourers by sacrifices. Because you know what it is, it turns things around. So it is time to be awake as God continues to decode these things by the Holy Spirit
I was sure of a place for me in space 40 years ago when we could be described as below sea level. I was so sure, I announced it. You know my problem, when God shows me something I announce it. You find people winking their noses. I am talking of April 1984. April 1984 we were not 40 people in the Church and I am sure one of us is here who was there at the beginning. Something entered me when He spoke to me. Church Gist. It is time to let God speak to you. Ezekiel 2:2. He speaks to you and it sticks. We started some certification program at ALDC, 43 nations were on it including Russia and China. Whatever I tell you to do, do it. It is your access to the topmost top in life.
You know I told the Lord, if it is not your university tell me and I will tear the certificate right now. He said “It is I.” I won’t do nonsense because somebody else is doing it. We have never copied anybody else in this world. Whatever I tell you only, do it. You won’t sweat. Church Gist. Don’t do what I told them, do what I tell you. May you be guided forever by the scriptures. May you allow the principles of scriptures dictate your steps in life. May you take the warnings of scriptures seriously.
As we all know there are two sides to the coin in every part of the world. Two football teams are here, head or tail? Head. Tail. They throw the coin. If it is head, you are to start. If it is tail you are to come back in. One is either right or wrong, that is why you need divine guidance. Life is a marketplace so he gave them talents to go and trade. They trade in the marketplace. After some time he returned one said I have made ten more, the other one five, one was indolent he buried it. Church Gist. Seven absconded forever. Only 20 per cent made anything out of it. That is only 20 per cent made the head, others tail if they existed. A pound is a coin. You either choose what makes the head or you have chosen the tail unawares. You are redeemed for the top, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. You are not redeemed for the bottom, may you embrace what secures your place on top.
Interestingly, the same applies in the Kingdom according to scriptures. We only have one choice between life and death, blessings and curses. Deuteronomy 30:19. You cannot be on the right side of the road and the wrong side at the same time. You are either on the wrong side or on the right side. On the wrong side, you are subject to assaults. “Stop! Park!” “I am going to the hospital.” “Hospital for what? Die here. What are you doing on the wrong road?” Church Gist. Deuteronomy 5:32-33. You are either right or wrong. Lord help me to secure the right way to go at all times in my life. When one does not choose life, he has chosen death consciously or not as with the case of salvation. 1 John 5:11-12. One either seeks to secure eternal life or reject it to procure eternal damnation. It is a choice.
If one does not choose what procures blessings, he has chosen curses unawares. “If you hearken my voice, all these blessings will come. If you will not hearken, then all these curses will come.” (Deuteronomy 28:1-13, 15-66). The curse causeless shall not come. Yes, there are diabolical curses, there are enchantments and spells but there are self inflicted curses. May we all continue to escape. Church Gist. If anyone will not choose to serve the true God, that is the living God, he has chosen to serve dead gods including the gods of gold. It is a choice. There is no neutral place in the race of life. You are either on this side or on that side. Joshua 24:15.
I said at the Covenant Hour of Prayer yesterday that if your organization promises to buy a car for people in your cadre. You don’t stop going to work waiting for that promise. They will sack you for waiting. You lose your place in that organization and the car is not in view forever because you are no longer in their service. You don’t start waiting for harvest. You secure your place in stewardship to secure your place in continuous harvest. “Blessed is that man who his Lord shall find so doing when He comes”. Not so did, so doing. He must find you on duty to secure your reward. Church Gist. Serving God is not a religious activity, it is a business. Romans 12:11. It is business. Christ said, don’t you know I must go about my Father’s business (Luke 2:49). Was he a contractor? A supplier? A professional? Chartered? The Father’s business. Matthew 1:21. That is His business. 1 John 3:8. Serving God is business, it is not something you do waiting for something to happen. It is what you keep doing to keep things happening.
I thank Christ my Lord who has enabled me and helped me to sustain my passion for Him and for His Kingdom. I have never needed encouragement and you can’t discourage me. I saw myself pursuing after souls at the age of 19 and after 72 days, a Church was built. I had no calling to ministry, I needed to see souls saved. I have been on the reward platform ever since I knew myself. Why? I don’t beg. I don’t have anything to pity about my life. I am enjoying myself. You may not think so and that is okay. I still get on the streets today and I am younger than before. You better wake up. Church Gist. These principles are the only way to secure your principal place. Serving you is my desire. I won’t be holding back at all responding to your call. You better make it your desire. I am not being blessed by a Church. Thou shall serve the Lord thy God and He shall bless… (Exodus 23:25). I have been doing it before I knew anything about a church. We were going about running crusades without a budget. We were trekking the foot path to reach out to the villages. He shall bless.
