– Bishop David Oyedepo on “GATEWAYS TO FINANCIAL FORTUNE PART 3” at Second Covenant Day of Favour Service || First Sunday Service || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland ||
Shall we lift our two hands to heaven and celebrate our great king, the Lord of Lords. The King of Kings. Jesus is His name. Let’s magnify Him for bringing us together again this morning. Church Gist. Thank Him for the events of the week. The amazing results He gave us. Thank Him for His protection, His provision, His direction. In Jesus’ precious name, we have prayed.
Next to our salvation, the greatest asset of the believer is revelation. Because until you are saved, you are not safe and with ignorance, you keep experiencing hardship. Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 21:16. You are not saved, you perish. If you don’t know the truth, you perish. Spiritual ignorance is a self-destructive weapon in the hand of the enemy. Church Gist. The greatest asset in the midst of darkness is light. We like to pray this morning, Jesus open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. It is what you see that God is committed to give. Genesis 13:15.
We are looking at GATEWAYS TO FINANCIAL FORTUNE Part 3. Let’s be reminded that God will only entrust true riches into the hands of those he can trust to use such wealth for his purpose. We serve a God of order. True riches cannot be achieved, true riches are simply entrusted. Luke 16:11. So it begins from what you have to access what He has. What is His purpose? Matthew 24:14. Church Gist. The true riches of the last days are for building the latter house, not for accumulation, possession until you are breathing so hard and suffer constipation. 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Charge them that they be rich in good works and good works begin first with God. Matthew 6:33. Good works include ministering to the needy around you as you are able (Matthew 25:30-40).
Secondly, we must recognise that our giving is not a financial donation ‘to help God’ but a spiritual transaction that releases heavenly order of blessings on our lives. These are just reminders. When Noah reared an altar of sacrifice in Genesis 8:20-22, God smelled a sweet savour. Heaven is His throne, so He smelt it in heaven. The thing was done on earth, God responded from heaven. When Abraham laid Isaac to slaughter him, a voice sounded from heaven, “now I know you fear me,” it answered in heaven. Church Gist. Solomon reared an altar of sacrifice in 1 Kings 3:3-5 and God came down and said “what exactly are you looking for?” So our givings are not donations, they are spiritual transactions on the basis of the covenant. Which commits heaven to respond. Proverbs 19:17. He gives to the poor but God is saying ‘you are lending that to me and I am going to return it unto you’.
What is a covenant? Biblical covenants are God’s sworn verdicts on various aspects of life including financial prosperity as contained in His Word. Isaiah 14:24. They are sworn verdicts. My integrity, God is saying, is at stake. “This is my agenda, as you fulfil your part, you have committed my integrity to perform on every issue of life. You will enjoy a heavenly home if all you know about marriage is Ephesians 5:23-25. Wives submit to your husbands, Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church. That’s it! It is your argument against this thing that brings problems. If God knows my husband, He will know he is not that kind of person. Church Gist. God doesn’t know it, inform it. People just want to go their way and they want God’s hand in their lives. Biblical covenants are sworn verdicts. God is saying my integrity is at stake on this matter, this is what I will do if you will care to do the following. It can’t be simpler than that.
No circumstances on earth can render any biblical covenant of no effect. No circumstance under heaven. Money failed in the land of Canaan, money failed in Egypt, covenant people were living in the same Egypt (Genesis 47:15-27). People were offering themselves to be sold, there was nothing more to sell so they offered themselves to be sold. At the same time, Israel dwelled in the Local Government of Goshen and had possessions thereon and multiplied and increased exceedingly in the same season. Covenant supremacy over the climate. It is a clear demonstration of the supremacy of the covenant over every climate. It delivers in season and out of season. All things don’t have to be equal because they are hardly equal but the covenant is constant. Psalm 37:17-18. Church Gist. In the days of famine, the upright shall be satisfied, Not that they just eat. They are satisfied. If you grow up in the village, when they say “are you satisfied?” you say “No! I am not satisfied”. Some will eat until they become pregnant. They shall be satisfied, they shall not be ashamed in the evil time. On the day of famine, they shall be satisfied because they are standing right on the Word. Malachi 3:10-11, 17-18. Malachi 4:1-2. In the days of the burning down of everything, you are growing up and going forth. That is just expounding the supremacy of the covenant over every form of negative economic hazard if you care for it.
