– Bishop David Oyedepo on “TOWARDS ENDUEMENT WITH THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION” at Easter Youth Alive Conference (EYAC 2024) || Day 3 Impartation Service || 30th March 2024 || LFC Canaanland, Ota ||
I will be speaking to this subject this morning and I know that the Holy Spirit will help each one of us to plug in. It will be your life insurance to secure your destiny, to secure for you eternity in the name of Jesus. TOWARDS ENDUEMENT WITH THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION. We are here this morning to encounter the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Ephesians 1:17-21. It takes the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to access the depth of those things stated. Our repositioning is a product of our revelation of the exceeding greatness of His power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and repositioned Him above all principalities and powers and that He did to reposition the Church. Church Gist. So at new birth, we were raised together with Him and made to sit together with Him in heavenly places far above. Far above! It takes the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to access that realm of redemption. Intellectual prowess won’t give you access. Isaiah 55:9. It takes the enduement of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to secure your dominion in the Kingdom. No shortcut. There is no degree of darkness that can challenge the authority of light.
We are not only in the dark days of the hour, we are in the darkest moments ever known to mankind. The Bible calls it the day of gloominess and darkness. Joel 2:1. Light is the only way out, not religion. We are living in those days right now. Joel 2:1-2. A young man at seventeen planning to die. What is his problem? We are living in a day of gloominess and thick darkness. What is the secret of this army of giants? Light. Church Gist. Nothing can rise in darkness without light. Isaiah 60:1-3. Light is the distinguishing factor between one believer and another. We can’t access light without the Holy Spirit who is also the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. 1 Corinthians 2:10, 12. There is no intellectual capacity that can provide you access to the deep things of God. It takes the Holy Spirit. John 14:26, 16:12.
Everybody needs the enduement of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him more than anything else. Next to Salvation is revelation. It is the greatest asset of every believer. Now watch, if you are not saved the Bible said you will perish (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9), if you are devoid of revelation you will also perish (Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13). You find out that next to salvation, revelation is the greatest asset of the believer. People are just running around with the stories of scriptures, not the light. Stories won’t change anybody’s position, it is light. Even if the house catches fire, the blind man doesn’t know the way to the door. He is trapped. That’s how blank and vulnerable, a believer without revelation is. Fire is burning, he doesn’t know what you are talking about. Church Gist. He chokes inside there. I have said severally that people are in need because they don’t know what they need. Light is the only way to triumph in the midst of darkness. No! Even in your own room, when the light goes out you stumble. You can’t run, you walk carefully even in your house that you are used to all the things that are there. The brighter the light, the greater the speed and the stronger the level of authority. Nobody doubts what he sees.
I like you to crave this morning, for that Spirit of wisdom and revelation which is God’s eternal agenda for the end time. Ephesians 3:8-9. It is a thing to see, it is not a thing to hear. Many have heard, many have read, many have preached but they have not seen. I know what I am talking about. I was preaching prosperity before I saw it. I heard Copeland preach it and I enjoyed it, so I was helping him to preach it but I knew I had not seen it. You better settle down. When I saw it, I knew. Church Gist. You can teach a man how to turn the generator on, when the light is out he turns it out but you don’t have a generator. So there is nothing to turn on. You only know how to turn it on but you don’t have. You better wake up. Lord I need a fresh enduement of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, I don’t want to dry up. This service this morning will end every frustration in everyone’s life in the name of Jesus.
The devil knows that he has but a short time so he is full of wrath. Revelation 12:12. So we are in the hottest days of darkness, everybody should crave for light to find his way out.
The good news is: your escape has come! Light is sweet, it sweetens life, destiny. Ecclesiastes 11:7. How sweet is light? Isaiah 60. You find the products of light, the fruit of light, what light engenders in the life of a believer. Isaiah 60:8. In the days of darkness and gross darkness, they are soaring when others are struggling – how? Church Gist. By the power of light. It’s light that empowers the believer for a flight. Isaiah 60:15, 22. The dominion of light over darkness is instant, irresistible, unstoppable. Light shows up, darkness backs out forever. Jon 1:4-5. Can darkness constitute a barrier on the path of light? As light shows up, the barrier clears off. It’s time to be desperate for access to light. All I’m trading since I came into the faith by grace is light. You can’t walk in the light and be tormented by darkness. It’s your turn!
