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– Bishop-Elect Emmanuel Rotimi Onabanjo at Celebration Service PAEMINISTRY NEW YORK

Glory be to God. Lift up your hands in the air and say I am grateful to You Lord.

I thank You Jehovah, I bless Your great and Holy Name, I exalt You Lord for You have been so kind. You have been so good.
You have been so merciful. I am among the living today to hear Your word again.

Say, fill me up, let Your glory be upon this hall. It’s Your word Lord, it’s Your word Lord. So, fill it with Your Spirit. Let the word go out unchecked and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force.

Let there be great power coming forth into my spirit through this word. Illuminate my mind, my spirit, my soul that through this word, my life will become brighter, will become greater and I will be richer in kingdom abundance. I pray these things, I believe them and they are settled in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Before you take your seat, I want to read to you from the book of Isaiah 1: 19 in NKJV. Did you see the two words ‘ willing and obedient’ ?

It’s one thing to be willing
to come to church. It’s another thing to obey what the Church teaches. To eat the good of the land? Don’t just be willing, don’t just be interested. Get intoxicated with the word of God. Get possessed with the word of God. Let the word of God fill your life, so that you won’t think any other thing, but to obey the word of God. Because you know once you add your willingness to your obedience, what will happen to you?
You shall eat the good of the land. Say, that is my reward.
I am here to preach to you today from the topic:
How to get Divinely Rewarded.

Isaiah 1:19 in Message translation of the Holy Bible.

You don’t want to feast like beggars, you don’t want to feast like miscreants but you want to feast like Kings. Have you ever been to a King’s table before? The first thing that happens to you when you are feeding on a King’s table is your disabilities disappears.

You go and ask brother Mephibosheth. When he was fetched by Ziba from LODIBA. The King said is there anyone remaining in the house of Saul that I may show the compassion of the Lord and they said, there is one but he is in LODIBA. His name is Mephibosheth. He said go and fetch him.

The Lord has fetched you to the Sanctuary today. He fetched you inorder to freshen you. And when it’s God that freshens you, you will eat like Kings.

Say Father, change my dinning set. I don’t want to feed with rotten spoon. Change it to golden spoon in Jesus Name.

Say obedience, say it louder. Say it until it disturbs you. Say it till your spirit hears. Mention your name right now. I can’t hear your name. Are you afraid of your name? Mention your name with power, mention it with authority.

Say I command you, obey the word of the Lord. Do you believe? You have spoken, you have received it. So be seated.


So, how to get Divinely Rewarded. The first thing I want us to agree on is to be willing and to be obedient.

You have to be willing and to obey. Many people come to the Lord, willing to serve the Lord but they find it very difficult to obey the Lord.

Blessings according to the word of God, the scriptures comes through obedience. From Genesis all the way to Revelation. There are many areas of examples where obedience was repeated. If you go to Deuteronomy 28:1, after it says if ye shall what I the Lord say unto you. All these blessings shall come on you and what are the blessings?.
Blessings in the field, blessings in the city, blessings when you come in, blessings when you go out. That means, nothing missing nothing broken.

Your children shall be blessed, your dogs, your cats, every pet in your house shall be blessed, even your servants,your slaves shall be blessed.

Blessings pressed down, shaken over flowing. Blessings shall possess you and you shall possess the blessings of nations.

If you read from Deuteronomy 28:1-13 but if you go to Chapter 11 verse number 13 to 14.

Deuteronomy 11:13-14, blessings come to the diligent and not to the deliquent. What I mean by deliquent is if you are owing, if your account is not good with God, don’t expect blessings. Because the word is teaching you that it comes to those who diligently obey.

Come on now, If you hearken diligently to the commandments of the Lord. What are the commandments of the Lord?

If you want your bread and water to be blessed then you must hearken diligently to the commandments of the Lord your God.

To love the Lord your God, not only when it’s dry, and you are now doubting Him because the weather man said it will rain and He said it will fire. And you won’t go to work because it will rain. Say Lord forgive me for exalting the weather man than you.

