- Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia, March Miracle Service.
Lift up your voice and bless Him in the Spirit. The Father of Spirits, we bless You and honour You. The Doer of wonders, we give You the praise, from eternity to eternity You are God and we worship You, we bless You. Father, we honour You and we give You the praise.
- Father, my portion tonight, I receive by faith.
- Father, visit us tonight in the name of Jesus. You call this a Miracle Service, let it answer to its name in the name of Jesus Christ.
If your name is Steven and we say Steven and you don’t answer, it tells us something is wrong with you. The Bible says, whatsoever Adam called it, that was the name thereof. So, if God says it’s your season of lifting and you call it by faith, it should answer. If God says this is your season of open doors, the same way if I call you and I say, “come,” you come. Church Gist. Even the dead came when He said Lazarus, he came forth. Let me speak to you in the name of Jesus, that everything that must come into your life tonight, there is no power in existence that will stop it from coming in the name of Jesus Christ!
I believe in the Gospel of power; I truly believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is just a discussion of fables without the power of the Holy Spirit. The difference is the power of God. We need the power of God, especially over the issues that plague men in today’s world. Enough of discussion, we need the power of God to heal, deliver and change lives. Church Gist. We’ll keep giving vain explanations until the power of God is introduced. Pray one prayer:
- Father, let your power be revealed in and through my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
- For someone tonight, God will surpass your expectations in the name of Jesus!
- Let your faith rise tonight, you have come to the God of Heaven and He will not disappoint you in Jesus’ name!
It’s always a joy to have us around and for all who are worshipping with us for the first time, across the nations and in this place, I welcome you in the name of Jesus. Sit back with joy and watch the wonder working power of Jesus. His power to save, heal and to deliver. This God we serve is a mighty God, please convince yourself that you are not hearing a lie; this God we serve is a mighty God. It does not take Him too long, overnight, like it is tonight, God can turn someone’s story completely in the name of Jesus Christ. This is not a preacher’s gibberish, believe me when I tell you this; God can come to you I know we are many but don’t forget that when He deals with us, He can come to you. Many people have phone lines but when they call you, everybody’s phone does not ring, it is yours that rings. In spite of the fact that there are many phone lines, when I dial your number, it does not call another number.
I’ll give a very short charge and then, I will begin to pray. The charge will help us to receive maximally; there are many believers who need to be taught how to receive. If you are not taught how to receive, God can be in place, mighty things can be happening and yet, you may not receive. It is very important that we open up ourselves to scripture and understand how God operates. Church Gist. Let me start by saying this, while I prayed and prepared for this meeting even before today, God is going to be visiting us across several areas but there are four major areas that came to me by revelation and God told me, these are the core areas He’s going to be dealing with tonight:
1). Restoration of spiritual fire. The Lord told me there are people who will come in need of restoration.
2). Healing. Tonight, God wants to heal; He truly heals.
3). Stagnation. Stagnation means something pegs you at a level and you do not make progress, consistent with the investment of your effort.
4). God tonight want to break by prophecy, financial limitations.
1 Corinthians 1:18-24
The word Christ comes from the word “Christos”, it means the anointed One, which is Jesus Christ principally but it also means, the anointing. The anointed One, revealing Himself together with His anointing. That is the word Christ (Revelation 11:15). The Bible says, when the anointing of God, Christ and His anointing is revealed in the midst of His people, it operates in two dimensions:
1). The power of God.
2). The wisdom of God.
That both dimensions of revelation are still Christ. There are problems that people have in their lives that require the power of God head on. For instance, attacks of darkness, situations that need to be corrected supernatural. For such, you don’t need any counselling, you do not need any discussion; there has to be an encounter with the supernatural power of God. Church Gist. But there are other situations that require the wisdom of God, not just the power of God. The Bible says, when Christ is revealed; He’s revealed in the midst of His people as the power of God, but also as the wisdom of God. So, there are people, you came here tonight and what you need is the anointing but revealed as the wisdom of God. God begins to give you insight as to what you need to do to provide answers to the needs that you have.
Many issues in our lives require the power of God to supernaturally correct them on unfavourable conditions. Health conditions for instance, demonic conditions for instance will always require the power of God to supernaturally correct those conditions. But there are many other situations that require the wisdom of God. That means, you must understand the principles of the Kingdom allocated for that result you desire. If you do not understand this, it may be difficult to receive maximally. That means, in a meeting like this, you can find people falling under the anointing, you can find people receiving things, a divine touch from God and usually, people stand up and wonder, “what happened to me? Why did I fall? Why is this supernatural experience happening?” And many people return back and cannot discern what just happened (1 Corinthians 1:1). Just because you fell does not mean it’s a demon going out, you can stand up from that experience and do have supernatural insight as to what to do – Christ as the wisdom of God, Christ as the power of God.
