- Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche on “THE BLESSING OF DIVINE DIRECTION” || August 2024 Blessing Sunday Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.
Welcome to the Blessing Sunday of the month of Vision and Direction for Above Only Existence. Hallelujah! Church Gist. We are connecting with vision and direction that will take us to the top like He did for Abraham and Joseph and the rest. But for this morning, the subject on this Blessing Sunday is, “THE BLESSING OF DIVINE DIRECTION”. Church Gist. Our objective first and foremost would be to understand the blessedness of divine direction and secondly, to understand strategic directions that bring the blessing.
The Scripture is littered with examples of the connectivity between the direction of God and the blessings of God. Deuteronomy 28:1-2. Church Gist. The meaning is, there is the connection between the voice of God and the blessing of God. There’s the connection, inextricable connection between the voice and the blessing of God. Church Gist. To follow the way of the voice is to end in the place of His blessing. Psalm 23:1-6.
- somebody say Amen.
There’s the connection between the guidance of God and the goodness of God. The guidance of God is connected to the goodness of God. If you connect with His guidance, you’re connected to His goodness. “Surely, goodness and mercy”. Church Gist. In case you’re interested in the goodness of God, connect to the guidance of God. That is enough for a message for a day. The leading of God guarantees the blessing of God. “He leadeth me”. Very important. “Lord, I need your blessing”, all you’re asking for is, “Lord, I need your leading”. “Lord, I want to see your goodness”, what you’re saying is, “Lord, help me with your guidance”. Church Gist. The Lord cannot lead you into lack. The Lord cannot guide you into adversity. So, I welcome somebody here this morning and to a new order of leading, new order of guidance and direction.
- if you’re the one, say a loud Amen.
Don’t also forget that the direction of God equals the satisfaction of man. Psalm 23:5. Isaiah 48:18. “If you follow my teaching, you end in profit. If you despise my instruction, you end in losses”. Church Gist. Isaiah 48:18,21. Why is water gushing out? Because He led them. “He leadeth me beside the still waters”. Hallelujah!
- In the month of August, somebody’s struggle for supply is over forever!
- if you’re saying Amen, you say it like a believer.
- Say after me, “I cannot thirst because He is leading me. I cannot lack because He is leading me. I cannot struggle because of the leading of the Lord”. Hallelujah!
Listen, if you will not thirst in the wilderness, in the desert where there’s no water because of His leading, how much more where there’s water? Church Gist. Meaning is, there’s nowhere too dry for supply if you’re connected to His leading. There’s nowhere, no place on earth, no profession, no career that is too dry for supernatural supply, if only you’re tied to His leading. Church Gist. If God sends me to Sahara Desert to pastor, people will meet me there for service. Are you hearing what I’m saying here today?
John the Baptist was in the wilderness, in the desert place, and people gathered there. Don’t forget what you just heard, “they thirsted not when He led them”. Even though it was desert, He made the rock to bring water. Church Gist. You can only imagine what the bill for power will be in this place, in this new power, Band A and Band B. I heard a medical doctor who owns a hospital complaining that they’re paying like 20-something million for their bill. Oh yes. That was shadow compared to a place like this. Even though we are working on alternative power supply, renewable power and all of that but no qualms so far. “They thirsted not”, even in the desert, they thirsted not. If I stop here, I’ve already preached. Church Gist. So, all you’re struggling for is, “Lord, lead me, don’t leave me to myself. Lord, guide me, don’t leave me to myself”. When you move in assumption, you end in frustration. When you move without direction, you end in destruction. When you do things anyhow, you end anyhow. “They thirsted not when He led them”. He said (pointing at a White Man), God told him to come to Nigeria and spend three months. Church Gist. Under 24 hours, somebody called him, “I have some money for you”. Under another 24 hours, another person called. He said, within three days, he had tickets, he had everything to come to Nigeria. All he heard is, “go to Nigeria” and the calls started coming to confirm that God said so. Hallelujah!
- I prophesy upon you today, your ears shall be opened. Your understanding shall be opened and you shall step in to the purpose of God in this season! Scarcity, shortage is over forever!
- shout the loudest Amen!
We can see examples of people in Scripture that experienced the blessing when they followed His leading and direction.
- Abraham.
Genesis 12:1-3,5. Genesis 13:1-2. All he heard was one instruction, when he followed that instruction, he exploded in supply. Church Gist. If Abraham had not heard what he heard in Genesis 12:1, we would not have experienced Genesis 13:2, we would not have experienced Genesis 24:1. Why? One instruction. There’s one distance between your position and your possession. There’s one gap between your position and your possession and that gap is filled by His direction, His instruction. Church Gist. This is the way I like to say it; the distance between your position and your possession is traveled in the vehicle of direction and instruction (from God).