Deuteronomy 11 Verse 14, I will control the weather for you. I will make sure the rain falls and you don’t fall. I will make sure when your crops goes into the ground, it will not be corrupted.
Everything you sow will bring you harvest. Your efforts will not end in harvoc.

How to get Divinely Rewarded? It’s not just by being a Believer. It’s by being an obedient Believer.

It’s by being a Believer that says it’s raining and I am not going to stand here.

Let me tell you, do you think I hate you so much and I will not cancel the service if I knew an harvoc will come to you? Well I told you, you won’t catch coronavirus here but some people are not still here today.
Well, they asked them who is their Pastor and they said Pastor Emmanuel Rotimi Onabanjo. Okay!
But are you obeying Him?

Sorry, it’s well with you. At least you are here. Why will I take you out of Egypt when there is no promise land?
Why will God say, hearken unto me if He wants to hack you down into pieces.

That was exactly what the Israelites did. They said why will you bring us out of Egypt to come and and kill us here. It was their mouth that killed them, not the mission.

The mission was made perfect by God. God made the mission perfect before He sent their pastor to them.


But when they started to think and say. They forgot what the Bible had say which says ‘I will do exactly what I hear you say’.
They say we die in this wilderness and our children.

Obey the word of the Lord. I prayed. If anything happens to anyone of you. It’s my problem. We are not telling you to come to Church because of money, because we want to look good or show up many people. No!
Your soul is too important to me.


The same whether who said Hurricane last night has gone down to tropical depression. He will be depressed. The way they were saying it yesterday, did it ever come out that way today?

But we are Servants of the Lord. I am a Servant of the Lord. The rain cannot stop me from doing what the Lord has asked me to do.
Humble, confess and turn. If you don’t turn? People don’t know, they confess on Sunday. As soon as they get home they turn on the same music. You dance to what you hear.

You dance to what you hear. They danced to the idols they saw. And both the ones that danced and the ones that took their golds to make the calf, they were all cut short.

We need to go back and be preaching the unadulterated truth of the word of God. So that people can know that this is not the house of jokes.

Matthew 12:11,
it’s not easy to make heaven, the enemy is always supporting the proud. He wants to rebuke, so that you can rebuke what should not be.

He wants to tell you, you are doing the wrong thing when you know that you are doing the right thing.
He is always looking for an error whereas he is the error.

The devil so much in grandeur. He is committed. With the error, he was brought down.

He was brought down and Jesus was brought us. It’s a choice.
Once you have decided, don’t get persuaded with nothing.

Focus: James 1:1-8 Say how to get Divinely Rewarded.
Say Obedience, focus don’t waver, be stable.

Can we see Hebrews 1:21. This is what you get in serving God, he knows how to handle it.

Say Father, use me for people, make me your prayer point for excellence and for others.

And that when people see you.
One factor that prevent people living the life that God desire for them is lack of God’s word in them.

If you trust in God’s word, your prayers shall be answered.
Until you trust that God loves you beyond your human reasoning, until you have trust in God’s word. There’s no way you will get Divinely Rewarded.
Divine reward may not be there but you see that I am strong.

You were settled from the beginning. Jeremiah 1:1-5, if God preplanned you. Or God is interested in you.

You can’t be crippled. You are tool in the Hands of our God.
You cannot die youngth, if God doesn’t want house to it.

A ninety five year old man, and get married to a nice android phone.
God can do anything, through anyone at a given time. He is the God of time, He is the God of seasons, He is the God of desire. He can make you a prayer point that will make a wonder to many.

If he does it to Esther, I know he will do it for Elizabeth. If He did for Emmanuel, I know He can still to Abraham.
Can you trust Him like that? That you are a sermon, you are a sermon.

The purpose is the focus of God. It’s not your pass. It’s not the error of your generation. It’s wasn’t what your mother did. Once He has called you to be a sermon, He will use you to preach to others to trust Him.
God will use you to preach to others. You are going through the valley of the shadow of death but you are still breathing.

