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Combined Service, Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

Father, thank You for Your presence here; thank You for Your anointing here, thank You for resurrection power, thank You for restoration power, thank You for healing power, thank You for deliverance power, thank You for miracle working power, thank You for transformation power; blessed to Your name, honour to Your name, adoration to Your name, worship to Your name. Thank You Master and thank You Master. Blessed be Your name.

  • I see Jehovah God today, in this service bringing resurrection; things that are dead in your life are coming back right now. Things that the devil has killed in your life are coming back to life now!
  • It is a resurrection day; it is a life quickening day; a day for healing, deliverances, breakthroughs, a change of story; it’s already happening in this climate!
  • Something is changing in your life.

Father, we worship You, we adore You, blessed be Your name. Honour to Your name, adoration to Your name and thank You and thank You in Jesus precious name.

🎶He loves me I cannot say why (2x)
On Calvary’s tree, He suffered for me,
He loves me I cannot say why 🎶

Thank You Lord for loving us first and we want to confirm to You that we love You too. Thank You Master, in Jesus precious name.

I welcome everyone here today, to this sober Easter Resurrection Sunday and I believe that we shall not leave here the same way that we have come in the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 24:1-9
We celebrate because we serve a living God, most religions of the world will show you the neatly decorated tombs of their founders; “here lies the graveyard of this and that” but Christianity is the religion that will show you an empty graveyard because, our Leader is not in the grave. That is why we serve a living God; a living religion full of life!

He wins and we win; any time of the day or night, wherever we are found, He wins and we win.

  • I see chains already broken, liberty already released in Jesus’ name!
    Very quickly, I’ll speak on:
    Our objective is to understand the message that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus brings. Church Gist. It is important to know that every situation in life arrives with a revelation (Psalm 19:1-2), everything is saying something (Jeremiah 18:1-2). There’s a message out of every misery of life. There’s a message out of every mess.

The reason why most people remain in stagnation and are devoid of transformation is because, things are saying things and they are hearing nothing. Church Gist. This morning, we came to hear what the circumstances of the crucifixion of Jesus said; what is the resurrection saying? I am going to be as fast as possible. Some of the things I’ll be saying, are some of the things you may have heard before here, but repetition may bring retention:
1). God is the God of love (John 3:16). The crucifixion and the resurrection are saying to us that, God is the God of love. To know God is to know love; to walk with God is to walk in love. Wherever God is in charge, love reigns, love rules. Jesus came, lived, died and resurrected because of the love of God.

2). God will stop at nothing to get His will or plan fulfilled. That is, there’s nothing too much for God to give up in order to bring to pass His plan (Romans 8:32). Church Gist. If He could give His only Son, what is it that He cannot give up in order to make His purpose in your life and in my life to come to pass?

3). God is the God of the second chance. He gave mankind a second chance through redemption; man fell in the Garden of Eden (Romans 3:23, Colossians 1:27). The glory that Adam lost in the Garden, He gave humankind the second chance to regain that glory. Jesus lost His life in death; He gave us the second chance by resurrection. The crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus is saying to us that, God is the God of the second chance.

4). God is the God of new beginnings. He gave human beings a new beginning through redemption (2 Corinthians 5:17). Church Gist. That is, as if you have not lived before. Resurrection is the end of one life and the beginning of another life. In resurrection, the natural life ended and the unnatural life began. He is the God of the new beginnings.

5). God is the God of all possibilities; bringing Jesus Christ from the dead after three days shows the possibilities of God (Colossians 2:14-15, Mark 10:27). He can do, undo, overdo, extra do, mega do, super do. We serve the God of all possibilities.

6). God is the God of no limitations. That is, when God gets ready to move, nobody can stop Him (Isaiah 43:13). Do you remember our local song that says; “Who can battle with the Lord? I say nobody!

  • I want to announce to somebody, that what God is about to do in this season; in our lives as a church, in the Church in Nigeria; what God is about to do in this season in your life and family and destiny, no power from hell can reverse it!
  • He said, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!

7). God is the God of drastic and dramatic surprises. He takes the enemy by drastic surprises. Church Gist. Nobody can predict where God is coming from and where He is going (John 3:8, 1 Corinthians 2:6-8).

The powers of darkness, the Pharisees and Sadducees; the far to see and the sad to see; you know there are Pharisees – they are those who stay far to see and Sadducees are those who are sad when they see good things and we have plenty of them in our generation. When good things are happening, they are very angry. Church Gist. When you give them the slightest opportunity, they release their anger; just looking for opportunity to release their anger. The anger is not of today ooo; ancient anger. While they were in the process of crucifying Jesus Christ, they didn’t know that God had a plan; He took the devil by surprise.