There is the Spirit of Wisdom – Isaiah 11:2; Deuteronomy 34:9. Today you’re receiving that Spirit! The Word also defines it as the Spirit of Excellence – Daniel 5:12. You’re receiving that today in the name of Jesus. There is also the Spirit of Revelation and Knowledge as mentioned earlier – it’s your portion today. Revelation is not a guess work, it’s a tangible discovery of a treasure. Church Gist. They’re not things you can’t tell when it comes, you can’t access a divine secret without knowing. Job 29:4 – he was trading divine secrets not intellectual whatever, to scale the topmost top in business. Job 29:4-6. He had to show us the secret – I was trading the secret of caring for the underprivileged. That took him to the top most top.
When I found it I screamed, “yeah, I can never be poor,” and you’re not drunk, you must have found something. Your days of finding are here. Jeremiah 15:16; Proverbs 24:14. It’s your turn to take responsibility to receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation and engage in searching towards findings. You can’t pray to find, you pray for grace to search till you find. There is no comparing someone trading the secret of Scriptures with anybody else under the Sun. Church Gist. Let him school in Harvard, it doesn’t make a difference. The world will be exploring and researching the secret of this commission till the end of life because it’s not intellectually appraisable. You mean you built this thing in one year without a contractor involved? With pastors being drawn from the field to come and do their thing without any cognitive experience and yet, no storm from hell can pull this building down? There’s no crack anywhere. There is no intellectual depth that will ever compare with divine secret. Genesis 41:39-40. The strongest nation of that time bowed to the secrets of God in Joseph. The world power then, the empire of Babylon, bowed to the secret of God revealed to Daniel. Daniel 2:46. That’s why you must be alive to this reality. You’re going places! None of you will be stranded in life! None of you will be victim of stagnation in life
Access to divine secrets and trading divine secrets is what makes stars in the Kingdom. Stars in the Kingdom are made out of divine secrets, trading divine secrets.
We had people in those days digging wells of water and then later on we had the next level – the water pump (boreholes). You can’t use hand to do that, no! Then you have the one that explores into the depth to find oil – rig. So look at the hand, look at borehole and at rig – without the spirit you can’t go beyond what man can see. When the anointing comes, that you go into the realm of borehole and the anointing comes to increase and you get down to the rigs where the treasures are. 1 John 2:20. Church Gist. As you have heard, there is no way to have an encounter with the empowerment of the Spirit without a crave. John 7:37-39. So there is a demand for a thirst. Psalm 63:1-3. A thirst of the soul, a longing of the flesh equals fasting to see it.
Among the outcomes of fasting, number one is power that destroys yokes, clears the barrier on your path, but they will reform again if you don’t have access to light. The next outcome is outbreak of revelation. Isaiah 58:8-10. So after receiving that grace, the spirit, you now begin to engage the spirit in your search for answers to bugging questions of your life. So you don’t just receive the Spirit and walk away, you engage it to help you find. It won’t find for you. It got hold of me one day and I read the book, “Purpose of Pentecost” in one sitting. Church Gist. I couldn’t stand up until I saw him as a person. You better wake up. This funfair Christianity won’t take you anywhere Sir. The storms are coming – they’re very close, at the door. It takes light to make a difference in this world of darkness. You can’t receive the Spirit of Wisdom and not settle down to learn. Proverbs 1:5; Proverbs 9:9. So you are hunting for His instructions (Amen) to put that mystery into work.
You have such a colourful future, don’t let any devil cheat on you; don’t let ignorance stagnate your life. There was a little incident 3 days ago or 2 nights ago and I was searching through my bookshelf; I identified 7 books that will deal with it. Amen! Church Gist. While I was doing that, the Lord said, ‘ignore it, there’s nothing there.’ You should know where the answer you are looking for is. You should know.
Like my revered mentor would say, I can’t imagine anybody read ‘Understanding Financial Prosperity’ and still be poor. He said, no – I can’t imagine it. Are there no many Jews here who have never read a page of it? They bought it o. They have it. It’s as neat as the day they bought it – as neat as they bought it sir. Church Gist. There’s nothing that has gone into them. I went on a 3 days fast to read 2 books and my Bible in praying and searching until I found it.
– It’s your turn!
Light is of no value without walking in it. It’s of no value. Church Gist. You can’t put your torch light in your pocket and expect it to clear the way for you.
– I see giants rising here and you are one of them!