I’m sure you know what happened concerning this Church and this facility and the whole of this land. When we knew that Area One Church has been grossly overwhelmed. Church Gist. Six services every Sunday morning, overflow outside the fence, we knew it was time to move and we came around, looked for land everywhere, we couldn’t find. We went to, and of course we are connected to mega people, Daddy G.O., Papa Oyedepo. I mean, when you go to Redemption Camp and Canaanland, you’ll just see size. Church Gist. And we wanted to. So, we couldn’t get anything near the city so we went all the way to Nasarawa State, two locations, got big land. Church Gist. When we were ready to do some things there, the Lord said to me, “remember what I showed you in the night” because He had shown me, brought me to the Airport Road here and showed me our land with a landmark. That is, “see this, this is the land”. But we have tried to look for land everywhere, we couldn’t find. Church Gist. So I called one of our property agents, anointed him with oil and I said, “go to the Airport Road, between this place and this place on the right on your way to the airport, look for the land”. And under seven days, he was back, he said, “I’ve found land that is almost like 500 or more hectares ready to sell as much as we are ready to buy”. I said, “let us go”. Church Gist. That brought us here and the moment we stepped here, I said, “this is the one” because I remember what I saw and then, the rest of it is history.
- give the Lord a big clap if you’re ready to give the Lord a clap.
How much it cost to buy them, God provided it and God is still at work in many diverse ways. Church Gist. One of our respected patriarchs in the land, once he passed through here and went through the land, he said, “how did you people get this?” That is, even if you have the money, how did you find a land like this? Church Gist. Direction from above. That is why I said, the distance between your position and your possession is traveled in the vehicle of direction. - I announce to somebody here today, God will speak a word to you, He will give you a direction that will land you where you’re meant to be.
- If you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.
- Elijah.
1 Kings 17:3-4. There’s a connection between His commandment and your consignment, the dryness of the land notwithstanding. Church Gist. Everybody was looking for what to eat but what to eat was looking for Elijah. You ain’t seen nothing. You don’t understand what I’m saying. Everybody was looking for what to eat, what to eat was looking for Elijah. What do I mean? Ravens were looking for him. Ravens don’t give food to anybody, ravens eat their children. Church Gist. Ravens, they have ravenous appetite. That is from where we got the ravenous – insatiable appetite. They’re very bad, they eat their own children out of their appetite. Church Gist. That was the kind of personality God used to bring supply. God is about to use some ravens – people who give money to nobody, give things to nobody, where supply is not expected to come out of, if only you’re connected to his direction and instruction, you’ll be experiencing unbelievable supplies from unbelievable sources. Church Gist. No matter how bad a land is, there’s still good in the land. That is why He said, “if you’re willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land”.
- somebody say a loud Amen.
No matter the scarcity in the land, there’s still supply possible.
- shout the loudest Amen!
- somebody who is about to experience supplies from the ravens, stand on your feet and do a turn around shout of Hallelujah!
- Do you know what you’re going to tell eight people for me? “The ravens are coming. Watch out, they’re coming”.
That is, it is possible for what people are looking for to look for you if you’re connected to His direction, if you’re connected to what God is saying. Church Gist. People are looking for things and the things are looking for you. I’ve come across people who are connected to this Commission who said they don’t look job, jobs look for them and that shall be a portion of somebody here shortly.
- shout the loudest Amen!