Kingdom principles are the only way to secure your principal place as prepared for you. It is set for you. You shall be the head and not the tail. It is prepared. I said I go before you to bring you to the place that I have prepared for you. It is prepared. Your place on top is secured waiting for you to fill it up. When He showed me what I call the jackpot of life some 48 years ago. Matthew 6:33 became the golden rule of my life. I have not had one regret for it. Please note, we live in a Kingdom of choice. You cannot serve two masters. You have to choose one and despise the other. Matthew 6:24. Church Gist. Beware! One wrong step can wreck your whole destiny. This is why the subject of divine guidance is vital, particularly with the Bible as your checklist. This (the Bible) is your checklist for safe flight. You are getting ready for a takeoff. You don’t fly a plane without going through the checklist. This is more than enough, ever reliable. The content of the Bible will never go stale. It lives and abides forever. Your destiny is secure.
What Makes The Bible The Most Reliable Guide Of Life?
This manual contains spiritual seeds that reproduce in the life of whomsoever believes. The words here are spiritual seeds like corn and wheat. Jesus said in the parable of the sower, “the seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). Any word you receive in the good ground of your honest heart, not make them see me kind, is bound to reproduce after its kind. Luke 8:15. Any seed you and sow into your good and honest heart is bound to reproduce. Church Gist. I received the Word on Church Growth, it is bound to reproduce. I ran 16 seminars back to back, and the Church grew to 90. Yes! It does that in phases. It is bound to reproduce. By the following year we hit 500. The year that followed we crossed 1,000. Now we have an average of 1,000 people registering for membership in this Church every Sunday. It is bound to reproduce.
It is our hit and run mentality that has grounded us. “I think I have tried.” Who told you? You can’t write an exam and mark it. You are busy marking your exam and giving yourself pass mark, that is your cup of tea. You wrote the exam and marked it yourself and then sent it to yourself. You know there are so many devices now. Your result A ++. Then they finished marking it and said FFF. F to the third power. Church Gist. Stop marking your scripts. It is illegal. It is abuse. “I have done all I can do.” So God is now lying? “What lack I yet?” Sit down! Get books on this subject. Don’t read on your bed where you doze off and put saliva on the book. Sit down on the desk. Carry your note, you are a student. You can’t sleep. That is the way to go.
Some young person from UNIBEN came to me and said that she was leaving the campus. That God had called her to ministry. I said no problem. Get this book, ‘Understanding Vision’. She got to page 20 and said “Sir, I understand it now.” Page 20 of that book. She had seen that the wrong vision would wreck her destiny forever. Read this thing, I said I will talk to you tomorrow. She came back and said “I have seen it, I am going back to school.” I told them to bring the books on divine direction because you have never read it. Just beating around the bush forever. You miss it, you miss it. You don’t use age to pass exams. Your son can beat you in the same exam. You wrote an Accounting Exam, your son passes but your own remains three. Church Gist. You go again the following year, your second child passed and you did not. He said, “Baba, what is wrong with you?” They don’t use age to pass exams. They don’t use experience to pass exams. I have been going about in planes for years; Commercial, chattered, private and I can’t turn on anything in the plane. The young people who are flying it, I have been in ministry before they were born but they know it. If they say they are not flying, you can’t say “what do you mean?” You will be on the ground there. You won’t go anywhere because they know it. Most of the time particularly in Africa, we over glorify age. You see I have been a Christian for the past how many years. I said you don’t know this thing, you are saying you have been a Christian. He said my people, that is Christians, are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). I will stop any time and then we go home. You read the remaining in books. Kenneth Hagin has many books on divine direction. I have a few that may be a blessing to you. Over to you.
The content of this manual has unlimited capacity to create what it says when received and believed. He is not looking for the solution, He creates it. When you receive the instructions of this manual and believe it, it creates what it says. Church Gist. And the Lord said and the Lord saw. The Lord saw everything that He said and behold they were very good. What He says when received and believed, He creates it. It is not just mere instruction, it is the creative capacity that is back of it.