If you are still breathing, you still have a meaning. Shout and say I still have a meaning.
I still have a meaning. In this family, I am not finished. I have seen today, I will be the best of today. I have seen this year, I will be the best of this year.

You are too much than what you can quantify. He said I will do what I hear from you and the Bible says God watches over His word to make it come to pass.
Hallelujah. So your prayer should be, Father grant grace to the testimony of Your word. So that signs and wonders shall be performed in the Name of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ. When you say that, you are in for miracles. Say Amen to that.
Say trust God. Mark 11: 23, you are that Superstar that God will have faith in you, that He will use you to bless people.

But if you trust God, He has seen you as a Superstar, you won’t turn to a Super miscreant.
Think about what He has written about you.

Did the book say you are more than a conqueror? Hello, did the Bible say that about you?
So why are you having fears that something will kill you? You are more than conqueror.
Are you a winner or a sinner? Your sin He bare it.

By His stripes? So why are you fearing Corona nonsense?
There is no temptation that comes to you that is uncommon to man. Even when you are going through that temptation. He will make a way, so that you will not carry what will be too heavy for you.
He just want you to trust Him.

You pass through something inorder to preach to people about that thing.
If I have not gone through Coronavirus, how will I have confidence and open the Church. I prayed and said, this thing get out. Diagnosed yesterday, negative this morning.

They say your lungs has been affected, also many areas have been affected. I took off the oxygen. They say why are you taking off the oxygen? I said, because I have a vaccination that you don’t have at Methodist hospital.
If you are Spiritually vaccinated, you don’t need Mr Fauci. You need Mr Jesus.
Are you with me somebody?

Because before the devil brings in nonsense. You have received the fruit of the Spirit.

It was too late before the devil brought his nonsense, Genesis 1:26 already said in verse 28, be blessed.

Before the mess, there is a blessing. Before Coronavirus, Jesus died.

He walked on the sea, He removed the Storm.
Fall in love with that book (Bible).

By strength shall no prevail but by the word of the Lord.
Jesus already saw anything that you will become before you become it. So, trust God.

Speak the word: it’s disheartening that in so many Believers who sins were blotted but their lives are still trenched in fear.
If you can’t trust God that your sins are forgiven, you will be leaving in fear for life?

Let me tell you, fear is worst than cancer. Fear is not diagnosed.

Fear kills faster than cancer. Fear kills everything, not
Just system.

Faith cannot help a mind that’s harbouring guilts. It’s either you have been saved or you are still forming.

The reason why people cannot trust God is because they are too death conscious. If you are too death conscious, you will be walking all the days of your life in death.

The Bible says Jesus came to save those who they have all their life been indebted.

So if you are just living that kind of life, can I tell what’s going to happen to you? You are still going to die.

Hello, buy helmet, put yourself in a shield, pay the best doctor. The one who said he has cured , he has worked on over 2000 people with coronavirus died of cancer few weeks ago.

Hello, the man who said there will be coronavirus has died of coronavirus. He saw it. And it has killed him.

Stop having the fear of death. You know what Believers do? We confront death with smile. Because when we die we already know where we are heading. It is those who do not know where they are heading that should be having the fear of dieing.

The devil wants to destroy, God wants to receive you. So why are you having that fear. It’s doesn’t matter whether you die at 98 or you die at 28. Just have Christ.

Everybody is going after eternal life. When you get there, nobody knows your age. That’s why I don’t celebrate my birthday, because it means nothing to me.

I am sorry, you can do yours. I am not against it. But me, it means nothing to me.

Since my mother died at 48. And the wife before her died at 28. But they left all of us and we are still leaving. I will rather trust God.
Trust God, He knows better. If He calls you at 46, it’s better for you than 96.

We were helping a friend and colleague of mine in school now for some weeks. That guy will just seat down and both number 1 and number 2 will be coming out of him without him knowing.

This was a brilliant guy. A university graduate. Will just be coming out him.