Let me tell you this funny story. I shared the story in Kingdom Financial Stewards the other time. This man of God, Jonathan Shuttlesworth, the Pastor that I prayed for in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last year. Laid my suit on him, he was down for one hour, the Church closed, he was still on the floor. Church Gist. He should be watching our service now. He watches the two services before he goes for his own service every Sunday. He will be coming for our Ministers’ Conference to share his testimony. So, all of a sudden, his life changed. Now, they have outgrown where we preached there last year. They needed a new facility to move into. So, they went to look for a facility and when they priced a facility, it belonged to a man, I think a Mafia kind of man or something. Once he heard that it was Church, he said it’s better for that facility to remain empty than for him to give it to a Church. Church Gist. After he made such a statement, within a short period, he lost 70 percent in his property and estate business and he began to go bankrupt. Then, a big facility worth 15 million dollars that he recently renovated with 4 million, he came under pressure to sell. Then, there’s this billionaire, he’s not necessarily a Church person but he doesn’t like that other billionaire, the one who denied the Church the use, this one other didn’t like that one. They’re enemies, they’re opposing each other. You know the way the business world is. Church Gist. So, when he heard that this man went bankrupt and is about to sell this property for 5 million, worth 15 million, just spent 4 million, I entered that property, everything new, he went and bought it in another name so that the person will not know who is buying it. You have heard nothing yet. After he bought it, he handed it over to the Church, the Church that this other man hates. Church Gist. He handed it over to the Church. He said, “have it and let me know what you want to do with the property”. And they said, “can we have a conference there?” He said, “Yes. So, what do you want to do?” “We want to put up a tent” “let’s go”. Under 20-how-many days, they put up that tent that I preached in in Pennsylvania. When the owner knew that who bought the land and who he gave the land to, the land is sitting next to his residence, he almost died. Church Gist. He went to court straight, injunction. The other billionaire, he said to the Church, “relax, don’t struggle. I will provide all the lawyers. I will provide national lawyers to handle the case”. That was how he provided lawyers, Judge trashed the case that the Church did not err. Church Gist. You know what he told the man? He told the Church, “for the next three years, I will just be in charge of the property for you, all I need from you is to drop one dollar a year, one, for three years so that there can be a legal agreement, that at least, it’s not totally free. Then, after three years, after I’ve dealt with all the legal cases, I’ll hand over the whole property to you”. Church Gist. It’s on airport road. When we dropped, it was 5 minutes to the place. The hotel, literal 5-star hotel, we stayed in the premises. From where I preached to where we stayed is two minutes walk. Are you hearing what I’m saying here? Church Gist. That was a raven whose property was collected by force without his notice and without his knowledge.
- are you just sitting and looking like that? Stand on your feet and give the Lord the praise.
- Help me tell seven people, tell them, “the ravens are coming. Get ready for a raven order of supply”.
- Give the Lord the loudest shout of victory!
When they’re telling the story, they’ll be laughing. The man’s wife, who bought the land for the Church, she came to meet us, she said, “my husband likes your preaching”. He attended last year. Church Gist. Powerful testimony. There’s nothing God… You see, if it comes to worst, even if God has to take it from the devil, because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. There’s nothing God cannot deliver to His people if they’re ready to listen to His direction. I believe God is releasing something to somebody here right now.
- you believe that, shout the loudest Amen!
- Peter.
In Matthew 17, there was a direction given that led Peter to go and get money for tax payment. Matthew 17:25-27. He gave a direction that was backed with an action and that direction guaranteed provision. Church Gist. God will always give you a direction and when you follow direction with action, you end with provision. He will give direction, follow it up with action, it will lead to provision. Hallelujah. - Wedding in Cana of Galilee.
There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, Jesus was called and His disciples also. John 2:3-5. Church Gist. This is the summary, the answer to lack is the voice of God. The voice of God is the answer to lack. There’s something God will tell you to do that will answer your lack. What He says will tackle what you need. Church Gist. There’s something God will say that will tackle what you need.
Having said all of these and very quickly as we round off on this subject, what is the blessing of direction?
- Direction ends deprivation.
Psalm 23:1. “I can’t be deprived of what I want if I follow His direction. - Direction guarantees provision.
“I am not in lack, I have provision”. Psalm 23:2. Church Gist. If He is leading me, I cannot be lacking things. Direction ends deprivation, direction guarantees provision. - Direction brings rest.
Psalm 23:2. Anyone that is not directed is a natural victim of restlessness. “He maketh me to lie down”.
- I decree today, your season of rest is here!
- I speak rest for somebody! Restlessness is over! Tension is over! Stress is over!
- you believe it, shout yes! Rest, spiritually, rest maritally, financial rest! Rest!
You see, money worries could be one of the major worries of life. Somebody said there’s a difference between malaria and ‘moneyria’. It’s not malaria worrying him, it’s moneyria. (Laughs). Church Gist. Hallelujah! Do you understand what I’m saying? There are many symptoms of moneyria, lack of money. One major one is the bankruptcy of attention, they can’t pay anything, including attention. He’s look at you but he’s not seeing you. (Laughs). You say, “John!” He says, “sorry. I didn’t know you’re the one”. He didn’t see you. House rent matter. Blood pressure increasing, effortlessly. Church Gist. Hallelujah! But there can be rest. When house rent and this and that are not issues, there can be rest. And like I told you, if in the days of Elijah, He can make ravens to feed him, in the time of shortage, it is possible for when men say they are cast down and you say, there’s a lifting up.
- somebody say a louder Amen .
- I again prophesy, rest! Financial rest! All round rest!
- if you’re saying Amen, say a louder Amen!