Terms of The Covenant of Financial Fortune
Please note, we must engage biblical discretion in our covenant practices. It is not throwing things around, it is coming to understand what are God’s priorities in our financial stewardship. If you look at the man of Psalm 112, I call him the 112 man. Psalm 112:5. He guides his affairs with discretion. We need biblical discretion in our financial stewardship. We need to identify the priorities so we don’t become wasters. What are the priorities in our covenant practice? Psalm 112. He is a giver but he gives on the basis of biblical covenant discretions. What are they?
The first of these priorities is tithing, the reason is it unleashes blessings and preserves them. It is not your own, it is not my own, it is God’s. Don’t ever pose to be smarter than God or you keep struggling through life. He doesn’t need the tithe, He gave you the 100 per cent in the first place but you need it to sustain His blessings in your life. Malachi 3:10-11. Tithing is the top priority in our financial stewardship for every smart believer. Church Gist. Matthew 23:23, Jesus validated the place of tithing. Tithing is of God. Abraham, our father paid tithes of all and he became blessed on earth and in heaven. Genesis 14:19. Jesus saw Abraham sitting on a throne in heaven and saw Lazarus at his footstool. The rich fool referred to him as “Father Abraham”. Blessed from the earth and in heaven, tithing was the mystery of his takeoff into a world of financial fortune. Genesis 14:14-20. Hebrews 7:7-8. So tithe is a transaction between you and Jesus who has the key of David, He opens and no man can shut it. When He opens the windows of heaven over your life, no devil can shut it. The key is in His hand. Tithing is top on the priority of our financial stewardship.
2. Worship offering
We are told not to come to His presence empty. Deuteronomy 26:16-17. We saw that widow that dropped two mites in the offering plate, Luke 21:1-4. Jesus said she gave the greatest. So our giving is not in terms of volume but in terms of the cost to us. So we don’t honour God with leftovers. Church Gist. Honour the Lord with thy substance, not leftover, not change from the newspaper vendors. So it has to be programmed. In the New Testament, they take offerings in every service. You gather them for distribution to those that are in need.
3. Kingdom Advancement Sacrifices.
God first, His kingdom next. Psalm 50:5-6. The altar of sacrifice is the altar of turnaround. Psalm 126:1,5-6. Sacrifice is something that goes to God and the affairs of His kingdom at some cost to you. David said I will never offer a sacrifice to God of that which cost me nothing. What makes a sacrifice is the cost on you, not the volume. Church Gist. Somebody here from the old church gave I think #10, the two children gave #2 each or something according to his testimony. He was trekking from Ikeja to Church, that was his seed for Canaanland, the Wall of fire. When we were building the wall around the property. God turned a multimillionaire out of him, at a cost. It was at a cost. No money to transport to Church, trekking to Church and still being able to squeeze that amount and Jesus said you touched me already. Cost not about volume.
Kingdom advancement sacrifices include building of churches, David said “it was in my heart to build God a house” (1 Chronicles 29:3) and we saw how much he put together towards the building of the house. Even though God said you will not build it, he said his heart was there. The son testified that “it was in the heart of my father, David to build God a house” and God said, “thou doest well”. So when you have Kingdom dreams in your heart, you do well in life. Church Gist. When it is genuine, God will make sure He blesses you to the point of actualizing those dreams that are for the advancement of His kingdom. You don’t have to struggle about it. A man needed help and the Jews came to Jesus “that this man is worthy that you do it for him for he has built us a sanctuary”. Jesus said I will come. You win favour with God when you are committed to the advancement of His kingdom.