Many times, when we come for meetings like this, people just focus on the charismatic dimensions of the dealings of God and people fall, they rise, they cry, they shout and they return back and do not know what to do with these experiences. Paul is giving us an explanation right now that every time you see the anointing, the Holy Spirit and His anointing moving in the midst of His people, Christ is being revealed; to some the power of God to correct unfavourable conditions, but to some, He’s bringing you impartation of grace and knowledge (1 Corinthians 1:24, Acts 2:39). Church Gist. It does not mean He has to reveal Himself as the power or the wisdom. He can reveal Himself as both, that should be your prayer, that Lord, you come to me as your wisdom and your power; wisdom to rise and to reign, wisdom to rule.
Let me show you something about the power and the excellency of wisdom, Proverbs 8:1-19). Honour means to be perceived to match your true worth. When you are honoured, it means that men give you the credit and the perception that truly matches your worth, sacrifice and even surpasses it. It is possible to be a noble person and yet have no honour in your life and you will be perceived far below your true worth. When God brings you honour, He lifts you to match your sacrifice, knowledge, level of spiritual investment and ever surpass it for you. When the wisdom of God truly lands upon your life, right from where you are, you will begin to rise in a way that will first surprise you before it surprises everybody around you.
The assignment of wisdom is to dress you with the robe of royalty. There is something called the grave clothes (John 11:43-44). There are clothes that belong to the grave, there are clothes that belong to failure; situations have their garments that they can wear upon you. You can dress in a way that you don’t have to tell me you are military man. You can dress in a way that I know you are a lawyer or an engineer. Church Gist. Every profession has clothes, the Bible says even the grave has clothes. The assignment of wisdom is to come to you like Haggai, the keeper of the king’s virgins in the book of Esther and wisdom will begin to dress you. That means, I don’t need to ask what your situation is, I just need to look at what you are wearing; you can wear honour, delay, poverty or shame like a garment.
When the anointing of the Spirit comes, it took power to bring Lazarus out of the grave but He told them, “walk to him, loose him and let him go.” The power of God can bring you healing and deliverance, but it takes the wisdom of God to loose you from that shackles of shame; financial shame or whatever, there is something you must know (Leviticus 9:6), there is what you must do and then, you will see the glory of God in every area of your life. When Christ is revealed in the midst of His people, He’s revealed as the power of God; the power to break yokes, change conditions, but He’s also revealed as the wisdom of God. I can tell you this; the problem is usually not with the power of God; the problem is that most people do not know how to access the wisdom of God and put it to use. When wisdom cries towards your direction tonight, don’t ignore it. Don’t choose the power of God and ignore the wisdom of God and don’t choose the wisdom of God and ignore the power of God – Christ comes as the power of God and as the wisdom of God.
1 Corinthians 2 tells us about the hidden wisdom that was reserved for our glory. The natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit because they are spiritually discerned. When you are accessing the wisdom of God, it will come with instructions and principles that don’t make sense. For instance, go round Jericho seven times and shout, it is the foolishness of the ways of God. This is the danger of over dependence on principles and philosophies of men because sometimes when God comes to you, it will be a simple principle. There is a relationship between the wisdom and the power of God; it is Christ that brings them.
I’ve found out that most people’s problem, out of every three people, two are financial issues and we don’t shy away from these things. Any responsible ministry must be responsive to the realities of the times. It is a risk to not have the wisdom of God that provides for financial stability and don’t you let anyone tell you it is not necessary. When the wisdom of God comes to you, it speaks. It tells you what to do. Christ has come tonight as a supernatural bail out system, it’s up to you to open up your heart and say, “Lord, I believe.”