Daniel 7:27…that’s the end time. It’s a time of horror for the World but a time of enthronement for the saints. What does it take? Zechariah 4:6. It takes engaging the Spirit of God in your search that brings you into the realm of light that causes darkness to be subdued under your feet. It’s the way to go. Watch, Daniel was endowed unusually so but in Daniel 10, Daniel was searching for an understanding in a particular area, he went on a 21 days fast. 21 days fast! With all the grace upon his life, with all the unique wisdom that God gave him, he went on a search to find. And the angel said to him on the 21st day ‘I heard it the first time but the prince of persia was on the way. Church Gist. That’s no longer the case today. We have been seated above the prince of persia so when we go on a search, we are sure to find. Matthew 7:8.
3 days we were on a fast and I said, ‘Jesus, what other thing do I need as I step into full-time ministry?’ We sat on that floor in that wonderful camp on the mat and then He opened my eyes to Psalm 34:5. He said “my son, you have two eyes, can you make one to look up and one to look down? Anytime you are looking unto man, never claim to be looking unto me. But if you will fix your eyes on me, you will never be ashamed.” What a word? Church Gist. That was where I came with the law of absolute dependency on God. I’ve not checked on anybody’s house till tomorrow – ‘can you help the Ministry or can you help me?’ And that is 43 years short. Revelation paves the way to the future. It secures your future like a dream of the night. That’s the way it works.
– It’s your turn!
The Bible contains all the words of this life. All! There’s no aspect of life that’s not covered. All! Church Gist. Family life, single life, career, business, all the words of this life, health. Acts 5:20. All the words of this life. Matthew 7:8.
– So with the Spirit of Life coming upon you this Morning, everytime you set yourself to search, you will find with speed!
Somebody here after a Sunday morning Service, I said “look, the answer is in the Book. You are looking for a job, the answer is in the Book.” We closed the Service and she decided to stay back under the tent and read a little book ‘Turnaround Testimonies by the Word.’ On Sunday, she left here around 5 pm. By Tuesday, she got a job. ‘He that seeketh, findeth.’ By Tuesday, she got a job. Church Gist. A young man, one of you was here and heard me talk about honouring your parents so it can be well with you and that evening, he packaged a little seed that he has to give to the father and the mother and they blessed him. The same week, he got a job as a manager. He was out of NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) – the blessing of the father and the blessing of the womb opened the door. It’s not about just light, it’s walking in that light.
– Again my prayer is that today will be a turning point in your life!
Everytime you are confronted, recognize the answer is in the book. Everytime you are challenged, recognize the answer is in the Book. Recognize it. Church Gist. A young student read my book of ‘Towards Mental Exploits’ and then jumped to first class – clean. Little book! People don’t search, when will they find? They don’t search.
Can I show you the power of light? When our Cell system was stagnated, I said what’s going on here? So we took a book ‘Towards Building Successful Home Cells’ and we read it on 3 objectives. What are we doing that we should not be doing? What are we doing that we are not doing well enough? What should we not be doing that we are doing? And what? The cells ‘wooh’ – about 2,500 cells came on it. That was, the awakening of our Cell system came from light. Church Gist. We went for more and some other materials that we can use to move forward and the thing went up, 5,000. People are searching, when will they find? So all these anointing, anointing – you are just wasting it. You are wasting it. If you won’t search, you can’t find. Until you are ready to search, it’s not your turn to find.
– The good news today is that something has turned in your life!
– There are individuals here among us who may be in the line for miracle jobs, you will find it cheap! You will find it easy!
Every striking thing about my little life came from light. My dominion over the powers of darkness came out of light. Without that light, we won’t be here. This is a wicked zone of life. So, your findings today only help to secure your tomorrow – settle down and find. Church Gist. Walk to a Christian bookstore as going to a pharmacist to look for materials that address your issues and check out on the authors whether they have the proof of what they are talking about. Check on it.
As we begin to round up, please note, ‘there is nothing new under the sun.’ All we need is humility to find out the ways that those who got it, get there. Find out how they get there. Jeremiah 6:16-17…‘we are new generation people, we don’t need all that kind of old fashion.’ Church Gist. There is no old Scripture. It’s more current than the greatest civilization that will ever hit the World. It’s ahead of time. It remains there till eternity. Jeremiah 6:17-19.
– You will not see evil in your life!
Just find out how they got there, be humble enough to study those steps and just follow suit. Hebrews 6:12. Don’t be slothful. I saw grace upon Hagin, I said “I want this kind of grace, Jesus; I want this kind of grace” and He heard me. Amen! I saw grace upon Copeland. I said, “I want this kind of grace, Jesus” and I went in search of it. Church Gist. It’s time to lay aside your pride. There’s nothing you are doing now that has not been done before. Praise God! There’s nothing you will ever embark upon that has never been done before. It’s time to be awake.
