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  • Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia on ‘LET THEM HAVE DOMINION’
    (PART C).

I have encountered spirits in my life, not just angels, not just Jesus; I have encountered many demon spirits in my life. Spirits over regions, spirits over families, spirits over territories and most people do not know; there are families under mysterious manifestations. The moment someone prospers in that family, a dangerous disease is introduced in that family at the same time and the money of the people continue to deplete, the person will never die till they become broke, by the time that is done…, and that is the end of it. It is the reason we hardly have third or fourth generation anything in Africa. Church Gist. I know that there is a major part our thinking and our understanding, we have not sadly submitted ourselves to transformation, it has its place, but to think that lack of mental transformation is the only cause of our problem, think again. That will be foolish thinking.

The last story I will give you and then, we will begin to pray: I had the privilege years ago to visit a gold mine and when I went there, we had a discussion and the locals within that land, they told me, they have a superstition or so around that region; they believe that the gold is a living thing and that it moves. So, before they begin the mining, there has to be a medium or a priest; a system of appeasal where you appease the gold. Church Gist. If you don’t appease the gold, the engineers can come and tell you there is gold here, by the next day, you will come there and you will find out that the machines cannot detect it again. So, they had their stories that the golds were moving around. So, the only way to begin to mine; people still do this even in construction today in Nigeria, there are construction sites, before they start; for every digger that hits the ground, somebody is dying and one chief wil call and say, “You people are foolish people, you went to school but you don’t have spiritual intelligence. If you keep digging this ground, you will die one by one and they will come and meet the person and they will say, “go and bring one goat” in the night now and after they slaughter the person, they can do the bridge across the sea because the spirits have been appeased.

You will see the spirits say, who is disturbing us?
There are people who prosper and spirits come to them and say, “I’ve not eaten and you are eating, we will see who should eat first” and all of a sudden, business that should increase you is just going down. Church Gist. I will teach you the whole counsel of God; Dominion is not a cheap word; it is a word that thrives on superior spiritual intelligence. This is what create an unfair advantage between people; I know the limitations that come by reasons of where I come from. I have studied it and I have seen it, it will be stupid for me to deny it, but thanks be to God, which causes us always to triumph.

Do you know why Nathaniel said about Jesus, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Did Jesus ever said he’s lying. Find out why; can anything good come out of Nazareth? There is a track record, we see their behaviours, was Samson not a Nazarene? How did he die? Was it not the covenant of a Nazarene that, at the prime of his life, he just died? He said, can anything good, in other words, this man will not last. There is a curse that comes with Nazarenes, they don’t last over anything they are doing. Don’t say, “I am in America, I am in Europe” that is why you see people respectfully speaking, they can spend decades abroad and yet, nothing happens to them.

Hear me, some of you here, you are the only ones now God has brought because as far as your family is concerned, until a saviour arises, there will be catastrophe. I have seen evil that is under the sun… One time I was praying; I was in a prayer and fasting program, the first time I would encounter a spirit. Church Gist. I was just praying and behind the place where there used to be a generator, I turned there and I saw a spirit and he said, “get back” and the next thing, I just started praying in tongues. What is this? Roaming around the earth?
The second time I was praying and I remember very clearly, my roof just disappeared and here, I am seeing this spirit that looks like a dinosaur, giant eyes looking like human eyes, as big as a human heads, one of the eye balls and he had the tail; the tail had it own life. You could detach it; fuming with anger and he looked at me and said, “so, you want to bring God’s people; you think you can bring God’s people into abundance” and that was the end of it.

Let me tell you the truth, before you think I am wasting your time, I want you to look at your life with sincerity and truth and you will know that you need this; it is time to really take dominion. If you are a man of God here or the call of God is upon your life, please hear me, because we are the ones who are most under attack in this season, by reason of this altars and the patters they create. Church Gist. Just answering the call and being anointed is not enough, you don’t know this; your life and your relevance will be cut short in a way you will not be able to explain. But one of the things I am hoping today and next week we will deal with, I am saying it again, is the origin of mysterious infirmities; blood conditions, whatever it is, genotype conditions. Please, make sure you invite everybody you love.

It is time to walk in victory, otherwise, we will keep quoting scriptures and jumping up and down and our lives will not capture this. I made a vow and a covenant with God, I said, “Lord, whatever it is that comes from my bloodline and my family, I obtain grace, even if it is for me to be the sacrifice, that I will fight it with my life, taking advantage of the victory that is in Christ, so that everyone that comes from me will enjoy that liberty. Someone may need to make that commitment and say, “Lord, my sincere parents and loved ones may have failed because they did not have knowledge, but, will You use me at that priest; let me be that mediator between the old and the new.”