- So shall it be in Jesus’ name.
- Shake somebody’s hand and tell them, ‘get ready for rest on all sides’, in Jesus’ precious name.
We will look at three other blessings of divine direction in the second service.
What are strategic directions that can bring the blessing?
- Direction unto consecration and separation.
Genesis 12:1. God may give you direction to separate you. He may give you direction to consecrate you. Maybe a lifestyle, maybe a habit, maybe a company, an association. Church Gist. He said, “while you’re in the company you are in, Abraham, I can’t do much with you. But you must get out of this company and I will take you far”. So it is direction unto consecration and separation. Many of us, just be sensitive. There are many people today, where they are and who is with them is the reason why they can’t experience what God wants them to experience. Church Gist. He says, “I have there commanded a widow woman” there, commanded, “where you are, I can’t command anybody. But there, when you go to the widow of Zarephath”, I’ll look at that later on. “Go to the Brook Cherith, there, a raven will feed you. If you’re somewhere else, you’re on your own. A raven will feed you”. Church Gist. Direction unto consecration and separation. And it’s not only enough to do the right thing, it’s important to do the right and do it on time. - Direction unto specific location or endeavour.
God may direct you into a location or into an location. Genesis 12:1. “Your blessing is in so and so place” or an endeavour. To Isaac, He said, “go not down to Egypt”. To Peter, He said, “go to the Sea of Triberias”. Church Gist. Mathew 17:27. It is possible that you’re pursuing your consignment in the wrong assignment. Did you hear what I just said? You’re in the wrong career, the wrong vocation, in the wrong business pursuit trying to get the right resources. Church Gist. It’s also possible that you’re in the wrong location looking for the right allocation.
Somebody sent himself to England and he’s not glad. He went to America, no miracle. Traveled to Germany and jammed need. Rushed to Russia and rushed back, you remember? Church Gist. Do you understand what I’m saying? Where you are is not what is important but who sent you there. Why are you there? What motivated you to get there? How did you get there? Very very important. So, there may be a direction. And Papa Oyedepo said, “it doesn’t matter how far you go in the wrong direction, a u-turn is possible when you realize you made a mistake”. Church Gist. There are people who prefer to die than to make a u-turn. Hallelujah!
- somebody say a loud Amen.
So, it is direction unto a location or direction unto an endeavour. And for many of us who are already in the right location and in the right endeavour, no devil will prevent your blessing! There are times you’re doing one thing and God still wants you to invest in something else or do something else, He will show that to you.
- Direction unto strategic steps or actions.
“Fill the water pots with water”. There are things that God may say for you to do, “get empty vessels, not a few”. Church Gist. There are things He will ask you to do, steps. “Step out this morning, go in the direction of so and so office. Make this kind of call. Do this kind of thing”. Direction unto specific action. Church Gist. You look out for that. For every divine action, there’s an outcome for man. Very very important. - Direction unto giving or sacrifice.
The Lord might give you a direction, asking you to give or sacrifice. Abraham gave, he gave up his father’s house, he gave up many things. “Give me your only son, Isaac”
Abraham continued in giving, in the tithes and in givings. Church Gist. In the wedding in Cana of Galilee where we just talked about, they poured water, gave something and the water multiplied and came back to them as wine. So, there may be strategic direction.
Many years ago, a man met me, Master’s degree holder in Law, his wife, the same thing. They were just stranded and struggling, no house, no job, nothing, two of them, they came from England. Church Gist. And I said to them, “what’s happening?” Long story made short, “do you tithe?” He said, “no”. I said, “alright. Go and tithe. Practice the covenant of giving and tithing”. I saw them 13 months later, they have a 7-bedroom duplex built by themselves. They had gone to do what I said and the man got a job where they paid him hourly in foreign currency after he began to practice the covenant. Church Gist. The principles of God cannot be counteracted by the forces of life. They began and everything changed. There will be direction. There are times when the Church calls for sacrifice. Church Gist. There are times you’ll call the sacrifice on yourself, you believe that it’s time for your life to change level. You’ll say, “you know what? I want to shift” and God speaks to you or puts in your heart and you lay it down and there’s a shift.
– it’s a new day for somebody.
Everytime we preach, God backs it up with signs and wonders, the sign and the wonder of this preaching will be that God will speak to you. Church Gist. God will give you direction, God will give you a leading for a change of story.
– is there anybody who believes that God is changing your story, stand on your feet with a shout of praise!
– clap your hands all ye people, shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph!
– Shake three hands around you and tell them, “get ready, the ravens are coming. Get ready!”.