Sir, prayer is not a substitute for light. A blind man praying has not opened his eyes. ‘Oh Lord, I can feel the heat. Where’s the door?’ You can’t see. People spend a lot of time doing some funny ‘funny’ things that don’t add up. Yes, we can pray and fast to see but praying and fasting is not equal to seeing. Church Gist. You have to search to find otherwise, you will be resting on prophecies and all that stuff forever. They don’t last. ‘Whether they be prophecies, they shall cease.’ There are many factors that must be together to make that prophecy to work. But the prophecy of Scriptures will work when you find it and walk in it. It will always deliver. Can I hear your Amen?
– It’s your turn!
– May your eyes be anointed with eye salve today so you can see beyond the natural limit, see into the things behind the veil, access the golden pot with manna in it, access the tables of the covenant that put your life on automatic!
This is what God says to do to get this. I’m doing it so I’m getting there. He says to do this, I’m doing this – I’m getting there. He says to do…your life becomes a press button lifestyle. Tables of the covenant – that’s what they call revelation. What must I do for a peaceful family life? One, two, three, four, five – thank you Jesus. Amen. I am ready. Church Gist. What must I do to flourish in hard times? One, two, three, four – Lord, I’m ready. What must I do to enjoy breakthrough in my business? One, two, three, four – if you are ready, go ahead. That’s what it is.
As I close, the Seven Spirit of God upon Christ is what the Church needs today to secure her glorious destiny. Isaiah 11:1-2. And we saw Jesus as the carrier of the seven spirits of God. Revelation 5:6. Church Gist. He’s the carrier of the seven spirits and He came out of the Stem of Jesse. John 17:18. John 20:21. So we have access to that sevenfold spirit on our lives to exercise like Jesus did. Amen!
-And you have it today.
The Bible defines it as the Spirit of Christ. 1 Peter 1:11. They are the seven spirits upon Jesus. Can I hear your Amen? And if as the Father has sent Him, He has sent us and ‘whatever that I do shall ye do also’. Then we need the same spirit! So today, I’d like you to crave for the sevenfold spirits upon Christ to come upon your life. He called something ‘might’ – The Spirit of Might! You are not a weakling, you’re not a vegetable. ‘Hehehe’! In the morning ‘hehehe’, in the evening! No! The Spirit of Might! Church Gist. The Spirit of the Fear of God that keeps you on track striving to do His biddings with the Light. Immovable by the forces around you, to please God becomes a delight. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding. Everything outstanding has its roots in understanding. The more understanding you have of your particular issue, the more outstanding your output will be. And wisdom is accurate application of the Word. ‘You hear My Word and you do it, you’re a wise man’. Appropriate application of the Word and revelation is light, it’s knowledge! When these things rest upon any believer, he begins to command dominion after the order of Christ.
-It’s your turn! I know that I know that this Commission will have the highest concentration of giants in this Endtime. Church Gist. And this is just pointing to each one of you. It’s pointing to each one of you.
I’ve said often and again. Giants are born of giants. Like begets like. Genesis 2:24-25. They produced after their kind. 2 Samuel 21:22. Every giant is born of giant. Jesus is the Most High. He’s the Firstborn among many brethren. So we have that giant DNA in us. Can I hear your Amen? Thank You Jesus. 2 Samuel 21:20. Giants are naturally born of giants. With all sense of humility, you belong to a Commission of global reputation, global impact, global influence. You can’t be otherwise! You onboard a plane, any level at which that plane is cruising that’s the level you are in; if you’re truly on that plane. Get on board! The giant nature imparted on this Commission by grace will just be flowing through you naturally, you won’t have to struggle. I got on board with Hagin, ‘he’s not dead’, his DNAs are here. Church Gist. The great man Copeland is still alive and well. I got on board with him, his DNA is here. Get on board, this Commission carry unusual grace. Get on board! It’s a struggle-free Commission, get on board. It’s a begging-free Commission, get on board. It’s a borrowing-free Commission, get on board. As a seed of Abraham, you belong to the family of giants. Genesis 12:3. You’re a global citizen by your root in the Abrahamic covenant. You’re not palpitating to get there, you’re just following God and walking in the light and He keeps changing your story from level to level. 2 Corinthians 3:18. Job 8:7. It’s following that makes it happen. ‘Follow me and I will make you, just keep following’. Just keep following, He keeps making. Keep following, He will keep making. Don’t jump the queue! All these get rich in two minutes, you better take care! They’re the highway to destruction. Just follow Him. Matthew 4:19. He never lies! Walking in the light today will definitely show tomorrow, faking it today will also reveal you tomorrow. So, keep following with all intent and purpose.