I shared this testimony before but I am going to repeat it. Before I had my first bank account, it was in my heart to be building churches for Jesus. I had no calling to ministry whatsoever but it was in my heart. God saw it was in my heart, God certified that it was genuine and God began to take me from zero level little by little, from the dunghill little by little. It has been a long time since I stopped building one church, it is always in multiple of churches. When I had it in my heart, I had nothing in my pocket, there was nothing to put in any bank. God certified it that it was genuine. It is not about saying it is in your heart, God knows whether it is genuine or not. He knows. If I say what are your kingdom dreams? Some folks will say “well, kingdom dreams? Our church is a dreaming church, we are always dreaming”. What is your own kingdom dream? We started giving scholarships in my family in 1992, what were we worth? But to see other people have their destinies open, we began to do it. Two professors of this university today were beneficiaries of our scholarships. That I know, they came to tell me by themselves. Is it in your heart? Then show it. 1 Chronicles 29:3-5. It was not a thing you just thought, it is a settled dream of the heart. Church Gist. You always do well with kingdom dreams. Thou doest well because it was in thy heart. You do well when you have kingdom dreams, you are not faking it, He ensures you are doing well to actualize it. What was my problem? I saw churches being built 20 years unfinished. I saw committee members die and new ones are appointed and they die and the church project is still there. Then I heard this nasty proverb “as poor as church rat”. It was taunting to me. Jesus if you ever bless me I want to be part of building you churches. I said to Jesus that I am not ready for heaven until I have been privileged to put up a thousand churches for you. Kingdom dreams are the highway to a boom, genuine kingdom dreams, not balloon wishes. God won’t stop blessing you if you won’t stop advancing His Kingdom. God won’t stop blessing anybody who will not stop advancing His kingdom. You can start from where you are, that is the beauty of the covenant.
Giving to missions is another way of kingdom advancement investment, mission advancement projects, crusades, outreaches and so on because my cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad. Zechariah 1:17. Investing in Church furnishing such as chairs, carpeting, audio, visual and power generating equipment etc. Church Gist. Just getting excited. Psalm 102:13-15. Fearful favour is the lot of everyone that takes genuine pleasure in advancing the kingdom of God.
4. Giving to parents.
We did that last week. We attract blessings as we do them. Church Gist. It is not doing them a favour, it is a covenant between us and God that it may be well with you and I and we may prolong our days on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3.
5. Giving to the poor, giving to charity, especially those that are of the household of faith. You see a need and you are moved to be a part of meeting that need in persons, in communities, especially those that are of the household of faith. Church Gist. Galatians 6:10. Do good to all men especially those that are of the household of faith.
6. Giving to ministers and ministries that impact our lives.
It is part of the spiritual requirements for enjoying God’s blessings as prophetic blessings go forth when we are privileged to be part of that. I have seen a bit of that in my life over and again.
Note please that apart from tithing, every other covenant giving is as one is able. The tithe is what is tied to a figure. The 10 per cent of God’s increase in your life is God’s own portion mandatorily. Apart from that, every other giving is as one is able or as one purpose in his heart. Everyone should give as he is able, according to the blessings of God upon his life. Tithing is tied to a figure. You earn #1000 a day as a labourer, the tenth of #1000 is #100. My view of sacrifice is something that is outside your tithe, it is beyond your tithe by how much you are able and how much you purpose in your heart. So let’s call it 11 per cent. Let’s call your offering 1 per cent. By the time you add everything together, it is only 25 per cent perhaps and you have a whole 75 per cent with blessings on top of it. But people won’t do it. “25 per cent is too much, if we do all that you said, what will remain?” Blessing. What are you looking for? Blessing. It is that simple for God’s sake. I have been that stupid all my life. Well set percentages that go to God the affairs of His kingdom with utmost delight. I have never begged. I have never intended to borrow. Church Gist. You better wake up, God doesn’t need it. I got this thing before I became a pastor of a church. It is not that I am preaching to people. God preached to me and I caught it. May you catch it today. What will God do with your #100 out of #1000. The #1000 came from Him. If you are dying of sickness, can you go for labour? And you will be spending money without working. So He gave you strength and gave you favour, gave you a place to work. To honour Him with the one-tenth that is His own portion of the deal that is His own, you are complaining and grumbling. Somebody’s story is changing. My tithe was in Kaduna Church when we had #18,000+ for a whole year. That tells you what all of us were worth at that level. The level of all of us was there. Everybody’s level, the faithful and unfaithful were there. But I began to tithe my way up and sacrifice my way higher and kept going and kept looking at the poor and the needy. I just kept moving and moving and every devil knows I have been moving. I have not been at the same spot, I have been moving and he wants you and I to keep moving. Proverbs 4:18. Your life will never go down any more. More and more and more is your portion. What an awesome God we serve. It is your turn to shine.