The Word is the most reliable manual for commanding exploits. Isaiah 60:1-22. The entrance of His Word is what gives light. When you operate by the light of scriptures, you command exploits without sweat. Daniel 11:32. We have here in this Church today, an army of men and women of exploits and you are one of them. All you do is recognize the Word as a covenant pact. This is God’s covenant pact with His people. My people come oh, I have this for you if you will do this. That’s the covenant. All these stories of Greek and Hebrew is not it. The covenant is this, “I have this for you, if you will do this.” I am going to empower you for wealth, if you will keep the terms of the covenant of abundance. I have fully paid for your health and vitality, if you will understand where and what to do to secure it. Church Gist. I have a success deal for you, if you will take note of what it takes to succeed. That is the covenant. It is not about what is Covenant in Greek and Hebrew. You don’t need to know Greek. See the covenant as a deal enacted by God based on well defined terms and sealed with an oath. That’s the covenant in Greek, in Hebrew, in German. You can’t be doing what you like and expect Him to do something. He won’t do anything until you do what He says.
Don’t go your way, it may be costly. Therefore to be guided by scriptures, be diligent in study and meditation of the Word in all areas of interest. Settle down, go to a Christian bookstore and search out materials that address your areas of concern. Check out for the author whether he has proof of what he is talking about or not. Settle down and study. You have only one life to live, if you waste it, you waste it. Every thing that looks like mockery to you will be turned into glory. For your shame you shall have double glory. As you study, be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying and then He will guide your steps. Church Gist. Remember God still speaks to us through His Word today. He provides the needed guide towards making critical decisions in our lives. Ask Him. He said “they think to go down to you without taking counsel at my mouth” so they got frustrated at the end. Don’t jump over a fence. Allow God to lead you.
Today is our Covenant Day of Fruitfulness. When one is born again, he becomes a seed of Abraham and a partaker of the blessings of Abraham. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Galatians 3:13-14. Among the blessings of Abraham is supernatural fruitfulness. We saw that in him. After it had ceased to be to Sarah after the manner of women, Abraham was as good as dead, It is not about low sperm count, It is zero sperm count. Yet Isaac came. No matter the negative verdict on your case, Jesus will write them off today. Deuteronomy 7:14. Church Gist. These were the words to the seed of Abraham. They are God’s commandment to His covenant people. Galatians 3:29. If you are saved, you have become a seed of Abraham with access to all that God said to Abraham. We have been redeemed from the curse of the law and among the curses is the curse of barrenness. Deuteronomy 28:18. Christ has redeemed us from this curse. So this curse has no more legal hold on your life. It can’t stand. The curse of barrenness has been crushed. So your freedom is today.
- The curse of barrenness is lifted.
- Your fruitfulness is settled in the covenant of Abraham.
Also we understand that Serving God secures the fruitfulness right of the believer. Exodus 23:25-26. No miscarriage, no stillbirth. That’s you. Every truth you receive and believe in your heart, you are empowered to manifest. Are you a seed of Abraham? You are not permitted to be barren. Church Gist. Are you serving Christ? It is part of your authentic reward. Psalm 127:3. We are rewarded with fruitfulness for serving God. You are serving God in our capacity or the order. He is not unrighteous to forget our input. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I decree your fruitfulness as a reward from your stewardship.
Again, as long as you are planted in the house of God. Don’t go about, be planted. We are ordained to continue to bear fruit even until old age. Psalm 92:12-15. That’s you. Be planted. I have not checked anywhere else since He saved my soul. Be planted. I have not sold my soul to false prophets with long rods since He saved my soul 55 years ago. Be planted. Since He called me into ministry, I have not checked on any other source of help in my life. Satan has no part in me. Be planted. ‘Waka abouts’ don’t have a place with God. Ours is not the only Church in the world, be planted in the Church of Christ. Church Gist. “I don’t have time.” May you not have time for trouble. When you are caught outside the city of refuge, you are in trouble. Be planted. All these running up and down looking for nothing. When I stand and say witches are cursed, I have the authority. They have no part in my life. Somebody wants to be married, she is going up and down saying “It is my Mama who told me.” Your mama will soon get you in trouble and she is old and will soon go, she will leave you inside the trouble.
