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  • Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia on ‘COMPLETE DELIVERANCE PART ONE’
    (PART A).

Can you lift your voice and begin to bless His name; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come. Your name indeed is to be hallowed. God of all grace; King of kings and the Lord of lords.


  • Let tonight be my night, oh God. I open up my heart to hear, to be delivered, to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible declares that they go from strength to strength as many as appear before the Lord in Zion
    Cry for a definite encounter tonight. Lord, I have not just come to clap and watch others blessed; visit me in a mighty way, give me a lifetime encounter in the name of Jesus.

May tonight be one of those night you will not forget in a hurry in the name of Jesus Christ!
Father, give us an encounter that will last our lifetime tonight. Let Your word come with superior power; let it give us a re-orientation. Let it validate and establish our authority, for in Jesus’ name we pray.

I welcome everyone to this marvelous service in the name of Jesus. May the Lord bless all who are following by way of television, the internet; the Lord will do you good in Jesus’ name.

We are starting our deliverance series and please for the sake of your destiny, I want you to pay attention. Church Gist. The spirit that distracts you tonight must be a demonic spirit and you must be ready to cast it out of your destiny.

I prayed my heart out and I told God, as for me, I will give my best in partnership with your spirit. It is up to you now to listen, because for someone, God is going to be answering your age-long prayer. When the Word of God is taught, God gives you understanding. I am trusting that God will so rubbish the devil and devalue him in this series. You will see the practicality of your authority in Christ in the name of Jesus.

John 8:36 (AMP)

  • May that be your testimony in the name of Jesus!
    This is a discussion on the subject of demonology and deliverance. We want to examine the basis for the liberty of the saints, that it is God’s desire and the Bible has made it very clear that there is a level of liberty that the saints in life should walk in; free from the orchestration of darkness, but as it is, you know by now that this is a Kingdom that operates by light. Church Gist. This is a Kingdom that is knowledge dependent. That means, it truly does not matter what God says or does not say; if you are ignorant of the dynamics, it can make what God has said, as potent and as powerful as it is; it can make God look helpless in your life (Hosea 4:6).

This is a three-part series; today will be part one, next week will be part two, the week after will be part three. Let’s have the course content:

1). The Biblical basis for the studying of satan and demons.
Does the Bible gives us the allowance to study satan, demons; is it scriptural to study the orchestrations of darkness?

2). The origin of satan and demon spirits. What exactly is his agenda? What is satan about, who is he, who was he?
You can’t imagine how ignorant many believers are as far as the knowledge of these spiritual truths are concerned.

3). The reality of evil – in scripture and in our world today.

1). The structure and the operation of satan and demons. The Bible is very clear as to the fact that satan operates a very intelligent organogram; there is a structure and there is a way that satan operates.

2). The Biblical concept of deliverance.

3). The concept of access points. What are the gateways that give satan access to the lives of people because the Bible lets us know that satan can have access point and he can lay claim over people and destinies.

4). The nature of the flesh.

1). Administering deliverance: The three levels of complete deliverance.

2). Weapons of victory/The whole armour of God.

3). Imbalances around the subject of deliverance.

Theologically speaking, the subject of satan, demons, exorcism, deliverance comes under a theological caption of DEMONOLOGY. Demonology is the study of demons, satan, the satanic structure and everything that relates to the operation of darkness. Church Gist. I have taught you that in studying the Bible from a theological angle, it is broken into many structures to enable the believer have understanding. Theology comes from the word, ‘theos – the study of God.’ So, you study God to know who He is and then it helps you to be able to relate with God.

Then we have, Anthropology from the word anthropos; the study of man, our biological, historical build-up is an attempt to know and to understand man, as the zenith of God’s creation. Who is man and what is it about man, why did God mandate man to be the chief steward of earth?

We will also look at what we call Soteriology, it is the study of salvation, the entire plan of salvation, beginning from the fall of man until the resurrection of Jesus. Then we’ll look at Pneumatology, the study of the ministry; the person, the ministry and the office of the Holy Spirit because when Jesus died and resurrected, He gathered the disciples together and handed them over to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Church Gist. So, the dispensation of the church age is also the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. There are other interjections here and there like Christology – the study of Jesus. Jesus was not just a man, He was also a strategy; God’s strategy given to man to redeem man. Then we’ll study Ecclesiology; the Church, the fruit of redemption; this is where we teach on Kingdom advance, the Gospel, influence, spiritual growth and maturity, what the local assembly is about and all the facets of the Kingdom. Then we’ll wrap up by studying Eschatology; the study of the end times. The Bible says if our hope is only in this world, we are of all men, most miserable. So we have to understand through the eye of prophecy, what lies before us as things begin to unfold.

It is important that believers be exposed to all these seven or eight dimensions, to be holistically built. If you are left out in any of these areas aforementioned, you will find out that your spiritual growth will be lopsided.