-Tomorrow is bright!
As I conclude, please note! The breakthrough power of light is one, but the protective power of light is another. You’re off the realm of satanic assault and molestation. There was this mad person that God delivered in one of our outreaches many years ago. And then, those evil spirits came back on him and then they called and said: ‘Brother David had a problem here’. And I got there, I first despised the problem. What you don’t despise you cannot dominate!! People are going about now: Nothing is working in Nigeria, everything is upside down, that’s why you’re down. Are you Nigeria? No!! Everything is working for us in Nigeria oo, everything for this Commission! Everyday! It’s working every day! Even COVID couldn’t stop it. COVID couldn’t challenge our forward movement. It was (right) before COVID demon that Jesus planted 10,000 Churches. Church Gist. COVID was still in town. Amen? So nothing can stop the way against light! Nothing! So, you’re off the realm of satanic assault, satanic torments, satanic tortures because darkness can’t stand the authority of light. Darkness cannot what? Stand the authority of light! So, the protective dimension of revelation is quite an asset in these very wicked days that we live in. I told that witch: ‘What of when people like us are coming’? She said: ‘When we sense a higher power on the way, we clear off the highway’. Can darkness stand when light is coming? That’s why we need, everybody need a fresh baptism of the Spirit of Revelation to reposition us above all principalities and power as ordained of God. Ephesians 3:10. That there will be a display of the efficacy of the Word in the Endtime by the Church. That we teach principalities and powers lesson – Stop there! Destruction has said, death said: ‘We have heard His fame thereof’.
-That’s where we are coming into!
Job 28:12-13. That’s the kind of thing that will be on display this Endtime. Not found in the Land of the Living. Job 28:20-22. Church Gist. You saw how death was humiliated in the life of Daniel. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego – fiery furnace; no smell of fire on them. Hungry lions? Can’t bite or scratch. That’s why we all need it!
-For every heart that is panting this morning, receive right now the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation! Church Gist. That will keep you on top of the issues of life. Receive it now! In the name of Jesus.
Well, this is the control point. There was such enormous unction upon Samson but loose living robbed him of that glory. The Fear of God is the custodian of every grace of God. The Fear of God. Psalms 25:14. Proverbs 9:10. Church Gist. The Fear of God! He didn’t know when the Spirit left him and he became like a toy. He became a toy not like a toy. He became a toy!!
-May no one get to a point here where the Spirit of God will leave him!!
So stop doubting before He stops you. Stop it now! Your future is more precious. Stop it now!
Daniel possessed an excellent spirit, they couldn’t find anything amiss in his hand. No! For he was a faithful man. You saw the testimony in Chapter 6 of Daniel and verse 4. He sustained that treasure with the fear of God as a lifestyle. Church Gist. Thank God for all the time of praise. All the time of jumping and clapping, but please make sure the fear of God becomes your new lifestyle. Isaiah 33:6. The fear of the Lord is His treasure. It is the fear that sustains the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. The fear of God stabilizes a believer’s destiny.
Beware of the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Don’t watch God turn His back on you. Let your destiny be precious in your sight and you will be glad you did. You are listed for a flight, not a trek. There is a place for you in space. You are to be envied, not to be pitied. Don’t sell off. Let your birthright in Christ be precious in your sight. Church Gist. Watch, the Spirit of God will keep flowing day and night, opening new chapters by way of revelation, by way of wisdom to you. I have no doubt in my heart that something has broken loose in your life. From the first session of this conference till now, something has happened to you, may you never sell off.
– By this Impartation, expect a turnaround in your studies.
– You will emerge a surprise to yourself this semester.
– For business folks among us, expect new chapters of light to open to you.