“I know Him whom I have believed and I am persuaded.” I know my God never lies. So don’t pity me for nothing. The good news is every one needs to repent for wandering after another god for any reason. Church Gist. Oppression makes the wise man foolish. Get out of it. Psalm 92:13-15. For everyone on the line for miracle children, today is declared your day. You want your own Daniel and Daniela you are having it today. You want your own three boys, you are having it today.
Receive this engrafted Word with meekness. Receive it. it is not there to bamboozle you. It is there to show you the way to go. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things that others are dying for shall be added onto you. Matthew 6:33. Fruitfulness is part of all these things that others are dying to get, it shall be added for free. Therefore in the name of Jesus, your labour must speak for you this year. That my daughter was bleeding for 8 weeks, they kept declaring the Word of God. You bled only once and you are crying that it has gone again. Church Gist. When you faint in the day of trouble, your strength is small. She said she heard me say, you are not pregnant with blood, you are pregnant with babies. What you saw is like nose bleeding. You don’t have to be pregnant to nosebleed. Is that miscarriage? How many men have seen nosebleeding before when they were growing up? Did you miscarry? What were you carrying? It is excess blood. You see in this Church somebody knew she was pregnant the day she delivered. This is the God we serve. She didn’t know she was pregnant, so no antenatal. That is quite economical. What are you carrying?
Anything I say and you can’t find it in the Bible, throw it away. I am only decoding the Word to you. I am not manufacturing my words. The day you believe is the day you are saved. Is that not so? Can Jesus ask you to come back tomorrow because He has saved enough people today? The day you believe is the day you are healed. The day you believe is the day you become fruitful. Church Gist. Don’t listen to the devil, listen to God. 2 Corinthians 6:2. We serve a God of today. Today is your day. The day one believes is the day Jesus saves him. The day he believes for healing is the day Jesus heals him. The day he believes Him for fruitfulness is the day he comes fruitful. No waiting. Today marks the end of your waiting. Therefore for all the daughters of Zion that are on the line for miracle children, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth.
Joy is required to secure our fruitfulness. Hannah rose up and took bread and her countenance was no more sad and then God remembered her. Therefore cheer up! Rejoice in the Lord and I say rejoice. Rejoice evermore. Church Gist. One vital proof of the entry of the Word is joy. Jeremiah 15:16. Have you found the Word? The day you believe is the day you are saved. The day you believe for healing is the day you are healed.
Somebody came to our Church years ago, “I went to so so so Church I was not healed. I went to so so so Church, I was not healed.” I took the microphone and said stop that. The same Jesus in that church is the same in this Church. The day you believe is the day you are healed. We belong to one body, one family. Church Gist. Make you make today your day. This covers barrenness in all areas. Barrenness in your business, your career, all barrenness in all areas. May you make today your day of all round fruitfulness including fruitful health, abundance of peace, joy unspeakable, full of glory. It is over. Your case is finally settled.
Remember your Father is the sole baby maker. It is He that has made us. Us means every living being. Psalm 100:3. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). It is not IVFs that makes children. Otherwise why are there so many failed IVFs. Jeremiah 1:5. So we are formed by Him, the Potter. Church Gist. The maker of babies has come to release your own today. So name your expected babies. Name them now by faith. Daniel and Daniela came. Name them with faith in your heart
- Every siege of physical barrenness in the life of everyone is declared over today.
- I decree supernatural turnaround for every other area of barrenness in anyone’s life.
Christ is our weep not Saviour. Revelation 5:5.
- Your tears stops here today.
- Today marks the end of your tears in the name of Jesus.
All the youths in the house, this is the planting season of your life. Look forward to the convention and be empowered for triumphant living. Don’t toy with this season of your life. If you do, you pay. You pay! Don’t let the devil sow tares into your life in this fruitful season of your life. Anything that goes in there defines what awaits you. Don’t let garbage go in there. Parents, don’t become fake parents. Isaac was not made of Abraham’s inheritance. There was no reference. I guess the famine wiped it off. Isaac dug and dug. There is no future in inheritance. Zero! Abraham gave Isaac all that he had. Almost a kingdom. Allow your children to develop spiritual capacity. So they can triumph in the race of life. A child is not behaving you send him abroad. What an arrangement. Somebody who is not behaving under your nose. I saw one in my office recently and I didn’t know whether he was a man or a woman. No! To help your children, your youth to find God on time, then you find rest in life. Don’t toy with it. Don’t worry, going to Church is enough. Well done. The days are rough and will become increasingly rough and tough. Encourage them to find God. They find God, they find good.