There are people here today, the demons of your family, they don’t expect what is about to happen in your life. The devil of this Nation, God is about to take that devil by surprise!

When God wanted to promote Mordecai, He made Haman to feel that he was the one and Haman gave a prescription for himself; for his honour and promotion, thinking he was the one and then, the king said “everything you have said now, do it for Mordecai.”

8). God is the God Who uses His enemies to fulfil His purpose without their permission. God needed to crucify His son, He needed His son to die and He decided to use those who think they are bad enough to kill the Son of God to achieve the purpose. He decided to mobilize wicked devils to sponsor wicked people to fulfill the assignment for Him so that it is not said that Himself killed His Son, but His Son needs to die and somebody needs to do the job and He got them and after He finished using them to assist Himself, they realized that they have resisted themselves – “Had I known” (1 Corinthians 2:6-8).

There are times God will cause those who think they are working against you to just effectively work for you. William Carey translated the Bible into the Bengali language in India and after eight years of very strenuous translation, the fire devoured the printing press and everything; where do I start from? He started from the beginning in the translation and somebody asked him; what has happened? Do you feel any lose? He said, no. First of all, the fire had burnt off any translation that was not right; all the mistakes in the translation are burned by the fire. Church Gist. He said, the fire has given us the opportunity to do a better translation and number three, he said the fire gave them global publicity. Those who didn’t know what they were doing, got to know. That is, all things work together for the good of them that love God (Romans 8:28). God uses the devil to fulfill His own purpose to the regret of that devil.

  • Let me announce to someone here today; everything the devil ever tried to do against you in this season, the devil shall regret!
  • I don’t know who God is speak to today, but every devil working against your life now; every conspiracy of hell working against your life, my life, our lives, our nation; I announce, it is turning around in our favour!

9). God is the God whose plans and purpose are never at the mercy of the plots and agenda of the enemy (Isaiah 54:17, Proverbs 19:21).

10). God is the God who does His best after the enemy has done his worst. He is the God who totally wipes out the record of the enemy’s activity as though they never existed. Church Gist. After satan and his cohorts thought that they have finished crucifying Jesus Christ and His stepped onto the scene, He cleaned out the activity of the devil and brought forth Jesus from the dead and there was no trace of death on His body.

You remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; the Bible says, there was no smell of fire on their bodies. When the devil did his worst and threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fire, when they came out of the fire, there was no smell of the fire on their bodies (Daniel 3:26-30). Before promotion there is normally commotion; every commotion is a platform for promotions. Church Gist. When the devil has done his worst, the stage is set for God to do His best (Daniel 6:23-28). This is the Word for someone here; you have been a victim of enemy’s conspiracy in your family, life and destiny, the devil has tried to make a mockery of your life and destiny, today I announce to you;

  • God is about to do His best in your life!
  • He’s about to take the devil by surprise in your life and do His best in your life!

11). God is the God who is committed to His divine purpose and prophetic Word (Isaiah 46:10). I want you to understand this: before Jesus died, before He went to the cross, He knew the purpose of God and kept on speaking it (Matthews 12:40, John 2:19, Mark 14:58).

If God said it to you, say it with your mouth. Don’t be afraid of saying what God has said; never be afraid of repeating what God has released. It doesn’t matter who is saying the opposite, it doesn’t matter who is mocking you; never be afraid of saying what God said. The Truth will always defeat the lie any day. He kept saying it and it came to pass. What has God said concerning your life?
“By His stripes you are healed, keep saying it. I shall be the head and not the tail, keep saying it.” If God has said it and you say it, because God said it, you are not lying and God will only fulfil what has been spoken (Numbers 14:28. If you have not spoken it in His ears, He has nothing to fulfill. If you want God to fulfil it, then say it to His hearing.

  • There are people here today; I am anointed to announce to you that God is not going to rest until what He has said about your life comes to pass!

12). God is the God of complete and surpassing restoration (Romans 3:23 Colossians 1:27). When God give you restoration, He gives beyond what you had (Job 42:10). The Jews and the Sanhedrin and the far to see and sad at what they see; they tried to crucify Jesus Christ; they took the natural life but God returned to Him an unnatural life. Before Jesus died, He passed through the door to enter rooms, after He died, He never needed a door. When He resurrected, He literally passed through walls (John 20:19). Church Gist. When the door is shut, there is a road in the wall (John 20:26). There was no such record before the death, but the life He resurrected with was not the same kind of life; it was a limitless life, a resurrection life. When He made Peter to catch fish (Luke 5), the net brake and the fishes escaped. At the second time when He empowered Peter to catch fish, the Bible says the fishes were so much, yet the net could not break; He carried the power that forbade the net from breaking after the resurrection (John 21:11). He made Peter to catch fish twice; before the death and after resurrection. Before resurrection, the net broke; after resurrection, net could not break. I want someone here to get ready because God is about to give you a restoration that will beat the imagination of the devil!