I have prayed for a family where all of them, mysteriously, HIV just manifested in their lives like that, like from father to children, there was no history of that demonic thing, but everybody like that. I know people who are healthy and sound and fine, about to get married, they went to do blood test and they suddenly found out that one person is HIV and the person say, there is no way this would have come; medically certified. When everything scatters, they go back and check and you will find out that they are perfectly sound. I will like you to pray and say;

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree and I declare that no power will contend with my authority. I am a spirit with a mortal body; I am a spirit that submits to the authority of Jesus!
  • I have dominion in the name of Jesus over the realm of the air and the realm of the sea!
  • In the name of Jesus, I take my rightful place on earth as God’s steward and I declare, Holy Spirit, I am in partnership with You; every good thing that must manifest from Heaven to my life, I declare, let it be so now!
  • In the name of Jesus, every system of authorization working against my life, family and destiny, by the blood of eternal covenant, be silenced now!
  • In the name of Jesus, I declare that this body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore every sickness and infirmity in this body programmed to waste my life, I command; depart!
  • In the name of Jesus, I declare from today that I have a covenant of longevity; my body will never seperate from my spirit until my time has come, every premature seperation either by accident, by sickness or by the activities of wicked people; I curse it right now!

Jeremiah 22:29
The earth is a universal point of contact; the Bible says, as for the earth, out of it comes bread. The profit of the earth is for all and even the king is fed by that which comes from the earth.

  • In the name of Jesus, my portion given to me by God, I decree and declare through the ministry of men, let it gravitate towards my destiny!
  • In the name of Jesus, every negative inheritance that has been transferred to me by those who were before me; I decree and declare by the blood of the the Lamb, I reject it right now!
  • In the name of Jesus, every negative inheritance transferred to me by those who were before me. I decree and declare by the blood of the the Lamb, I reject it now!

The implication of having dominion over the realm of the air, water and earth is that, no element that comes from these sources should work against you (Judges 5:19-20). Church Gist. The elements of nature can hearken to the voice of those who know their God and can stand in partnership. That means, if someone goes to use the air against me or pronunciations that go through the wind or water, provided it is one of these elements, did the Bible not say the sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night?
_ In the name of Jesus, I speak to the elements of creation; hear the Word of the Lord, work in partnership with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God for my favour and my destiny, not against me!

Genesis 1:20-21
Water is connected to abundance and water in scripture means men too. It is not just about physical water; water is also prophetically and symbolic of men. Everybody’s abundance is in the hands of men and the Bible says, God can issue a command and those men can release it abundantly.

  • In the Name of Jesus, I decree and declare, the abundance assigned for my life and assignment, through the ministry of men, I declare, let it be released unto me.

Psalm 79:11
Death is an appointment. I can reject an appointment that you give me; we can fix an appointment for 12 and I can choose to reject it. For there to be an appointment, it means there must be some sort of consent, even if it is not mutual, there has to be an awareness; okay, you go to apply for a visa, you expect an appointment. Church Gist. There is an understanding between you and the consular officers that there is an appointment. So, when the Bible talks about an appointment, it means someone represented you for that appointment to be fixed, even if you are not there.

Like a man can go to get an appointment for all his children and they just know that your appointment is on the 25th, so when the Bible says there are people appointed to die, it may be that, they too through ignorance have signed in for that appointment, or someone before them already made the appointment:

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, every appointment whether by covenant, ignorance or by disobedience with the spirit of death, I decree and declare, by the blood of the eternal covenant, let it be cancelled now!

This prophetic prayer is dedicated to Nigeria. You see this onslaught of terrorism and the rest, go and read the book of Esther, you will find out that Harman and the plotters of evil, they consulted by divination and they were given a date when they will attack. I can tell you this for sure, no terrorist attacks at will; they consult with the constellations and they make incantations until the Heaven gives them a go, that is why it looks like, it is effortless, regardless army or whatever. I say it with all due respect to all the forces who are doing their best, but there has to be a spiritual advantage.

If you approach spiritual things just with your head knowledge or with strength, you will be a victim of several casualties. It is not like satan and terrorists are so powerful, their advantage is not in the physical armoury; their advantage is that, they have mastered two divinations; the art of manipulating the realm of the spirit and it is good for us to pray, but for God’s sake, prayer in ignorance is the same thing as not praying.

So, they set a date and even though Harman was dead, the decree of the date for instructions still continued. It took another decree to change it (Ecclesiastes 8:4, Isaiah 43:26). Church Gist. If you refuse to plant in a farm, something will still grow, the name is weed – an unwanted plant (Matthew 13:25).

  • In the name of Jesus, I take my place as one who has authority and I decree and declare; the spirit of bloodshed, terrorism and oppression around our lives; the spiritual power that supports you, we break it right now!
  • There is no rest and no peace for evil in the name of Jesus Christ!
  • Declare prophetically, safety and preservation over everyone connected to you. Reject bad news between now and December!

Revelation 3:7-8
I decree and declare upon you, that door that has been set, may it be open and remain open!

  • Any human vessel in partnership with any spirit that wants to shut this door, may this prophetic word judge them!
  • Things that you have been hanging, that you have just been seeing but will never come to your hand, in the name of Jesus, let it enter your hand finally!

(Altar Call)







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