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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Breaking Generational Curses Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland.

Shall we lift our two hands to heaven and magnify Jesus for another great day in His presence? If God has been good to you, express it to Him.

1 Samuel 3:21. God indwells His word and He appears to His people via His word. “The word of the Lord which Isaiah SAW” (Isaiah 2:1) He is still appearing to His people today via His word. May He appear to you today. May He appear to every one of us today. When God appears, barriers disappear. All the barriers of sickness, disease, and oppression of the devil must disappear from your life today. Church Gist. One day He appeared to me from Matthew 8:17 – 30th of August 1980. It was like a vision carrying all the junk of sickness and disease that may appear in my life in future and taking them off my life. TOOK became so new to me because God appeared. When God appears ordinary things become magnified. He will appear to you today.

🎶 You are the Lord that heals me. You are the Lord my healer.
You send your word and healed my diseases. You are the Lord my healer🎶

Jesus we all wait on you expecting the unusual today, let your healing river flow and let your name be glorified.


The end time Church is ordained to work in dominion in all spheres of life, including over sickness and disease. Psalm 110:1-2. Sickness is an enemy, not a friend, death is an enemy. 1 Corinthians 15:26. You hear them say this sickness is not unto death because sickness is the gateway to death. Church Gist. Sickness and death are enemies and the end time church is ordained to rule in the midst of their enemies. To rule over their enemies. Jeremiah 30:17. Every wound shall be healed today.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Some 41 years ago, the Lord showed me the mystery of hitch-free marriage, today makes it forty years hitch-free. It looked absurd, it looked uncivilized, and people said this folk talks too much. It looked unreal but today has anyone ever been invited to come look at this matter? Has there been any stress or strain behind the scene? They look ordinary but they are mighty through God. I was among the first humans that taught that thing. Church Gist. “It can’t be real, let’s watch first”. You know watching for 40 years without seeing what you are looking for means that it is real. Now every married home, every family here that is under any tension, I decree an end to such tensions today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus showed me on enquiry, I knew He showed me. In those days you don’t usually have timing for teachings when the revival was coming in here newly. You just preach till when you are done. I remember teaching on hitch-free marriage for two hours and fifteen minutes. I was in heaven. Very simple thing. Some civilized people, Harvard graduates don’t know these simple things. I don’t have any experience about marriage. You know what they call experience, when we had this challenge see how we solved it. May every mystery of the kingdom hold value in your sight. Church Gist. When He showed me the mystery of Kingdom prosperity, I shouted “Yea! I can never be poor” am I poor today? By subscribing to the terms of the covenant. He is not just a heavenly Father that is a Father Christmas, He is a covenant-keeping God. He shows you what He wants to do when you do the following. If you don’t do it, you will not see it.

We are going to be looking at a mystery today, the mystery of the anointing oil. You need to understand that mysteries may appear so simple but they are so powerful that they chase principalities and powers. Am I surprised at where this ministry is today? No! He showed me from His word where He is taking us if we will do the following and the church will keep growing. He showed me that 38 years ago. What you hear you may forget but what you see is difficult to forget. Church Gist. It stays on with you. A young boy was trying to bribe me with three pence because I was in charge of vernacular speakers when we were in primary school and when you are caught you pay one penny. When we were grown as adults I said you bribed me as a child. So it is in the nature of man to be bribing people. It is inside the blood of man. Somebody’s story is changing. We are in for a treat today so let’s move very fast because you are catching your own.

2 Corinthians 10:6. Ephesians 6:12. We must not permit any devil or His agents to despise the weapons of our warfare as laid down in scriptures. They are so real, so valid, so authentic. Goliath said to David, “am I a dog that you come to me with a sling and a stone” and he said Goliath you are less than a dog, today I will bring down your head. Now, Saul tried to put His armour on David. Church Gist. He said No! I have not proven this. Let me use the one I am used to, the one that slew the lion and the bear. It is better for me than this heavy luggage. You can’t engage the arm of flesh to win spiritual war. You can’t. Spiritual battles don’t know vaccines, don’t know injection.