The wife deserted. We tried and tried to get the wife from just Oyo to Ibadan to come and help, she won’t come. She had children, the children will not come.

We say something in my own tribe that it is the same man or the woman that children buries gives birth to children.

Until your children buries you, you have not given birth to nothing.

You are yet to die and somebody is saying when he dies just drop him somewhere. That’s a child you suffered for.

My sister, eat your food. Don’t build houses for this children, they won’t live in it. They won’t live in it.

You go to my father’s house now, there’s nobody there. Look in our village, my real village not Ibadan where I was born and raised. In our own village, my father’s house ask her was the best in the whole town at that time. In 50 to 60 years ago. By that time, when the white who were doing slave business came to Nigeria, the only house they could stay in my town was my father’s house.
I have been going to Nigeria now for how many years, I have think of sleeping there one day. Church Gist.

Even when we went to bury his brother, did I go with them?

They said they were going to that house, I went somewhere else. It has no meaning to me.
When I was bringing my family from Nigeria to America in 2009, the first thing I told this engineer. I said let’s sell the house. He said no, we are not selling the house. Because he has two rooms with bathroom inside.
Since we came to America, he has never visited the house. Infact he hid his passport so I won’t talk about it. He doesn’t even want to hear about Nigeria.

When I sold the house, he didn’t even ask me how much you sold it. I am telling you, this is the fact of life.

The city of David is now a museum. Where is the temple of Solomon?

Hello, wake up, trust God, worship Him. Your child is not going to answer for you. Your father is not going to answer for you.

Yes, your mother prays for you, your father prays for you. Let me tell you, if you don’t pray for yourself, you are in trouble.

Who prayed the prayer of Jabez to come out of generational affliction? It was himself.

The woman was going to Shiloh every year. Who prayed for her ? She didn’t have a husband or a father? She didn’t have a mother? You better go to the Lord yourself and settle your Destiny with Him. Church Gist.

Do you know what saved Abraham’s wife? The one who he sent away. The Bible says and God heard the cry of Hagar’s baby.

God heard the cry of the baby and moved. It may be the cry of your baby that will saved you. Call them when you are praying.

A mind that harbors bitterness should not expect anything from God.
James 1:7.

No serious person commits serious issues to unstable minds. Nobody will hire a manager if that told them ‘I am unstable’.

Why will you be thinking God will not answer your prayers, yet you are born again.

So much rewards has been wasted by minds that weavers.
Jesus was wiped and He wept inorder to save sinners. If you believe He payed it all. Why are you still praying, thinking and living like a condemned sinner.

When a prisoner leaves the jail house, he removes the clothing of prison from him. It’s another thing for a prisoner to stop living, thinking and walking like what he used to be.

A prisoner that does not remove the cloth of crime will soon get back into crime. Church Gist.
Jesus said this clearly in
John 8:6-11.

You need to cultivate a mind of not looking back inorder not to become a pillar of salt. A pillar of salt goes nowhere. You are the salt of the world. You are supposed to go everywhere.

There are some signals you should be checking for:

  1. If you are quick to start complaining over challenges: challenges have opportunities. Just look deeper and you will be a solver of issues.
  2. When you conclude that what you are facing are what you deserved because you are a sinner: who tells you, it is because you are a sinner? You are a winner!
    When you face challenges, look deeper, there is a winner in you. Nobody will invest in a looser. Have ever seen a boxing promoter putting his money on a potential looser?
    Jesus Christ put His life on you. You can’t be a looser.

If He doesn’t have a high hope in you: will He die for you? Will He bare your sins upon Him? Will the chasetisement of your peace be upon Him? By His stripes would you be healed?
He saw a winner in you. God saw a reason to invest in you. And He sent the best to bring you into His best.

  1. When you are quick to open your worries to people Instead of turning a full blast faith on God: because the Bible says if lack wisdom ask God, not men. Every time you have worries, you are in a hurry to pick up your phone rather than your Bible. Which one has the fact? Your Bible or your phone.
    Which one will tell you about eternal life? Your Bible or your phone.





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