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Praise the Lord!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Welcome to Morning Glow! Welcome to another time in the presence of the Lord. I love the name of this time before God; Morning Glowing. Not a morning of depression but the morning of joy, the morning of outstretching of God’s hand.

I believe that no matter what happened in the night, God has made you to see a new day and it’s going to be a great day, it’s going to be a great week, a great month and it’s going to be a great year.

Heavenly Father, how great you are. You are an awesome God. Our God on the mountain, our God in the hills, you are our God when we wake up, our God when we sit down. It is so marvelous to serve a God like you. The God who answers, the God who wipe tears, the God who touches, the God who heals, the God who delivers. Not a piece of stone, not a golden stool but the God who made the things that made the gold. Take the glory Father.

As we come before the throne this morning, thank you because what we bind will be bind, what we lose will be lose, what we declare will come to pass. You people will have reasons to magnify you.

I declare and decree this morning Father, that nothing, nothing is coming their way that them and you cannot handle. So they will have victory for you have victory.Church Gist For your word says now our thanks be unto God who always cause us to have victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.

We go to battle but not in our strengths but we have the greatest commander in front and we know it’s going to be alright, we win. We win for we are more than conquerors through you who loves us. We are already excited that this week will be a week of victory.

April will be a month of victory, will be a month of You doing marvelous strange things, strange miracles, strange favours, strange outstretching of your hands (Isaiah 28:21). Thank you Lord. Bless us this morning and let your name be glorified in Jesus name.

Welcome again to morning glow. I pray that you will be blessed, you will be favored in Jesus name.

This morning we want to take the time to encourage you to know that victory belongs to Jesus. Victory belongs to Jesus, in other words when you are in the Lord you are in victory.Church Gist. You walk the walk of victory and yesterday we read the Acts of the Apostles 27 the story of Paul in a boat when they are taking him to Rome to be tried. He warned them not to travel but they didn’t listen and then the storms came.

Life storms are also times of decisions. So you must be ready. The fact that you are born again does not mean that storms will not come but in the middle of the storms, I pray that God will be with you, you will not make the wrong decision but rather you will have favour in the middle of the storm and you will have testimony in the middle of the storm. It will turn around for your good.

Life storms also are times of deliverance. The Bible says as they were traveling, they didn’t know what to do. They brought out the anchor, normally you don’t bring out the anchor until you get to the harbor. They brought out the anchor and threw it out, hoping it will hit the ground or something, they did everything they could.

The Bible says in Acts 27:29, ‘Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and wished for the day.’ I pray for you, may your anchor hold, may you stand strong. Jesus said; lo I am with you always even to the ends of the earth.Church Gist.

You know in this situation in which they found themselves, the Scripture says that when neither son nor star appear for many days and the storm continue raging, we finally give up all hope of being saved (Acts 27:20) but listen; when it looks rough, you are not alone. When it seems as if there is no way out, you are not alone. When it seems as if you are alone, you are not alone!

In some storms, you can’t stand, you can’t walk, but Jesus comes closer and lifts you up. A story told of a preacher who was studying for his message, his library was in upstairs and he send one of his sons to go bring him one of his concordances, you know today we have everything in the computer – I remember some of my commentaries, massive concordance – so the boy was sent to bring the heavy book. The boy got there and try and try, he couldn’t lift the book and then the father left the table.

The father came upstairs and met the little boy and the father carried the boy and the book. When you get to that place when you can’t carry on because of the storm, Jesus draws near, carries you, carry the storm and take you to the other side of testimony, of favour, of glory, of breakthrough in the name of Jesus.Church Gist.

They threw the anchor out. The anchor is symbolic of the promise of God (Acts 27:24-25). We have too many believers today who are just looking for prophecy. It’s great! When God gives me a prophetic word I speak it but you need to be grounded in the word of God. You need your anchor to hold. You need to be able to know what the promises of God are for every matter.

