IMPARTATION SERVICE – Bishop David Oyedepo || Covenant Wonder Night || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland Ota || 27th January, 2023.

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-Bishop David Oyedepo on ”IMPARTATION SERVICE” || Covenant Wonder Night || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland Ota || 27th January, 2023.

Now, what is the chemistry behind the turning of water into wine? You know it? Don’t ever try to censor the Truth with common knowledge! They are wide apart! Isaiah 55:8. Blood sprinkled and 21 years of affliction disappeared. It terminates age long slavery. Church Gist. That’s the last that God has got! It’s God’s last card for man’s victory over the battles of life. There shall be cries in the camp of Pharaoh, the kind that has never happened and God did it the same night!

-You are going off that affliction this morning! Church Gist. Whatever addiction that followed you to this Covenant Wonder Night will not escape the dagger of the Covenant!

-Today, the destroyer will never have any more access to your life!

-No matter the evils going on where you live, you shall be gloriously exempted! This shall be to you as we heard in the teaching, it is your blood of exemption in the Name of Jesus!

-Every terminal disease and every appointment with death that anyone may be carrying from any medical expert is reverted this morning in the Name of Jesus Exodus 12:12.

Now listen to me, this is our week. Intellectual prowess can be that it was the wind that blew and divided the Red Sea. Why has the wind not blown again since that time? How did they feed three million people in the wilderness? Serving them two meals per day? How did they supply water in the desert to meet the needs of three million people? Church Gist. Don’t ask God questions, it’s not a man. He is up to anything that He said. Paul said, ‘I’m not ashamed of the Gospel, it is the power of God to everyone that believes! Roman 1:16. God told me this, ‘Today looks new, tomorrow it becomes common! Give it to me! We started seeing God’s Kingdom in strange ways since it came! HIV/AIDS disappeared- That’s captivity!

-Age-longed plague, siege of the wicked one and everything that represents a curse or an enchantment on anyone’s life, vanishes finally this morning!

There was war in Heaven, only the Blood came up. Church Gist. That’s the peak of warfare. The Blood is our stronghold in the peak of warfare of life Revelation 12:17.

-Therefore today, whatever that has refused to bow to any other force of the Spirit will now to this one in your life! The barren shall be liberated, marital, business and career spells shall be broken in the Name of Jesus!

And all the hosts of Israel went out of Egypt that night!

-Therefore this morning, no one shall be left behind! Church Gist. You shall not be left behind! That blood of rescue is the blood of judgement! As you are coming out, your enemy is going in!

As they came out Pharaoh and all the host of Egypt went to the Red Sea and drowned there!

-As you are coming out of that wicked siege, your enemy is going back there in the Name of Jesus!


-Stroke will disappear as if it never existed, memory loss shall be recovered into soundness! Church Gist. Every terminal disease will disappear as if it never existed! Every deformity shall be restored to perfection! 1 Corinthians 1:18. We first appear foolish in their sight before we turn to celebrity before them.

-What money and no specialist cannot accomplish in your life will happen this morning!

Every truth of the Scripture is the Wisdom of God being unleashed. When you engage with it, it turns to power! 1 Corinthians 1:22-25.

-Every satanic molestation is finally laid to rest in your life. Nightmares are gone forever. Torments of spirit husbands and wives are gone forever!

-No one shall be a victim of kidnapping, road accidents, aircraft and boat accidents in the Name of Jesus!

-By the reason of the Blood of sprinkling, you are having a safe sail all through the year in Jesus Name!

Through faith, they kept the Passover, not a religious rite but active faith! I’m coming out of every trace of Egypt. Church Gist.  Hebrews 11:25. There shall be no trace of Egypt in my life anymore! I’m walking into my land of promise! I’m walking into my land of Supernatural!


I decree that this Blood of sprinkling this morning shall answer to everyone’s glorious escape and shall inflict judgement in the camp of the enemies! You will hear the news! News that everything that has been tied down has been released! News of vengeance in the camp of your enemies! Church Gist. You will testify! By Sunday morning, you are flowing in testimony!

Get out to check today! For whatever that they found in you will be no longer there in the Name of Jesus Christ! And so shall it be in Jesus Name!

-The siege of depression and confusion are finally over! The siege of Spiritual laxity and slumber is finally over! The siege of stinginess is finally over!

-Whatever the enemy has used to keep you in chains and bondage, they are all broken today!

We receive this by faith across the nations of the world as the Passover Blood of the Lamb which is ordained for sprinkling not for drinking! Hebrew 9:21.

-By this Blood of sprinkling, you are kept out of the reach of the wicked! And so shall it be!

-Everybody is getting out of the house of bondage! Church Gist. You will know that the chains are broken! You won’t just hear it! You will know that the chains are broken in the Name of Jesus Christ! So shall it be!