Wisdom can decorate (Esther 6:1-10, Genesis 21:1-2). Do you know when the wisdom of God comes upon your life, the wisdom of God can turn your life around? I’ve seen some of my pictures, I don’t like looking at them but I’ve seen some of my interesting pictures; I remember how impressed I was with myself at the time I snapped that picture and I am surprised to see the contrast; I believed I dressed well, I believed that the tailor was fair on me, I believed that I was at my best. I still remember how confident I felt snapping those pictures. But now, looking at those things, sometimes I wonder and I say, my God! That something can happen to you today, it will take a telescope to look at your yesterday “…by me kings reign, a robe of honour upon you…” For someone, you came for this Miracle Service tonight, you are out of the grave but your hands and your feet are still bound with grave clothes, I don’t know how many of you will want to give such a person a hug; there are mad men all around our cities and some of them dress in ways that you wonder, how they dressed and sometimes they come to you with joy, even wanting to shake you. Church Gist. Why do you run away, at least he’s God’s creature, why are you running away from the person? You don’t run away from animals like that, but here is somebody in the image of God and you are running away because there’s something about His dressing. If a mad man wears suit and tie, put a nice perfume and he’s still mad, you most likely will not run away because he does not look mad. So, one of the ways you identify problems is by what you are wearing. You can wear a garment that drives every good thing from your life. It is possible that a garment is upon you that makes people forget you. It is possible that a garment is upon you, He said, “remove the grave clothes, loose him and let him go. I didn’t bring him out to keep him at the door of the tomb, I want him to go. He’s out by power but it will take wisdom to loose him and let him go.”
Lord, reveal Your glory in my life as the power of God and as the wisdom of God.
I was very humbled when I hear of the sacrifices that people make for every service. From as early as 8, 9, 10, there were people already here, some of you have been here since morning inside, outside, everywhere, enduring, some of you have not even eaten, just to encounter the God of Heaven. Do you really believe that God will keep you that long, just to share the grace and go back? No!
We are going to start tonight with the sick, I really want to minister to the sick. Let me tell you this; the healing ministry is a very cardinal validator of the Gospel. Remove the healing ministry from the Gospel and you have reduced its potency by a very serious degree. You read the Bible, everywhere you find the communication of the truth of the Gospel, everywhere you find the message of the Gospel or the communication of the doctrine, you find the healing ministry. Church Gist. Let me tell you something about the healing ministry, why does God heal? For many reasons, one of them being that, there is no human being who has been given the privilege of entering two bodies in a life time. As benevolent as God is, He can replace parts in the body but we do not have any record of anyone whose spirit was extracted out of one body completely; organs have been transplanted with the same organism. Everyone is given one body per life time. Satan knowing this, you don’t receive forgiveness only once, you don’t receive mercy only once but this body, the moment you are born, that body remains with you and if anything happens to that body, you have lost your chance of continuity, as far as the earth is concerned.
There is no record in scripture and there’s no record as we know in history, science has not come close to extracting a human spirit out of a body and transferring it into another person. The only person who wanted to do that was satan himself, when he was looking for the body of Moses. When Moses died, he wanted his body so that a demon could enter that body and he’ll create a false Moses and Michael stopped him and said, the Lord rebuke you. Listen to me, bodies matter, ask satan what he was looking for in a dead body; the body of Moses. So everything that afflicts you is ministering death in a measure to you. Church Gist. Satan’s ultimate goal in sickness and affliction is to deteriorate your body. When your body is broken and deteriorated beyond that level, the spirit will no longer be able to stay and the spirit will have to leave in a process call death. Even in resurrection, the spirit still enters the same body. The only time bodies will change is when the King Himself makes that decree – from one that is corrupted to one incorruptible. But until then, you have a responsibility to protect your body.
Medical doctors will tell us that a man is as healthy as his organs and tissues and satan will start afflicting those things one by one. To heal means to introduce the power of God like a drug. Listen, medicine really teaches us how healing works. When you pick a drug, say you have headache and you pick paracetamol, you don’t have to tell the drug where to go to; your job is to swallow it. When you swallow it, whatever happens at that point is none of your business again, the drug goes to your body and you know that the drug is working by looking out for changes in your body and that’s the same way the anointing works. When the anointing enters your body, it starts searching for what does not look like the garden of Eden, it goes to every part of your life. When the Word of God comes for your healing, you have two responsibilities:
1). To believe in Jesus and in the vessel that He’s using.
2). To take a step of faith; actions of obedience (Acts 3)
Medicine and the supernatural were not designed to be enemies. Medicine confirms the supernatural, that’s why you don’t fight doctors. Those who fight doctors to show that they are powerful are ignorance. Church Gist. Doctors are symbols of God’s mercy. If you are truly healed, science will confirm it. It is the medical confirmation that validates to us that the power of had really come, but when you believe that the power of God cannot correct bodily conditions, is to insult the resurrection power.
- In the name of Jesus Christ who is the Son of the living God, the One exalted today as Lord and Christ, I rebuke the root cause of every infirmity, disease and plague in the name of Jesus Christ!