2 Corinthians 9:7. There is no pressure. Things about God are so easy. You start from where you are, the blessings of God will keep following after you.
How do I get started? Now listen. Start from where you are now. Don’t say I know what I will do when I get another job. The only way to get another job is to do the right thing where you are now. Do the right thing. Commit yourself to the tithing covenant. Commit to never appear before the presence of the Lord empty as you are able. Commit to advancing His kingdom at your level. Commit to it. We were believing God for three thousand naira, on October 3 1984. This whole worldwide ministry was believing God for three thousand naira to pay off the rent of our church facility. I told our church leaders, “if I have this money, God will not appeal to me to give iI. Now we are all on the same level, listen to what I am saying because a time is coming when some of us will take off in the air…” I knew from that zero level that there were people who would take off in the air. “… and you start saying that you don’t know what we are using, let me tell you what I am using, I am sold out to God”. You can’t be sold out to God and not stand out in life. Church Gist. I would never have made that announcement to them if I had that money. Never! That money was far beyond my status, far beyond my capacity to attract by faith. But in my heart, already there. There is no skill of man that will make rich. If it does, it will still add sorrow but the blessings of God maketh rich and adds no sorrow. I live a sorrow free life. What you say is your opinion, what you don’t say is your choice. It doesn’t touch me. I live out of that realm, what you do and what you don’t do is your cup of tea and I have my own cup of tea. Sorrow free! If anybody asks you what about this, it is sorrow free and it is long-lasting. It is enduring, it is always there. It is never going down. The blessings of God maketh rich and add no sorrow. It is enduring and it is ever on the increase.
Some folks have some little coins in their pocket but the pressure under which they live, God have mercy. Pressure and plenty of sorrow but that is not your portion. I have told the story of John D. Rockefeller before, he started his tithing journey from his first paycheck of $7:50. He grew to become the first American billionaire in history. Church Gist. Tithing, kingdom investment addiction took him from one level to another and his wealth is still speaking on the earth today. You can start from where you are. Job 8:7. Zechariah 4:10. It is small things that become big things when properly treated.
To sustain covenant practice we must engage in planning our financial stewardship. Plan it. Every enterprise is built by planning. Proverbs 24:3-5 (AMP). As I once said, praying without planning is playing without knowing. Church Gist. Planning without programming is living in the woods. Programming without pursuit is dining with the dead. So it is not just a dead plan that has no future. You plan, you programme, you pursue and destiny opens up.
Benefits of Covenant Practice include:
1. Procurement of divine favour.
Favour begins to bellow on you as you carry God and His kingdom on your heart and you engage in other covenant practices such as giving to your parents, giving to the poor and all that. Church Gist. Psalm 35:27. Matthew 6:33.
2. Covenant practice also guarantees supernatural fruitfulness in all areas including the fruit of the womb.
Deuteronomy 28:1-13. Blessings that cover all areas of life including the fruit of the womb. Church Gist. The body is there to be fruitful. Anybody on the line for miracle children, your breakthrough has finally come. In this Anointing Service, the yoke of barrenness, infertility, hormonal imbalance shall be totally destroyed.