-Whatever followed you here that is not part of your inheritance in Christ has dropped off your life!

-Your testimony is settled!

-Certain growth and pains that came with you have disappeared already!

-All those internal organs has been restored into perfect condition!

-Disabilities have disappeared in the Name of Jesus!


-The destroyer is declared out of bound from your territory!

-Death is denied access to your home!

-It shall be a celebration of life all through this year and beyond!

-The assault of death across this Commission Worldwide is finally over! From henceforth, only men and women of good old age shall be laid to rest!

-Even the death of a fetus in the womb is forbidden from now on! Church Gist. The assault of miscarriage is destroyed forever! The death of a young adult is over forever! The spell of death is no more in your family! You shall never bury any of your children whether at home or abroad! They are covered by the blood! Your spouse is covered by the blood!

-Everyone appointed to death has just escaped this morning!

Thank you Lord!



-Somebody confirmed with a terminal disease will be confirmed, settled and rescued in the Name of Jesus!

Now, everytime the water is stirred. Whosoever that first steps into it is made whole John 5:4. Therefore, before you appear in Church tomorrow, you have defined your covenant with God for the twelve weeks ahead. Church Gist. Define it consciously, get somewhere in your Bible and put it- What you believe God to see and how speedily you want it! Put it down and call for grace to do it! Don’t let these things get cold!

I penned it the same night! When I saw, ‘Thou shall not borrow’! I penned my encounters the same day with a vow! Prompt response like we were taught is the gateway to a quality walk with God. Don’t let it go down! Arise, come out of that place! Genesis 22:2. Church Gist. Prompt response is a covenant joker!- Some are too slow for God. Before you appear to Church on Sunday all across the world, put your covenant in order!

If you don’t know how to put your covenant in place, check the website, find it there and document your covenant with God! Let it be love-motivated! I am going to stand in the place of prayer as you motivate me- Praying Kingdom advancement prayer! You can name it, minimum of thirty minutes! Fifteen minutes! Church Gist. Depending on your capacity and readiness to serve! Lord, Jesus, I want my twelve souls settled before the halfway of the twelve months! I want to see my four established in Church in February! You can stand there for anything! I’ll like you to step into something this time, don’t sleep over it! Don’t say, ‘Yea! We just thank God for tonight, you know? We are going to have twelve weeks…! Which one is your portion there?

-As a Prophet sent to you, for anyone who cares to get into that mandate, you will see the Hand of God!

Do it believingly, don’t do it casually! You will now call your friend what are you writing, let me see because Papa may call us to come and bring it oo! I will never! I was once a teacher! When will I have time to read it! It’s between you and God! No Pastor has the right to ask you of it! What I wrote was between me and God! My wife was coming into my life and we signed it! It’s not a loose document, it’s a signed document! So get into it!

Somebody said that he’s been a Pastor here for eight years but the last three months were more impactful than the last eight years of being a Pastor. It’s not being a Pastor that pays people. No! God does not reward titles, he rewards labour.

-In the Precious Name of Jesus before the twelve weeks is over, your testimony is flowing!

How many are set to do what I’m asking you to do? There are various platforms for it, you can engage in come and see drive, compelling people strategically to come to Church from your neighborhood and everywhere! You can stand in the place of prayer, you have passionate engagement for soul winning! Church Gist. Follow up and commitment to the needs of new converts by ensuring that they get to Church and then administer to their needs as enabled by God! You are just part of the ingathering, you are not an onlooker! You are just gathering! It’s harvest season! It’s summer time!

-You will see wonders!

Lift up your two hands:

-Go in peace and welcome one more time to the covenant Highways of life!

-You will never be found by the byways anymore! You will not be located at the street corners anymore!

-Welcome to the fast lane of the Covenant Highways! You’re going to enjoy unusual speed in all areas of endeavors! Speedy testimonies on all quarters!


-Let the passion of this Commission in the pursuit of Kingdom advancement agenda become everyone’s portion in this Commission!

Tonight God said to me, ‘Don’t pray against lack and want anymore! ‘As you bless your people, make them a blessing! You know Abraham wasn’t brought out of lack.

-Everyone as the Lord liveth, you may look like you have nothing now! But this year, my God will bless you and thou shall be a blessing!

-You may be squatting today, you will give houses to the homeless tomorrow! Somebody may be helping you to Church today but you will buy buses to pick people tomorrow!

-You may look like you have no idea today, but you will become a celebrity tomorrow! So shall it be for you and your household today in the Name of Jesus Christ!

Praise God! I’m finally on the Covenant Highway of life! Congratulations!

-By all means, a new you is emerging from this season!

-Your Spiritual life will be a surprise to yourself!

-Your Covenant walk with God will change gear.

-You will experience peace that you thought was never possible in your family! Church Gist. You will experience good news from your children like you never had and so shall it be in the Name of Jesus Christ.








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