  • In this resurrection season, God is producing a restoration that will beat the imagination of the devil!

13). God is the God of awesome deliverance and rescue in very mysterious and awesome ways; the One who delivers at the nick of time. Meaning of it is; there is nowhere and no situation you can find yourself that God cannot bring you out of (Psalm 16:8-11, Acts 2:25-28).

I’m sure you have heard stories of very strange deliverance; a woman testified the other day, she came all the way from Jos, how they took her somewhere, where they were literally killing people. It was her turn on that machine and the machine stopped working and the man said, “Where are you from and she said, “I’m from Dunamis Church.” Church Gist. He said, “This is the third person that say they came from Dunamis that we cannot kill.” You heard the story of a policeman, from Rivers State, where the kidnappers and terrorists, they’ve already placed him on their table and then, the Lord appeared using the face of His servant and tapped him on that desk and said, “Stand up” and he stood up and they couldn’t stop him and he just passed through the midst of them.

There’s no situation you have found that God can’t bring you out. There’s no condition you can be found that God cannot bring you out of.

  • I am here to announce prophetically and announce by the apostolic mandate and mantle of God on my life; everywhere the devil has kept you and kept your destiny, you are coming out now!

14). God is the All-powerful, Omnipotent God whose power is superior in every sense to every power of hell. The resurrection showed us the superiority that, light is stronger than darkness (John 1:5). Church Gist. Love is stronger than hate; the goodness of God is stronger than the wickedness of the enemy. Never be afraid of any power of the enemy if you are connected to the Almighty.

What is our responsibility?
1). Surrender completely to Jesus Christ (John 3:3, 5-6).

2). Live in the newness of life. Don’t just claim that you go to Church, let your life be new. Old friends that are causing you to do bad things, can’t be your friends now. Old habits of life can never be the same (Romans 6:4).

3). Live for Him (2 Corinthians 5:15).
Live to give, live in soul-winning, live in His service, live in His assignment, live in His work and then, you will see Him at work in your life.

4). See yourself seated in the High places in Christ. See that you don’t belong to the agenda of the earth (Ephesians 2:5-6). It is a waste of fear to fear a viper on the ground floor and when you are on the sixtieth floor of a storey building. It doesn’t matter how terrible the dog barks on the ground, he’s on his own, provided you are on top. Church Gist. You can live in the realm that is beyond the reach of the devil and his cohorts. See yourself in the Heavenly places, far above principalities and powers.

  • In the name that is above every name, in this season that we are in, you will experience the love of God like never before!
  • I announce to you today, by prophetic decree and declaration; in the name that is above every name, your God and my God is about to show your world His love for your life!
  • Everything standing in the way of God concerning your life, concerning His plan and His purpose for your life is about to be moved out of the way right now in the name of Jesus!
  • The God of the second chance is about to give someone a second chance. Maybe He gave you a chance before, you failed and messed up; today I announce a second chance is coming your way!
  • I prophesy for someone here today, the God of the new beginnings is giving you a new beginning!
  • The God of all possibilities, the God that knows no limitations is giving you a change of story; He’s confirming to you that there can be no limitation!
  • The God of drastic surprises; in this season of resurrection, He is not just going to take the devil by surprise, those who hate you, who hate us by surprise; He is going to take you by surprise. What He is about to do in your life will take you by surprise!
  • The God who uses His enemies to fulfill His purpose; He is about to use the devil, the witches and the wizards and to fulfill His purpose in your life!
  • His prophetic Word in your life is about to gain fulfillment!
  • Everything the enemy has stolen in your life, get ready for total and complete restoration!
  • I don’t know where you’ve found yourself already, Jehovah is about to bring you out and the power of God is about to be made manifest in your life!


  • Father, today, I make demands on the power of resurrection in my life. Father, prove to me that You are the God of resurrection; prove it in my life today, oh Lord, in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, I ask that You will show forth Your resurrection power in my life in this resurrection season.
  • Father, I ask that Your resurrection power will give me a new beginning, will cause surprises to happen around my life; let this resurrection season take the devil by surprise in my life.

(Altar Call)









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