Today is our Covenant Day of Favour. Among other things, there shall be a release of the favour for marital settlement today. Just like that testimony, we had read to us, every cage and chain on any marital destiny shall be broken loose today. Church Gist. Every challenged marital destiny such as marital delays, marital troubles are mostly raw oppressions of the devil. “An enemy has done this” but the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
– Every upheaval because of the anointing shall be destroyed today.
– Every spell of marital delay shall be delivered today.
– Every captive of marital oppression shall be liberated today.
Ephesians 6:12.
– Today is declared your day of liberty.
– Everyone set for marriage shall be gloriously married this year.
– You will remember this service for long because this week, my God shall visit you.
– Every closed destiny shall open up.
– Every broken-down family life shall be restored.
Every child of God that so desires has the God-given right to be settled in marriage because it is our God that sets the solitary in families. Psalm 68:6.
– Everyone bound with the chains of the wicked against getting married, the chains are declared broken today.
– In this Anointing Service, the favour of a glorious married life is released upon you.
You have the God given right because every good thing is our heritage in Christ. It is not good for man to be alone. I want to make life groovy for him, I have instituted marriage to make it so. Genesis 2:10. God recognises marriage as a good thing and every good thing is your right in Christ. Matthew 7:11. Today is declared your day of liberation. You will share your testimony.
– The storms in your family are over today.
To actualize our glorious marital destiny:
1. Be born again and remain in love with God.
John 3:3-5. Romans 8:28. Stay in love. May every woman’s heart who may have run away from her married home, may their hearts return to her husband today.
– May every man who has fled from their family life to run after agents of the devil, may their hearts return to their spouse today.
2. Be committed to kingdom advancement endeavours.
Because everything others are dying to get, He adds them to you for free, including peaceful, harmonious and glorious family life. Stay committed to God and you find God opening that new chapter in your life. Church Gist. Somebody here called the husband while we were in a service like this after engaging in Kingdom advancement endeavours, “can you come and pick me up from Church?” they had been in their uproar for nine years and every attempt to settle them ended without result. That singular call settled the family. Somebody is entering their settlement today.
3. May God be your only source of expectation. People run into crisis because they keep looking for other sources. “they that hasten after another god, their sorrows shall be multiplied”. You have been looking in other directions and things are growing rougher for you, check it and return to your God. Church Gist. Get rid of those trashes, they won’t help you. Psalm 16:4. Psalm 62:5. It is time to settle with God for God to settle your issues. Settle with God, stop going here and there.
I have told you that I made this covenant with God several years ago. Whatever you cannot do, let it remain undone. Whatever you can’t give me, may I never have it. Wherever you can’t take me, may I never get there. Church Gist. God only settles those who settle with Him. Settle with God, stop going here and there. “it is my Mama who took me there”, it doesn’t matter.
4. Put your faith to work.
Take the shield of faith and you quench all the fiery darts of the devil. Ephesians 6:16.
5. Beware of pride
God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble. Beware of pride. Some are too proud to keep a home. Some are too arrogant, beware of pride, it destroys. Nobody has ever risen by pride, people go down. They go flat by pride. Beware of pride. Before you had some money, your wife was your sweetheart. After some money came, money becomes your sweetheart. What a life. Church Gist. Today women are all announcing women’s liberation, some are even converting themselves to men. Pride! You can’t sustain any marriage with pride in your heart. Daughters of Zion listen to me, whatever has two heads is a monster. You can’t sustain it. Before honour is humility and marriage are honourable in all. So it takes humility to enjoy the honour of marriage. Proverbs 15:33. Hebrews 13:4. If you want the honour of marriage, stay humble.
Finally, today is our Special Monthly Anointing Service expect three things to happen in this anointing service.