Now like we have always done throughout this series. Let’s identify some foul spirits behind sickness and disease.

  1. The spirit of whoredom.
    The spirit of sexual pervasions. There are too many sexually transmitted diseases on the earth today. It is a plot of the enemy to destroy the health and vitality of God’s people. Hosea 5:4. It is one of the gateways of transmitting sickness and diseases on the earth. 1 Corinthians 10:8. Twenty-three thousand people fell in one day through sexual pervasion. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. It is one of the gateways through which the devil afflicts the mortal man. Interestingly, God never holds the past against anybody. The day you turn, God’s wrath also turns away from you. He is not looking for who to destroy. Ezekiel 18:24. Church Gist. It is never late to be right. Amaziah called Israel to join him in battle and the prophet came and said if you do that you will fail. He said what of the hundred talents of silver we have paid, he said stop that nonsense. It is never late to be right. They went out to battle and defeated their enemies by turning back to come on God’s side. It is never late to be right. Therefore flee. May everyone under the siege of this spirit, it is called the spirit of whoredom be loosed today in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus was casting out evil spirits with His word in the name of the Lord Jesus at which every knee bows, I command the plague of the spirit of whoredom to siege in everyone’s life.
  2. The spirit of heaviness
    Some people are always down, they can’t put their finger on why they are down, they are just down. It is the spirit of heaviness. Isaiah 61:3. There is a spirit of heaviness, He is the one behind depression, suicidal thoughts and all junks. But if you look at Isaiah 61 from verse 1 down the line, that is the ministry of the Holy Ghost to destroy the hold of the spirit of heaviness. Husband and wife living at home and then keeping malice. “Good morning, Good morning” ”where are you going? What is your business” “when are you coming back, for what? I am not coming back at all. Don’t ask me again”. There is a spirit just sitting there manipulating people for no just cause. You can’t ask a mad man what have I done? when he hits you. You better run. He doesn’t know he is hitting, he thinks he is playing with you. The spirit of heaviness has taken many lives to the grave. You will not be taken. The cure is the oil of joy which the Holy Ghost offers. You can’t be full of praise and be full of depression. The Holy Ghost wears on us the cloak of praise. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I cast out every spirit of heaviness oppressing anyone under the sound of my voice today. Ecclesiastes 9:4. Every child of God is begotten to a living hope, your hope is alive because the one who lives in you is alive. Church Gist. So you have a tomorrow. It is when you can’t see your tomorrow that you are depressed. You have a tomorrow painted gloriously on the pages of scripture. You have a tomorrow. It may appear like you are in prison today like Joseph but you have a tomorrow. What kept Joseph going is that he kept seeing the tomorrow. There is no globally ranked academic today that was not once in primary school and they caned them. He failed one or two subjects and they spanked him at home but he is now a celebrity in academics. It is a passage. Hebrews 12:1. There is joy, there is a bright and colourful tomorrow laid before you. By the anointing today, the spirit of heaviness is laid to rest in your life.

Proverbs 18:14. A broken spirit will end up breaking the body. Depression is the gateway to oppression. You can’t be oppressed until you are first depressed. Therefore rejoice in the Lord. Church Gist. Rejoice forevermore. The spirit of heaviness is cursed today in the life of any victim of it. Proverbs 17:22. Your bone will not be dried.

Now let’s look at how the mystery of the anointing oil empowers us for dominion over sickness and disease.

First, what is a mystery?

  1. A mystery can be defined as a hidden kingdom treasure that is only accessible to the redeemed. Mark 4:11. Only believers can appreciate mysteries.
  2. A mystery is a divine secret embedded within the pages of scriptures. Isaiah 55:8. Paul said his mission is to make all men see what is hidden in scriptures. Ephesians 3:8-11. A mystery may not make much sense to the natural mind but it always commands proof. “go and start filling the water pots with water” for what? It is wine we want. Go do what I said you should do and see what comes out of it. The wine was said to be sweeter than the one they bought with their money. It may not make much sense. 2 Kings 5:10. At the seventh time, Namaan’s flesh was restored like that of a newborn baby. It may not make sense to the natural mind but that is where God’s power is. Don’t let no devil despise the weapons God has placed in your hand. 2 Corinthians 11:3. They always appear too simple to be true. Inside that simplicity lies the power of God.