For everyone, watch out to ensure that the fear of God is your new lifestyle. It is the only way to keep growing from strength to strength, from glory to glory. The only way. Don’t play away your youth. Don’t bite your fingers tomorrow. You are in your days of discovery, take hold of it. 1 John 2:14. It is your season of exploration, open up. It is time to set time apart, 3 days fast, a day fast, in search of definite truth that addresses your issues instead of watching it. Church Gist. Don’t watch your problems, deal with them. What you don’t want, you don’t watch. What you don’t resist has a right to remain. What you don’t confront, you cannot conquer. Stop watching your problems, deal with them. What you don’t want, you don’t watch. What you don’t resist has a right to remain. What you don’t confront, you cannot conquer.
I must confess before the Lord and with all sense of humility, I have not wasted any aspect of my life. I have found joy in pursuing after Jesus no matter what challenges came my way. I find comfort in opening my Bible and searching, I find refreshing in taking books that I need in moving forward, in reading and studying them. Church Gist. I find myself occupying and profitably so. Don’t despise those who have obtained the promise otherwise you are not ready for it. Hebrews 13:7. May this be a great season of discoveries in your life.
2. As these breakthroughs begin to come, beware of pride.
Pride will always turn breakthroughs into breakdowns. Success is delicious but becomes poisonous with pride. When pride gets into it, success becomes poisonous. Success with meekness remains ever delicious. Don’t watch your success poisoned by pride. Don’t kiss your fingers all the time, I made it. How many people are like me in the world? Church Gist. Ascribe the glory to God, if they ever mistakenly clap for you, forward the glory to Him. Instant forwarding. Not me Jesus. You are going places. No devil will cut short your life.
– I will be alive and well to see you soaring in the sky.
– I will be alive to see a little you become like a thousand men and a small you become a strong nation.
– You will be saying at all times, who am I of my father’s house? Am I worthy of this honour? Who am I Jesus?
That is the way to keep going. May pride never be on your way.
As Hagin was speaking, I saw his face transfigured and I saw that electric force straight to where I sat; it changed my life forever. It’s your turn! When that Wisdom came upon Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they were 10 times better than their colleagues. Sound mind that transforms lives. Church Gist. Stand to your feet, keep your eyes on Jesus and keep it on this Altar. Every gift given by God is ordained to be freely given to whosoever desires it. 1 Corinthians 2:12. Therefore with your 2 hands lifted, every good gift and perfect gift comes from above from the Father of lights. So it’s not the person, it’s the giver. Therefore:
– Every gift of God at work in my life in the area spoken of today, receive it now!
– I decree fresh impartation of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation
– The Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding
– The Spirit of Might and of the Fear of the Lord
– I decree fresh anointing on your life
– Every yoke of the wicked on anyone’s life is declared destroyed
That young man said he was biting his finger and eating the flesh of his fingers even in the public – Jesus set him free. Church Gist. That other one was being molested in the night every time he slept, Jesus set him free.
– Whatever represents a yoke of the wicked on your life, the yoke of depression, lack of focus, careless living, I decree every such satanic yoke destroying your destiny destroyed today!
Young people, nature abhors vacuum. You’re either busy doing the right thing or you find yourself doing the wrong. You’re either busy serving God or you find yourself serving the devil.
– Grace to make right choices at all points in your life, receive it now!
There is the power to lay down whatever God requires and it’s power to take it up. -Therefore in the name of Jesus, power to lay down what will stand against your progress in life, receive it now!
– Power to lay aside every sin and every weight receive it now!
– Power to make God’s Word your standard for living, receive it now!
– Whatever represents a mark of the enemy on anyone’s life that makes you a target wherever you go into, that mark is blotted out by the Blood of Jesus!
Jesus, let no destiny here be scuttled! Let no destiny be stagnated! Let no destiny be frustrated in the name of Jesus! I come against pride in any form in your life! Church Gist. Because it goes before destruction but before honour is humility, therefore, be clothed with humility from now in the name of Jesus!
– Place your right hand on your forehead. Church Gist. Now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, because it’s not by power nor by might, the Spirit that will cause you to fully fulfill God’s agenda for your life, receive it now!
Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times and the strength of Salvation. Church Gist. The joy of the Lord is His treasure.
– May these 3 forces be released upon your life today!
– Wisdom and knowledge and the Fear of the Lord to stabilize your destiny, receive it now!
– No one shall be a victim of wrong choices!
– No wrong choice as to where to live!
– No wrong choice as to what career to pursue!
– No wrong choice in your marriage!
– No wrong choice of business in the name of Jesus!
– No wrong choice of association!
– So shall it be!
– As this Conference comes to an end, your new life begins today!
– Every time you pick your Bible, light will break forth!
– Every time you embark on a search, you will find!
– Every discovery will decorate your destiny!