1. Expect your passion for God and the interests of His Kingdom to be quickened today as it was with David. He was anointed in 1 Samuel 16:13. In Chapter 17, He got up and said ‘who is this uncircumcised Philistine to defy the people of God”. That anointing stirred of the zeal of the Lord in his heart. By that passion, a teenager grew to become a national hero. Church Gist. The anointing is a quickener of our passion among others. 1 Samuel 17:26,45-50. Expect your passion for God to come alive. That you will not be docile anymore concerning the kingdom. You will be actively and productively engaging.
2. Expect the anointing today to be the oil of favour that is the aroma of favour following you every step of the way.
Psalm 45:11-12. After this anointing, you will be smelling favour. Wherever your name is mentioned, favour will answer. Wherever you step into favour will welcome you. My wife and I were in a meeting in Washington, D.C. several years ago and a young man came to me in the hotel lobby and said “I am here to serve you”. I never knew him from anywhere. Straight away he carried our bags to the hotel room. I forgot my belt at home and I said I need to get a belt. He said “No! I will do that for you now” He was really serving and I never knew him. We were coming in from Toronto and we got to the airport in New York and they said “Welcome Sir”. Church Gist. I greeted them at the reception and they said come into the first class lounge. I said I don’t have first class ticket. They said just come. They brought me a first class ticket without one dime addition. Favour! Psalm 44:3. Favour gave your church this land, not effort. Nothing flies like favour. As this oil comes on you this morning, your life will start smelling favour. Whatever they have taken from you, favour will bring it back. Whatever belongs to you, favour will attract it. Nothing flies like favour. It took Joseph from the prison straight to the palace. It took a captive boy like Daniel and the King bowed and worshipped him overnight. Favour! When the anointing came on them on the day of Pentecost, favour greeted them. They were having favour with God and with man. Acts 2:47. The anointing attracts favour. So by the mystery of the anointing oil today, expect favour to overturn every misfortune in your life. Psalm 5:12. You are born again and then the anointing comes upon your life, favour begins to answer every
3. By this anointing, you shall no longer bear the mark of the wicked but you shall be commanding dominion, every step of your journey. From today, by this anointing no agent of the devil will come near you to destroy your life. Ezekiel 9:6. Galatians 6:17. Psalm 105:13-15. As this oil comes on your head, I declare you a ‘touch not’ entity on the earth. Church Gist. When those sons of Sceva were trying to cast out a devil, it said “Jesus I know, Paul I know”.
– Every devil will recognise you from now that your life and territory is a no go area for them.
Anoint yourself daily this week and watch out for the flow of favour. Psalm 89:21. Expect your dominion to have stronger expression this week. Every evil arrow targeting your life will return back to sender.
What a day in God’s presence. Give God thanks for the Word as we close in this service.
The oil will speak fresh passion into your soul. After Jesus was anointed, he went to the temple and with great zeal flogged out every buying and selling there. Church Gist. The zeal of the Lord’s house consumed him. By this anointing be consumed with the zeal of the Lord.
– Expect your life to begin to smell favour from now.
– Wherever your name is mentioned, favour will answer.
– You never hear get up from here any more in your life. You will be decked with favour from heaven.
– They never turn you back on anything you are embarking on anymore.
– Fearful favour will start attending to you.
– As you keep taking pleasure in God and the interest of His kingdom, so shall it be for you.
– Your dominion is re-established.
– The sons of wickedness shall not afflict you anymore.
– Favour will be locating you wherever you are.
– Your dominion shall remain unchallengeable.
– Your passion comes back alive.
We also have heard that today is Mother’s Day.
– Every mother in this church is declared a blessed mother.
– No one shall live a negative life that negatively impacts their children!
– May every mother here remain a bona fide example of what they want their children to be!
– Everybody’s mother here shall be an example worthy to be followed!
– No mother here shall bury any of their children
– If any child is being challenged, that challenge is turned into a testimony!
– Every disability in any child is reverted to perfection!
– No mother shall cry over their children
– No children in your family shall go wayward!
– All mothers and mothers-to-be are declared blessed!
– All women in this church are declared blessed!