The mystery of the anointing oil was unveiled back in the old testament and is ordained for all through the generations of God’s people. Exodus 30:30-31. So it is not a Jewish tradition, it is God speaking to His people. If you are born again, you are a seed of Abraham. God is speaking to us as His covenant people. Church Gist. If you look at verse 25 down the line they were made of natural things but when it is blessed it becomes the Holy anointing oil with a mission to add value to our lives and destroy all the yokes of the wicked. We have seen a bit of it here, time and again, of unbelievable things happening. As God began to confirm His word over and again.

Among others, we discover that the anointing oil is a spiritual medium through which the Holy Spirit manifests Himself in our life in all ramifications. We saw how David was anointed in 1 Samuel 16:13 and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. We all see the effects, verse 22 favour began to speak. The King said to Jesse send me your son, he has found favour in my sight. In Chapter 17, we saw how he brought down Goliath at the age of seventeen. He became a national hero, breakthrough supernaturally from that encounter. It is no church doctrine, it is a mystery of the kingdom. Church Gist. In the same vein, God is out to silence all the arrows of the wicked against our souls through the mystery of the anointing oil. The same way He silenced the bragging mouth of Goliath, today God will silence the tongue of all your assailants. Isaiah 49:24-26. It shall happen today. Whatever forces of hell that may be pursuing after you to hurt you shall fall into that trap themselves.

What is in the anointing oil that makes whole? Please listen to this as we run through it.

  1. The healing power of God is in the oil.
    Mark 6:7,12. When He gave them the bottles He called it power. So the healing power of God is in the oil. James 5:14. God wants you and me well. No accusation of the devil will make God turn His back on that, He wants you well. No matter what sin your children commit you won’t keep them starved. Watch your sick child for one week and do nothing? Church Gist. Never! No matter what he did. If he has committed sins we put that aside, let him be well first then we talk sense into his system later. Today God is saying, I want you well first. I want you free from all the shackles of Satan.

Just where you are, ask Jesus to have mercy on you and let today be your day. Wipe away the sins of my life, show me your mercy today and let it clear off all the mess in my system. Speak to Him He is your father.

The prodigal son came back and the father said hold it let me take care of you first. I don’t want you to continue looking naked like this, let me take care of you first. You are on God’s agenda for healing health and wholeness, take it. Cry out for mercy. His mercy must answer in your favour today. Every ache, every pain, every threat to your life must end here today in the name of Jesus.

  1. The anointing that destroys all satanic yokes are in the oil.
    Isaiah 10:27. When the anointing came upon Jesus, Luke 4:18. The Spirit of the Lord is out to set free captives from every prison. You are the one God is talking about. The Spirit of the Lord in the oil today will do exactly that in everyone’s life. Do you remember when David was anointed with oil, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. Ephesians 4:5-6. His mission is to set free from all satanic oppressions.
  2. The anointing that exempts believers from all evils of the day is in the oil.
    Psalm 105:13-15. It offers a seal of touch not on every believer’s life. Ephesians 1:13. It is a seal on your life against all assaults of the wicked. Church Gist. Ezekiel 9:6. That is what the anointing does, it places the mark of touch not on your life.
  • Evil shall not come near you again after the anointing.
  1. The restoration power of God is in the oil.
    Jeremiah 30:17. Joel 2:23-25. The anointing is there to restore all the years that the locust has eaten. There was a woman who couldn’t lift her head because she was bent over for 18 years. Jesus came along and said Woman thou art loosed. He restored her back to dignity. There is restoration power in the oil. Church Gist. Today whatever the enemy has stolen from you shall be supernaturally restored. Every failing organ shall be restored back to perfection. Every falling kidney, lung, heart shall be fully restored back to perfection.
  2. The resurrection power of God that brings back to life all dying and dead organs in our body.