The word ‘deliver’ occurs about 594 times in the entire Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) and then, the word ‘deliverance’ occurs 179 times, using twelve translations as a reference. Church Gist. If you use KJV (King James Version), it occurs about 41 times in the entire Bible. That is to tell you that, it must be a very serious subject for it to have this kind and thus frequency of occurrence.

Let’s look at the Biblical basis for the study of satan. Because the reason why I am teaching this is, there are many people in the Body of Christ, preachers, believers who believe that it is anti-Christ, anti-Kingdom, even anti-new creation to ever deal with anything that has to do with satan. In fact, most people may want to suggest that anything that has to do with demonic activities and structure should not be mentioned among God’s people. Church Gist. Those suggestions are very sincere, it comes from the understanding that it is out of the abundance of what is in your heart and mind that you let out and that if you spend your time studying on satan, demons; chances are excellent that your entire life will be governed by fear and all of these. So, the people who are negating satan and all of these things and focusing on Jesus, they are teaching from a well-meaning standpoint but many of you know that for you to become exceptional in anything, you must be exposed to all the dimensions of that thing.

Obadiah 1:17, Matthew 6:13, Luke 4:17-18, 2 Timothy 4:18.
From a theological standpoint, the first mention of the word ‘deliverance’ strangely is found in Genesis 45:7 and this has to do with Joseph, speaking about the reason why he came to the palace. Deliverance also leads to salvation, that the way to be saved is through deliverance. Is there a Biblical basis for the study of satan, demons and their operations? Should the believers study the subject of deliverance?

Let me teach you how to extract the thoughts of God in scripture;
Anything is qualified to be a doctrine (the word doctrine comes from the word ‘doctrinal’. It means a predefined body of knowledge that is intended to make a student becomes something exact) and that believers mature in this Kingdom through the sound exegesis of doctrine. Every time doctrine is communicated, it is able to empower the believers to be people of stature and maturity. Anything is qualified to be a doctrine if it passes these three tests:

a). It must be a subject that was captured in the Old Testament. You must be able to find scriptural references where that subject matter was discussed and engaged in the Old Testament.

b). Jesus in His earth work has taught that subject or acted in keeping with that subject. It must be seen in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

c). It must be captured in the teachings of the apostles and the early church.

1). In the Old Testament, the first idea of satan and the operation of evil was revealed in the fall of man (Genesis chapter 3 and 4). Church Gist. According to scripture, it was not only Adam that had a discussion with satan, even God had a discussion with satan.

2). The second story captured in the Old Testament is the story of Job. Classically speaking, the story of Job is believed to be the greatest expression of the operation of satan and darkness over man (Job 1, 2 and 42). The book of Job comes before Psalm but if the Bible were to be arranged properly, chronologically, the book of Job is believed to be somewhere in between Genesis and Exodus. I hope you know that the arrangement of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as we know now is not accurate in terms of its chronological arrangements. Nothing is exactly wrong with it, but in terms of its chronology means, as the events occurred. There are many templates for studying the Bible:
i). According to the various books; the Torah (Pentateuch – the five books of Moses), the Poetic books, the Prophets (Major and minor), the Gospels and Acts, the Epistles, Revelation etc
ii). Topically – You can pick faith and study, the ministry of Jesus, the fruit of the spirit. In fact, the topical study of the Bible has proven to be the most effective. The reason is because, it addresses the issue of your concern immediately and it will serve as a motivation and a consolation.
iii). Chronological study of Bible: the arrangement of the chapters and the books according to the time they occurred.

3). The third story in the Bible that talks about deliverance is the story of Israel, their captivity and their deliverance (Exodus Chapter 4 to Chapter 10, Genesis 13:17 to Genesis 14:31).

Now, in the life of Jesus, is there anything that relates to satan, his works and the subject of deliverance?
1). The temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-4, 16-22).

2). Jesus Himself taught deliverance (Matthew 12:43-45).

3). Jesus administered deliverance Himself (Luke 8:26-39). The Bible reveals to us that multiple demon spirits can co-exist in a single human body.

Luke 9:37-43
Everybody should be able to cast out demons but unfortunately, not everybody is able to cast out demons. Potentially, you will think everybody should be able to cast out demons based on the authority of scripture, but in experience, all these guys were the disciples of Jesus, we see that it takes more than just being with Jesus to have the ability to cast out demons.

Luke 8:1-3
There are partners, helpers that the devil knows that they will stand with you and stand by you. If you are wondering where Jesus got money from, read your Bible (Luke 8:3. Man of God, this is the most scriptural way of funding for ministry. That you change lives, you impact people; not everybody will be too grateful to ignore you. When you are not changing lives and you want people to bless you, in my opinion; it is not sincere. I can almost look at it as fraud. Let me give you a secret; spend your life blessing people, not anticipating that you are blessing them so that they will give you something. Church Gist. Let them have genuine results in their lives and leave them to surprise you. It is cheaper than manipulation. So, if you are finding why Jesus and how Jesus became so blessed that he had a treasurer, it is not superstition. It was not every day they went to the river to get money out of the mouth of the fish. That was a miracle to show something; God was teaching in that scripture that there will be moments of supernatural intervention, but that is not God’s classic way of doing it. God cannot be helping you by intervention every day. Intervention means a principle was violated and a consequence came from it. Now, the mercy of God is coming to breach the gap.
Bless people sincerely, let them encounter salvation, healing, let the Word transform their minds and I guarantee you, the Spirit of God who anointed you to bless them is the same Spirit that will compel them to come back and bless you. Building men is greater than building structures. Structures are fine but let your structure not be finer than the men you are building. A building can be destroyed, but you build men and the men will build the structure and if it falls, they will build it again.