You need to know in the old testament who went through what you are going through, it is similar because the Bible says those things happened to them for in samples. They are written for our admonition and for whom the end of the earth is come. So when the storm comes, God is true to His promises of deliverance (Psalm 34:19)

In the middle of the storm, God promised us divine grace (2 Corinthians 12:9).Church Gist. God’s grace is sufficient. You are coming out of the storm and you are having a remarkable testimony in Jesus name.

I just saw someone. You’ve been through a tough season, you’ve wept too much. But I just saw that this year there will be an amazing laughter on your face, laughter on your face.

Acts 27:24 makes us to also know that the anchor of God will be your providence in such a season of life. Do you know who you are child of God? Ooooh, that’s why we’ve been teaching and we’ve been taking the time to teach God’s master plan for your life. You need to know who you are in God that; you are unique, you are peculiar, you are a testimony.

There will be people who will because of you know the Lord, who will because of you serve the Lord, who will because of you magnify Jesus. I declare and decree into your life this morning that heaven is about to wipe your tears and give you laughter. People who know you, you will be the anchor of blessing in their lives in the name of Jesus.

Some storms come but God delivers us as we hold on to him. The Bible says in Acts 27:33 ‘And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing.’ I declare and decree into your life today that God will sustain you, God will keep you, God will empower you and God will bless your life in the name of Jesus.

He says now I urge you to take some food, you need to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head. God will use you! Not only will you be victorious over this storm, your testimony will touch other people in their testimony. Your glory will touch other people in their glory. Your favour will touch other people in their favour in the name of Jesus.

Some of us, the storm came to correct us and bring our minds back to God. “I will lift my eyes to the hills, from whence come my help. My help comes from the Lord God who made the heavens and the earth.” So, some of us we just need some of the storm we are going through because God is shaping your life. David says in Psalm 119:71 ‘It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn you decrees.’

Nobody prays for problems or affliction but some things mature you, some things reveal the people around you. Some things expose the heart of men around you. You don’t know people until you go through some things.Church Gist. You don’t know people until you pass through a storm. You suddenly see men you are eating from your table resigning or telling you I am neutral in this matter, neutral in this matter but you know what? Let them go.

Some people’s departure from your life is necessary for you to come into the fullness of God’s life for you. This morning I come with the grace and mantle of God to prophecy victory. Victory in every area, victory in the name of Jesus.

May this matter that you are going through connect you with God.Church Gist. David said it was good that I was afflicted that I may learn your decrees, may it connect you strongly with God. May it increase your love for God. May it increase your commitment to God. May it increase your love for the Lord in the name of Jesus.

David says in Psalm 119:67, before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word. I pray for you today, new connection with God, hearing God clearly. Being led of God clearly. Being spoken to by God clearly. Angelic manifestation clearly in Jesus name.

Some times we go through storms to protect us. Paul knew God. He knew His ability to protect him, but this one was more. An angel standing in a boat. When you are being in a place that you felt that this is the valley of the shadow of death, you need to know God.

You’ve heard me tell the story several times of us taking off from the airport on our way to Africa. I was going to preach for my friend, Bishop Oyedepo, when the pilot said the plane is having cabin pressure problem, we have to go back and then we can’t even go back. We have to first drop few.Church Gist. Pastors in the plane said Pastor Matthew is here everything is going to be fine.

Well I received that, I received that confidence. But I tell you, I really tell you, somewhere in my heart I said Lord, I’m not ready. Not that if it happens I am not ready to go into glory but I have not done much. Infact it was like KICC was just about 10 years old and then my sons were still small or something but I declare to you today that the God who protected me, the God who protected David, He will protect you, He will cover you. What they intend for evil will turn around for blessings. Even in the middle of where they hide you to go through pain, God will use it to cover you from hurt in the name of Jesus.

I speak into somebody today that God will use what you are going through for your perfection. You will become a better person. You will become a stronger person.Church Gist. You will become a woman of character, a person whose word can be depended on.