Romans 8:11. Ephesians 4:4-6. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in us. The exceeding greatness of His power resides in this innocent bottle and will set free everyone appointed to death today. In the name of the Lord Jesus, every appointment with death is declared cancelled. Church Gist. All those listening to me from their sick bed all around the world, maybe they have told you, you have two days to live, three months to live, that appointment is hereby cancelled. The resurrection power in the oil will set everyone free.

  1. The spirit of joy and gladness

Psalm 45:6-7.

  • By this anointing, you never know the meaning of depression anymore in your life.
  • By this anointing, you never know the meaning of depression in your life.
  • You never suffer the plague of depression anymore in your life.

Somebody asked me many years ago, Brother David, do you ever have any problems? I said maybe it came and I didn’t know. If someone insults me is that a problem? No! He is expressing an opinion. He is not beating me. Church Gist. He only said I am a fool, that is okay. So what is your problem? When you take on the oil of joy the things that bother others just look too small to you. Never bothered.

One ministry here in Nigeria was attacking us for seven solid years unbroken. I never saw it once. I was passing through my wife’s room once and she said somebody is talking again and I said maybe you don’t understand what he is talking about, he is preaching. He is not talking against me. He didn’t mention my name. Church Gist. Seven solid years and I never watched it once. Where is the time? Bubbling with the joy of the Lord. Running after souls, seeing them saved. That is my goal not to exchange words with anybody.

  • From today, every soft spot the devil penetrates to depress your life from today, such spots are totally destroyed.

We have the mystery of the fan and the fire which is one mystery delivered to us from scriptures in this commission. Matthew 3:11-12. He will thoroughly purge his floor and we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, you can’t sweep the inside of this sanctuary from outside. You have to come inside to do it. Church Gist. That is why we unashamedly take a shot of the oil and you know the wonders thereof. It goes inside with its vacuum cleaning power and cleans off all the organs of the body, gathers the chaff in there and burns them with unquenchable fire to set free the captives. It is your turn today.

In 1994, there was a woman that had a procedure in Europe and they forgot cotton wool inside that body. It was a foreign body so the torment was unbearable. One night she was coughing and coughing. She reached out to the bottle by her bed “ let me see the power that they say is in this oil”, took a shot of the oil and vomited a lump of blood. By the time they checked, it was cotton wool forgotten in her system in Europe. There is no expertise my friend, when the devil wants to attack you, he attacks you through any means. Church Gist. In the U.S. there was one of our daughters that went through a procedure and they forgot a pair of scissors. They couldn’t find where it was, the devil was hiding somewhere. Took a shot of this oil and the scissors showed up.

  • In the name of the Lord Jesus whatever is planted inside anyone and tormenting him shall be purged out today.

In 1994, one of our daughters here was given a shot of oil and she excreted three things – a life seedling, a talisman and a snake. Live here in the old Church. She was carrying an offensive odour all her life, the odour seized. Some sicknesses don’t have any medical solution under heaven only Jesus can set free from it.

  • Today any tree that my Father has not planted that is growing inside anyone’s body they shall be rooted out by force today.

I administered the mystery of the anointing oil in Jos in 1996 and a woman got home and excreted a long winding snake. It lifted its head in the water closet. She cried out, and the husband rushed in and killed the devil. Power! A woman anointed her bed in Kaduna and a life bird came out of the mattress, the oppression ceased. I don’t know where the devil is hiding in anyone’s life, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost, you are God’s building and He wants to sweep your system clean. Today as you partake of this anointing oil, every satanic siege, every satanic planting inside your life shall be flushed out.