Matthew 16:21-23, Matthew 10:7-8
Satan does not only use weaknesses; he uses strength too. He’s using Peter’s compassion here to advise Jesus; don’t even think about dying. We are not ready to lose you. But if Jesus heeded to that advise, we’ll be in hell today. Sometimes, it takes discernment, more than the physical version of people to know that the need deliverance. They can be well behaved and calm; if you see someone misbehaving, it is easy to show that there is a spirit but there are times, even your compassion and the positive aspect of you, satan can slip through it and you will still be coordinated and not know.
Many dreams that people are having that is leading to many problems in their lives were manipulations by demon spirits taking advantage of your sincerity. There are many people who have no business starting ministry but the devil masqueraded as an angel of light and show them a dream that supposedly look like ministry. They left everything they were doing and move to another thing. They are suffering today, thinking it is persecution and they do not know that they’ve veered off the plan of God.

  • I pray that in this series, God will restore many people!

Very quickly, let’s examine the life of the apostles and the early church.
Acts 8:5-8, Acts 16:16-21
Be careful who follows you. Just because people are following you does not mean they are of the same spirit. Church Gist. There is a relationship between divination and profit; so, you be careful, not every profit is profit. Just because you are receiving rewards does not mean it is of God. You must be careful, the spirit of divination can also bring profit.

Do you know the deception satan uses in Acts 16:17? This is the classic character of satan. You know what satan was achieving here? There were visitors in that city, so when satan sees that he cannot fight you, he will seek partnership and the way he will partner with you is by promoting what you represent so that the day you are not in that city, when they can’t find you, they will find who was with you. That’s the strategy satan was using here. They were only there for a few days and they’ll leave but the girl was there to stay and the strategy invented was; don’t fight them, support them, promote their evangelism, after a few days, they will leave. So that, if we cannot find Paul because he is far, we can find the diviner girl and her ministry continues.
(Acts 16:18-19)
Paul teaches us how to cast out demons that you command them in the name of Jesus. It is not only how to cast out demons you must know; you must also know how to command deliverance for yourself for the consequences of casting out demons because when you cast out demons, there can be consequences. Church Gist. Those spirits will start moving men and systems and structures to come against you. But Paul and Silas said, we were well trained. At midnight…it is not only casting out demons, we understand deliverance. We know how to let these chains leave us. This is why it is important for people to be mentored and trained. This our proud generation of arrogant people; just because someone falls down, people believe they have all it takes; they have the spiritual understanding. They’ll go and play into the enemy’s camp; a shrine that was there before your grandfather was born, you just sweep everything and park away your health, sanity and throw it in the bush and find out that by the next day, the only part of you that is moving is your right hand. It is true that you intended to command deliverance for the city, but do you know the other dynamics (the weapons of victory)? Before you go into the camp of the enemy, make sure you have the whole armour of God.

Sincerely, not to be sarcastic, but I know in my time in ministry, I have seen people, even preachers who just took the risk to challenge native doctors, herbalist and the man was warning him; “I won’t listen, I came into this City, I am three months old, I am a child of God, Jesus died for me.” Church Gist. You are right, but your revelation will soon show because they’re other men who spoke like that and they went back untouched – T. L Osborn would step into a city, scattered hell like that and go back. Reinhard Bonnke went everywhere from Congo to Nigeria to everywhere. You’ve always heard me say, before you stand before Pharaoh, make sure you have seen the burning bush. Pharaoh is a wizard, he will ask you, who sent you? But the people that do know their God, not just the people who want to move; it is the people that do know their God.

There are people who have gone to confront the gate of darkness and they left with casualties untold but there are others who went to the gates of darkness, dared them to their faces, scattered them and till today, they keep standing as if satan does not exist. The difference is light. There are people who have gone to confront the gates of darkness and they left with casualties untold but there are others who went to the gates of darkness, dared them to their faces, scattered them and till today, they keep standing as if satan does not exist; the difference is light. Growing up, I’ll watch Reinhard Bonnke laugh and get to region where people are afraid to go to; he will organize his crusades and he’ll ask people to bring all their instruments of divinations. In my opinion, I don’t believe that man was just an Evangelist; a man that preaches and a shrine can be burning somewhere; that’s more than evangelism. They will bring all the instruments, skulls, human body parts, age-long covenant and he will set it on fire with joy.

  • God is changing us in the name of Jesus Christ!







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