- Every spirit of infirmity, every devil behind medical conditions, blindness, deafness, dumbness, blood conditions, allergies; in the name of Jesus and by the power that raised Christ from the dead, I banish you from these bodies right now in Jesus’ name!
- I decree and declare, in the name of Jesus, be healed now!
- From the crown of your head to the sole of your feet, I bring you the life and power of Jesus, be made whole right now in Jesus’ name!
- Colon cancer, be healed right now in the name of Jesus Christ!
- Anyone on a wheelchair, everyone on crutches, using any kind of aid; life to your limb right now. I declare, begin to walk in the name of Jesus!
- The Lord is healing a condition; I’m seeing a vision and I’m seeing PID. Whatever that means, in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare; be healed right now!
- Anything in your body that is not the planting of the Lord, I flush it out right now!
- Whether I’ve mentioned your case or not, be healed in Jesus’ name!
- Every deity, alive or dead, every priesthood behind any altar that is troubling your life, manipulating the happenings in your life because they are trying to call you back, in the name of Jesus Christ, I decree right now, let fire fall now!
- Every occultic initiation, they took you somewhere and initiated you into all kinds of demonic practices, I declare be delivered now!
- For all of you who are being threatened to come home and take on certain priesthoods, in the name of Jesus, any altar that will not let you go, I stand right now as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the name of Jesus, every altar alongside the priest behind it, I command the earth to open and swallow them in the name of Jesus!
- In the name of Jesus Christ, as we step into the month of April, I am praying over my spiritual life; passion for the Word of God, passion for prayer, passion for the house of God in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Everything that does not represent spiritual growth, I drive it out of my life in the name of Jesus Christ!
We spoke about healing, when you study what Paul wrote about the gifts of the Spirit, all of the other gifts you will find gift of… But when it comes to healing, you will see that Paul wrote the gifts of healing. That means there are many dimensions to healing. Bodily healing is just one of the dimensions. There’s soulical healing; the healing of your mind. For the Bible says, a broken spirit can dry the bone from the realm of the spirit and it can affect you. - Pray for complete holistic healing. Lift your voice and declare healing of your body, mind, job, emotions; healing from disappointment, backstabbing, pain and bereavement in the name of Jesus Christ.
- You are going to decree and declare; every force responsible for stagnation in ministry, business, family, career; I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ. I command advancement in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Pray that Christ be revealed as the wisdom of God. Remember there are two levels of light; light that shines on your head (Job 29) and light that shines on your feet. Church Gist. The one that shines on your head gives you illumination, the one that shines on your feet gives you direction. You need both; you need strategy and direction.
- Father, let favour come upon my life, grant me financial rest. Grant me the grace to be empowered. I pray for favour, God using men to participate in my lifting and my destiny.
Exodus 11:3 - There is a relationship between favour and greatness. Truly, you can be great by favour. Who hates you does not matter but who likes you. You are going to pray that someone likes you.
Please lift up your hands and let me speak over your life:
- In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare, this week by the power that raised Christ from the dead, everything that has not been working, everything that represent a disappointment; I stand upon this grace and I decree and declare, may it begin to work!
- The same way you left your home and you came here and nothing stopped you; where you need to leave and go to, may nothing stop you in the name of Jesus Christ!
- The same way, when you left your home, there were many roads but you knew the exact road to follow to get to this place; every confusion around your life, may God show you the exact thing to do now in the name of Jesus!
- For all of you who are here, when you got to the gate, the gate did not close against you; therefore I declare, every gate that has been closed against you, I open it now in the name of Jesus Christ!
- There are many things you need in your life but you do not have the currency to buy them; the wisdom as currency to buy, the favour as currency to buy. Every spiritual currency you need to transact supernaturally and bring to your life results, may that currency be supplied you now in the name of Jesus!
- If you have submitted anything on the desk of your helper and they have forgotten you, this week, may it be a week of remembrance for you!
- You and your children are exempted from kidnappers, accidents and the evils of the day in the name of Jesus Christ!
- I pray for you, this grace called favour that can come upon your life as mantle and turn your life around; I decree and declare it is a signature grace in this ministry, therefore I pray, carry that grace now. Find favour with men, find favour even with Egyptians, systems and structures in the name of Jesus!
- Be great by favour, rise by favour, thrive by favour in the name of Jesus Christ!
- Everything that has brought tears to your eyes, I decree and declare, your weeping comes to an end now. Let it become a season of laughter for you!
In Jesus name I pray!
(Altar Call)