A man here went home for burial and as he stepped into his father’s compound, his legs started swelling. Church Gist. They brought him back in a wheelchair. Do you know what happened? He excreted a mango seedling. He was set free, alive and well. There are things that have no medical situation on earth, today whatever the devil has planted into your life shall be forced out. It is foolishness to be shameful of what is gainful. You take medication that you don’t even know where it comes from.

  • You will live your remaining days in dominion over sickness and diseases.
  • Sickness and diseases shall have no hiding place in your family.

Today is our Covenant Day of Breaking Generational Curses, please note that curses are real and they are generational in nature with a lifespan of three to four generations, that is three hundred to four hundred years as God said. Genesis 15:13-16. Church Gist. A generation equals 100 years. So generational curses have a lifespan of three hundred to four hundred years. There are many struggling to be free from curses invoked on them from their past generations. Today is your day of liberty.

While curses are real, the good news is that curses including generational curses are reversible when one is born again. At new birth, all curses including the curse of the law which is the highest curse is reverted. Galatians 3:13-14. Colossians 2:14. Every curse has been nailed to the cross of Jesus. Everything contrary to your destiny has been nailed to the cross. Everything contrary to your redemptive right has been nailed to the cross. Church Gist. By redemption, all curses lose their effect on your life. What do we have remaining? Today curses are direct workings of Satan and his agents which we are empowered to overcome by faith in the finished work of Christ. Matthew 13:28. 1 John 5:4, Ephesians 6:16.

Also, we discover that kingdom stewardship is one way to activate the blessings of God in our lives and see all curses made of no effect. Exodus 23:25-26. Thou shall serve and He shall bless. We activate His blessings through kingdom stewardship. Job 36:11. Every one of us should expect every trace of curses; satanic, generational or diabolical to be terminated in this service today by the power of the word and prophetic declarations. Church Gist. Psalm 107:20. Hosea 12:13. Today is your day, you are coming out finally from under every trace of curses in your life. By the anointing today every yoke of generational curses shall be broken off your life.

  • Your testimony begins after this service. Your testimonies will continue all through the week in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Lift your right hand everybody and give God thanks, celebrate and magnify Him.
  • Your eyes shall not see evil again.

The purpose of mysteries is to confer dominion upon the redeemed. The manifold wisdom of God sets you above. Somebody’s husband had an accident here and he was confirmed dead. The wife sat down by the dead body and began to anoint the feet. Church Gist. You say it is just by chance, why don’t others have the same chance? Power! Jesus called it power! Can you know the thing more than the person who made it? What are you carrying? The Holy Ghost and fire.

Rejoice in the Lord, your days of heaviness are over. It is your new dawn.

  • The battle over your family is won today. The battle over your health is won today.
  • The tormentor has lost the battle over your life. The wicked have lost the battle.
  • Your testimony is here.
    Let me tell you how to keep God’s hand on your life, whatever He does, testify. He will perfect and He will multiply. If you keep it, you don’t receive the next. Church Gist. Also, I recommend you get a copy of BREAKING THE CURSES OF LIFE to further establish your stand on your freedom from curses. We get healed by faith but our healing is established by the word. So get that book and go through it, it will consolidate your faith in your established freedom from all curses.

The Lord prompted me to declare a four-week priestly blessing in this Church and it is starting in September. Numbers 6:23-27. God will only confirm blessings proclaimed. The Lord said to me that the month of September shall be a month of PROCLAMATION OF BLESSINGS. Church Gist. By divine mandate, every blessing that this might proclaims answers in the lives of those who believe. He said to me in clear terms with any mistake “I have touched your mouth with the coal of fire and from henceforth as you say it, you see it”. Every prophetic blessing proclaimed on you in this prophetic season of blessings starting this week shall be established in your life.

On Saturday we have ten marriages going on here.

  • Before Shiloh this year, everyone set for marriage shall be gorgeously settled.
    I will be unleashing and releasing upon you all the blessings upon this commission and it shall answer in your life. No one will doubt that you belong to this family. Church Gist. Every single member of this commission shall reflect bodily the grace of God upon this commission. So get ready for it. He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. Get ready.








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