Romans 5:3-4
We are not supposed to just fast and deny ourselves of somethings when we need that victory and when it is over, we say okay, that’s done! Let’s move on. No, no, no. I pray that God will perfect your walk with Him. You will know the voice of the Lord. You will know the leading of God. You will know the counsel of God. You will know the mind of God. God will give you peculiar, specific instruction that will bring you into your blessing in the name of Jesus.

Sometimes some storms they don’t only protect, they don’t only perfect, they don’t only connect; they project. Church Gist.They beat up Paul in a city then and when God wrecked the prison they wanted to smuggled him out. He said no! You beat us in public and put us in jail, you have to go to the public, call another meeting and say we are not guilty.

I speak into your life today; somebody is persecuting you, putting all kinds of fire around you, I declare and decree it shall push you into your testimony, it shall push you into your glory in Jesus name.

Someone is on the platform, God said that their seats will be empty for your sake, their seat will be empty for your sake and God will advance you in the name of Jesus.

Philippians 1:12
Paul said this happened so that the Gospel may advance. May God Project you, may the Lord project you. Eagles don’t fly with regular wings that’s why you don’t see them all the time. They love the storms. They rise with the storm.Church Gist The hotter the air, the better for the eagle. May the Lord project you, raise you, take you to new level, new dimensions. That storm will be for your blessings. That storm will be for your power. That storm will be for your glory!

If someone did not pick up on your case sometimes, how will you be projected? Promotion is coming! For someone on the altar this morning I declare and I decree that God is bringing your victory and your testimony in the name of Jesus


  • (Hebrews 4:15) I speak into your life today; the High priest of our lives will take on your matter and give you absolute total victory in the name of Jesus.
  • (Hebrews 2:18) Every test you are going through now, financial test, marital test, emotional test, big temptations that you don’t know how to handle, I speak into your life today; the presence of the Lord, the victory of Jesus and your life will become a testimony in the name of Jesus.

I speak into your life today, everyone on this altar, victory is coming. The kind of victory that you have never imagine is coming in all areas of your life in the name of Jesus.

  • (Johns 16:33) This morning as a servant of Jesus Christ, I prophecy on your life because the One you serve overcame, you will overcome.Church Gist Because the One you follow overcame, you will overcome. Every arrow directed at you fails for your sake! This morning, change comes to your life, testimony follows you in the name of Jesus.
  • (Revelation 3:21) When Jesus overcame, He was elevated and sat on the seat of victor. I lay hands of faith on you today that the manifestation of promotion and victory will be your portion in the name of Jesus.

I don’t for whom this is: something has been raging around your life and then suddenly I saw something like foam, can you garb foam? You can see it but when you want to grab it, there’s nothing there, it just foam. That matter will result into ordinary form. God will intervene for, it shall turn to ordinary foam. Victory in the name of Jesus. You will seat in the place of victors!

  • (1 John 3:8) Father any sin that the enemy is using to condemn us to bring us and report, for the Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren.Church Gist. We bring ourselves under your blood. We ask for the washing of your blood; wash our eyes, wash our minds, wash our thoughts, wash our speeches, wash our lives, cleanse us with your blood. Help us to walk in purity and holiness in the name of Jesus.

Anything that is a manifestation of the work of satan in your life, this morning, every manifestation of satanic work, attack on your minds, lies from the pit of hell, I cancel them with the blood in the name of Jesus.

  • (Isaiah 54:17) This morning Father, every demonic tongue, every satanic tongue, every tongue that have disrespected the call of God upon the lives of your people, I cut in the name of Jesus

I go into the realm of the spirit today and I take the tongues that speak against your testimony and I silence them, I silence them, I silence them in the name of Jesus.

Every tongue that have spoken against your destiny shall be silence by the Lord. Anyone that is spreading evil report, attacking your family, your children, putting you down; you will look for them and will not see them in the name of Jesus.

Glory be to God!





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